Product Information Document
Power Supplies
230 V EU Replacement Power Supply for
MXB1002, UBB1002 and 1002B
Replacement Power Supply for
MXB1002, UBB1002, 1002B
3-Year Warranty Program*
Conceived and designed by
The PSU4-EU power supply is identical
to the one that came with the products
listed above, and is required for proper
operation in your part of the world.
We o er a wide range of region-
speci c Replacement Power Supplies
designed speci cally for your
*Warrant y details can be fo und at music-group.c om.
You Are Covered
We always strive to provide the best possible
Customer Experience. Our products are made
in our own MUSIC Group factory using stateof-the-art automation, enhanced production
work ows and quality assurance labs with the
most sophisticated test equipment available
in the world. As a result, we have one of the
lowest product failure rates in the industry,
and we con dently back it up with a generous
3-Year Warranty program.

Product Information Document
Power Supplies
230 V EU Replacement Power Supply for
MXB1002, UBB1002 and 1002B
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or service, support or more information contact the BEHRINGER location nearest you:
MUSIC Group Services U
MUSIC Group Services UK
Tel: +44 156 273 2290
Tel: +44 156 273 22
Email: CARE@music-group.com
mail: CARE@music-group.com
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USIC Group acc epts no liability for any loss which may be su ered by any person wh o relies either wh olly or in part up on any descript ion, photograp h, or statement con tained herein .
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URBOSOUN D, BEHRINGER, BU GERA and DDA are trad emarks or registered tr ademarks of MUSIC Group IP Lt d. © MUSIC Group IP Ltd. 2015 All rights reserved
MUSIC Group Services NV Inc
MUSIC Group Services NV Inc.
Tel: +1 702 800 8290
Tel: +1 702
Email: CARE@music-group.com
Email: CARE@music-group.
MUSIC Group Services JP K.K
MUSIC Group Services JP K.K.
Tel.: +81 3 6231 0454
Tel.: +81 3 6231 0454
Email: CARE@music-group.com
Email: CARE@music-group.com