Beko BT-100 User Manual

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PMR Private Mobile Radio User Manual
Please read this manual first!
Dear Customer, We hope that your product which has been manufactured in modem facilities and passed through a strict quality control procedure will give you the best results. Therefore, we advise you to read through this manual carefully before using your product and keep it for future reference.
This user manual will...
... help you use your machine in a fast and safe way.
• Please read the User Manual before Installing and starting your machine.
• Particularly follow the instructions related to safety.
• Keep this User Manual within easy reach. You may need it in the future.
• Please read all additional documents supplied with this machine. Please note that this User Manual may be applicable for several other models. Differences between models will be identified in the manual.
This product has been produced in ) environmentally friendly, modern facilities
1 Key Features
2 Installations >3-5 3 Operation
4 Auxiiiary Features
5 Specifications 6 Safety 7 Cieaning and Care
>5-9 >9
>10-11 >11
1 @)
• Do not subject the device to severe impact or drop it from high position.
• Do not use the piayer in extreme hot or coid, dusty or damp fieid. Do not expose it to direct sunshine.
• Back up the data frequent^ in case of accident data ioss.
• Avoid using the piayer in strong magnetic fieid.
• Keep the device away from water or other iiquids. in the event that water or other iiquids enter the device, power off the product immediateiy, take out the battery and ciean the device.
E ■ Key Features
Private mobiie radio with twin charger
LCD Screen
Dispiays the current channei seiection and other radio symbois.
PTT (PUSH to TALK) button
Press and hold to transmit
Button Press and hold to turn the unit ON or OFF.
MENU Button
Press to change To
switch between
MIC (Microphone)
• Do not use chemicai soiution to ciean the device in order to avoid corrosion. Ciean it with a dry cioth.
• We are not responsibie for the damages or iost data caused by maifunction, misusing, repairing the device or battery repiacement.
• Do not attempt to disassembie, repair or modify the product, or it wiii be out of guarantee.
• The design of the piayer or actuai dispiay may be different from what is shown in this manuai. it shouid be subject to the actuai dispiay or design.
Ear/Mic/Charge jack
Press to send Hnging tone to CALL buttonother PMR units.
UP/DOWN Buttons Press to change channels, volume, and to select settings during programming.
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