Bebe Sounds Angelcare AC201-2P Brochure

Get an added sense of comfort that your baby is all right.
More than just a sound monitor.
Here is how they work.
Movement Sensors Help Y ou Stop Worryin
15 W. 36th Street New York, NY 10018 USA Tel: (212) 736-6760
Fax: (212) 736-6762
Toll Free: (800) 233-1196 Email: visit us at
2001 Listro Associates
Movement Sensors can work with all cribs.
You don't need to be concerned if your baby rolls off the Sensor Pad.
All the components are portable.
You can use your own sound monitor.
You do not have to have your own sound monitor.
While Your Baby Sleeps
Get an added sense of comfort that your baby is all right.
Because Movement Sensors monitor your baby's slightest motion, they give you a sense of comfort that your baby is all right not available from just a sound monitor. If your baby goes absolutely still for more than 20 seconds, the BébéSounds
Movement Sensors sound an alarm alerting you to check your
More than just a sound monitor.
Until now you were only able to monitor the sounds your baby was making. For example, you would be able to hear when she woke up or when she was crying. Now you can also monitor whether your baby has stopped moving and gone absolutely still.
Here is how they work.
The under-the-mattress Sensor Pad detects your baby's slightest movements. If your baby goes absolutely still for 20 seconds it sends a signal to the Nursery Unit, which sounds an alarm alerting you to check your baby. If you are outside the nursery, the portable Parents' Unit, which is a sound monitor, picks up the alarm. If you already own a sound monitor, your monitor will pick up the Angelcare® alarm as well.
Movement Sensors can work with all cribs.
As long as your crib has a hard flat bottom the Sensor Pad will function properly. If the bottom of your crib has springs, you will have to place a board on top of the springs and under the Sensor Pad.
You don't need to be concerned if your baby rolls off the Sensor Pad.
If your baby has completely rolled off the Sensor Pad and it doesn't detect any movement for 20 seconds it will send a signal to the Nursery Unit. If you find the alarm went off because your baby significantly changed position and completely rolled off the Sensor Pad, you can reposition her over it.
All the components are portable.
As all the components can be battery operated, they can be taken with you wherever you travel.
You can use your own sound monitor.
The alarm sounded by the BébéSounds® Angelcare® Movement Sensor will be picked up by any functioning sound monitor.
You do not have to have your own sound monitor.
One of the BébéSounds® Angelcare® Movement Sensors includes a sound monitor..
Angelcare saved my daughter. While she was sleeping Angelcare alerted us that she had stopped moving and was absolutely still. Thank you for this product. I recommend it to all parents.
- Shelly S., Fort Wayne, IND
Under-the-Mattress Sensor Pad Nursery Unit Parents' Unit
Unisar Inc.
15 W. 36th Street New York, NY 10018 USA Tel: (212) 736-6760 Toll Free: (800) 233-1196 Email: visit us at
Fax: (212) 736-6762
© 2001 Listro Associates
Movement Sensors