Bebe Sounds Be005 User Manual

Prenatal Gift Set
Juego de Regalo Prenatal
Model #BE005
Instruction Manual
Manual de Instrucciones
Please Read the Following to Enjoy Our Product..................................................4
Identifying the Fetal Sounds You Will Hear...............................................................7
When You Will Hear These Sounds...............................................................................7
Prenatal Heart Listener® vs. Doppler............................................................................8
Record Your Baby's Sounds and Your Own Heartbeat........................................8
Instructions for Listening to Your Unborn Baby......................................................9
Instructions to Record Your Baby's Sounds............................................................11
Instructions to Record and Email
Your Baby's Sounds with Your Computer.................................................................11
How Your Unborn Baby Develops................................................................................13
How Your Unborn Baby's Brain Develops................................................................14
Research Findings..............................................................................................................15
Instructions for Playing Music to Your Unborn Baby..........................................17
Playing Music to Your Newborn Baby....................................................................19
Instructions for Talking, Singing, and Reading to Your Unborn Baby.........19
Frequently Asked Questions..........................................................................................20
Schedule of Music Played..............................................................................................22
Tips for Using the Prenatal Heart Listener®...........................................................23
Care and Cleaning..............................................................................................................23
Technical Specifi cations..................................................................................................26
Limited Product Warranty...............................................................................................27
Also Available from BébéSounds®.............................................................................30
En Español............................................................................................................................32
• Please have patience. This product requires a little time but the results are wonderful. You should start using it at the begining of your third trimester.
• What you will hear through our Prenatal Heart Listener® will be the natural sounds of your baby. Your doctor uses Doppler ultrasound equipment which produces artifi cial noise by turning movement into sound. Our Prenatal Listener® amplifi es the actual sounds of your baby.
• The best time to listen is 3 to 4 hours after eating and when you are relaxed.
• The Prenatal Heart Listener® must be used in a very quiet room.
• Placing the volume control at a low to moderate level will produce the
best results and avoid static.
• You might not hear your baby's sounds immediately so don't be
disappointed. The more you use the Prenatal Heart Listener®, the better you will become at fi nding the sounds. Your baby's position will also greatly affect your success. The best position is with your baby's back to your belly button. Your success will also depend on how relaxed you are. You may have to try several times before you will hear your baby's sounds, particularly the heartbeat.
• Your baby's heartbeat does not sound like your own. A fetal heart beats from 120-180 times per minute. It will sound like a soft, rapidly beating drum or a galloping horse.
• You will also hear kick, hiccups, and nutrients passing through the
placenta. Kicks sound like uneven thumps, hiccups like two rapid drumbeats, and the nutrients like a whooshing sound.
• The provided headset is specially designed to be used with your Prenatal Heart Listener®. Do not use any other headset.
• Our Prenatal Heart Listener® is completely safe for you and your baby. It does not use any AC current, ultrasound, or radio waves.
Thank you for purchasing our BébéSounds® Prenatal Heart Listener®. Please read the following material carefully to maximize your enjoyment of this product.
It is important to understand that many factors affect what you will hear with your Prenatal Heart Listener®. The position of your baby, your baby's weight, your weight, your stage of pregnancy, and where you place the Prenatal Listener® will all affect what you will hear.
For example, when listening for the fetal heartbeat, the sound will be loudest in the third trimester and if your baby is positioned with her back to your belly button. Your baby may naturally shift position, thereby creating the situation where you will hear your baby one moment but not the next. However, once you've passed the second trimester, your baby will be growing very rapidly and you will hear the heartbeat and all the other sounds on a much more regular basis.
Don't worry! It's quite normal that there will be times you will not be able to hear your baby's sounds due to your baby's position or stage of development. This is especially true of the heartbeat which is highly dependent on your baby's position.
prenatal heart listener
fi g.4
recording cable fetal speakers fetal microphone
fi g.7
fi g.2
foam cover
fi g.5
fi g.8
fi g.3
fi g.6
fi g.9
two headsets
0 prenatal & postnatal CD
You will hear kicks, hiccups, nutrients passing through the placenta, and, of course, the heartbeat. Each one is distinctive and being able to identify them will signifi cantly enhance your experience.
