Beckhoff EL2044 User Manual

Documentation | EN
four channel digital output terminal, 24 V DC, 2 A, with extended diagnostics
2020-08-27 | Version: 1.0

Table of contents

Table of contents
1.1 Notes on the documentation..............................................................................................................5
1.2 Safety instructions .............................................................................................................................6
1.3 Documentation issue status ..............................................................................................................7
1.4 Version identification of EtherCAT devices .......................................................................................7
1.4.1 Beckhoff Identification Code (BIC)................................................................................... 10
2 Product overview.....................................................................................................................................12
2.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................................12
2.2 Technical data .................................................................................................................................13
2.3 Pin assignment and LEDs ...............................................................................................................14
2.4 Overload protection .........................................................................................................................14
2.5 Operating modes and settings.........................................................................................................17
2.5.1 Process data.................................................................................................................... 17
2.5.2 Diagnostics per channel .................................................................................................. 20
2.5.3 Device diagnostics........................................................................................................... 20
2.5.4 Settings via the CoE directory ......................................................................................... 21
2.6 Object description and parameterization .........................................................................................23
2.6.1 Restore object ................................................................................................................. 24
2.6.2 Configuration data ........................................................................................................... 24
2.6.3 Command object.............................................................................................................. 24
2.6.4 Input data......................................................................................................................... 25
2.6.5 Output data ...................................................................................................................... 25
2.6.6 Standard objects (0x1000 - 0x1FFF) ............................................................................... 25
3 Basics communication ...........................................................................................................................32
3.1 EtherCAT basics..............................................................................................................................32
3.2 EtherCAT cabling – wire-bound.......................................................................................................32
3.3 General notes for setting the watchdog...........................................................................................33
3.4 EtherCAT State Machine.................................................................................................................35
3.5 CoE Interface...................................................................................................................................37
3.6 Distributed Clock .............................................................................................................................42
4 Mounting and wiring................................................................................................................................43
4.1 Instructions for ESD protection........................................................................................................43
4.2 Installation on mounting rails ...........................................................................................................43
4.3 Installation instructions for enhanced mechanical load capacity .....................................................47
4.4 Connection ......................................................................................................................................47
4.4.1 Connection system .......................................................................................................... 47
4.4.2 Wiring............................................................................................................................... 50
4.4.3 Shielding .......................................................................................................................... 51
4.5 Installation positions ........................................................................................................................51
4.6 Positioning of passive Terminals .....................................................................................................54
5 Commissioning........................................................................................................................................55
5.1 TwinCAT Quick Start .......................................................................................................................55
5.1.1 TwinCAT2 ....................................................................................................................... 58
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Table of contents
5.1.2 TwinCAT 3 ....................................................................................................................... 68
5.2 TwinCAT Development Environment ..............................................................................................81
5.2.1 Installation of the TwinCAT real-time driver..................................................................... 82
5.2.2 Notes regarding ESI device description........................................................................... 87
5.2.3 TwinCAT ESI Updater ..................................................................................................... 91
5.2.4 Distinction between Online and Offline............................................................................ 91
5.2.5 OFFLINE configuration creation ...................................................................................... 92
5.2.6 ONLINE configuration creation ........................................................................................ 97
5.2.7 EtherCAT subscriber configuration................................................................................ 105
5.3 General Notes - EtherCAT Slave Application................................................................................114
6 Appendix ................................................................................................................................................122
6.1 EtherCAT AL Status Codes...........................................................................................................122
6.2 Firmware compatibility...................................................................................................................122
6.3 Firmware Update EL/ES/EM/ELM/EPxxxx ....................................................................................122
6.3.1 Device description ESI file/XML..................................................................................... 123
6.3.2 Firmware explanation .................................................................................................... 126
6.3.3 Updating controller firmware *.efw................................................................................. 127
6.3.4 FPGA firmware *.rbf....................................................................................................... 129
6.3.5 Simultaneous updating of several EtherCAT devices.................................................... 133
6.4 Firmware compatibility - passive terminals....................................................................................134
6.5 Restoring the delivery state ...........................................................................................................134
6.6 Support and Service ......................................................................................................................135
EL20444 Version: 1.0

1 Foreword

1.1 Notes on the documentation

Intended audience
This description is only intended for the use of trained specialists in control and automation engineering who are familiar with the applicable national standards. It is essential that the documentation and the following notes and explanations are followed when installing and commissioning these components. It is the duty of the technical personnel to use the documentation published at the respective time of each installation and commissioning.
The responsible staff must ensure that the application or use of the products described satisfy all the requirements for safety, including all the relevant laws, regulations, guidelines and standards.
The documentation has been prepared with care. The products described are, however, constantly under development.
We reserve the right to revise and change the documentation at any time and without prior announcement.
No claims for the modification of products that have already been supplied may be made on the basis of the data, diagrams and descriptions in this documentation.
Beckhoff®, TwinCAT®, EtherCAT®, EtherCATG®, EtherCATG10®, EtherCATP®, SafetyoverEtherCAT®, TwinSAFE®, XFC®, XTS® and XPlanar® are registered trademarks of and licensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH. Other designations used in this publication may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owners.
Patent Pending
The EtherCAT Technology is covered, including but not limited to the following patent applications and patents: EP1590927, EP1789857, EP1456722, EP2137893, DE102015105702 with corresponding applications or registrations in various other countries.
EtherCAT® is registered trademark and patented technology, licensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH, Germany.
© Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG, Germany. The reproduction, distribution and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to others without express authorization are prohibited. Offenders will be held liable for the payment of damages. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or design.
EL2044 5Version: 1.0

