Bebe Sounds BE001, BE003, BE007 Supplementary Manual

The thrill of hearing your unborn baby.
Your baby
s father and siblings will feel closer
to their baby.
How to identify the sounds.
The best time to listen to your baby.
How to find your baby
s heartbeat.
Record these sounds to have forever.
Record your own heartbeat.
The B
Prenatal Heart Listener
is perfectly safe.
Your baby
s heartbeat will sound different than
it does in your doctor
s office.
Enjoy Listening and Bonding with Your Unborn Bab
15 W. 36th Street New York, NY 10018 USA Tel: (212) 736-6760
Fax: (212) 736-6762
Toll Free: (800) 233-1196 Email: visit us at
2001 Listro Associates
The thrill of hearing your unborn baby.
You know how exciting it is to go to the doctor and hear your unborn baby’s heartbeat. Now you can bring that joy home.
With the BébéSounds® Prenatal Heart Listener™ you can hear the sounds of your unborn baby’s heartbeat, kicks, and hiccups as early as the fifth month. Some mothers have reported hearing it even earlier.
Your baby
s father and siblings will feel closer
to their baby.
Because you generally visit your doctor by yourself, your baby’s father and siblings dont get to listen to her heartbeat. Now they can share this excitement with you right at home.
How to identify the sounds.
Your baby’s heart beats much more rapidly than your own. It actually sounds like a rapidly galloping horse.
Her hiccups will sound like two rapid thumps that you will hear intermittently because she does not always have the hiccups. And her kicks will sound like a thud that will get louder as she gets older and stronger.
You will also hear a whooshing sound in the background. This is the sound of the nutrients passing through the placenta to your baby.
The best time to listen to your baby.
The best time to hear your baby is in the evening and a couple of hours after you have eaten. This will give you a chance to digest your food so your own body sounds will not be so loud. This is also usually the time when your baby is most active.
How to find your baby
You will be able to judge where your baby is from where she is kicking. Make sure you are in a quiet room and you are placing the Monitor on bare skin.
Start by placing the Monitor about 2 inches below your belly button and a little to the right. Your baby is very small so move it very slightly as you try to locate her. You will hear her heartbeat best when her back is against your stomach. Don’t be alarmed if you don’t hear her, she may simply have changed positions. As your baby gets older her heartbeat gets stronger and will be easier to find so please have patience.
s heartbeat.
Record these sounds to have forever.
The BébéSounds® Prenatal Heart Listener™ comes with a recording cable for you to use with your own tape recorder so you can save these sounds forever.
Record your own heartbeat.
A newborn baby is accustomed to constantly hearing the sound of her mother’s heartbeat. Use our recording cable to record your own heartbeat to calm and soothe her after she is born.
The B
Prenatal Heart Listener
is perfectly safe.
The Prenatal Heart Listener™ was invented by a neonatal nurse. It is completely non-intrusive and is perfectly safe for you and your baby.
Your baby it does in your doctor
Your doctor uses Doppler technology which turns motion into electronic sound. The Prenatal Heart Listener stethoscope method of amplification so what you hear are the natural sounds of your baby. And remember, patience will help you hear your unborn baby’s sounds.
s heartbeat will sound different than
s office.
uses the bell
Unisar Inc.
15 W. 36th Street New York, NY 10018 USA Tel: (212) 736-6760 Toll Free: (800) 233-1196 Email: visit us at
Fax: (212) 736-6762
I am an RN, and I would recommend this to everyone expecting. My whole family has been listening to our new addition.
Listening to my babys heart and other movements are the best gifts an
expectant mother can have.
© 2001 Listro Associates
Prenatal Listening
- Cathy M., Superior, WI
- Bartavia H., Abbeville, SC