Beko CN 236221 X, CN 236221 Operating Instructions

CN236221 CN236221X
In order to ensure a normal operation of your refrigerating appliance, which uses a completely environmentally friendly refrigerant the R600a (flammable only under certain conditions) you must observe the following rules:
Do not hinder the free circulation of the air around the appliance. Do not use mechanical devices in order to accelerate the defrosting, others than the ones recommended by the
Do not destroy the refrigerating circuit. Do not use electric appliances inside the food keeping compartment, other than those that might have been
recommended by the manufacturer.
Aby zapewnić normalną pracę tej, wykorzystującej całkowicie przyjazny środowisku (łatwopalny tylko w pewnych warunkach) środek chłodniczy R600a, chłodziarko-zamrażarki, należy przestrzegać następujących zasad:
Nie należy blokować swobodnego przepływu powietrza wokół chłodziarko-zamrażarki. W celu przyśpieszenia rozmrażania nie należy używać żadnych innych urządzeń mechanicznych niż zalecane
przez producenta.
Nie wolno uszkodzić obwodu chłodniczego. Wewnątrz komory przechowywania żywności nie należy używać żadnych innych urządzeń elektrycznych niż
ewentualnie zalecanych przez producenta.
Aby byl zajištěn normální provoz vaší chladničky, která používá pro životní prostředí zcela neškodné chladicí médium R600a (vznětlivé pouze za určitých podmínek), musíte dodržet následující pravidla:
Nebraňte ve volné cirkulaci vzduchu kolem přístroje. Nepoužívejte mechanická zařízení pro zrychlení odmražení kromě těch, která jsou doporučená výrobcem.  Nelikvidujte chladicí okruh.  Nepoužívejte elektrické spotřebiče uvnitř prostoru pro potraviny kromě těch, která by mohl doporučit výrobce.
Aby sa zabezpečila normálna prevádzka vašej chladničky, ktorá používa úplne ekologicky nezávadné chladivo R600a (horľavé len pri určitých podmienkach), musíte dodržiavať nasledujúce pravidlá:
Nebráňte voľnej cirkulácii vzduchu okolo spotrebiča. Nepoužívajte mechanické prístroje na urýchľovanie rozmrazovacieho procesu, iné ako odporúča výrobca. Neporušujte chladiaci okruh. Nepoužívajte elektrické spotrebiče vo vnútri pípacieho priestoru potravín, iné ako tie, ktoré odporúčal výrobca.
This appliance is not intended for use by person with reduced physical, sensory or mental
capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
Używanie urządzenia przez osoby z fizycznymi sensorycznymi lub mentalnymi
ograniczeniami powinno odbywać się tylko pod kontrolą osób odpowiedzialnych za ich bezpieczeństwo.
Należy dopilnować, aby dzieci nie używały urządzenia do zabawy. Tento spotřebič by neměly používat osoby se sníženou fyzickou, senzorickou nebo
mentální způsobilostí a nebo s nedostatečnými zkušenostmi a poznatky. Tyto osoby můžou spotřebič používat jen pod dohledem osoby zodpovědné za jejich bezpečnost, a nebo pokud je zodpovědná osoba poučila o správném používaní spotřebiče.
Děti by měly být pod dozorem, aby si nehrály se spotřebičem. Tento spotrebič by nemali používať osoby so zníženou fyzickou, senzorickou alebo
mentálnou spôsobilosťou alebo s nedostatočnými skúsenosťami a poznatkami. Tieto osoby môžu spotrebič používať len pod dohľadom osoby zodpovednej za ich bezpečnosť, alebo ak ich zodpovedná osoba poučila o správnom používaní spotrebiča. Deti by mali byť pod dozorom, aby sa nehrali so spotrebičom.
