Becker AR6201-000, AR6201-002, AR6201-100, AR6201-102 Installation And Operation Manual

Manual DV 14300.03
Issue 5 July 2013
Becker Flugfunkwerk GmbH ● Baden Airpark 77836 Rheinmünster Germany
Telephone +49 (0) 7229 / 305-0 Fax +49 (0) 7229 / 305-217 e-mail:
Software Versions: SCI1050S305 Version 3.0 5 SCI1051S305 Version 1.4 9
and upwards
Issue 1 May 2010
Issue 2 October 2010
Issue 3 March 2011
Issue 4 May 2011
Issue 5 July 2013
Page No.: Date: Page No.: Date:
Cover Page
I … VI 7/2013
1-1 … 1-10 7/2013
2-1 … 2-42 7/2013
3-1 … 3-19 7/2013
DV 14300.03 / Article Number 0617.857-071
© 2013 by Becker Flugfunkwerk GmbH / All rights reserved
DV 14300.03/.04 Issue 5 5/2013 Page I
Table of Contents
1.1 Introduction 1-1
1.2 Purpose of Equipment 1-1
1.3 General Notes 1-1
1.4 Short Description 1-1
1.5 Variants Survey 1-4
1.6 Technical Data 1-5
1.6.1 Power Supply Data 1-5
1.6.2 General Data 1-5
1.6.3 Dimensions & Weight 1-5
1.6.4 Receiver Data 1-5
1.6.5 Transmitter Data 1-6
1.6.6 Emergency Operation 1-6
1.6.7 Software 1-6
1.6.8 Complex Hardware 1-6
1.6.9 Regulatory Compliance 1-7
1.7 Environmental Qualification 1-7
1.8 Accessories 1-9
Page II DV 14300.03/.04 Issue 1 05/1013
Section 2 Installation Page
2.1 Limitations 2-1
2.2 Unpacking the Equipment and
Preparation for Installation 2-1
2.3 Mechanical Installation 2-1
2.4 Electrical Interface 2-2
2.4.1 Connectors and Pin Assignment 2-2
2.4.2 Inputs / Outputs Detailed Description 2-5
2.5 Installation Wiring 2-9
2.5.1 Typical Wiring for Single Seater Glider 2-10
2.5.2 Typical Wiring for Single Seater Glider
(5-pol DIN Jack) 2-11
2.5.3 Typical Wiring for
Twin Seater Motor Glider 2-12
2.5.4 Typical Wiring for
Standard Headsets in use 2-13
2.5.5 Typical Wiring for Aircrafts with
Intercom System (unbalanced) 2-14
2.5.6 Typical Wiring for Aircrafts with
Intercom System (balanced) 2-15
2.5.7 Typical Wiring for Twin Seater Aircrafts,
Tandem (additional R
adio Control Unit) 2-16
2.6 Antenna Installation 2-17
2.7 Location of internal Circuit Breaker 2-17
2.8 Installation Setup 2-18
2.8.1 Entering Installation Setup 2-18
2.8.2 Page Up / Page Down
in the Installation Setup 2-18
2.8.3 Storage of Setup Data 2-18
2.8.4 Terminate Installation Setup 2-18
DV 14300.03/.04 Issue 5 5/2013 Page III
2.8.5 Installation Setup Page
Data Description 2-19
2.9 Typical Settings
2.9.1 Single Seater Glider 2-30
2.9.2 Twin Seater Motor Glider 2-31
2.9.3 GA aircraft using Standard Microphones 2-32
2.9.4 Aircraft with Intercom System 2-33
2.9.5 Twin Seater Aircraft 2-33
2.10 Retrofitting an AR4201
with an AR6201-(X0X) 2-34
2.10.1 Pin Compatibility 2-34
2.10.2 Dynamic Microphone Input 2-36
2.10.3 Temperature Sensor 2-36
2.10.4 RS-232 Interface 2-36
2.10.5 AFCU/AGC/AFWB 2-36
2.10.6 PWR_EVAL 2-37
2.11 Post Installation Tests 2-37
2.11.1 Mechanical Installation and Wiring Check 2-37
2.11.2 Power Supply 2-37
2.11.3 Receiver / Transmitter Operation 2-37
2.11.4 Antenna Check 2-37
2.11.5 Interference Check 2-37
2.11.6 Flight Test Check 2-40
2.12 Trouble Shooting 2-40
2.13 Continued Airworthiness 2-41
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Section 3 OPERATION Page
3.1 Safety Instructions 3-1
3.2 Controls and Indicators 3-2
3.2.1 Controls 3-3
3.2.2 Symbols shown on the Display 3-4
3.3 Start–Up 3-4
3.4 Receive and Transmission Operation 3-5
3.4.1 Receive Mode 3-5
3.4.2 Transmission Operation 3-5
3.5 Frequency Selection Modes 3-6
3.5.1 Standard Mode 3-7
3.5.2 Direct Tune Mode 3-7
3.5.3 Channel Mode 3-8
3.5.4 Scan Function 3-10
3.6 Squelch 3-11
