Quick Start Guide
Studio Monitoring Earphones with
Dual Hybrid Drivers
V 1.0
! Important Safety Information
1. Read these instructions.
2. Keep these instructions.
3. Heed all warnings.
4. Follow all instructions.
5. Do not use th is appara tus near
wate r.
6. Clean only w ith dry c loth.
7. Di sposal of a b attery i nto re
or a hot oven , or mechani cally
crushi ng or cutt ing of a batt ery,
can res ult in an expl osion.
8. Leaving a ba ttery in a n extrem ely
high temperature surrounding
enviro nment can re sult in an
explo sion, or the le akage of
ammable liquid or gas.
9. A batte ry subje cted to ex tremely
low air pr essure may r esult in
an expl osion or the l eakage of
ammable liquid or gas.
10. Do not dis assembl e or modif y
this product.
11. Do n ot replace a b attery.
It can defeat a safeguard.
12. Plea se store thi s produc t in a
clean and dry environment.
13. Charg e it once a mon th
14. Do not le ave unatte nded
while charging.
15. WARNING! Choking and
Swallow ing Hazard . Keep the
produc t safely o ut of reach o f
childr en and pets . The small si ze
and the in ternal bat tery pre sent a
choking and swallowing hazard.
Failure to follow instructions
may lead to permanent damage
or death.
16. WARNING! To prevent p ossible
hearin g damage, do no t listen
at high vo lume levels f or long
Music Trib e accepts n o liabilit y for any lo ss which may b e suere d by any
person who relies either wholly or in part upon any description, photograph,
or statement contained herein. Technical specications, appearances and other
infor mation are s ubject t o change wi thout not ice. All tra demarks a re the prop erty
of their respective owners. Midas, Klark Teknik, Lab Gruppen, Lake, Tannoy,
Turbosound, TC Electronic, TC Helicon, Behringer, Bugera, Auratone and Coolaudio
are trademarks or registered trademarks of Music Tribe Global Brands Ltd.
© Music Trib e Global Br ands Ltd. 202 0 All right s reserv ed.
For the applicable warranty terms and conditions and additional information
regarding Music Tribe’s Limited Warranty, please see complete details online at
Accessories List
• MO240 e arphones x 1 p air
• Zipper case
• Sili cone sleev es in 3 sizes
• Cleaning tool
• 6.3 m m adapter (fo r 3.5 mm plug)
• This quick start guide
• Professional studio-grade monitoring earphones
• Single dynamic and single balanced armature micro-drivers delivering
full ba ss and detai led highs
• Ult ra-linea r frequen cy respo nse from 20 H z to 20 kHz
• Sound-isolating design blocks outside noise for detailed
musical experience
• Sec ure over-th e-ear ca ble design e nsures in- ear stab ility and c omfort
• Opt imized per forman ce with exce ptional s ound quali ty for use w ith a
wide range of audio devices
• 59 inc h (150 cm) detacha ble cable w ith 360- degree ro tating
gold- plated MMC X lock-snap c onnecto r for exib ility and v ersatil e
connectivity options
• Zip per case in cluded to en joy your mus ic on-the- go
• Inc ludes foa m and silicon e ear-plugs i n 3 sizes to ens ure a perf ect t
Getting Started
Wearing, inserting and removing the earphones
1. These ea rphones s hould be wor n with the c ables rout ed over the ea r. Then,
the cab les can be ru n to your moni toring sy stem eithe r in front or b ehind ,
similar to this illustration:
2. Insert e ach earph one so makes a t ight seal in t he ear canal . A good seal wi th
the ear ca nal is neces sary fo r optimum so und qualit y, especia lly for bas s

3. If you noti ce a loss of bas s frequen cies, gent ly push the e arphone de eper
Nozzle Cleaning Tool
into the e ar canal to pr oduce a bet ter seal. If t his adjust ment does n ot
improve t he bass res ponse, you c an also swi tch to a dier ent sleeve .
WARNING: Avoid pushi ng the earp hone in beyo nd the ear can al.
4. To remove the ea rphones , rmly hol d each earph one’s outer c ase betw een
your ng er and thumb a nd twist g ently.
Choosing, installing and changing sleeves
MO240 earp hones come w ith a selec tion of so ft sleeve s in three si zes,
from sm all to large.
WARNING: Always mak e sure to prote ct your ea rs by muting o r lowering y our
monitoring systems volume down all the way before inserting the earphones.
1. Choose a n earphon e sleeve wit h the best t a nd the bes t seal to isol ate your
earphone mix from outside sounds.
2. Slide the sl eeve onto ea ch earpho ne’s sound noz zle. Appl y light pres sure,
and if nec essary r otate the sl eeve as you go u ntil secu re.
3. Make sure th e sleeve com pletely co vers the noz zle and the ared barb.
4. Try inser ting the ea rphone int o your ear can al to test th e t..
5. If the t is to o loose or ti ght, twis t and pull to re move the sle eve from th e
nozzle a nd replace w ith a sleeve i n the next a ppropri ate size.
NOTE: If the ba rb or nozzl e is expose d beneath t he sleeve, th e sleeve is no t
insta lled prope rly. Sleeve s that do not t s ecurely o ver the nozz le and barb
should be replaced.
1. If you not ice proble ms with sou nd qualit y not relate d to the t insi de
the ear ca nal, remove t he sleeve an d check the e arphone no zzle for
2. If the noz zle is blocke d, use the in cluded cle aning tool t o clear the b lock.
3. Replace th e sleeve ont o the nozzl e, and re-in sert the e arphones i nto your
ear to tes t the sound .
4. Maintenance tips
• Keep the earphones and sleeves clean and dry.
• To clea n, remove the s leeves fr om the earp hone nozzl e, gently ri nse
in warm wa ter and allow t o air dry. Sle eves shoul d be complet ely
dry before
• Ins pect slee ves for dama ge and repla ce as neces sary.
• Avoid exposing the sleeves to extreme temperatures.
• Rep lace sleeve s that do not t p roperly.
Driver Dynamic and balanced armature
Crossover frequency 500 Hz
Impedance 32 Ω
Frequency response 2 0 Hz to 20 kHz
Sound pressure level (SPL) 93 dB @1kHz (102 dB peak )
Rated po wer 3 mW
Peak power 5 mW
Cable Shielded, detachable
Connector MMCX connector
Cable length 1.5 m (59")
Plug 3.5 mm, ste reo
Adapter 6.3 mm, go ld plated
Other Important Information
Register online. Please register your new Music Tribe equipment right after you
purchase it by visiting behringer.com. Registering your purchase using our simple
online f orm helps u s to process y our repair c laims more q uickly an d ecientl y.
Also, rea d the terms an d conditi ons of our war ranty, if ap plicable .
Malfunction. Shoul d your Music Tri be Authori zed Resel ler not be loc ated in your
vicini ty, you may con tact the Mu sic Tribe Aut horized Fu lller for y our countr y
listed under “Support” at behringer.com. Should your country not be listed,
please c heck if you r problem c an be dealt wi th by our “Onl ine Suppor t” whic h may
also be found under “Support” at behringer.com. Alternatively, please submit an
online warranty claim at behringer.com BEFORE returning the product.