Bezpečnost především! /25 Pokyny pro transport /26 Nastavení zařízení; Elektrické zapojení /26 Seznámení s vaším spotřebičem /27 Před spuštěním /27 Nastavení provozní teploty /27 Chlazení /29
Mražení /30 Odmrazování spotřebiče /30 Změna osvětlení lampy /31
Praktické tipy a poznámky /32 Příklady použití /33 Vkládání potravin /33
Doporučené nastavení /33 Běžné provozní zvuky /34 Praktické rady ohledně snižování spotřeby elektřiny /34 Co dělat, když… /35 Změna dvířek /35
Technické parametry /36
Bezpečnosť na prvom mieste! /37 Inštrukcie prepravy /38 Nastavenie spotrebiča /38
Elektrické prepojenia /38 Poznávanie spotrebiča /39 Pred spustením /39 Nastavenie prevádzkovej teploty /39 Chladenie /41 Mrazenie /41 Rozmrazovanie zariadenia /42 Zmena osvetlenia lampy /42 Čistenie a údržba /42 Praktické tipy a poznámky /43 Príklady použitia /44 Umiestnenie jedla /44 Odporúčanie pre nastavenie /44 Normálny prevádzkový hluk /45
Praktické rady týkajúce sa zníženia spotreby elektrickej
energie /45 Čo, ak... /46 Obrátenie dverí /46 Technické údaje /47
Safety comes first ! /1 Transport instructions /2 Disposal;Device Setup /2 Electrical connections /2 Get to know your device /3 Prior to startup /3 Setting the operating temperature /3 Cooling /5 Freezing /5 Defrosting of the device /6 Changing the illumination lamp /7 Cleaning and care /7 Practical tips and notes /8 Examples of Use /9 Placing the food /9 Setting recomandation /9 Normal operating noises /10 Practical advice concerning the reduction of the electricity
consumption /10
What, if.... /11
Reversing the doors /12 Technical data /12
Przede wszystkim bezpieczeństwo! /13 Instrukcje transportowe /14
Ustawienie chłodziarki; Połączenia elektryczne /14 Poznając swoją chłodziarkę /15
Przed uruchomieniem /15 Nastawianie temperatury roboczej /15
Chłodzenie /17 Zamrażanie /17 Rozmrażanie chłodziarki /18
Wymiany lampy oświetlenia /19 Czyszczenie i konserwacja /19 Rady i uwagi praktyczne /20
Przykłady zastosowań /21 Rozmieszczenie żywności /21
Zalecane ustawienia /21
Normalne odgłosy eksploatacyjne /22 Co robić, gdy... /22 Rady praktyczne jak zmniejszyć zużycie energii
elektrycznej /23 Przekładanie drzwi /23 Dane techniczne /24 Tabliczki znamionowe /24
PL Spis treści
CZ Obsah
SK Index
EN Index
2 1 3
4 5 8 6 7
EN Instruction for use
Congratulations on your choice of our product which will certainly provide you with many years of good service.
Safety comes first!
Please read the operating manual carefully. It contains important information on how to use your device. If instructions are not adhered to, you may lose your right to service at no charge during the warranty period. Please keep this manual in a safe place and pass it on to later users if applicable.
Do not connect your appliance to the power supply until all packing and transit protectors have
been removed.
Leave to stand upright for at least 12 hours before switching on to allow the system to settle if transported horizontally.
This appliance must only be used for its intended purpose, i.e. the storing and freezing of edible foodstuff.
We do not recommend use of this appliance in an unheated, cold room e.g. garage, conservatory, annex, shed, outdoors, etc. See ‘Location’.
On delivery, check to make sure that the product is not damaged and that all the parts and accessories are in perfect condition.
Do not operate a damaged appliance; if in doubt, check with your dealer.
Do not allow children to play with the appliance.
Do not sit or stand on or let the children sit or stand on the appliance or on the pull-out parts.
Do not hang on the appliance door.
Your device contains no fluoridated coolants (CFC/HFC), but contains the coolant isobutane
(R600a), a natural gas which is highly compatible with the environment. (R600a) is easily flammable. Therefore, be sure that the cooling circuit is not damaged either during transport or during operations.
In the event of damage;
• Avoid any open flame, sources of sparks and flammable substances.
• Immediately air the room in which the appliance is located.
• In case the coolant spraying out contacts your eyes it may cause eye injuries.
The space in the room where the appliance is installed must not be smaller than 10 cubic metres.