3.7 RX Field strength indication 3-11
3.8 Channel Spacing Mode 3-11
3.9 Storage Function 3-12
3.9.1 Modification of User Channels
Database and Labels Database 3-12
3.9.2 Automatic Storage Function 3-13
3.10 Auxiliary Audio Input 3-14
3.11 Intercom Operation 3-14
3.12 VOX & speaker operation 3-15
3.13 Menus 3-15
3.13.1 Intercom Menu 3-15
3.13.2 Pilots Menu 3-17
3.14 Warning and Failure Indications 3-18
DV 14300.03/.04 Issue 5 5/2013 Page V
List of Abbreviations
AF Audio Frequency
ATT Attenuation
CBIT Continuous Built In Test
CFG Configuration
EASA European Aviation Safety Agency
EMI Electro Magnetic Interference
ETSO European Transmission System Operators
GPS Global Positioning System
HMI Human Machinery Interface
HIRF High Intensity Radiated Fields
IC Intercom
I&O Installation & Operation
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
M&R Maintenance & Repair
PBIT Power-On Built In Test
PTT Push TO Talk
PWR Power
RX Receive
SQL Squelch
SPKR Speaker (Loudspeaker)
SRC Source
TSO Transmission System Operator
TX Transmit
VOX Voice Operated IC Threshold
VHF Very High Frequency
VSWR Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
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DV 14300.03/.04 Issue 5 5/2013 Page 1-1
1.1 Introduction
This manual describes the VHF transceiver AR6201-(X0X). The manuals DV
I&O (“Installation and Operation”) and DV 14300.04 M&R
aintenance and Repair”) contain the following sections.
DV 14300.03
DV 14300.04
1 General
2 Installation
3 Operation
4 Theory of Operation
5 Maintenance and Repair
6 Illustrated Parts List
7 Modification and Changes
8 Circuit Diagrams
1.2 Purpose of Equipment
The AR6201-(X0X) VHF transceiver enables voice communication in the very high frequency band between 118.000 MHz and 136.9916 MHz with a selectable channel spacing of 25 kHz or 8.33 kHz. The AR6201-(10X) VHF transceiver enables voice communication in the very high frequency band between 118.000 MHz and 136.9750 MHz with a selectable channel spacing of 25 kHz only.
1.3 General Notes
The word “frequency”, also used in this document in the sense of “channel name”, as defined in EUROCAE, ED-23B: chapter 1.3.2. The word “memory channel” or “channel” used in this document means a memory place identified by a channel number. On that memory place, a frequency may be stored for later use.
1.4 Short Description
The AR6201-(X0X) is a single block transceiver ideal to be fitted in all type of general aviation aircraft and helicopters. The VHF transceiver is a compact and lightweight single block unit. The dimensions correspond to the standard instrument diameter of 58 mm (2 ¼ inch). Mounting is by means of four screws (back panel installation).
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All controls and indicators are located on the front panel. The equipment connectors and the antenna socket are located at the rear of the unit. On the right-hand side is a Circuit Breaker located.
Frequency Indication
By means of a liquid crystal display (LCD) the frequency indication is provided. The required operating frequency is set with the rotary knob. The relation between the real operating frequency and the displayed frequency is according to standards (ED-23B, chapter 1.3.2). For an overview, refer to the table below.
Frequency (MHz)
Channel Spacing
in 8.33+25 kHz
Mixed Mode
in 25 kHz Mode
118.0000 25 118.000 118.00
118.0000 8.33 118.005 N/A
118.0083 8.33 118.010 N/A
118.0166 8.33 118.015 N/A
118.0250 25 118.025 118.02
etc. etc. etc. etc.
