Beko BRS3682 User Manual

Buılt Under Integrated Refrigerator

User manual


EN /

58 4882 0000/AA

Important information or useful usage tips.

Please read these instructions first before using your appliance

Thank you for choosing a Beko appliance.

Please take some time to read this user manual before using your appliance, to ensure you know how to safely operate the controls and functions.

Carefully follow all unpacking and installation instructions to ensure the appliance is correctly connected and fitted prior to use.

Please write your product model and serial number on the last page of this user manual, and store in a safe location close to the appliance for easy future reference.

This user manual may also be applicable for several other models. Differences between models will be listed.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call our contact centre or find help and information online at

Symbols and their descriptions

This instruction manual contains the following symbols:


AWarning against dangerous conditions for life and property.

BWarning against electric voltage.






The model information as stored in the product data




can be reached by entering following website and searching



for your model identifier (*) found on energy label.














1 Your refrigerator


2 Warnings


Electrical Requirements .........................


Warning! This Appliance Must Be


Earthed ..........................................................


Energy Saving Tips ...................................


Compliance with WEEE Directive and

Disposing of the Waste Product: .......


Compliance with RoHS Directive:.......


Package information ................................


3 Installation


Points to be considered when re-


transporting your refrigerator .............


Before operating your refrigerator ....


Electric connection ...................................


Disposing of the packaging...................


Disposing of your old refrigerator ......


Placing and Installation...........................


Changing the illumination lamp .........


Reversing the doors ...............................


4 Preparation


5 Using your refrigerator


Thermostat setting button.................


Cooling .........................................................




Defrost .........................................................


Switching off your product ................


Temperature Control And


Adjustment ................................................


6 Maintenance and




7 Do's and Don'ts


2 EN

Beko BRS3682 User Manual

1 Your refrigerator













1.To freeze fresh food, frozen food, rapid cooling of beverages, making ice cubes.

2.Baked, chilled cooked food, dairy products.

3.Meat, sausages, cold cuts, cans.

4.Fruit, vegetables, salads.

5.Tubes, small bottles and cans.

6.Egg tray.

7.Beverages, large bottles.

C Figures that take place in this instruction manual are schematic and may not correspond exactly with your product. If the subject parts are not included in the product you have purchased, then it is valid for other models.

3 EN

2 Warnings

t%0 /05 DPOOFDU ZPVS BQQMJBODF UP the electricity supply until all packing and transit protectors have been removed. t -FBWF UP TUBOE GPS BU MFBTU IPVST before switching on to allow compressor oil to settle if transported horizontally.

t *G ZPV BSF EJTDBSEJOH BO PME SFGSJHerator with a lock or latch fitted to the door, disable the lock/latch, ensure that it is left in a safe condition to prevent the entrapment of young children.

t 5IJT GSJEHF GSFF[FS NVTU POMZ CF used for its intended purpose i.e the storing and freezing of edible foodstuff. t %P OPU EJTQPTF PG UIF BQQMJBODF PO a fire. At Beko, the care and protection of our environment is an ongoing commitment. This appliance which is among the latest range introduced is particularly environment friendly. Your appliance contains non CFC / HFC natural substances in the cooling system (Called R600a) and in the insulation (Called cyclopentane) which are potentially flammable if exposed to fire. Therefore, take care not to damage, the cooling circuit / pipes of the appliance in transportation and in use. In case of damage do not expose the appliance to fire or potential ignition source and immediately ventilate the room where the appliance is situated. t 8F TVHHFTU ZPV DPOUBDU ZPVS MPDBM authority for disposal information and facilities available. t 4FF *OTUBMMBUJPO *OTUSVDUJPOT PO PO page 8 for information on suitable lo-



t 5P PCUBJO UIF CFTU QPTTJCMF QFSformance and trouble free operation from your appliance it is very important to carefully read these instructions.