Do not dispose of the appliance in a fire. Your appliance contains non CFC substances in the
insulation which are flammable.
Please contact the local authority in your region for information on disposal methods and facilities available.
Warning - Keep ventilation openings on the appliance enclosure or in the built-in structure, clear of obstruction. Warning - Do not use mechanical devices or other means to accelerate the defrosting process, other than those recommended by the manufacturer.
Warning - Do not damage the refrigerant circuit.
Warning - Do not use electrical appliances inside the food storage compartments of the
appliance, unless they are of the type recommended by the manufacturer.
Avoid touching the metal condenser wiring on the backside of the appliance; there is risk of injury.
In the event of a possible malfunction, disconnect the appliance from the power supply first.
Prior to cleaning the device always unplug the power supply or shut off the fuse.
Do not pull from the cable - pull from the plug.
Repairs to the electrical equipment may only be made by qualified experts. If the supply cord
is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, its service agent or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard.
Transport instructions
The appliance should be transported only in upright position. Before the performance of the working test in the shop, the packing of the appliance must be intact. After a transport in the horizontal position, the device may only be taken into operation 12 hours after being stood up vertically again. The appliance must be protected against rain, moisture and other atmospheric influences. The manufacturer assumes no liability if safety instructions are disregarded.
Make the device unusable immediately. Pull out the mains plug and cut the power cable. Remove or destroy snap or latch locks before disposing of the device. In this manner you prevent children from locking themselves in and endangering their lives.
Device setup
Do not operate your appliance in a room where
the temperature is likely to fall below 10°C at night and/or especially in winter. At lower temperatures the appliance may not operate, resulting in a reduction in the storage life of the food.
The climate class rate of your appliance is given
in Technical Features leaflet and written on the rating label inside the appliance. It specifies the appropriate operating ambient temperatures as explained below.
Climatic class Ambient temperatures
SN........................... +10 °C to 32 °C
N ............................ +16 °C to 32 °C
ST .......................... +16 °C to 38 °C
T.............................. +16 °C to 43 °C
SN-ST..................... +10 °C to 38 °C
SN-T ...................... +10 °C to 43 °C
Only place the appliance, as shown in the illustration in dry rooms which can be aired.
Avoid direct sunlight or direct heat sources such as a stove or a heater. If this cannot be avoided, the following minimum distances should be maintained: Electric stoves: 3,00 cm Heater: 3,00 cm Cooling devices: 2,50 cm
• Ensure sufficient air circulation for your device.
• Make sure that sufficient room is provided
around the appliance to ensure free air circulation (Item 3). Fit the two plastic wall spacers supplied with the appliance rotating 1/4 turn to the condenser at the back of the appliance (Item 4).
• The appliance should be located on a smooth surface. The two front feet can be adjusted as required (Item 5). To ensure that your appliance is standing upright adjust the two front feet by turning clockwise or counter-clockwise, until the product is in firm contact with the floor. Correct adjustment of feet avoids excessive vibration and noise.
Electrical connections
This appliance must be grounded.
• Check whether the power type and voltage in
your region corresponds to the one stated on the rating label inside the appliance.
• The electrical safety of the appliance is only assured when the grounding system in the house is installed in accordance with regulations.
• When placing the appliance, do not let the power
cable get stuck under it; otherwise the cable will be damaged.
• Ensure that the plug remains readily accessible.
Do not use a multiple adapter bar or an extension cable.
EN Instruction for use
Get to know your device
Below information about accessories are supplied just for reference. Below accessories may not be exactly same as the accessories of your appliance.
Item 1
1. Control panel
2. Interior light
3. Fresh Food fan
4. Wine rack
5. Adjustable Cabinet shelves
6. Crisper cover
7. Salad crispers
8. Fresh zone compartment
9. Ice tray support & ice tray
10. Compartment for quickly freezing
11. Compartments for frozen froods keeping
12. Adjustable front feet
13. Dairy Compartment
14. Shelf for jars
15. Shelf for bottles
16. Freezer fan
The fans has the purpose to provide the circulation of the air in compartment.
Prior to startup
Before you begin operating your device, the following points should be re-checked for safety:
Is the device standing properly on the floor?
