‘96-04 V-8 Mustang Pulley Set
Part #’s 1564 & 1608
IMPORTANT—All appropriate safety equipment (e.i., gloves, tools) must be used during the installation of this product(s).
BBK Performance, Inc. accepts no responsibility for injuries resulting in the installation of any product(s).
Included in this kit: Alternator pulley, water pump pulley, crank balancer, and installation bolt.
This installation requires the use of an impact wrench and a balancer puller tool.
Step 1 Visually identify which pulley/pump you have using the included info sheet.
Step 2 Loosen the alternator pulley nut with an impact wrench.
Step 3 Loosen the four water pump pulley bolts.
Step 4 Remove the serpentine belt by inserting the head of a 1/2” ratchet into the square hole in the belt tensioner and
pushing down (rotating it clock-wise) then pulling the belt off of one of the pulleys.
Step 5 Remove the water pump pulley.
Step 6 Remove the crank bolt using an impact wrench (if your impact wrench is too big you may need to remove the
radiator fan to access the bolt straight on.
Step 7 Remove the washer from the bolt and finger tighten the bolt back into the crank snout.
Step 8 The stock balancer will either have three perches cast into it for a 3 prong puller tool, or 3 threaded bolt holes to
facilitate the use of a flat (plate style) puller tool. Attach the puller tool to the balancer and use the head of the
stock crank bolt as a pressure point for the puller tool. Tighten the drive bolt on the puller tool until the balancer
comes off of the crank snout completely.
Step 9 Inspect crank snout to ensure there are no burrs or rust, if required polish with very fine emery paper or steel
wool, wash clean.
Step 10 Apply a light bead of black RTV to the keyway of the BBK damper then locate the balancer onto the crankshaft
lining up the crank snout key into the key-way slot in the balancer.
Step 11 Place the supplied M-12 x 60mm bolt through the original washer and tighten it to pull the balancer onto the
crank snout until the stock bolt can reach. DO NOT TIGHTEN THE SUPPLIED BOLT ALL THE WAY! IT IS ONLY
Once the original bolt can be threaded in safely, remove the supplied bolt and place the original bolt through the
original washer and tighten it until the balancer is fully engaged on the crank snout.
Step 12 Follow the Ford torque specs to complete the balancer installation.
On automatic transmission cars, you may need to keep the engine from turning while tightening the balancer by
removing the inspection cover on the front driver side of the transmission and holding the torque converter with
a 14mm wrench.
Step 1. Torque to 66 lb-ft
Step 2. Loosen bolt 1 full turn
Step 3. Torque to 37 lb-ft
Step 4. Tighten bolt an additional 90°