136.9750 25 136.975 136.97
136.9750 8.33 136.980 N/A
136.9833 8.33 136.985 N/A
136.9916 8.33 136.990 N/A
Audio Outputs
The transceiver includes two audio outputs: headphone and speaker. The headphone rated output power is 300 mW into 150 Ohm. The rated output power from the speaker output is 4 W into 4 Ohm.
Mike Inputs
The VHF transceiver has an input for dynamic microphone (DYN_MIKE) and an input for standard microphone (STD_MIKE). Each input is able to operate with single microphone or with 2 microphones of the same type connected in parallel.
AF Auxiliary Input
The AF auxiliary input enables to connect an external audio source (NAV, music-player …) to the transceiver. The external audio is audible only when the transceiver is in Receive Mode.
DV 14300.03/.04 Issue 5 5/2013 Page 1-3
The Sidetone is available on the headphone output during transmission. The Sidetone Volume depends simultaneous on the Intercom Volume setting.
Squelch Operation
A Squelch (muting) circuit suppresses received signals if the signal quality is poor. There are two kinds of Squelch methods implemented, Carrier Squelch and Noise Squelch. The carrier squelch rests upon the signal strength of the received signal; the noise squelch rests upon the detected noise level and is adjustable in the pilot’s setup menu.
Memory Channels
The VHF transceiver also contains a channel memory function for automatically/manually channel memory storage of up to 99+9 frequencies. The last 9 used (active) frequencies are always stored automatically. The manual storage of up to 99 different frequencies is in addition possible. It is also possible to assign for each stored frequency a user defined text label.
Intercom Operation
Aircraft internal communication via connected headsets is provided by the built in intercom circuit. The Intercom operation may be automatically via VOX (adjustable) or externally via the intercom switch triggered. The Setting of VOX-threshold and Intercom Volume is accessible for the pilot by the Intercom Menu.
Scan Function
In “Scan Function” a dual watch functionality is provided. In case of a signal is received on both (active/preset) frequencies simultaneously the signal of the active frequency will become audible with priority at any time.
The illumination of the LCD and the push buttons can be controlled either directly from the front panel via the pilot’s menu or externally via the dimming input lines. In case of external dimming is selected the illumination curve (brightness to voltage relation) can be adjusted in the Installation Setup.
LOW BATT Indication
The VHF transceiver also contains a monitoring stage for the power supply voltage. If the supply voltage drops below the adjustable threshold, the display indicates the message “LOW BATT”.
Emergency Operation
The VHF transceiver is able to operate in emergency operation (9.0 V) with some reduced performance.
Built In Tests
After power-up, the unit performs a power-up built in test (PBIT). During PBIT the transceiver displays “WAIT” and the corresponding
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software versions of the control head and chassis module. The continuous built in test (CBIT) verifies the correct function of the unit permanently during normal operation. If a problem is detected an error message will be displayed.
Installation Setup
Configuration of the installation parameters like mike sensitivity, mike type selection, speaker ON/OFF and further parameters is possible via the Installation Setup.
Service Mode
The Service Mode is a special configuration mode of the AR6201 via a RS422 interface with a proprietary serial data communication protocol.
1.5 Variants Survey
Part Number
25 kHz
8.33+25 kHz
Mixed Mode
AR6201-(000) 0610.321-910 black green Yes Yes
AR6201-(002) 0614.203-910 black blue - white
Yes Yes
AR6201-(100) 0621.218-910 black green Yes
AR6201-(102) 0621.226-910 black blue - white
DV 14300.03/.04 Issue 5 5/2013 Page 1-5
1.6 Technical Data
1.6.1 Power Supply Data
Nominal supply voltage range .... 11.0 … 30.3 VDC
Abnormal supply voltage range ... 10.25 … 32.2 VDC
Emergency operation ............. 9.0 VDC (reduced performance,
Power consumption:
Power “OFF” state ............. ≈ 1.5 mA @ 12 VDC
< 10 mA @ 28 VDC
Receive Mode .................. ≤ 140 mA @ 14 VDC, panel backlight “OFF”
< 90 mA @ 28 VDC, panel backlight “OFF”
(< 85 mA typ.)