Is there sufficient space for good air
Is the interior clean? (Also see the section “Cleaning and care”)
Now connect the appliance to the mains. The compressor is turned on; the interior light
comes on when the Fridge door is opened. Do not place foodstuff into the refrigerator until the
temperature has reached the desired level.
Setting the operating temperature
Fresh Food and Freezer Compartment Temperature can be adjused by the electronic display (Item 2)
“ION” symbol is continuously lightning on display
and indicates that your appliance is provided with ionizer.
The ionizer is an electronic device who cleans air from bacteria in fresh food compartment. It operates during certain intervals of time, start/stop of device being controlled by a special algorithm.
Ionizer is switched off when fresh food compartment door is opened.
Dual cooling system:
Your refrigerator is equipped with two separate cooling systems to cool the fresh food compartment and freezer compartment. Thus, air in the fresh food compartment and freezer compartment do not get mixed. Thanks to these two separate cooling systems, cooling speed is much higher than other type refrigerators. Odors in the compartments do not get mixed. Also additional power saving is provided since the defrosting is performed individually.
EN Instruction for use
Description of the Control Functions 1- Quick Fridge Function
When you press Quick Fridge button, the temperature of the compartment will be colder than the adjusted values. This function can be used for food placed in the fridge compartment and required to be cooled down rapidly. If you want to cool large amounts of fresh food, it is recommended to active this feature before putting the food into the fridge. Quick Fridge indicator will remain lit when the Quick Fridge function is enabled. To cancel this function press Quick Fridge button again. Quick Fridge indicator will turn off and return to its normal settings. If you do not cancel it, Quick Fridge will cancel itself automatically after 2 hours or when the fridge compartment reaches to the required temperature. This function is not recalled when power restores after a power failure.
2- Quick Fridge Indicator
This icon flashes in an animated style when the Quick Fridge function is active.
3- Fridge Set Function
This function allows you to make the fridge compartment temperature setting. Press this button to set the temperature of the fridge compartment to 8, 6, 4, 2 respectively.
4- Fridge Compartment
Temperature Setting Indicator
Indicates the temperature set for the Fridge Compartment.
5-Fridge Compartment Temperature
8, 6, 4 and 2 indicators light up continuously.
6- Freezer Set Function
This function allows you to make the freezer compartment temperature setting. Press this button to set the temperature of the freezer compartment to -18, -20, -22 and -24 respectively.
7- Freezer Compartment
Temperature Setting Indicator Indicates the
temperature set for the Freezer Compartment.
8- Freezer Compartment
Temperature Indicators
-24, -22, -20 and -18 indicators light up continuously.
9- Quick Freeze Function
Quick Freeze indicator turns on when the Quick Freeze function is on. To cancel this function press Quick Freeze button again. Quick Freeze indicator will turn off and return to its normal settings. If you do not cancel it, Quick Freeze will cancel itself automatically after 4 hours or when the freezer compartment reaches to the required temperature. If you want to freeze large amounts of fresh food, press the Quick Freeze button before putting the food into the freezer compartment. If you press the Quick Freeze button repeatedly with short intervals, the electronic circuit protection will be activated and the compressor will not start up immediately. This function is not recalled when power restores after a power failure.
10- Quick Freeze Indicator
This icon flashes in an animated style when the Quick Freeze function is active.
11- Eco-Fuzzy (Special Economic Usage)
Press the Quick Freeze button for 3 seconds to activate the Eco Fuzzy Function. Refrigerator will start operating in the most economic mode at least 6 hours later and the economic usage indicator will turn on when the function is active. Press the Quick Freeze button for 3 seconds again to deactivate the Eco Fuzzy Function.
12- High Temperature/ Error Warning Indicator
This light comes on during high temperature failures and error warnings.
13- Economic Usage Indicator
Economic Usage Indicator turns on when the Freezer Compartment is set to -18°C. Economic Usage Indicator turns off when the Quick Fridge or Quick Freeze function is selected.
14 - Ionizer Indicator Light
Indicator light lights up continuously. This light indicates that your refrigerator is protected against the bacteria.