The best way to describe each sound is as follows:
Heartbeat: A very soft rapidly beating drum or a galloping horse
Kicks: A series of uneven thumps
Hiccups: Two rapid, soft drumbeats
Nutrients: A whooshing sound
A fetal heart beats from 120 to 180 times a minute while the heart of a pregnant woman beats approximately 100 times a minute. Knowing this should help prevent you from confusing your own heartbeat with that of your baby's.
The fetal heartbeat, kicks and hiccups may be heard from the beginning of your third trimester. You will need to listen very carefully for your baby's heartbeat as it may be extremely diffi cult to hear it over the beating of your own heart. The sound of your own bowels may also interfere with your ability to hear the heartbeat. While the Prenatal Heart Listener® is specially designed to tune out these sounds, they can still get in the way. This is why the best time to listen is 3 to 4 hours after a meal and when you are relaxed and have a slower heartbeat.
Remember, as your baby grows and gets stronger, so do the sounds she creates. You will also become more familiar with the sounds so they will be easier to identify.
You will notice that the sounds you hear through the Prenatal Heart Listener® are different from those you hear at your doctor's offi ce. This is because your doctor probably uses Doppler ultrasound equipment which creates electronic noise based on movement. The Prenatal Listener®, however, is designed to amplify the sounds naturally by using the absolutely safe Bell stethoscope method of amplifi cation. Again, the heartbeat heard through the Prenatal Listener® sounds more like the soft, rapid beating of a drum, while the Doppler sound is more of a gushing noise. Please keep in mind that it will take a little practice to pick up this faint sound so listen very carefully.
With our recording cable and your own recorder you can record your baby's sounds. We also encourage you to record your own heartbeat prior to your baby being born. You will then be able to play it back to your newborn after birth which may have a calming and soothing effect.
(See Figs. 10 and 11)
1. Remove the battery cover and install a new 9-volt battery (not included). We recommend using a new battery as an old one will severely
interfere with the performance of your Prenatal Heart Listener
. Be sure to match positive (+) to positive (+) and negative (-) to negative (-). Replace the battery cover.
2. Insert the headset plug into either jack on the unit and put the headset on. For two people to listen at the same time, insert the second headset plug into the other jack.
3. Be sure the foam cover is in place on the listening cone. Hold
the listening cone to your stomach or lower back. Use the Prenatal
Listener® on bare skin in a quiet room.
4. Turn the Prenatal Heart Listener® on by turning the Power/Volume control wheel to the right until you hear a click. The red power indicator on the front will light up to indicate the unit is in the ON position.
5. Adjust the volume to optimize the listening level and amplifi cation. Begin with a low to moderate level to avoid static.
6. Start by placing the listening cone two inches below and several inches to the right of your belly button. Gently move the unit one inch at a time to different places until you fi nd the best position for listening to your baby's sounds. Before moving the Prenatal Listener®, turn the volume level down to the lowest position to avoid the sound of the cone moving against your skin.
7. When you are fi nished, turn the Power/Volume control wheel all the way to the left until you hear a click to turn the Prenatal Listener® off. The red power indicator light will turn off.
fi g.10
power/volume control
battery compartment
power indicator
listening cone
foam cover
fi g.11
power/volume control
headset jack
(See Figs. 10 and 11)
1. Plug the L-shaped end of the recording cable into either jack of the Prenatal Listener®. Plug the straight end into the line input of your recorder (some portable recorders do not provide this input).
2. Set up your Prenatal Heart Listener® for listening to your baby.
3. Adjust the recording level on your recorder if necessary.
4. Hold the Prenatal Listener® very still and begin recording. Remember, the sound of your heartbeat can have a very calming and soothing effect on your baby. Your may want to record your own heartbeat before your baby is born. You will then be able to play back your recorded heartbeat to your baby after birth. We recommend a 30-minute recording. NOTE: You will need to reduce the volume when you record your own heartbeat since it is much louder than that of your unborn baby's.
(See Figs. 10 and 11)
1. Plug the L-shaped end of the recording cable into either jack on the Prenatal Listener®. Plug the straight end into the microphone jack on
your computer. This is indicated by a picture of a microphone near the jack or the jack is color coded pink on the back of your computer.
3. Set up your Prenatal Heart Listener® for listening to your baby.
4. Press the red recording button in the SOUND RECORDER program
to begin recording a one-minute sound fi le. You are now recording your baby's sounds.
5. After one minute, the recording will fi nish. Name and save your sound fi le in an appropriate folder. You can now email your sound fi le to family and friends.
