Behringer PSU3-KR Instruction Manual

Product Information Document
Power Supplies
220V KR Replacement Power Supply MX602A, UB502, UB802, UB1002, XENYX (502, 802, 1002), Q502USB, Q802USB and Q1002USB
MX602A, UB502, UB802, UB1002, XENYX (502, 802, 1002), Q502USB, Q802USB, Q1002USB
3-Year Warranty Program*
Conceived and designed by
The PSU3-KR power supply is identical
to the one that came with the
products listed above, and is required
for proper operation in your part of
the world. We o er a wide range of
region-speci c Replacement Power
Supplies designed speci cally for your
*Warrant y details can be fo und at music-group.c om.
You Are Covered
We always strive to provide the best possible Customer Experience. Our products are made in our own MUSIC Group factory using state- of-the-art automation, enhanced production work ows and quality assurance labs with the most sophisticated test equipment available in the world. As a result, we have one of the lowest product failure rates in the industry, and we con dently back it up with a generous
3-Year Warranty program.
Product Information Document
Power Supplies
220V KR Replacement Power Supply MX602A, UB502, UB802, UB1002, XENYX (502, 802, 1002), Q502USB, Q802USB and Q1002USB
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