Transmit Mode ................. ≤ 2 A @ 14 VDC; 70% modulation, VSWR=1:1
≤ 4 A @ 14 VDC; 70% modulation, VSWR=3:1
1 A @ 28 VDC; 70% modulation, VSWR=1:1
1 A @ 28 VDC; 70% modulation, VSWR=3:1
Circuit Breaker (internal) ...... 5 A (resettable)
Dimming control ................. 14 VDC or 28 VDC
1.6.2 General Data
Frequency range ................. 118.000 MHz to 136.975 MHz (25 kHz Mode)
Frequency range ................. 118.000 MHz to 136.9916 MHz
(8.33 + 25 kHz Mixed Mode)
Channel spacing ................. 25 kHz or 8.33 kHz
Number of channels .............. 760 (25 kHz Mode)
2280 + 760 (8.33 + 25kHz Mode)
Storage temperature range ....... -55°C to +85°C
Operating temperature range ..... -20°C to +55°C / short-time +70°C
Operating altitude .............. 35.000 ft
1.6.3 Dimensions & Weight
Front panel ..................... 61.2 mm x 61.2 mm
Depth of unit ................... 211.4 mm
(front plate to the end of Antenna
Mounting-hole (instrument panel) standard 58 mm diameter (2
Material of Case ................ ALMg
Surface treatment ............... control-head coated with black paint (matt)
Weight .......................... 850g
1.6.4 Receiver Data
Sensitivity ..................... ≤ -93 dBm for a (S+N)/N ratio of 6 dB
Effective bandwidth ............. ≥ ± 2.78 kHz at the 6 dB points
≥ ± 7.37 kHz at the 60 dB points
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1.6.5 Transmitter Data
Output power .................... ≥ 6 W into 50 Ω @ 12 VDC
................................ (with and without modulation)
Frequency tolerance ............. ≤ 5 ppm
Duty cycle ...................... 1 minute (TX):4 minutes (RX)
Type of modulation .............. A3E (amplitude modulation)
Modulation capability ........... ≥ 70%
Distortion at 70% modulation .... ≤ 15%
Modulation bandwidth ............ ≤ 6 dB, 350 Hz to 2500 Hz
Dynamic microphone ............. 1 … 20 mV compressor starting point
adjustable, balance input, 140 Ohm,
input range up to 20 dB above compressor
starting point.
Standard microphone ............. 25 … 1000 mV compressor starting
(with compressor) point, unbalanced input,
110 Ω, input range up to 20 dB above
compressor starting point.
FM deviation with modulation .... ≤ 3 kHz
Sidetone ........................ adjustable
Automatic shutdown of TX mode ... after 120 seconds of permanent TX
(stuck PTT)
1.6.6 Emergency Operation
TX output power ................. ≥ 2 W into 50 Ω (with modulation) @ 9 VDC
TX modulation depth ............. ≥ 50% @ 9 VDC
RX sensitivity .................. ≤ -93 dBm for a (S+N)/N ratio of
6 dB @ 9VDC
Panel & Display backlight ....... switched “OFF”
Speaker output .................. switched “OFF”
Headphone output ................ operating
CAUTION: For power-supply voltages below 10 V the speaker output of the
transceiver will automatically be switched “OFF”, without notification for the pilot! Depending on settings in Installation Setup “LOW BATT” may be indicated if supply voltage drops below a predefined threshold. If the threshold adjusted within the range 10.3 … 10.5V is reached the “LOW BATTERY” warning indicates the user, that he should connect his headset because the speaker may be switched “OFF” soon).
1.6.7 Software
The software is as Level D in accordance with EUROCAE/RTCA document ED12B/DO-178B classified.
1.6.8 Complex Hardware
Complex hardware is not used.
DV 14300.03/.04 Issue 5 5/2013 Page 1-7
1.6.9 Regulatory Compliance
Part Number
EASA Approval TSO Approval FCC Approval
AR6201-(000) 0610.321-910
Class: D, E
Class: 4, 6
Class: D, E,
4, 6
AR6201-(002) 0614.203-910
AR6201-(100) 0621.218-910
Class: D
Class: 4
Class: D, 4
AR6201-(102) 0621.226-910
Note: Unauthorized changes or modifications to the AR6201-(X0X) may
void the compliance to the required regulatory agencies and authorization for continued equipment usage.
1.7 Environmental Qualification
Under environmental test condition in accordance with the procedures set forth in EUROCAE/RTCA Document ED-14E/DO-160E the following performance has been demonstrated.