1.2 Safety instructions

Safety regulations
Please note the following safety instructions and explanations! Product-specific safety instructions can be found on following pages or in the areas mounting, wiring, commissioning etc.
Exclusion of liability
All the components are supplied in particular hardware and software configurations appropriate for the application. Modifications to hardware or software configurations other than those described in the documentation are not permitted, and nullify the liability of Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG.
Personnel qualification
This description is only intended for trained specialists in control, automation and drive engineering who are familiar with the applicable national standards.
Description of instructions
In this documentation the following instructions are used. These instructions must be read carefully and followed without fail!
Serious risk of injury!
Failure to follow this safety instruction directly endangers the life and health of persons.
Risk of injury!
Failure to follow this safety instruction endangers the life and health of persons.
Personal injuries!
Failure to follow this safety instruction can lead to injuries to persons.
Damage to environment/equipment or data loss
Failure to follow this instruction can lead to environmental damage, equipment damage or data loss.
Tip or pointer
This symbol indicates information that contributes to better understanding.
EL20446 Version: 1.0

1.3 Documentation issue status

Version Comment
1.0 • 1st public issue
0.3 • Corrections
0.2 • Correction in technical data
• Chapter "Operation modes and settings" updated
0.1 • Provisional documentation for EL2044

1.4 Version identification of EtherCAT devices

A Beckhoff EtherCAT device has a 14-digit designation, made up of
• family key
• type
• version
• revision
Example Family Type Version Revision
EL3314-0000-0016 EL terminal
(12 mm, non­pluggable connection level)
ES3602-0010-0017 ES terminal
(12 mm, pluggable connection level)
CU2008-0000-0000 CU device 2008 (8-port fast ethernet switch) 0000 (basic type) 0000
• The elements mentioned above result in the technical designation. EL3314-0000-0016 is used in the example below.
• EL3314-0000 is the order identifier, in the case of “-0000” usually abbreviated to EL3314. “-0016” is the EtherCAT revision.
• The order identifier is made up of
- family key (EL, EP, CU, ES, KL, CX, etc.)
- type (3314)
- version (-0000)
• The revision -0016 shows the technical progress, such as the extension of features with regard to the EtherCAT communication, and is managed by Beckhoff. In principle, a device with a higher revision can replace a device with a lower revision, unless specified otherwise, e.g. in the documentation. Associated and synonymous with each revision there is usually a description (ESI, EtherCAT Slave Information) in the form of an XML file, which is available for download from the Beckhoff web site. From 2014/01 the revision is shown on the outside of the IP20 terminals, see Fig. “EL5021 EL terminal, standard IP20 IO device with batch number and revision ID (since 2014/01)”.
• The type, version and revision are read as decimal numbers, even if they are technically saved in hexadecimal.
3314 (4-channel thermocouple terminal)
3602 (2-channel voltage measurement)
0000 (basic type) 0016
0010 (high­precision version)
Identification number
Beckhoff EtherCAT devices from the different lines have different kinds of identification numbers:
EL2044 7Version: 1.0
Production lot/batch number/serial number/date code/D number
The serial number for Beckhoff IO devices is usually the 8-digit number printed on the device or on a sticker. The serial number indicates the configuration in delivery state and therefore refers to a whole production batch, without distinguishing the individual modules of a batch.
Structure of the serial number: KKYYFFHH
KK - week of production (CW, calendar week) YY - year of production FF - firmware version HH - hardware version
Example with Ser. no.: 12063A02: 12 - production week 12 06 - production year 2006 3A - firmware version 3A 02 ­hardware version 02
Exceptions can occur in the IP67 area, where the following syntax can be used (see respective device documentation):
Syntax: D ww yy x y z u
D - prefix designation ww - calendar week yy - year x - firmware version of the bus PCB y - hardware version of the bus PCB z - firmware version of the I/O PCB u - hardware version of the I/O PCB
Example: D.22081501 calendar week 22 of the year 2008 firmware version of bus PCB: 1 hardware version of bus PCB: 5 firmware version of I/O PCB: 0 (no firmware necessary for this PCB) hardware version of I/O PCB: 1
Examples of markings
Fig.1: EL5021 EL terminal, standard IP20 IO device with serial/ batch number and revision ID (since 2014/01)
EL20448 Version: 1.0
Fig.2: EK1100 EtherCAT coupler, standard IP20 IO device with serial/ batch number
Fig.3: EL3202-0020 with serial/ batch number 26131006 and unique ID-number 204418
EL2044 9Version: 1.0