EN Instruction for use
Food storage
The fridge compartment is for the short-term storage of fresh food and drinks.
Store milk products in the intended compartment in the refrigerator.
Bottles can be stored in the bottle holder or in the bottle shelf of the door.
Raw meat is best kept in a polyethylene bag at the second shelf from the top of the refrigerator.
Allow hot foods and beverages to cool to room temperature prior to placing them in the refrigerator.
It is suggested not to keep frozen food over crisper cover for thawing purposes.
The other shelves can be used for thawing purposes.
Store concentrated alcohol only standing upright and tightly closed.
Do not store explosive substances or containers with flammable propellant gases (canned cream, spray cans etc.) in the appliance. There is a danger of explosion.
Freezing food
The freezing area is marked with symbol. You can use the appliance for freezing fresh food as well as for storing pre-frozen food Please refer to the recommendations given on the packaging of your food.
Do not freeze fizzy drinks, as the bottle may burst when the liquid in it is frozen.
Be careful with frozen products such as coloured ice-cubes.
15-Energy Saving Mode
Press Quick Freeze button for 3 seconds, Energy saving icon will light up. If no button on the display is pressed for 10 minutes and if the door is not opened, Energy Saving Mode will be activated. In Energy Saving Mode, all icons on the display other than energy saving icon will turn off. When the Energy Saving Mode is active, if any button is pressed or the door is opened, Energy Saving Mode will be exited and the icons on display will return to normal. If the Quick Freeze button is pressed for 3 seconds again, Energy Saving icon will turn off and Energy Saving Mode will not be active.
16- Key Lock Mode
Press Quick fridge and FF Set buttons concurrently for 3 seconds. Key lock icon will light up and key lock mode will be activated. Buttons will not function if the Key Lock mode is active. Press Quick fridge and FF Set buttons concurrently for 3 seconds again. Key lock icon will turn off and the key lock mode will be exited.
EN Instruction for use
Do not exceed the freezing capacity of your appliance in 24 hours. See Technical Features leaflet. In order to maintain the quality of the food, the freezing must be effected as rapidly as possible. Thus, the freezing capacity will not be exceeded, and the temperature inside the freezer will not rise.
Keep the already deep-frozen food always separated with freshly placed food.
When deep-freezing hot food, the cooling compressor will work until the food is completely frozen. This can temporarily cause excessive cooling of the refrigeration compartment.
If you find the freezer or fresh food door difficult to
open just after you have closed it, don’t worry.
This is due to the pressure difference which will equalize and allow the door to open normally after a few minutes. You will hear a vacuum sound just after closing the door. This is quite normal.
Chill compartment
You can increase the inner volume of your refrigerator by removing the desired snack compartment. Pull the compartment towards yourself until it is stopped by the stopper. Raise the front part for approximately 1 cm and pull the compartment towards yourself again to remove it completely. You can place the food that you want to freeze in order to prepare them for freezing in these compartments. You can also use these compartmentsif you want to store your food at a temperature a few degrees below the fridge compartment.
Making ice cubes
Fill the ice-cube tray 3/4 full with water and place it in the freezer. As soon as the water has turned into ice, you can take out the ice cubes. Never use sharp objects such as knives or forks to remove the ice cubes. There is a risk of injury!
Let the ice cubes slightly thaw instead, or put the bottom of the tray in water for a short moment.
Defrosting of the device
The appliance is a frost free refrigerator. So there will not be any frost accumulation inside the food storage area.
However there will be an automatic defrost at the evaporation area of the appliance when it needs. The water drams into reservoir at the back of the appliance and evaporates automatically through the compressor heat .
Ensure that the reservoir is fixed properly above the compressor.
The fans inside the freezer and fresh food compartments circulates cold air. Never insert any object through the guard. Do not allow children to play with the fresh food andfreezer fan. Never store products that contain inflammable propellant gas (eg dispensers, spray cans etc.) or explosive substances.
