If you need more information on Computer and Electronic Repair, please visit these
websites to improve yourself.
Happy Repairing!!
Highly Recommended Repair Ebook:
If you’re a LCD Monitor repairer, then this is the best guide for you.
Why? Because, the author revealed all his LCD Monitor Repairing
secrets for you. I think, with just few Repair tips you learned from
this guide you will get back your investment!
Click Here to read more.
This eBook will show you how to test the electronic component
correctly and accurately. Some of you may say that I don’t
need this eBook because it is too simple! Do you know that,
there is lots of testing electronic components secrets I have learned
from this guide? Do you know how to test a‘TRIAC’ correctly and
accurately? If you answer no then I guess you have to get this
EBook. Click Here to read more.
Are you tired of searching the service manuals to look for the value
of a burnt resistor? If the answer is YES, then this eBook is a ‘must
have’ guide for you. You can save a lot of time and be able to repair
customer’s Electronic equipment with burnt resistors in it.
Click here to read more.