1.4.1 Beckhoff Identification Code (BIC)

The Beckhoff Identification Code (BIC) is increasingly being applied to Beckhoff products to uniquely identify the product. The BIC is represented as a Data Matrix Code (DMC, code scheme ECC200), the content is based on the ANSI standard MH10.8.2-2016.
Fig.4: BIC as data matrix code (DMC, code scheme ECC200)
The BIC will be introduced step by step across all product groups.
Depending on the product, it can be found in the following places:
• on the packaging unit
• directly on the product (if space suffices)
• on the packaging unit and the product
The BIC is machine-readable and contains information that can also be used by the customer for handling and product management.
Each piece of information can be uniquely identified using the so-called data identifier (ANSIMH10.8.2-2016). The data identifier is followed by a character string. Both together have a maximum length according to the table below. If the information is shorter, spaces are added to it. The data under positions 1 to 4 are always available.
The following information is contained:
EL204410 Version: 1.0
Type of
1 Beckhoff order
2 Beckhoff Traceability
Number (BTN)
3 Article description Beckhoff article
4 Quantity Quantity in packaging
5 Batch number Optional: Year and week
6 ID/serial number Optional: Present-day
7 Variant number Optional: Product variant
Explanation Data
Beckhoff order number 1P 8 1P072222
Unique serial number, see note below
description, e.g. EL1008
unit, e.g. 1, 10, etc.
of production
serial number system, e.g. with safety products
number on the basis of standard products
Number of digits
S 12 SBTNk4p562d7
1K 32 1KEL1809
Q 6 Q1
2P 14 2P401503180016
51S 12 51S678294104
30P 32 30PF971, 2*K183
incl. data identifier
Further types of information and data identifiers are used by Beckhoff and serve internal processes.
Structure of the BIC
Example of composite information from item 1 to 4 and 6. The data identifiers are marked in red for better display:
An important component of the BIC is the Beckhoff Traceability Number (BTN, item no.2). The BTN is a unique serial number consisting of eight characters that will replace all other serial number systems at Beckhoff in the long term (e.g. batch designations on IO components, previous serial number range for safety products, etc.). The BTN will also be introduced step by step, so it may happen that the BTN is not yet coded in the BIC.
This information has been carefully prepared. However, the procedure described is constantly being further developed. We reserve the right to revise and change procedures and documentation at any time and with­out prior notice. No claims for changes can be made from the information, illustrations and descriptions in this information.
EL2044 11Version: 1.0
Product overview

2 Product overview

2.1 Introduction

Fig.5: EL2044
Four-channel digital output terminal, 24VDC, 2A, with extended diagnostics
The EL2044 digital output terminal connects the binary control signals from the automation device on to the actuators at the process level with electrical isolation.
The EL2044 is protected against polarity reversal and processes load currents with outputs protected against overload and short-circuit. The integrated diagnostics can be evaluated in the controller and is indicated by the LEDs. Overtemperature and the lack of a voltage supply to the terminal are supplied as diagnostic information. Beyond that each channel can among other things signal a short circuit individually. Maintenance of the application is simplified by the diagnostics.
The power contacts are connected through. The outputs are fed via the 24V power contact in the EL2044.
Watchdog settings
Please refer to section "Notes for setting the watchdog [}33]"!
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Product overview

2.2 Technical data

Technical data EL2044
Connection technology 2-wire
Number of outputs 4
Nominal voltage 24VDC (-15%/ +20%)
Load type ohmic, inductive, lamp load up to 24W max.
Max. output current 2A (short-circuit proof) per channel, with diagnostics
Output stage push (high-side switch)
Short circuit current < 4Atyp.
Reverse polarity protection yes
Switching times TON: 50µs typ., T
Power supply for the electronics via the power contacts
Breaking energy < 150mJ/channel typ.
Current consumption via E-bus typ. 55mA
Recommended cycle time ≥ 200µs;
with cycle times < 200µs the process data is not updated in each cycle.
Electrical isolation 500V (E-bus/field voltage)
Current consumption power contacts typ. 25mA + load
Supports NoCoeStorage [}38] function
Configuration via System Manager
Conductor types solid wire, stranded wire and ferrule
Special features diagnostics via process data and LED: overtemperature,
Weight approx. 50g
Permissible ambient temperature range during operation
Permissible ambient temperature range during storage
Permissible relative air humidity 95%, no condensation
Dimensions (W x H x D) approx. 15mm x 100mm x 70mm (width aligned: 12mm)
Mounting on 35mm mounting rail according to EN60715
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6 / EN 60068-2-27,
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN61000-6-2 / EN61000-6-4
Protection class IP20
Installation position variable
Approval CE
PowerFail, short circuit (per channel), open load detection
0 °C ... +55 °C
-25 °C ... +85 °C
: 100µs typ.
EL2044 13Version: 1.0
Product overview

2.3 Pin assignment and LEDs

Fig.6: EL2044
EL2044 - LEDs
LED Color Meaning
OUTPUT 1- 4 green off No output signal
on Output signal 24V
red on ERROR: Overcurrent / Overtemperature
flashing red ERROR: Short circuit to 24V
red / green alternating ERROR: Open Load
EL2044 - Connection
Terminal point Description
Name No.
Output1 1 Output 1
0V 2 Ground for output1 (internally connected to terminal point3, 6, 7 and negative power contact)
0V 3 Ground for output3 (internally connected to terminal point2, 6, 7 and negative power contact)
Output3 4 Output 3
Output2 5 Output 2
0V 6 Ground for output2 (internally connected to terminal point2, 3, 7 and negative power contact)
0V 7 Ground for output4 (internally connected to terminal point2, 3, 6 and negative power contact)
Output4 8 Output 4

