LS1 Camaro-Firebird/Late Vortec
80mm Truck Throttle Body
Part # 1709
Step 1
Disconnect negative (-) battery terminal.
Step 2
Loosen and remove ducting at throttle body opening (on truck models, the decorative manifold cover must also
be removed by loosening the two (2) mounting screws).
Step 3
Disconnect the throttle and cruise control cables from the throttle linkage.
Step 4
Disconnect the electrical connectors from the throttle position sensor (TPS) and idle air control (IAC) motor, then
remove the PVC vacuum hose.
Step 5
Using pliers, or appropriate hose clamp pliers, loosen and remove the two (2) coolant hoses from the bottom
side of the throttle body.
Make sure the engine coolant is cold, and that there is no
pressure in the cooling system before removing hoses.
Step 6
Remove the three (3) mounting bolts and remove the throttle body from the vehicle.
Step 7
Using the stock hardware, transfer over the TPS and IAC valve to the BBK throttle body.
Step 8
Carefully wipe the stock rubber gasket, and install in the following order: the adapter plate (with large side of
tapered bore away from manifold), supplied gasket, and then the BBK throttle body using the supplied hardware.
Step 9
On 1998-99 models of Camaros, Firebirds, ’99 and newer trucks, a supplied adapter to lengthen the throttle and
cruise cables must be installed. Simply remove the two (2) bolts holding the cable bracket to the intake manifold.
Then install the supplied adapter onto the manifold using two (2) supplied flat-head screws. Reinstall the stock
bracket adapter using factory hardware.
On car models, the aluminum bracket adapter must be trimmed between the
threaded and counter sunk holes (a line showing where to cut is engraved on one side
of the adapter), using a hacksaw or dremmel type cutoff tool.
2000-present car models do not require the adapter bracket. A completely new cable bracket
is supplied, and is swapped directly for the stock bracket using factory hardware.
Step 10
Reinstall the TPS/IAC connectors, throttle and cruise control cables, coolant/vacuum hoses, and air filter duct.
Step 11
Replenish any lost coolant, then install the negative battery terminal.
Step 12
Start vehicle and let idle without revving, etc., until vehicle reaches full operating temperature. This will allow
computer to adjust to proper idle settings, etc. Once run-up period is finished, if the vehicle idles lower than
stock, a minor (cw) adjustment can be made to stop screw (against linkage)to bring idle speed up.
IMPORTANT—All appropriate safety equipment (e.i., gloves, tools) must be used during the installation of this product(s).
BBK Performance, Inc. accepts no responsibility for injuries resulting in the installation of any product(s).