Research into the benefi ts of stimulating your unborn baby has been done worldwide and it is now believed that your baby can learn while still in your womb. While most of the attention in the past has focused on the positive results of infant stimulation, it is very important not to overlook the potential benefi ts of prenatal stimulation.
Studies have shown that a prenatally stimulated baby tends to display faster visual, linguistic, and motor development than a baby who was not stimulated. Research has also shown that the brain of the prenatally stimulated baby tends to be more developed, thereby providing a better foundation for the child to have a higher IQ and intelligence level.
Prenatal stimulation can come from playing classical music, talking, or singing to your baby, and even rubbing your stomach. “The most effective way to stimulate your baby and enhance her brain development
while still in the womb is through sound.”
Dr. Norman A. Ravski, Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Yale University School of Medicine, and Attending Physician at Yale New Haven Hospital, has endorsed playing classical music to your baby. In his endorsement, Dr. Ravski states, “In-utero fetal acoustic stimulation has been shown to improve preg­nancy outcomes as well as benefi t the growing fetus.” The BébéSounds® Prenatal Gift Set enables you to direct our specially selected classical music through your womb to your baby with our Fetal Speakers.
It is also believed that your newborn baby will recognize the voices of her parents immediately after birth if they are heard while in the womb. In addition to stimulating your baby, talking to her will help your baby's father bond with her. Talk and sing to your unborn baby using
the BébéSounds
Fetal Speakers and Microphone, which will amplify
your voices so they will be heard over the other noises inside the womb. When speaking to your baby, keep in mind that the fi rst step in your
baby's development of language skills is the recognition of intonations so it is important for both parents to speak to their child. Although the mother's voice tends to be more melodic and is constantly heard, the father's voice is louder and deeper and penetrates the womb more easily.
It is always a good idea to keep your doctor informed of what you are doing during your pregnancy. Therefore, we encourage you to inform your doctor that you will be stimulating your unborn baby with the BébéSounds® Prenatal Gift Set.
First Trimester: The embryo begins to develop; the head and limbs start to form; head, body, and limbs begin to move (you won’t fell this movement yet); nervous system that deals with equilibrium and spatial
relations begins to develop; and heart begins to beat more strongly. Second Trimester: The head develops more actively than the rest of
the body; eyes respond to light; key organs mature; fetus reacts to music and loud noise; arms and legs are moving strongly enough so you can feel them; fetus can hear and the ability to learn signifi cantly increases; signs of memory and the ability to respond to various stimuli are apparent; and music has a calming effect while harsh sounds have an agitating effect.
Third Trimester: The nervous system has matured and becomes fully formed; brain enters a rapid growth phase; movements are more coordinated and muscles are stronger; fetus moves to the rhythm of music; sight has developed and response to light is evident; movement is less frequent but stronger toward the end of the ninth month; and growth and development continue until birth.
Your baby's brain begins developing almost immediately and by the fi fth month the number of brain cells your baby will have for the rest of her life is determined. From this point forward, her brain develops by increasing the size and complexity of the cells already created. Around the eighth month, your unborn baby's brain changes signifi cantly. At this time, it doubles in weight and the connections between the brain cells, known as synapses, become even more complex.
The following is the structure of a brain cell:
Dendrites: receive messages from the body Cell body: decides whether to send the message received from the
dendrites or to store it Axons: transmit messages received from the cell body
As the cells get larger, the axons grow longer and the dendrites become an increasingly complex system of multiple connections like branches of a tree. The more stimulation the cells receive, the more complex these dendrites become, resulting in a more developed brain.
The number of brain cells your baby is born with helps determine her potential, but it is also the number of connections between these cells that determines her fi nal intelligence. Helping to increase the number of connections and complexity of the brain cells with stimulation increases the probability of your baby having a higher intelligence level and IQ.
It is now known that stimulation of the senses affects the growth of the brain cells and if a fetus has little stimulation in the womb, fewer connections are made. Specialists in fetal and infant brain development have agreed that stimulating your unborn baby's senses can affect the development of the connections between the brain cells. In fact, the lack of these connections can actually cause cells to die, especially in the eighth month of pregnancy.
By the end of the fi fth month, your baby can hear and begins to learn, and you can tell when she is reacting to external stimulation. In one case, pregnant mothers actually had to leave a concert of classical music before it was over because their babies were kicking so hard in time to the music that they couldn’t tolerate it.