Temperature and Altitude 4.0 C4
Ground Survival Low
4.5.1 -55 deg C
Short-Time Operating Low
-20 deg C
Operating Low Temperature -20 deg C
High Ground Survival
4.5.2 +85 deg C
High Short-Time Operating
4.5.3 +70 deg C
Operating High Temp. 4.5.4 +55 deg C
In-flight Loss of Cooling 4.5.5 X
No forced cooling required
Altitude 4.6.1 C4 35,000 ft
Decompression 4.6.2
Overpressure 4.6.3
Temperature Variation 5.0 B 5°C per minute
Page 1-8 DV 14300.03/.04 Issue 5 5/2013
Humidity 6.0 A Standard
Shock and Crash Safety 7.0 B
wing and Helicopter,
Vibration 8.0
Curve M for Fixed-wing
Curve G for Helicopters
Explosion-proofness 9.0 X N/A
Water-proofness 10.0 X Condensing water
Fluids Susceptibility 11.0 X N/A
Sand and Dust 12.0 X N/A
Fungus Resistance 13.0 X N/A
Salt Spray 14.0 X N/A
Magnetic Effect 15.0 Z Less than 0.3m
Power Input 16.0 B
DC installations with
battery of significant
Voltage Spike 17.0 A
High degree of protection
against voltage spikes
Audio Freq. Conducted
18.0 B
DC installations with
battery of significant
Induced Signal
19.0 AC
Primary power DC or AC,
Radio Frequency
20.0 SW
Interim High Intensity
Radiated Fields
Emission of Radio Frequency
21.0 B
Equipment where
interference should be
controlled to a tolerable
Lightning Induced Transients
22.0 A1E3X
Pin test waveform A, level
Cable bundle test waveform
level 3
Lightning Direct Effects 23.0 X N/A
Icing 24.0 X N/A
Electrostatic Discharge 25.0 A
Equipment operated in an
aerospace environment
Fire, Flammability 26.0 X N/A
DV 14300.03/.04 Issue 5 5/2013 Page 1-9
1.8 Accessories
Connector Kit CK4201-S (soldering version) Article-No.: 0879.304-954
consisting of:
25-pol. cable connector, soldering F Article no. 0725.021-277
Connector housing Article no. 0775.479-277
Antenna plug Article no. 0725.706-277
Label “COMM” Article no. 0711.111-258
Coding pin Article no. 0782.211-277
Connector Kit CK4201-C (crimp version) Article-No.: 0514.901-954
consisting of:
25-pol. cable connector, crimp F Article no. 0472.921-277
Connector housing Article no. 0775.479-277
Antenna plug Article no. 0725.706-277
Label “COMM” Article no. 0711.111-258
Coding pin Article no. 0782.211-277
Connector Kit CK6200-S (soldering version) Article-No.: 0617.903-954
consisting of:
25-pol. cable connector, soldering F Article no. 0725.021-277
25-pol. cable connector, soldering M Article no. 0726.331.277
2 X Connector housing Article no. 0775.479-277
Antenna plug Article no. 0725.706-277
Label “COMM” Article no. 0711.111-258
Coding pin Article no. 0782.211-277
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Connector Kit CK6200-C (crimp version) Article-No.: 0617.891-954
consisting of:
25-pol. cable connector, crimp F Article no. 0472.921-277
25-pol. cable connector, crimp M Article no. 0891.551-277
2 X Connector housing Article no. 0775.479-277
Antenna plug Article no. 0725.706-277
Label “COMM” Article no. 0711.111-258
Coding pin Article no. 0782.211-277
Operating instructions Article no. 0618.764-071
Manual Installation and Operation Article no. 0617.857-071
Manual Maintenance and Repair Article no. 0617.865-071
DV 14300.03/.04 Issue 5 5/2013 Page 2-1
The installation of the VHF transceiver depends on the type of aircraft and its equipment. Therefore, only general information is given in this section.
2.1 Limitations
The installation of the AR6201-(X0X), designed as a single block unit for use in cockpit environment of general aviation aircrafts including helicopters, can be performed under consideration of the following limitations:
Installations have to be in accordance with appropriate EASA or FAA
approved guidelines.
The AR6201-(X0X) must be connected to a VHF antenna in order to
satisfy FAA TSO-C169a.