t 0O EFMJWFSZ DIFDL UP NBLF TVSF that the product is not damaged and that all the parts and accessories are in perfect condition. t &OTVSF UIBU UIF QMVH SFNBJOT SFBEily accessible. Do not use multiple adapter bar or extension cable.

t 'BJMVSF UP PCTFSWF UIFTF JOTUSVDtions may invalidate your right to free service during the guarantee period. t ,FFQ WFOUJMBUJPO PQFOJOHT JO UIF appliance enclosure or in the built-in structure, clear of obstruction.

t %P OPU VTF NFDIBOJDBM EFWJDFT or other means to accelerate the defrosting process, other than those recommended by the manufacturer. t %P OPU EBNBHF UIF SFGSJHFSBOU DJScuit. t %P OPU VTF FMFDUSJDBM BQQMJBODFT JOside the food storage compartments of the appliance, unless they are of the type recommended by the manufacturer. t8FTVHHFTUZPVLFFQUIFTFJOTUSVDtions in a safe place for easy reference. t 5IJT BQQMJBODF JT OPU JOUFOEFE GPS use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.

t $IJMESFO TIPVME CF TVQFSWJTFE UP ensure that they do not play

with the appliance.


Electrical Requirements

Before you insert the plug into the wall socket make sure that the voltage and the frequency shown on the rating plate inside the appliance corresponds to yourelectricity supply. Rating label is on the left hand side of fridge inner liner.

We recommend that this appliance be connected to the mains supply via a suitable switched and fused socket. The appliance must be positioned so that the plug is accessible.

Should the mains lead of the appliance become damaged or should it need replacing at any time, it must be replaced by a special purpose made mains lead which can only be obtained from a Beko Authorised Service


WARNING: When positioning the appliance ensure the supply cord is not trapped or damaged.

Warning! This Appliance Must Be Earthed

If the fitted moulded plug is not suitable for your socket, then the plug should be cut off and an appropriate plug fitted. Destroy the old plug which is cut off as a plug with bared cord could cause a shock hazard if inserted into a socket elsewhere in the house. The moulded plug on this appliance incorporates a 13 A fuse. Should the fuse need to be replaced an ASTABEAB approved BS 1362 fuse of the same rating must be used. Do not forget to refit the fuse cover. In the event of losing the fuse cover the plug must not be used until a replacement fuse cover has been fitted.

Colour of the replacement fuse cover must be the same colour as that visible on the pin face of the plug. Fuse covers are available from any good electrical store.

Important! Fitting A Different Plug

As the colours of the wires in the mains lead of this appliance may not correspond with the coloured markings identifying the terminals in your plug proceed as follows: (See diagram).

1. Connect the green-yellow or green (Earth) wire to the terminal in the plug marked ‘E’ or with the symbol or coloured green and yellow or green.



With alternative plugs a 13 A fuse must be fitted either in the plug or adaptor or in the main fuse box. If in doubt contact a qualified electrician.
























































































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5 EN

Energy Saving Tips

1- Ensure your appliance is installed in a well ventilated area.

2- Ensure the time between buying chilled/frozen food and placing them in your appliance is kept at minimum, particularly in summer. We recommend you use a cool bag or a special carrier bag to carry frozen food.

3- Do not leave the door (s) of your appliance open longer than necessary and ensure they are closed properly after each opening.

4- Defrost frozen food in the fridge compartment, so that frozen food acts as an ice pack to assist cooling in the fridge.

Compliance with WEEE Directive and Disposing of the Waste Product:

This product complies with EU WEEE Directive (2012/19/EU).

This product bears a classification symbol for waste electrical and electronic equipment

(WEEE).This product has been manufactured with high quality parts and materials which

can be reused and are suitable for recycling. Do not dispose of the waste product with normal domestic and other wastes at the end of its service life. Take it to the collection center for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. Please consult your local authorities to learn about these collection centers.

Compliance with RoHS Directive:

The product you have purchased complies with EU RoHS Directive (2011/65/EU). It does not contain harmful and prohibited materials specified in the Directive.