2.4 Overload protection

Technical data
Please note the information in the technical data regarding load type, max. output current and short circuit current.
EL204414 Version: 1.0
Product overview
When switching on lamp loads, high starting currents occur that are limited by the output circuit of the terminals (see fig. Overload current limitation).
Fig.7: Overload current limitation
Fig.8: Schematic illustration of the thermal switch-off in case of overload
In case of a long-term overload and/or short-circuit, the output is protected by the thermal switch-off of the channel. The output circuit of the terminal limits the current. The terminal maintains this current until important self­heating of the channel occurs. On exceeding the upper temperature limit, the terminal switches the channel off. The channel is switched on again after it has cooled down to below the lower temperature limit. The output signal is clocked until the output is switched off by the controller or the short-circuit is eliminated (see fig. Schematic illustration of the thermal switch-off in case of overload). The clock frequency depends on the ambient temperature and the load of the other terminal channels.
Short-circuit or prolonged overload on a channel leads to an increase in the device temperature. If several channels are overloaded, this leads to a rapid increase in the device temperature. The overloaded channels are switched off when the upper limit for the device temperature is exceeded. The channels are only switched on again if the temperature falls below the lower limit values for both the device and the channel. The non-overloaded channels continue operating properly.
EL2044 15Version: 1.0
Product overview
When switching off inductive loads, high induction voltages result from interrupting the current too quickly. These are limited by an integrated free-wheeling diode (switch-off energy [inductive] see Technical data). Since the current reduces only slowly, a delayed switch-off can occur in many control applications. For example, a valve remains open for many milliseconds. Switch-off times are realized that correspond, for instance, to the switch-on time of the coil.
Protection against high induction voltages
To protect against voltage peaks such as can occur when switching inductive loads, we recommend to provide suitable protective circuits (e.g. with the free-wheeling diode, RC combination or varistor) directly at the actuator.
Fig.9: Switch-off of inductive loads
EL204416 Version: 1.0
Product overview

2.5 Operating modes and settings

2.5.1 Process data

An EL2044 is parameterized via 2 tabs in the TwinCAT System Manager: the Process Data tab (A) for the communication-specific settings and the CoE directory (B) for the settings in the slave.
Fig.10: EL2044 - "Process data" tab
• Changes to the process data-specific settings are generally only effective after a restart of the EtherCAT master: restart TwinCAT in RUN or CONFIG mode; RELOAD in CONFIG mode
• Changes to the online CoE directory
◦ are in general immediately effective
◦ are generally stored in non-volatile memory in the terminal/slave. They should be entered in the
CoE StartUp list so that the settings are accepted after a replacement of the terminal. The CoE StartUp list is processed at each EtherCAT start and the settings are loaded into the slave.
Illustration of the process data and structural contents
The EL2044 provides three different process data for transmission:
• the diagnostics per channel "DIG Diag Inputs",
• device diagnostics "DIG Inputs Device",
• switching state of the outputs "DIG Outputs"
EL2044 17Version: 1.0
Product overview
Fig.11: EL2044 Online illustration of the process data and structural contents in the System Manager
The plain text display of the bit meanings is particularly helpful not only in commissioning but also for linking to the PLC program. By right-clicking on the status variable in the configuration tree (A), the structure can be opened for linking (B). Activation of the "Show Sub Variables" button (C) displays all subvariables and links to the PLC (D) in the online view.
"Predefined PDO Assignment" selection dialog (from TwinCAT 2.11 build 1544 onwards)
The process data to be transmitted (PDO, ProcessDataObjects) can be selected by the user
• for all TwinCAT versions via the "Predefined PDO Assignment" selection dialog (see fig. "EL2044 Process Data tab" A) or
• selectively for individual PDOs (see fig. "EL2044 Process Data tab" B)
These changes become effective after activation and an EtherCAT restart or a reload.
EL204418 Version: 1.0
Product overview
Fig.12: EL2044 "Process data" tab
A Selection of the diagnostic scope via the selection dialog "Predefined PDO Assignment"
B Display of (optional) PDOs (process data objects)
C Selection of the required Sync Manager
D Display of the PDOs available for selection
Three pre-defined PDO assignments can be selected:
Full Diagnostics: Inputs: Selection of the PDOs 0x1A00 (diagnostics per channel) and 0x1A02 (device diagnostics). Both the diagnostic data for each channel and the data for the device diagnostics are displayed and transmitted. Outputs: PDO 0x1600 (switching state of the outputs) is displayed and transmitted.
Compact Diagnostics: Inputs: Selection of the PDO 0x1A02 (device diagnostics). Only the diagnostic data for the device are displayed in the System Manager and transmitted to the control system. Outputs: PDO 0x1600 (switching state of the outputs) is displayed and transmitted.
No Diagnostics: Neither 0x1A00 nor 0x1A02 is selected. No diagnostic data are displayed in the System Manager and none are transmitted to the control system. Outputs: PDO 0x1600 (switching state of the outputs) is displayed and transmitted.
Compact Diagnostics, No Diagnostics
When converting from "Full Diagnostics" to "Compact Diagnostics" or "No Diagnostics", or when de­activating the PDO 0x1600, links already established to the deactivated objects are deleted.
EL2044 19Version: 1.0
Product overview

2.5.2 Diagnostics per channel

Open Load (Index 0x60n1:02 [}25])
The open load detection shows that no load is connected when the output is switched on.
The "Open Load" bit (index 0x60n1:02) is set to TRUE if the output is TRUE and the output current is less than typ. 0.8mA.
Short Circuit to 24V (Index 0x60n1:04)
A short circuit to 24 V is detected if the output is FALSE, but nevertheless a voltage of more than typ. 10 V is present. The “Short Circuit to 24V” bit (index 0x60n1:04) is set to TRUE. The corresponding LED flashes red.
Overtemperature (index: 0x60n1:01) – overcurrent (index:0x60n1:03)
The “Overcurrent” bit (index: 0x60n1:03) is set in case of an overload. The LED lights up red. The channel heats up, so that the “Overtemperature” bit (index: 0x60n1:01) is set on reaching an upper limit temperature
(see fig. Overload current limitation [}16]).
In the case of a short-circuit the channel overheats very quickly, leading to it being switched off. Once the temperature has cooled down to below a lower limit value following the switch-off, the output is switched on again. The temperature, however, is then still so high that the “Overtemperature” bit (index: 0x60n1:01) remains set. Thus the LED remains red as long as the short-circuit is present. Overcurrent diagnostics is no longer possible once the output is switched off. The “Overcurrent” bit (index:
0x60n1:03) is only set to TRUE when the output is switched on again (see fig. Schematic illustration of the thermal switch-off in case of overload [}16]).