The conditions and tests for ETSO/TSO approval of this article are
minimum performance standards. Those installing this article, on or in a specific type or class of an aircraft, must determine that the aircraft installation conditions are within the ETSO/TSO standards.
Note: Changes or modifications made to this equipment not expressly
approved in written form by Becker Flugfunkwerk may void the authorization to operate this equipment.
2.2 Unpacking the Equipment and Preparation for Installation
Visually inspect the package for signs of transport damage. Carefully unpack all items and check for completeness.
Additional Required Equipment
The AR6201-(X0X) is intended for use with standard aviation accessories. The following equipment is required for installation:
VHF COMM Antenna with coaxial 50 impedance cable and BNC connector
Headphone and/or speaker
2.3 Mechanical Installation
The AR6201-(X0X) is designed to be mounted in the aircraft instrument panel within easy view and reach of pilot/operator. The AR6201-(X0X) is designed for back-panel mounting by means of four screws, which are already attached to the AR6201 front. The circular cut out and the mounting holes have to be prepared in accordance with Figure 2-3. The location of the AR6201-(X0X) shall be at least 30 cm away from the aircraft magnetic compass, to avoid any interference to the magnetic compass by the transceiver. For typical installations, there is no need for a forced cooling of the AR6201-(X0X). Leave clearance of minimum 5 mm between the AR6201-(X0X) and other avionics to allow air circulation. Figure 2-1, Figure 2-2 and Figure 2-3 show the unit dimensions.
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Figure 2-1 VHF transceiver side view
Figure 2-2 Mounting dimensions VHF
Figure 2-3 Drilling jig for back-panel
2.4 Electrical Interface
2.4.1 Connectors and Pin Assignment
Figure 2-4 Connectors on rear plate
DV 14300.03/.04 Issue 5 5/2013 Page 2-3
Antenna Connector (Position 1)
The antenna connector (Figure 2-4, Position 1) is a BNC type.
Grounding Bolt (Position 2)
The transceiver has a M4 threaded grounding bolt (Figure 2-4, Position
2) allowing a low impedance grounding of the unit. Low impedance grounding is essential to avoid damage or malfunction in case of indirect lightning, EMI and HIRF effects.
P1 Connector (System Interfaces)
The P1 connector (Figure 2-4, Position 3) is a D-SUB male type with 25 pins and slide-in fastener.
Pin No. Pin Name Direction Function
P1-1 SPK_HI OUT Speaker output signal (HI)
P1-2 HDPH_A OUT Balanced output for headphone(s)
P1-3 HDPH_B OUT Balanced output for headphone(s)
P1-4 AF_AUX_IN_HI IN Auxiliary audio input (HI)
P1-5 MIKE_DYN_HI IN Balanced input for dynamic
P1-6 MIKE_DYN_LO IN Balanced input for dynamic
P1-7 IC IN Intercom key input;
LO active - closed contact to GND
P1-8 MIKE_STD_LO - Standard Microphone LO
P1-9 NC not connected
P1-10 ILL_LO IN Illumination LO input
P1-11 P_SUPP IN Power supply ( + )
P1-12 P_SUPP IN Power supply ( + )
P1-13 P_SUPP_GND - Power supply (return)
P1-14 SPK_LO - Speaker ground (return)
P1-15 LINE_OUT OUT High impedance audio output
P1-16 AGC_OUT OUT Receiver AGC output
P1-17 /PTT IN Press To Talk key input
LO active - closed contact to GND
P1-18 MIKE_STD_HI IN Standard Microphone (HI)
P1-19 CPIN - Pin removed to allow mechanical
coding of the harness connector.
