Important Safety Information
Read all instructions before using your adjustable base. Save these instructions for future reference.
Important Safety Information
Always unplug the adjustable bas e from the elect rical o utl et bef ore
servicing any part of the adjus tab le bas e. Unp lug t he a djust abl e base
before cleaning to reduce ris k of el ect rical shock .
Pl ace th e ad justa ble ba se in a fl at pos iti on wi th all motor s
of f, unp lug from p ower so urc e, to s afely dis connect.
The adjustable base s hould only b e p lugged directly into a
grounded wall outlet or sur ge pro tec tor (s trong ly r ecomm end ed).
Im prope r co nnect ion of the e qui pment can re sul t in t he ris k of elect rical
sh ock, e lec trica l fire , or f aul ty ope ratio n of this adj ustab le b ase.
The use of an ext ensio n co rd is n ot re comme nde d.
Keep the power cord away fro m he ated sur fac es. N eve r op era te th e ad jus tabl e ba se w hen
the air flow to the e lec tri c mot ors is b lock ed. Do n ot d rop o r in sert any obj ect i nto any ope ning .
This product is not rate d to sup por t we igh ts in exc ess of 6 50 po und s in clu sive of
the mattress and bedding. The a dju sta ble bas e wil l st ruc tur all y su ppo rt th is w eig ht, pro vide d it
is evenly d ist ribu ted acr oss the top s urf ace of t he ad jus tab le b ase.
Only use this adjustable base for its int end ed us e as des cri bed i n th is m anu al.
Do not use accessories/attachments that are not rec omm ende d by the
Unauthorized modification or failure to us e a w all o utle t or sur ge p rot ecto r co uld
void the electrical portion of yo ur w arr ant y.
Stay clear of m oving parts whi le in mo tion.
Before adjusting, make sure c hildr en and p ets ar e cl ear of
moving parts and are n ot under ad justa ble ba se.
Do not allow children to operate adj ustab le bas e with out ad ult
Keep adjustable bed i n a f lat pos iti on w hen no t in u se.
Immediately dispose of all packing ma teri als as it may pos e a sm othe rin g ri sk to sma ll
children and pets. To avoid injury, do not allow children and sm all p ets to p lay o n or
under the adjustable bed. Children sh ould not oper ate the adju sta ble b ase with out adu lt su per visi on.
The adjustable base is designed so lely for in-h ome use . Thi s ad jus tabl e ba se wa s no t
designed as a hospital bed, an d doe s no t com ply wit h hos pita l st and ards .
Do not use this adjustable ba se wi th T ENT T YPE oxy gen t her apy equi pme nt or nea r exp los ive
Adjustable base is constructed from var iou s ma ter ials inc lud ing w ood s,
metals, plastics and fabrics. Tens ion , pr ess ure or mo vem ent app lie d to t he f ram e, pl atf orm
or shroud through general use m ay c rea te a n aud ibl e so und .