Belkin F5D7001A Users Manual

Installing and Setting Up the Card
1.4 The insta ller will n ow start. C lick
“Next ” an d follow th e on-sc reen in structi ons.
1.5 After th e installati on is comple te,
click “Finis h” to shut d own your compute r.
Step 2 Insert the Card into the Computer
WARNING: Be sure to power off your computer and disconnect your power cord before opening up your computer.
2.1 Remov e the s cre ws behi nd yo ur comp uter case th at se cure the
compu ter cov er an d rem ove c over.
2.2 Touch any me tal p art of the c ase to disch arg e stati c
elect ricity, to avoid damage your prod uct or your compute r.
2.3 Loca te an empty PCI e xpans ion
slot. It is usually wh ite in color.
Installing and Setting Up the Card
2.4 Conf irm that th e Card will f it into the slot you have ch osen. Kee p in
mind that t he includ ed antenn a needs to be ori ented wit h the top point ing up. If there are cables and oth er connec tors in the w ay, try to pick the PCI s lot that ha s the fewest ob struc tions to the co rrect posit ioning of the a ntenna.
2.5 Remo ve the meta l port cove r from the ba ck of the compu ter that
correspond s to t he PCI slot y ou s elect ed. If there is a s crew, place it in a safe plac e, as you will be u sing it to atta ch the Card t o the compu ter later.
2.6 Push t he Card f irmly into the PCI slot that yo u have chos en.
Apply p ressu re as needed unt il the conn ector is fu lly sea ted.
2.7 Now se cure th e Card with t he scre w that you previou sly
place d in a safe place .
2.8 Caref ully screw the antenna onto the t hread ed connec tor on the
Card. Tur n the an tenna unt il it is vertical and poin ting up.
2.9 Replace the c omputer’s cov er. No w that the Card is insta lled, you
can rec onnec t th e power cord, and tu rn it ba ck on.
Installing and Setting Up the Card
Step 3 Let Windows Finish the Installation
3.1 After powering on your c omputer,
you will se e a “F ound New Hardware W izard ” scree n. Select “Inst all the software automati cally (Reco mmended )” and clic k “Next”.
Note: Specific s creens differ
depen ding upon which version of the Windo ws OS you are u sing.
3.2 Dependi ng on the versi on of
Windo ws y ou are us ing, you mi ght also see a screen similar to this one. This D OES NOT mea n th ere is a probl em as the drivers have bee n fully tes ted and are compat ible with this Wind ows operating system. Selec t “C ontin ue Anyway ” and follo w th e on-screen instructi ons.
Installing and Setting Up the Card
3.3 Windows will ask you whe re
the drive rs are lo cated. Ma ke no change s and click “ Next” until you s ee the screen that asks you to click “Fin ish” to compl ete the installati on.
Note: Specific s creens differ
depen ding upon which version of the Wind ows OS you are usi ng.
3.4 When the inst allat ion is
compl ete, a small Si gnal Indic ator icon (red) in you r syste m tr ay (bottom right corner of mos t scree ns) will appea r. Dou ble-click the Signa l In dicat or icon to bring up th e “Wire less Netwo rk” screen.
3.5 Select the network you want to
conne ct t o under “Available net wor ks” and click “Connect”.
Installing and Setting Up the Card
3.6 The Signal In dicat or i con in your
syste m tr ay should n ow turn gre en (yell ow i f the signa l is w eak.)
Installation is now complete!
Doubl e-click t he Signal Indicato r icon to bring u p the “Wireless Netwo rk” screen.
The follo wing screen will a ppear:
Next, cli cking on the “Ad vance d” b utton will allow you t o vi ew and confi gure mo re opti ons of your C ard. Th e “A dvanc ed” butto n wi ll take you t o th e Belkin Wi reles s LAN Utili ty.
Using the Belkin Wireless LAN Utility
Setting Wireless Network Preferences
Click on the “Wireless Networks” tab.
(a) Enable Radio
Use t his opt ion t o turn yo ur wi reles s net work ra dio O N or OF F. You may w ant to turn th e radio off while in a irplane s or to cons erve the batte ry life of y our mob ile c omputer. When th e rad io is d isabl ed, the power LED on your Card will turn off an d the W indow s 2000 or XP syste m tray wireless n etwor k icon will be depi cted with an “X”.
(b) Available Networks
This display s a l ist of wireless n etwor ks in y our a rea. If you don’t see a nam e in th e box , click on t he “Ref res h” (j) button to rescan for any avail able ne twork s. To c onnect to a network , sel ect a n etwor k name in the Availa ble N etworks list box an d cli ck the “Conf igure ” (i) button. Click “OK” (m) in the “ Wireless N etwork Pro perties ” box to add the netwo rk name to t he “Prefer red N etworks” (c) list. Wait up to on e minut e for the ne twork connec tion to be m ade. Your compu ter is conne cted to the selecte d net work wh en yo u see a blue bubbl e (d) on top of th e icon for t hat net work.
Using the Belkin Wireless LAN Utility
(c) Preferred Networks
Displ ays a l ist o f the n etwor ks that you have previ ously c onfig ured. The o ne with the blue bu bble (d) is the n etwork you a re cu rrently conne cted to .
You may rank the ne twork s by se lecti ng the netwo rk name in t he “Preferred Networks” list then c licking on t he “Move Up” and “Move Down” (k) b uttons. Netw orks ap peari ng high er on the li st wi ll be pre ferre d over netwo rks listed l ower on the list. If a p referred networ k is un availab le, t he Card wi ll atte mpt t o conne ct to the ne xt av ailable netwo rk on t he li st.
(e, f) Add, Remove
You may “Add ” (e) and “Re move” (f) n etworks from the Pre ferre d Netwo rks lis t by using t hese buttons .
(g) System Tray Icon
Check this b ox so that t he wi reles s ico n appea rs on your s ystem tray.
(h) Properties
To chan ge th e pro perti es and WEP ( securit y) se ttings of a network , selec t a net work from the P refer red Networ ks (c) then click on the “Propertie s”
(l) Advanced
Allow s you t o sel ect the type of net work you wan t to connect to. When the “Advanced” (l) button is checked, the screen on the next page will appear.
(h) button.
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