P1-20 NC - not connected
P1-21 AF_AUX_IN_LO - Auxiliary audio input LO
P1-22 NC - -
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Pin No. Pin Name Direction Function
P1-23 ILL_HI IN Illumination (HI)
P1-24 /PWR_EVAL - Power on monitor output
P1-25 P_SUPP_GND - Power supply (return)
J1 Connector (Serial Interfaces and Discrete I/Os)
The J1 connector is a D_SUB female connector with 25 pins and slide-in
Pin No. AR6201 Pin Name Direction Function
J1-1 CPIN - Reserved Coding PIN
J1-2 TX2+ IN Interface 2 OUT+
J1-3 RX2+ IN Interface 2 IN+
J1-4 /SQL_EVAL OUT Squelch monitor output
LO active - closed contact to GND
J1-5 /CSDB_EXT IN Extended CSDB protocol enabling
LO active - closed contact to GND
J1-6 SHIELD_1 - Interface 1 SHIELD
J1-7 TX1+ OUT Interface 1 OUT+
J1-8 RX1+ IN Interface 1 IN+
J1-9 TX2- OUT Interface 2 OUT-
J1-10 RX2- IN Interface 2 IN-
J1-11 SHIELD_2 - Interface 2 SHIELD
J1-12 /EXT_SO IN External ”Exchange” key
Falling edge activates frequency exchange
J1-13 /SRV_EN IN Service enable pin
LO active - closed contact to GND
J1-14 TX1- OUT Interface 1 OUT-
J1-15 RX1- IN Interface 1 IN-
J1-16 NC not connected
J1-17 NC not connected
J1-18 NC not connected
J1-19 NC not connected
J1-20 (/GPI) IN General Purpose Input pin (unused, for
future purposes)
LO active - closed contact to GND
J1-21 D_GND - Discrete lines ground
J1-22 D_GND - Discrete lines ground
J1-23 D_GND - Discrete lines ground
DV 14300.03/.04 Issue 5 5/2013 Page 2-5
Pin No. AR6201 Pin Name Direction Function
J1-24 /MIKE_SW IN Audio configuration selector input
J1-25 /ON IN External Power ON input
LO active - closed contact to GND
2.4.2 Inputs / Outputs Detailed Description
Microphone Connection – Carbon Microphone Standard
Pin No. AR6201 Pin Name Direction Function
P1-8 MIKE_STD_LO - Standard Microphone LO
P1-18 MIKE_STD_HI AF IN / DC OUT Standard Microphone (HI)
For interfacing with standard microphone the transceiver has an unbalanced input with an input impedance of 110 Ohm and a nominal sensitivity of 110 mV. This sensitivity level can be adjusted in the Installation Setup from 9 mV to 1500 mV. The power supply delivered from pin 18 for supply of the connected microphone(s) is > 8 V DC (8.3 V nominal) open circuit.
Note: Sensitivity range 25 mV to 1000 mV was qualified under
environmental conditions
For all popular aviation microphones the power supply is capable to supply two microphones in parallel.
Care should be taken to combine only microphones of the same type / impedance.
It is highly recommended to mount the jacks isolated from aircraft frame in order to avoid ground loops.
Microphone Connection - Dynamic Microphone
Pin No. AR6201 Pin Name Direction Function
P1-5 MIKE_DYN_HI IN Balanced input for dynamic
P1-6 MIKE_DYN_LO IN Balanced input for dynamic
For interfacing with dynamic microphone the transceiver has a balanced input with an impedance of 140 Ohm and a nominal sensitivity of 3.5 mV. This sensitivity level is adjustable in the Installation Setup from 0.5 mV to 25 mV.
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Note: The sensitivity range of 1 mV to 20 mV was qualified under
environmental conditions.
Two dynamic microphones in parallel may be connected (identical technical characteristics of the microphones are preferable). It is highly recommended to install the microphone jacks isolated from aircraft ground in order to avoid ground loops.
Speaker Connection
Pin No. AR6201 Pin Name Direction Function
P1-1 SPK_HI OUT Speaker output (HI)
P1-14 SPK_LO - Speaker LO (ground/return)
The speaker output provides nominal 4 Watts into 4 Ohm.
CAUTION: The magnetic field of a speaker may influence the magnetic
When choosing the installation place, a distance where the
magnetic compass is not affected must be determined. After the speaker is installed accuracy of the compass operation must be verified.
Headphone Connection
Pin No. AR6201 Pin Name Direction Function
P1-2 HDPH_A OUT Balanced Output for headphone(s)
P1-3 HDPH_B OUT Balanced Output for headphone(s)
The headphone output is a balanced and transformer coupled output providing nominal 300 mW into 150 Ohm. Up to two headphones with an impedance of 300 Ohm (or higher) may be connected in parallel. Because the headphone output is balanced and in most installation the use of a single shielded wire for headphone is very popular, P1-3 can be grounded (connection to pin P1-13/P1-25). In that case, the balanced output becomes unbalanced. It is highly recommended to install the headphone jacks isolated from aircraft ground in order to avoid ground loops.
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