Beko BKK 2400 User manual [EN,EL]

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Beko BKK 2400 User manual

Coffee Machine

User Manual

BKK 2400



Please read this manual first!

Dear Valued Customer,

Thank you for preferring this Beko appliance. We hope that you get the best results from your appliance which has been manufactured with high quality and state-of-the-art technology. Therefore, please read this entire user manual and all other accompanying documents carefully before using the appliance and keep it as a reference for future use. If you handover the appliance to someone else, give the user manual as well. Follow the instructions by paying attention to all the information and warnings in the user manual.

Meanings of the symbols

Following symbols are used in various sections of this user manual:

C Important information and useful hints about usage.

AWARNING: Warnings against dangerous situations concerning the security of life and property.

This product has been produced in environmentally-friendly, state-of-the-art facilities.

Complies with the WEEE

It does not contain PCB.






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1Important safety and environmental instructions

This section contains safety instructions that will help protectfromriskofpersonalinjuryorpropertydamage.

Failure to follow these instructions will void all types of warranty.

1.1 General safety

Thisappliancecomplieswiththeinternationalsafety standards.

Do not use the appliance outdoors and in the bathroom.

No responsibility or warranty claim shall be assumed fordamagesarisingfrommisuseorimproperhandling of the appliance.

Neverattempttodismantleorseparatethemounted parts of the appliance.

Only use the original parts or parts recommended by the manufacturer.

Always use the appliance on a stable, flat, clean, dry and non-slip surface.

Do not start to cook coffee without putting water into the cooking pot.

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1Important safety and environmental instructions

Do not put any substances apart from coffee, sugar and into the cooking pot.

Coffee Machine is designed to operate at 4-37°C 80% relative humidity.

Do not drink the Greek cooked coffee using the cooking pot.

Due to the manufacturing technology, steam and odour may arise in the heating element of the appliance during the initial use. This is normal. They will disappear after a few cycles.

Donotmovetheappliancewhenitisstillhotorwhen there is liquid inside the cooking pot.

Avoid contacting the hot surfaces. Hold the cooking pot only by its handle; otherwise there is the risk of burning. Cooking pot gets hot during cooking.

The base (heating surface) on which the cooking pot isplacedgetshotduringoperation.Therefore,donot touch this area while using and until the appliance gets cold.

Ensure that the appliance is switched off before moving it.

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1Important safety and environmental instructions

For additional protection, this appliance should be connected to a household residual current circuit breaker of maximum 30 mA.

Connecttheappliancetoagroundedoutletprotected by a 16 ampere fuse.

Donotuseitifthepowercableortheapplianceitself is damaged.

Do not use the appliance with an extension cord.

Dry the seat of cooking pot before plugging in the appliance and seating the parts.

Do not immerse the appliance, power cord, or power plug in water or any other liquids.

Do not touch the appliance or its plug with damp or wet hands.

Position the appliance in such a way that the plug is always accessible.

Preventdamagetothepowercablebynotsqueezing, bending,orrubbingitonsharpedges.Keepthepower cable away from hot surfaces and naked flame.

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1Important safety and environmental instructions

Make sure that there is no danger that the power cord could be accidentally pulled or that someone could trip over it when the appliance is in use.

Unplug the appliance if any failure occurs.

Unplug the appliance before cleaning it and never clean it when it is in use.

Donotpullthepowercableoftheappliancetounplug the appliance from the outlet and do not wrap its power cable around the appliance.

Your mains power supply should comply with the information supplied on the rating plate of the appliance.

Do not use the appliance in or near places where combustible or inflammable places or materials are present.

Do not use the appliance next or close to heat resources (hob, grill, heater core, stove etc.).

Keep the appliance away from steam resources and avoid using it in environments containing excessive steam.

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1Important safety and environmental instructions

Do not use the cooking pot with any other heater (hob and etc.) apart from the appliance.

The appliance is designed to be used in homes, the kitchensoftheemployeesatoffices,storesandother workingenvironments,andintheguestroomsatthe hotels,motelsandotheraccommodationplaces.This appliance is not fit for professional use.

Do not use the appliance for anything other than its in tended use.

This appliance can only be used to cook coffee.

Extreme caution is advised when being used near children and persons who are restricted in their physical, sensory or mental abilities.

This appliance may be used by children who are at the age of 8 or over and the people whose physical, perceptive or mental skills are impaired or who are inexperienced or not knowledgeable about the appliance as long as they are supervised or informed and made understood the safe use of the appliance and the encountered dangers. Children should not play with the appliance.

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1Important safety and environmental instructions

Cleaning and user maintenance procedures should not be performed by children unless they are controlled by their elders.