Package information

Packaging materials of the product are manufactured from recyclable materials in accordance with our

/BUJPOBM&OWJSPONFOU3FHVMBUJPOT %P not dispose of the packaging materials together with the domestic or other wastes. Take them to the packaging material collection points designated by the local authorities.

6 EN

3 Installation

BPlease remember that the manufacturer shall not be held liable if the information given in the instruction manual is not observed.

Points to be considered when re-transporting your refrigerator

1.Your refrigerator must be emptied and cleaned prior to any transportation.

2.Shelves, accessories, crisper and etc. in your refrigerator must be fastened securely by adhesive tape against any jolt before repackaging.

3.Packaging must be adequate to protect the product and the rules of transportation printed on the package must be followed.

Please do not forget…

Every recycled material is an indispensable source for the nature and for our national resources.

If you wish to contribute to recycling the packaging materials, you can get further information from the environmental bodies or local authorities.

Before operating your refrigerator

Before starting to use your refrigerator check the following:

1.Is the interior of the refrigerator dry and can the air circulate freely in the rear of it?

2.Clean the interior of the refrigerator as recommended in the “Maintenance and cleaning” section.


3.Plug the refrigerator into the wall outlet. When the fridge door is open the fridge compartment interior light will come on.

4.You will hear a noise as the compressor starts up. The liquid and gases sealed within the refrigeration system may also give rise to noise, even if the compressor is not running and this is quite normal.

5.Front edges of the refrigerator may feel warm. This is normal. These areas are designed to be warm to avoid condensation.

Electric connection

Connect your product to a grounded socket which is being protected by a fuse with the appropriate capacity.


t 5IFDPOOFDUJPONVTUCFJO compliance with national regulations.

t 5IFQPXFSDBCMFQMVHNVTUCFFBTJMZ accessible after installation.


t &YUFOTJPODBCMFTBOENVMUJXBZQMVHT must not be used for connection.


Do not locate extension sockets or charging transformers/power

TVQQMJFT PS -JUIJVN *SPO CBUUFSZ operated products adjacent to the compressor as they could overheat.

BA damaged power cable must be replaced by a qualified electrician.

BProduct must not be operated before it is repaired! There is danger

EN of electric shock!

Disposing of the packaging

The packing materials may be

EBOHFSPVT GPS DIJMESFO ,FFQ UIF packing materials out of the reach of children or dispose them of by classifying them in accordance with the waste instructions. Do not dispose them of along with the normal household waste.

The packing of your refrigerator is produced from recyclable materials.

Disposing of your old refrigerator

Dispose of your old machine without giving any harm to the environment. t :PVNBZDPOTVMUZPVSBVUIPSJ[FE

dealer or waste collection center of your municipality about the disposal of your refrigerator.

Before disposing of your refrigerator, cut out the electric plug and, if there are any locks on the door, make them inoperable in order to protect children against any danger.

Placing and Installation

1. Install your refrigerator to a place that allows ease of use.

,FFQ ZPVS SFGSJHFSBUPS BXBZ GSPN heat sources, humid places and direct sunlight.

3. There must be appropriate air ventilation around your refrigerator in order to achieve an efficient operation.

If the refrigerator is to be placed in a recess in the wall, there must be at least 5 cm distance with the ceiling and at least 5 cm with the wall.

If the floor is covered with a carpet, your product must be elevated 2.5 cm from the floor.

1MBDF ZPVS SFGSJHFSBUPS PO BO FWFO floor surface to prevent jolts.

5. Do not keep your refrigerator in ambient temperatures under 10°C.

8 EN

Changing the illumination lamp

5P DIBOHF UIF #VMC -&% VTFE GPS illumination of your refrigerator, call your AuthorisedService.

The lamp(s) used in this appliance is not suitable for household room illumination. The intended purpose of this lamp is to assist the user to place foodstuffs in the refrigerator/ freezer in a safe and comfortable way.The lamps used in this appliance have to withstand extreme physical conditions such as temperatures below -20 °C.

(only chest and upright freezer)

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