In another case, mothers were asked to play their favorite classical music to their unborn baby for ten minutes a day at a volume that was just a little louder than normal speaking voice. It was discovered that the babies recognized the change in their environments immediately as was evidenced by their heart rates increasing noticeably. What is also
interesting is that the unborn baby does not respond in this way to many single notes even if they are played very loud and very close to her.
Yet another study showed that unborn babies who had classical music played to them from the middle of the fi fth month until they were born, for ten minutes twice a day, developed more quickly, began to talk up to six months earlier, and had greater intellectual development than those babies who had not had classical music played to them inside the womb.
Some women worry that if they improve the brain's development, the baby's head will be larger thereby causing an increase in the risk of delivery problems. In fact, there is reason to believe the opposite is true. Prenatal sound stimulation has led to shorter and less painful labor periods, a lower number of cesarean section deliveries, and a greater number of non-traumatic births.6 In addition, a baby who experiences prenatal stimulation tends to:
• Be calmer and more alert
• Be happier and cry less
• Have a longer attention span
• Be stronger and have better coordination
• Lift his or her head up earlier and stand earlier
• Walk earlier
• Talk earlier
• Have more self-confi dence
Remember, by the end of the fi fth month your unborn baby begins to hear and by the sixth month, her ability to learn increases signifi cantly. It is now time to start stimulating your baby. Keep in mind that your baby is most alert during the evening hours so you may want to play music or talk to her a few more times.
The best time to play music is once in the morning and once in the evening, for a period of 5 to 10 minutes, around the same time each day. Be careful not to play the music too long or too frequently as your unborn baby also needs to rest. However, you will probably fi nd that your baby will be very active and obviously awake during the evening.
Do not play the same music over and over again. It is believed that if your baby hears the same thing repeatedly, she will eventually ignore it. However, periodic repetition of the same music is advisable. In some cases, when the music was played after the baby was born, the newborn seemed to recognize the melody.
We suggest playing different music during each session in a single day and replaying it two or three days later. We also suggest that you keep a schedule of the music you have played showing the date, music played, and times it was played. We've provided you with a starter schedule on page 22 in this booklet.
To play music to your unborn baby, follow these easy steps (See Fig. 12):
1. Connect the cable from the Fetal Speakers to the input jack on your own CD player. If you want to listen to the music at the same time, use the enclosed adapter. Plug the adapter into your CD player. Then plug the cable from the Fetal Speakers into one of the jacks on the adapter and the headset into the other jack.
2. Insert the enclosed prenatal CD of classical music in your CD player.
3. Position the Fetal Speakers against your belly. You will want to adjust the position of the speakers depending on what month of pregnancy you are in. You should be able to tell where your baby's head is by
where you feel her kicking most frequently. You may tuck the speakers
into your clothing or use the Maternity Belt to hold them in place.
4. Play the music for approximately 10 minutes at a time and alternate the selections you play. Use the schedule included in this booklet as a record of what selections you have played and how frequently you played them.
5. Play the music just a little louder than you would normally play it for yourself. If it is much too loud for you, it will be too loud for your baby.
The Maternity Belt will provide you with support and additional comfort while you are doing something special for your baby. You may wear it when you are not playing music to your baby as well. Please care for it by hand washing it in cold water using a mild soap.
fi g.12
maternity belt
fetal speakers
CD player
The stimulation of your baby can continue after birth to help enhance development. Our postnatal CD contains special selections of music from a variety of classical composers. They are longer in duration than the prenatal CD because as your baby gets older she will be able to focus for longer periods of time.
(See Fig. 13)
1. Connect the cable from the Fetal Speakers to the Fetal Microphone. The Fetal Microphone requires one AAA battery (not included).
2. Position the Fetal Speakers against your belly. You will want to adjust
the position of the speakers depending on what month of pregnancy you are in. You should be able to tell where your baby's head is by where you feel her kicking most frequently. You may tuck the speakers into your clothing or use the Maternity Belt to hold them in place.
3. Be careful to speak in a normal voice. The microphone will amplify your voice so you don't have to speak too loudly as this may disturb your baby. You may also want to gently stroke your stomach while you are speaking.
4. Alternate your voice with the baby's father's voice – fi ve minutes of yours and the fi ve minutes of his. Speak in loving tones and repeat what you say 3 to 4 times. Repeat this a few times each day. Also read your baby a story. Choose one that you will read after she is born.
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