2.5.3 Device diagnostics

General error (index 0xF600:11)
If the “Common Fault” bit (index 0xF600:11) is set, there is an error on one or more channels.
It is thus possible in the “Compact Diagnostics” process mode to determine that errors have occurred on one or more channels.
Device overtemperature (index 0xF600:12)
The device temperature rises due to an overload, a short-circuit or excessively high ambient temperature. If the device temperature exceeds the upper limit value, the overloaded channels are switched off. The “Overtemperature Device” bit (index 0xF600:12) is set. All other channels continue to operate properly.
If the device temperature falls below the lower limit value the “Overtemperature Device” bit (index 0xF600:12) is reset. If the channel temperature also falls below the lower limit value, the respective channels are switched on again.
Undervoltage (index 0xF600:13)
If the “Undervoltage” bit (index 0xF600:13) is set, the supply voltage of the terminal has fallen below typically 17 V.
Voltage loss (index 0xF600:14)
If the error bit in “Missing Voltage” (index 0xF600:14) is set, the supply voltage of the terminal has fallen below typically 14 V.
EL204420 Version: 1.0

2.5.4 Settings via the CoE directory

CoE online directory
Product overview
Fig.13: EL2044 - CoE - Directory
The online data are accessible (A) if the terminal is online, i.e. connected to the EtherCAT Master TwinCAT and in an error-free RUN state (WorkingCounter = 0). The entries "DIG Safe State Active Ch.n" (index 0x80n0) (D) and "DIG Safe State Value Ch.n" (index 0x80n1) (E) can be changed online; please also
observe the Notes on the CoE interface [}37] and on the StartUp-List [}38].
The diagnostic data of the channels can be read under "DIG Diag Inputs Ch.n" (index 0x60n1) (B). The diagnostic data of the terminal can be read under "DIG Inputs Device" (index 0xF600). The state of the outputs can be read under "DIG Outputs Ch.n" (index 0x70n0) (C). The display in TwinCAT is continuously updated if (F) has been activated.
EL2044 21Version: 1.0
Product overview
DIG Safe State Active (index 0x80n0:01) / DIG Safe State Value (index 0x80n1:01)
The setting in “DIG Safe State Active” (index 0x80n0:01) defines whether the outputs should assume a safe state in the case of a bus error. The safe state of the output in the case of a bus error is defined with “DIG Safe State Value” (index 0x80n1:01).
1. “DIG Safe State Active“ = TRUE and
“DIG Safe State Value“ = TRUE: the output is switched on.
2. “DIG Safe State Active“ = TRUE and
“DIG Safe State Value“ = FALSE: the output is switched off
3. “DIG Safe State Active“ = FALSE
◦ The state of the output is retained. Entries in “DIG Safe State Value” (index 0x80n1:01) have no
Flow-chart illustration of the sequence in case of a bus error
Fig.14: Change of state of the outputs in the case of a bus error
EL204422 Version: 1.0
Tabular example:
Product overview
DIG Safe State Active Index 0x80n0:01
Graphical example:
DIG Safe State Value Index 0x80n1:01
Output before bus error
Output during bus error
Output after bus error
Fig.15: Graphical illustration of the channel state during a bus error

2.6 Object description and parameterization

EtherCAT XML Device Description
The display matches that of the CoE objects from the EtherCAT XML Device Description. We rec­ommend downloading the latest XML file from the download area of the Beckhoff website and in-
stalling it according to installation instructions.
The terminal is parameterized via the CoE Online tab (double-click on the respective object), or the PDOs are allocated via the Process Data tab.
The CoE overview contains objects for different intended applications:
EL2044 23Version: 1.0
Product overview

2.6.1 Restore object

Index 1011 Restore default parameters
Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default value
1011:01 SubIndex 001 If this object is set to "0x64616F6C" in the set value
Restore default param­eters [}134]
Restore default parameters UINT8 RO 0x01 (1
dialog, all backup objects are reset to their delivery state.
UINT32 RW 0x00000000

2.6.2 Configuration data

Index 80n0 DIG Safe State Active Ch.n
(n=0 for Ch.1 to n=3 for Ch.4)
Index (hex)
80n0:0 DIG Safe State Active
80n0:01 Active Enabling of the output state defined in index 0x80n1:01
Name Meaning Data type Flags Default
Maximum subindex UINT8 RO 0x01 (1
BOOLEAN RW 0x01 (1
in case of a bus error
0: output retains its current state. 1: output is switched to the state defined in index 0x80n1.
Index 80n1 DIG Safe State Value Ch.n
(n=0 for Ch.1 to n=3 for Ch.4)
Index (hex)
80n1:0 DIG Safe State Value
80n1:01 Value Defines the state of the output in case of a bus error:
Name Meaning Data type Flags Default
Maximum subindex UINT8 RO 0x01 (1
BOOLEAN RW 0x00 (0
0: output off 1: output on

2.6.3 Command object

Index FB00 DIG Command
Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default value
FB00:0 DIG Command Maximum subindex UINT8 RO 0x03 (3
FB00:01 Request reserved OCTET -
FB00:02 Status reserved UINT8 RO 0x00 (0
FB00:03 Response reserved OCTET -
RW {0}
RO {0}
EL204424 Version: 1.0
Product overview