Don’t cover the shelves with any protective
materials, which may obstruct air circulation. Do not allow children to play with the appliance or tamper with the controls. Do not obstruct the fan guards to ensure that you obtain the best possible performance from your appliance. (Item 9 and Item 10)
Your appliance is fitted with 2 circulating fans which are essential for the performance of the refrigerator. Please ensure the fans are not blocked (stopped) or impaired by food or packaging. Blocking (stopping) or impairing the fan can result in an increase of the internal freezer temperature (Thawing).
EN Instruction for use
Changing the illumination lamp
To change the lamp used for illumination of your refrigerator, please call your Authorized Service.
Cleaning and care
Interior and Exterior Surfaces
Always unplug the power cable or switch off the circuit breaker before cleaning.
Clean the exterior using lukewarm water and a mild detergent.
Never use detergents, abrasive or acidic agents. Wipe the inside compartment dry. Be careful to prevent water from getting into
contact with the electrical connections of the temperature control or the interior light.
If the device is not going to be used for a long period of time, unplug the power cable and remove all food. Clean the appliance and keep the door open. To preserve the appearance of your appliance, you can polish the exterior and the door accessories with a silicone wax.
Clean the condenser at the back of the appliance once a year using a brush or a vacuum cleaner. Dust build-up leads to increased energy consumption. Inspect the door gasket at regular intervals. Clean with water only, and wipe totally dry.
Cleaning of the accessories Door shelves:
Remove all food from the door shelves. Lift the cover of the shelf upwards and pull it off sideward. Remove the bottom of the door shelf by pushing it upwards.
Collecting container (Pan):
Make sure that the pan at the back of the appliance is always clean. Gently release the snap of the pan from the compressor by pushing it using a tool (like screwdriver), so that the pan can be removed.
Lift the pan, clean it and wipe it dry. Re-assemble in reverse order.
Crisper or Drawers:
To clean a drawer, pull it out as far as possible, tilt it upwards and then pull it out completely
(Item 7-8).
EN Instruction for use
Practical tips and notes
• Clean fresh food and vegetables before storing
in the crisper bin.
• Always pack or wrap food, or put it in a suitable
container, before storing it in the appliance.
• Wrap food which is not suitable for storage at
cold temperatures in polyethylene bags (pineapple, melons, cucumbers, tomatoes etc.).
• Food with strong odour or apt to acquire odour
should be wrapped in airtight or smellproof packaging material.
• Keep fresh food separate from cooked food, to
avoid bacteria contamination.
• Never keep fresh meat in the fridge for more than 2 or 3 days.
• Remove any left-over canned food from the can and store it in a suitable container.
• Refer to the shelf life indicated on the food
• Do not obstruct the air circulation inside the
device by covering the shelves.
• Never keep any dangerous or poisonous
substances inside your device.
• Always check food that has been stored for a
long period of time for its suitability for consumption.
• Do not store fresh and cooked food together in
the same container.
• Close the door immediately after opening, to
avoid unnecessary energy consumption.
• Do not use hard or sharp objects to remove the
ice build-up.
• Do not load hot food into your appliance.
• Always leave food to thaw in a container that allows the thawing water to run off.
• Do not exceed the maximum allowable freezing capacity when freezing fresh food (see the section "Freezing")
• Do not give children ice-cream and water ices direct from the freezer. The low temperature may cause freeze burns on lips.
• Never re-freeze defrosted food; defrosted food must be consumed within 24 hours. Only food that has been cooked can be refrozen.
• Do not take out frozen food with wet hands.
• Store only fresh and impeccable food.
• Always use appropriate packaging material to
avoid odour penetration or degradation of the food.
• Store commercially frozen food in accordance
with the instructions given on the packaging.
• Freeze cooked food in small quantities. This ensures rapid freezing and maintains the quality of the food.
• Do not freeze liquid in tightly closed bottles or containers. The bottles/containers may burst at low temperatures.
• Carry pre-frozen food in suitable bags and place it in your freezer as soon as possible. Always defrost food in the fridge compartment.
