Performance Underdrive Pulley Kit
Part #1619
Step 1
Raise hood and disconnect negative (–) battery terminal.
Step 2
Leave serpentine belt in place and loosen the crankshaft pulley and waterpump pulley bolts.
Step 3
Using an air impact wrench, loosen and remove the alternator pulley nut. Applying additional tension to the belt
will aid in keeping the alternator from spinning.
Step 4
Remove belt, carefully noting the routing for reinstallation once pulleys are installed.
Step 5
Remove pulleys from vehicle and simply reverse the process to install the BBK pulleys. Install all of the pulleys
finger-tight, then install the belt to tension pulleys while tightening to factory torque specs.
Step 6
Carefully follow the belt routing to ensure that the belt is tracking properly. It is very easy to incorrectly install the
belt with one groove off a pulley—this would destroy the belt immediately!
Step 7
Reinstall negative (–) battery terminal and start vehicle. Watch belt carefully to ensure proper alignment, etc..
*This pulley system requires the use of a 6-rib 96” length serpentine belt.
IMPORTANT—All appropriate safety equipment (e.i., gloves, tools) must be used during the installation of this product(s).
BBK Performance, Inc. accepts no responsibility for injuries resulting in the installation of any product(s).