2.6.4 Input data

Index 60n1 DIG Diag Inputs
(n=0 for Ch.1 to n=3 for Ch.4)
Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default
60n1:0 DIG Diag Inputs Ch.n Maximum subindex UINT8 RO 0x04 (4
Overtemperature [}20]
60n1:02 Open Load Wire break detection
Overcurrent [}20]
Short Circuit to 24V [}20]
Index F600 DIG Inputs Device
The "overtemperature" bit is set if the max. permissible temperature of the channel is exceeded.
The Open Load bit is set if the channel is switched on and the load current is ≤ typically 0.8mA.
Overcurrent and short-circuit detection The "overcurrent" bit is set if an overload is detected when the channel is switched on. No overload can be detected if the channel is switched off (e.g. thermal switch-off).
Short-circuit current detection: typ.<4A
The Short Circuit to 24V bit is set if voltage is present when the channel is switched off.
BOOLEAN RO 0x00 (0
BOOLEAN RO 0x00 (0
BOOLEAN RO 0x00 (0
BOOLEAN RO 0x00 (0
Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default
F600:0 DIG Inputs Device Maximum subindex UINT8 RO 0x14 (20
Common Fault [}20]
Overtemperature De­vice [}20]
The Common Fault bit is set if an error occurs on one or more channels of the terminal.
The Overtemperature Device bit is set if the max. per­missible device temperature is exceeded. The overloaded channels are switched off until the de-
BOOLEAN RO 0x00 (0
BOOLEAN RO 0x00 (0
vice temperature cools down below the lower limit value again.
Undervoltage [}20]
Missing Voltage [}20]
The Undervoltage bit is set if the terminal supply volt­age falls below typically 17V.
The Missing Voltage bit is set if the supply voltage is lower than typically 14V.
BOOLEAN RO 0x00 (0
BOOLEAN RO 0x00 (0

2.6.5 Output data

Index 70n0 DIG Outputs
(n=0 for Ch.1 to n=3 for Ch.4)
Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default
70n0:0 DIG Outputs Ch.n Maximum subindex UINT8 RO 0x01 (1
70n0:01 Output Status Output
0: Output off 1: Output on
BOOLEAN RO 0x00 (0