If you keep the package material keep it away from children.

Make sure the appliance is kept in a place out of the reach of children.

1.2 Compliance with the WEEE directive and disposal of the waste product

This product does not include harmful or prohibited materials spe-

cified in the "Regulation for Supervision of the Waste Electric and

Electronic Appliances" issued by the Ministry of Environment and

Urbanisation. This product conforms to the WEEE regulation. This product has been manufactured from high quality parts and materials which are recyclable and re-usable. For this reason, do not dispose of

this product with the domestic or other types of wastes at the end of its servicelife.Takeittoacollectionpointwhichisdedicatedtorecyclingofelectric and electronic appliances. Ask the local authority in your area for these collection points. Help protect the environment and natural resources by recycling used products.

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1Important safety and environmental instructions

1.3 Package information

Package of the product is made of recyclable materials in accordance with our national legislation. Do not dispose the package waste with the domestic wastes or other types of wastes, take them to the collection points which are recommended by the local


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2 Your coffee machine

2.1 Overview



1. Water tank upper cover

2. Water tank

3. Start button for

1 serving and the status light

4. Start button for

2 servings and the status light

5. Start button for

3 servings and the status light

6.Cooking detection sensor

7.Coffee-making (cooking) pot seat

8.Mains cable










9.Heating surface

10.Coffee measure

11.Coffee-making pot

2.2 Technical data

Current: Max 3A

Power: 670 W

Voltage: 220-240 V AC ~, 50 Hz

Cable length: 90 cm

Technical and design modification rights are reserved.

The values which are declared in the markings affixed on your appliance or the other printed documents supplied with it represent the values which were obtained in the laboratories pursuant to the pertinent standards. These values may vary according to the usage of the appliance and ambient conditions.

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3 Use

3.1 Initial use

C Read the whole user manual before using the product.

1.Make sure that the appliance standsuprightonabalanced,flat, clean, dry and non-skid surface.

2.Plug in the appliance.

-The appliance will switch on automatically.

3.Remove the water tank lid (1).

4.Fill the water pot with water up to the max. level. Depending on how you like it, you can also fill the water by displacing the water tank completely as well.

Repeat the same process after the appliance gives out a water depleted alarm.

5.Fit the cooking pot in its place so that the pump and the wa-

ter system are filled with water. Press the coffee-making button for 1 serving. Once the water pumping process is complete, press and hold the same button for 3 seconds to end the process, and drain the water in the cooking pot.

This way, proper C operation of the

pump in the appliance is enabled.

WARNING: Repeat this process also

Aafter you remove/ place the water tank from/into its place and before brewing coffee.

Adjusting the water amount according to the size cup

1.Place the cooking pot (11) onto its seat (7).

2.Press the coffee-making button for 1 serving (3).

3.Once the water pumping process is complete, press and hold the same button for 3 seconds to

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3 Use

end the process and pour the water in the cooking pot into your cup.

4.If the water you have poured into your cup is too little or too much, adjust the water amount as follows.

5.To change the water amount, take out the cooking pot from its seat. Press and hold the coffeemaking button for two servings

(4) for 3 seconds to enter the water adjustment mode.

The status light, which comes on

C when you enter the water adjustment mode, will show the water level to which the product is set.

6.Once you have entered the water adjustment mode, press the button that is appropriate for your cup within 3 seconds.

The status light of the button pressed will light in blue for 1 second and the water level will change.

-Button for 1 serving: Small cup. 55 ml on average.

-Button for 2 servings: Medium sized cup. 65 ml on average.

-Button for 3 servings: Large cup. 75 ml on average.

WARNING: When you are in the water adjustment mode, if you do not press the

Abutton that is appropriate for your cup within 3 seconds, the product will exit the water adjustment mode and remain in the old setting.

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3 Use

Repeat the water C amount adjusting process when you

prefer to change the cup size.

3.2 Coffee making

WARNING: To obtain a tasty coffee, Amake sure that the

inside of the cooking pot (11) is dry and clean.


Asure that there is enough water in the water tank (2) .

1.Put coffee and sugar for one, two or three person(s) into the cooking pot (11).

WARNING: Make sure that there are no water drops underneath the cook-

Aing pot (11) when preparing the coffee. Otherwise, an annoying noise will arise when the water drops get into contact with the hot base.

2.Place the cooking pot (11) into its seat.

WARNING: Fully insert the pot back

Ainto its seat (7) and in upright position. Otherwise your product will not operate.

3.Press the start button for 1, 2 or 3 serving(s) according to the coffee amount to start the coffeemaking process.

You will hear a beep, indicating that the process has started, and the status light (3, 4, 5) will light in red.

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