EN Instruction for use
EN Instruction for use
Examples of Use
White wine, beer and mineral water
chill before use
do not store in a fridge
Fish or offal
store in polyethylene bags only
use airtight containers or polyethylene bags; for best results, take out from the fridge an hour before consumption.
store only for a short period of time, use airtight packaging/wrapping
Raw meat and poultry
do not store together with delicate food such as cooked food or milk
Placing the food
Freezer compartment shelves
Various frozen food such as meat, fish, ice cream, vegetables and etc.
Egg holder
Fridge compartment shelves
Food in pans, covered plates and closed containers
Fridge compartment door shelves
Small and packaged food or drinks (such as milk, fruit juice and beer)
Vegetables and fruits
Fresh zone compartment
Delicatessen products (cheese, butter, salami and etc.)
Setting recomandation
Freezer Compartment Adjustment
Fridge Compartment Adjustment
-18 or -20°C
This is the normal recommended setting.
-22 or -24°C
These settings are recommended when the
ambient temperature exceeds 30°C.
Quick Freeze
Use when you wish to freeze your food in a
short time. Your refrigerator will return to its previous mode when the process is over.
-18°C or colder
If you think that your fridge compartment is not
cold enough because of the hot conditions or
frequent opening and closing of the door.
-18°C or colder
Quick Fridge
You can use it when your fridge compartment is overloaded or if you wish to cool down your food
rapidly. It is recommended that you activate
quick fridge function 4-8 hours before placing the food.
EN Instruction for use
Normal operating noises
Various functional noises are completely normal due to the operation of the cooling system of your appliance;
• Gurgling, hissing, boiling or bubbling noises are
caused by the refrigerant, circulating inside the cooling system. These noises can still be heard for a short period of time after the compressor shuts off.
• Sudden, sharp cracking or popping noises are
caused by the expansion and contraction of the inside walls or some components inside the cabinets.
• Buzzing, whirring, pulsating or high-pitched humming noises are caused by the compressor. These noises are slightly louder at the start-up of the compressor and reduce when the appliance reaches the operating temperatures.
Also to avoid disturbing vibrations and noises make sure that;
• Your refrigerator is standing level on all four feet.
• Your refrigerator is not in contact with the walls,
surrounding objects or kitchen cabinets and furniture.
• Cans, bottles or dishes inside the refrigerator are
not touching and rattling against each other.
• All shelves and bins are mounted correctly inside the refrigerator cabinets and doors.
Practical advice concerning the reduction of the electricity consumption
1. Make sure that the appliance is located in well­ventilated areas, far from any source of heat (cooker, radiator etc.). At the same time, the location of the appliance must be done in such a way that it prevents it to be under the direct incidence of the sunbeams.
2. Make sure that the food purchased in refrigerated/frozen condition is placed into the appliance as soon as possible, especially during summertime. It is recommended to use thermal insulated bags to transport the food home.
3. We recommend the thawing of the packets taken out from the freezer compartment be done in the refrigerator compartment. For this purpose, the packet which is going to be thawed will be placed in a vessel so that the water resulting from the thawing does not leak in the refrigerator compartment. We recommend you to start the thawing at least 24 hours before the use of the frozen food.
4. We recommend reducing the number of door openings to the minimum.
5. Do not keep the door of the appliance open more than necessary and make sure that after each opening the door is well closed. When doors are open, warm air enters the fridge/freezer cabinets and the appliance consumes more energy to cool down the foodstuffs.Thus please do not open doors frequently in order to save energy and to keep foods at ideal storage temperature.
6. Maximum frozen food storage volume is achieved without using the middle and upper drawer provided in the freezer compartment. Energy consumption of your appliance is declared while the freezer compartment is fully loaded without using the middle and upper drawer.
7. Do not block the freezer fan grill by placing foods in front.There must always be left minimum 3 cm open distance in front of the freezer fan grill to allow necessary air flow to freeze the compartment efficiently.
8. If you do not plan to store foodstuff in freshfood compartment, please activate Eco Fuzzy function for energy saving. Freezer compartment keeps frezing normalıy.
9. Activate “Energy Saving Function”. When energy Saving Function is active, all icons on the display will turn off except energy saving icon. All icons will be lightened, if freshfood door is opened or display is touched.
10. Recommended temperature settings are +4°C and -20°C for freshfood and freezer compartments respectively.
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