2.6.6 Standard objects (0x1000 - 0x1FFF)

Index 1000 Device type
Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default value
1000:0 Device type Device type of the EtherCAT slave: the Lo-Word con-
tains the CoE profile used (5001). The Hi-Word con­tains the module profile according to the modular de­vice profile.
EL2044 25Version: 1.0
UINT32 RO 0x01181389
Product overview
Index 1008 Device name
Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default
1008:0 Device name Device name of the EtherCAT slave STRING RO EL2044
Index 1009 Hardware version
Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default value
1009:0 Hardware version Hardware version of the EtherCAT slave STRING RO
Index 100A Software version
Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default value
100A:0 Software version Firmware version of the EtherCAT slave STRING RO 01
Index 1018 Identity
Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default
1018:0 Identity Information for identifying the slave UINT8 RO 0x04 (4
1018:01 Vendor ID Vendor ID of the EtherCAT slave UINT32 RO 0x00000002
1018:02 Product code Product code of the EtherCAT slave UINT32 RO 0x07FC3052
1018:03 Revision Revision numberof the EtherCAT slave; the Low Word
(bit 0-15) indicates the special terminal number, the
UINT32 RO 0x00000000
High Word (bit 16-31) refers to the device description
1018:04 Serial number Serial number of the EtherCAT slave; the Low Byte (bit
0-7) of the Low Word contains the year of production,
UINT32 RO 0x00000000
(0 the High Byte (bit 8-15) of the Low Word contains the week of production, the High Word (bit 16-31) is 0
Index 10F0 Backup parameter handling
Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default value
10F0:0 Backup parameter
10F0:01 Checksum Checksum across all backup entries of the EtherCAT
Information for standardized loading and saving of backup entries
UINT8 RO 0x01 (1
UINT32 RO 0x00000000
Index 1600 DIG RxPDO-Map Outputs
Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default
1600:0 DIG RxPDO-Map Out-
1600:01 SubIndex 001 1. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x7000 (DIG Outputs
1600:02 SubIndex 002 2. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x7010 (DIG Outputs
1600:03 SubIndex 003 3. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x7020 (DIG Outputs
1600:04 SubIndex 004 4. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x7030 (DIG Outputs
PDO Mapping RxPDO 1 UINT8 RO 0x04 (4
UINT32 RO 0x7000:01, 1
Ch.1), entry 0x01 (Output))
UINT32 RO 0x7010:01, 1
Ch.2), entry 0x01 (Output))
UINT32 RO 0x7020:01, 1
Ch.3), entry 0x01 (Output))
UINT32 RO 0x7030:01, 1
Ch.4), entry 0x01 (Output))
EL204426 Version: 1.0
Product overview
Index 1A00 DIG TxPDO-Map Diag Inputs
Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default
1A00:0 DIG TxPDO-Map Diag
1A00:01 SubIndex 001 1. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x6001 (DIG Inputs Ch.1),
1A00:02 SubIndex 002 2. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x6001 (DIG Inputs Ch.1),
1A00:03 SubIndex 003 3. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x6001 (DIG Inputs Ch.1),
1A00:04 SubIndex 004 4. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x6001 (DIG Inputs Ch.1),
1A00:05 SubIndex 005 5. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x6011 (DIG Inputs Ch.2),
1A00:06 SubIndex 006 6. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x6011 (DIG Inputs Ch.2),
1A00:07 SubIndex 007 7. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x6011 (DIG Inputs Ch.2),
1A00:08 SubIndex 008 8. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x6011 (DIG Inputs Ch.2),
Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default
1A00:09 SubIndex 009 9. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x6021 (DIG Inputs Ch.3),
1A00:0A SubIndex 010 10. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x6021 (DIG Inputs
1A00:0B SubIndex 011 11. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x6021 (DIG Inputs
1A00:0C SubIndex 012 12. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x6021 (DIG Inputs
1A00:0D SubIndex 013 13. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x6031 (DIG Inputs
1A00:0E SubIndex 014 14. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x6031 (DIG Inputs
1A00:0F SubIndex 015 15. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x6031 (DIG Inputs
1A00:10 Subindex 016 16. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x6031 (DIG Inputs
PDO Mapping TxPDO 1 UINT8 RO 0x10 (16
UINT32 RO 0x6001:01, 1
entry 0x01 (Overtemperature))
UINT32 RO 0x6001:02, 1
entry 0x02 (Wire Break))
UINT32 RO 0x6001:03, 1
entry 0x03 (Overcurrent))
UINT32 RO 0x6001:04, 1
entry 0x04 (Short Circuit))
UINT32 RO 0x6011:01, 1
entry 0x01 (Overtemperature))
UINT32 RO 0x6011:02, 1
entry 0x02 (Wire Break))
UINT32 RO 0x6011:03, 1
entry 0x03 (Overcurrent))
UINT32 RO 0x6011:04, 1
entry 0x04 (Short Circuit))
UINT32 RO 0x6021:01, 1
entry 0x01 (Overtemperature))
UINT32 RO 0x6021:02, 1
Ch.3), entry 0x02 (Wire Break))
UINT32 RO 0x6021:03, 1
Ch.3), entry 0x03 (Overcurrent))
UINT32 RO 0x6021:04, 1
Ch.3), entry 0x04 (Short Circuit))
UINT32 RO 0x6031:01, 1
Ch.4), entry 0x01 (Overtemperature))
UINT32 RO 0x6031:02, 1
Ch.4), entry 0x02 (Wire Break))
UINT32 RO 0x6031:03, 1
Ch.4), entry 0x03 (Overcurrent))
UINT32 RO 0x6031:04, 1
Ch.4), entry 0x04 (Short Circuit))
Index 1A02 DIG TxPDO-Map Inputs Device
Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default value
1A02:0 DIG TxPDO-Map In-
puts Device
1A02:01 SubIndex 001 1. PDO Mapping entry (object 0xF600 (DIG Inputs De-
PDO Mapping TxPDO UINT8 RO 0x05 (5
UINT32 RO 0xF600:11, 1
vice), entry 0x11 (Common Fault))
1A02:02 SubIndex 002 2. PDO Mapping entry (object 0xF600 (DIG Inputs De-
UINT32 RO 0xF600:12, 1
vice), entry 0x12 (Overtemperature Device))
1A02:03 SubIndex 003 3. PDO Mapping entry (object 0xF600 (DIG Inputs De-
UINT32 RO 0xF600:13, 1
vice), entry 0x13 (Undervoltage))
1A02:04 SubIndex 004 4. PDO Mapping entry (object 0xF600 (DIG Inputs De-
UINT32 RO 0xF600:14, 1
vice), entry 0x14 (Missing Voltage))
1A02:05 SubIndex 005 5. PDO Mapping entry (4 bits align) UINT32 RO 0x0000:00, 4
Index 1C00 Sync manager type
Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default
1C00:0 Sync manager type Using the sync managers UINT8 RO 0x04 (4
1C00:01 SubIndex 001 Sync-Manager Type Channel 1: Mailbox Write UINT8 RO 0x01 (1
1C00:02 SubIndex 002 Sync-Manager Type Channel 2: Mailbox Read UINT8 RO 0x02 (2
1C00:03 SubIndex 003 Sync-Manager Type Channel 3: Process Data Write
UINT8 RO 0x03 (3
1C00:04 SubIndex 004 Sync-Manager Type Channel 4: Process Data Read
UINT8 RO 0x04 (4
EL2044 27Version: 1.0
Product overview
Index 1C12 RxPDO assign
Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default
1C12:0 RxPDO assign PDO Assign Outputs UINT8 RW 0x01 (1
1C12:01 SubIndex 001 1. allocated RxPDO (contains the index of the associ-
ated RxPDO mapping object)
UINT16 RW 0x1600
1C12:02 Subindex 002 UINT16 RW
1C12:03 Subindex 003 UINT16 RW
1C12:04 Subindex 004 UINT16 RW
Index 1C13 TxPDO assign
Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default
1C13:0 TxPDO assign PDO Assign Inputs UINT8 RW 0x02 (2
1C13:01 SubIndex 001 1. allocated TxPDO (contains the index of the associ-
ated TxPDO mapping object)
1C13:02 Subindex 002 2. allocated TxPDO (contains the index of the associ-
ated TxPDO mapping object)
1C13:03 Subindex 003 UINT16 RW
1C13:04 Subindex 004 UINT16 RW
1C13:05 Subindex 005 UINT16 RW
1C13:06 Subindex 006 UINT16 RW
1C13:07 Subindex 007 UINT16 RW
1C13:08 Subindex 008 UINT16 RW
1C13:09 Subindex 009 UINT16 RW
1C13:0A Subindex 010 UINT16 RW
UINT16 RW 0x1A00
UINT16 RW 0x1A02
EL204428 Version: 1.0
Product overview
Index 1C32 SM output parameter
Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default
1C32:0 SM output parameter Synchronization parameters for the outputs UINT8 RO 0x20 (32
1C32:01 Sync mode Current synchronization mode:
• 0: Free Run
• 1: Synchron with SM 2 Event
1C32:02 Cycle time Cycle time (in ns):
• Free Run: Cycle time of the local timer
• Synchron with SM 2 Event: Master cycle time
• DC mode: SYNC0/SYNC1 Cycle Time
1C32:03 Shift time Time between SYNC0 event and output of the outputs
(in ns, DC mode only)
1C32:04 Sync modes supported Supported synchronization modes:
• Bit 0 = 1: free run is supported
• Bit 1 = 1: Synchron with SM 2 Event is supported
• Bit 2-3 =01: DC mode is supported
• Bit 4-5=10: Output Shift with SYNC1 event (only DC mode)
• Bit 14 = 1: dynamic times (measurement by writing 0x1C32:08 [}29]) (for revision no.: 17 –
1C32:05 Minimum cycle time Minimum cycle time (in ns)
Default: 10ms
1C32:06 Calc and copy time Minimum time between SYNC0 and SYNC1 event (in
ns, DC mode only)
1C32:07 Minimum delay time Minimum time between SYNC1 event and output of the
outputs (in ns)
0, since EL2044 does not support DC mode
1C32:08 Command • 0: Measurement of the local cycle time is
• 1: Measurement of the local cycle time is started
The entries 0x1C32:03, 0x1C32:05, 0x1C32:06, 0x1C32:09, 0x1C33:03 [}30], 0x1C33:06 [}29], 0x1C33:09 [}30] are updated with the maximum mea-
sured values. For a subsequent measurement the measured values are reset.
1C32:09 Maximum Delay time Time between SYNC1 event and output of the outputs
(in ns, DC mode only)
1C32:0B SM event missed
1C32:0C Cycle exceeded
Number of missed SM events in OPERATIONAL (DC mode only)
Number of occasions the cycle time was exceeded in OPERATIONAL (cycle was not completed in time or the next cycle began too early)
1C32:0D Shift too short counter Number of occasions that the interval between SYNC0
and SYNC1 event was too short (DC mode only)
1C32:20 Sync error The synchronization was not correct in the last cycle
(outputs were output too late; DC mode only)
UINT16 RW 0x0001 (1
UINT32 RW 0x000F4240
UINT32 RO 0x00000000
UINT16 RO 0x8002
UINT32 RO 0x00002710
UINT32 RO 0x00000000
UINT32 RO 0x00000000
UINT16 RW 0x0000 (0
UINT32 RO 0x00000384
UINT16 RO 0x0000 (0
UINT16 RO 0x0000 (0
UINT16 RO 0x0000 (0
BOOLEAN RO 0x00 (0
EL2044 29Version: 1.0
Product overview
Index 1C33 SM input parameter
Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default
1C33:0 SM input parameter Synchronization parameters for the inputs UINT8 RO 0x20 (32
1C33:01 Sync mode Current synchronization mode:
UINT16 RW 0x0022 (34
• 0: Free Run
• 1: Synchron with SM 3 Event (no outputs available)
• 2: DC - Synchron with SYNC0 Event
• 3: DC - Synchron with SYNC1 Event
• 34: Synchron with SM 2 Event (outputs available)
1C33:02 Cycle time as 0x1C32:02 UINT32 RW 0x000F4240
1C33:03 Shift time Time between SYNC0 event and reading of the inputs
(in ns, only DC mode)
1C33:04 Sync modes supported Supported synchronization modes:
• Bit 0 = 1: free run is supported
UINT32 RO 0x00000000
UINT16 RO 0x8002
• Bit 1 = 1: Synchron with SM 2 Event is supported (outputs available)
• Bit 1 = 1: Synchron with SM 3 Event is supported (no outputs available)
• Bit 2-3 = 01: DC mode is supported
• Bit 4-5 = 01: Input Shift through local event (outputs available)
• Bit 4-5 = 10: Input Shift with SYNC1 Event (no outputs available)
• Bit 14 = 1: dynamic times (measurement by writing 0x1C32:08) (for revision no.: 17 – 25)
1C33:05 Minimum cycle time as 0x1C32:05 UINT32 RO 0x00002710
1C33:06 Calc and copy time Time between reading of the inputs and availability of
the inputs for the master (in ns, only DC mode)
1C33:07 Minimum delay time Min. time between SYNC1 event and the reading of
the inputs (in ns, DC mode only)
UINT32 RO 0x00000000
UINT32 RO 0x00000000
0, since EL2044 does not support DC mode
1C33:08 Command • 0: Measurement of the local cycle time is
UINT16 RW 0x0000 (0
• 1: Measurement of the local cycle time is started
The entries 0x1C32:03 [}29], 0x1C32:05 [}29], 0x1C32:06 [}29], 0x1C32:09 [}29], 0x1C33:03,
0x1C33:06, 0x1C33:09 are updated with the maximum measured values. For a subsequent measurement the measured values are reset.
1C33:09 Maximum Delay time Time between SYNC1 event and reading of the inputs
(in ns, only DC mode)
1C33:0B SM event missed
1C33:0C Cycle exceeded
Number of missed SM events in OPERATIONAL (DC mode only)
Number of occasions the cycle time was exceeded in OPERATIONAL (cycle was not completed in time or
UINT32 RO 0x00000000
UINT16 RO 0x0000 (0
UINT16 RO 0x0000 (0
the next cycle began too early)
1C33:0D Shift too short counter Number of occasions that the interval between SYNC0
UINT16 RO 0x0000 (0
and SYNC1 event was too short (DC mode only)
1C33:20 Sync error The synchronization was not correct in the last cycle
BOOLEAN RO 0x00 (0
(outputs were output too late; DC mode only)
EL204430 Version: 1.0
+ 111 hidden pages