B&B Electronics 3PCIO1 User Manual

Documentation Number 3PCIO1-0903 Manual Cover Page
B&B Electronics Mfg Co – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Comm. Pk. – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445
Optically Isolated
Single-Port Multi-Interface
PCI Bus Serial Card
with Send Data Control
Documentation Number 3PCIO1-0903
This product designed and manufactured in Ottawa, Illinois USA
of domestic and imported parts by
International Headquarters
B&B Electronics Mfg. Co. Inc.
707 Dayton Road -- P.O. Box 1040 -- Ottawa, IL 61350 USA
Phone (815) 433-5100 -- General Fax (815) 433-5105
Home Page: www.bb-elec.com
Orders e-mail: orders@bb-elec.com
-- Fax (815) 433-5109
Technical Support e-mail: support@bb.elec.com
-- Fax (815) 433-5104
European Headquarters
B&B Electronics Ltd.
Westlink Commercial Park, Oranmore, Co. Galway, Ireland
Phone +353 91-792444 -- Fax +353 91-792445
Home Page: www.bb-europe.com
Orders e-mail: orders@bb-europe.com
Technical Support e-mail: support@bb-europe.com
2003 B&B Electronics
2003 B&B Electronics . No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photography, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system without written consent. Information in this manual is subject to change without notice, and does not represent a commitment on the part of B&B Electronics.
B&B Electronics shall not be liable for incidental or consequential damages resulting from the furnishing, performance, or use of this manual.
All brand names used in this manual are the registered trademarks of their respective owners. The use of trademarks or other designations in this publication is for reference purposes only and does not constitute an endorsement by the trademark holder.
Documentation Number 3PCIO1-0903 Manual Table of Contents i
B&B Electronics Mfg Co – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Comm. Pk. – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445
CHAPTER 1: GENERAL INFORMATION......................................1
UICK START ..........................................................................................2
PECIFICATIONS ......................................................................................3
CHAPTER 2: SETUP..........................................................................5
NSPECTION .............................................................................................5
EFORE STARTING… ..............................................................................5
ELECTION OF OPERATING MODE ..........................................................6
UMPER/MODE TABLE FOR RS-232/422/485..........................................6
NSTALL THE CARD..................................................................................7
INDOWS 95 OR 98 ................................................................................8
ET DTR OPERATION............................................................................13
HANGING COM PORT NUMBER............................................................14
EMOVAL OF DRIVERS/CARD ...............................................................16
INDOWS 2000 PROFESSIONAL............................................................17
INDOWS XP PROFESSIONAL...............................................................24
ET DTR OPERATION............................................................................31
HANGING COM PORT NUMBER............................................................32
EMOVAL OF DRIVERS/CARD ...............................................................34
HOW HIDDEN FILES AND FOLDERS......................................................36
CHAPTER 4: SETTING DRIVER OPTIONS.................................37
DVANCED - COM PORT RENAMING.....................................................38
ATA RATE 1X/4X CLOCK SPEED........................................................39
ETTINGS .....................................................................................40
CHAPTER 5: RS-232 CONNECTIONS/OPERATION..................43
RS-232 P
INOUTS ...................................................................................43
RS-232 O
PERATION ..............................................................................43
PERATION IN RS-232 MODE ......................................................44
ii Table of Contents Documentation Number 3PCIO1-0903 Manual
B&B Electronics Mfg Co – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Comm. Pk. – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445
RS-422/485 P
RS-422 & RS-485 D
IFFERENTIAL SIGNALS..........................................47
RS-422 O
PERATION ..............................................................................47
RS-485 O
PERATION ..............................................................................48
PERATION IN RS-485 MODE ......................................................48
RS-485 N
ETWORK BIASING ..................................................................49
CHAPTER 7: TROUBLESHOOTING.............................................51
APPENDIX A: JUMPER/MODE TABLES...................................A-1
APPENDIX B: CONNECTOR PINOUTS......................................B-1
Documentation Number 3PCIO1-0903 Manual Table of Contents iii
B&B Electronics Mfg Co – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Comm. Pk. – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445
Before removing the card from the anti-static protective packaging:
Discharge any static electricity buildup on your body by touching a large grounded metal surface or the metal chassis on equipment connected to earth ground by a 3-wire power cord.
Avoid touching the gold connectors or other parts on the card except as necessary to set the configuration jumpers.
Remove AC power from the computer before inserting the card.
Retain the ESD bag for handling the card.
Use ESD precautions for safe handling.
Documentation Number 3PCIO1-0903 Manual Chapter 1 1
B&B Electronics Mfg Co – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Comm. Pk. – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445
Chapter 1:
General Information
The 3PCIO1 Optically Isolated Single Port serial interface card is designed to work with Windows based IBM compatible computers equipped with a PCI Bus. The card is Plug and Play compatible which permits the Windows Operating System and driver to set the addresses and IRQ used by the card.
If you are developing your own software, make sure that the communications routines support Windows communication drivers and a wide range of COM ports (Com1 to Com16 or higher).
Optically Isolated Multiple Interface PCI Serial Card
Windows 95/98/2000/XP Compatible Drivers
Buffered high speed 16C950A UARTs (16C550 compatible) 128
byte FIFOs for input/output with selectable trigger thresholds
Supports baud rates to 460.8K baud
Provides 2000 VDC minimum isolation on all lines from the DB9
male connector to the host computer
Selectable RS-232/RS-422/RS-485 mode
RS-232 Mode – All eight signals including DCD & RI
RS-422 Mode – Supports Transmit & Receive signal pairs
RS-485 Mode – Supports Transmit & Receive signal pairs for
half or full duplex connections.
2-wire or 4-wire RS-485 Operation (Half or Full Duplex)
Automatic Send Data Control for RS-485 Operation
Com Port Rename – Advanced Driver Function
Standard DB9 Male Connector
2 Chapter 1 Documentation Number 3PCIO1-0903 Manual
B&B Electronics Mfg Co – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Comm. Pk. – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445
Quick Start
1. Before removing the card from the anti-static protective
packaging, discharge any static electricity on yourself.
2. Set the Operating Mode Jumpers to match the mode
Use the Jumper/Mode Table in Chapter 2.
3. Unplug the computer Power Cord to prevent accidentally
turning the computer on during installation.
4. Install the Card, replace the cover.
5. Reconnect the Power Cord.
6. While power is off, connect your cables (or wait for Step 15)
7. Start the computer (as Administrator 2000/XP).
8. Insert the driver disc in your CD-ROM drive
9. Wait until new hardware is detected.
10. Proceed with Installation according to your Operating
System. See Chapter 3.
11. Check for new com ports in Device Manager.
12. Select Driver Settings for DTR Control
13. Set Com number as needed.
14. Prepare your cable connections to match the connector
. See Chapter 5 (RS-232) or Chapter 6 (RS-422/RS-
15. Shut down the computer before connecting the cable.
16. Connect your cable.
17. Power up your computer.
18. Verify operation with your hardware.
Documentation Number 3PCIO1-0903 Manual Chapter 1 3
B&B Electronics Mfg Co – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Comm. Pk. – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445
Bus: PCI bus (33MHz/32-bit) +5V bus power
Slot: Requires one PCI slot
Dimensions: 4.79 x 3.77 in (12.16 x 9.57 cm) card edge
(Mounting bracket, 1.23 x 12.06 x 0.85cm)
I/O Connections: One 9-pin male D-sub (DB9M) connector
OS Supported: Windows 95, 98, 2000, XP
Baud rates: 460.8K baud maximum - RS-232/422/485
UARTs: 16C950 (128-byte FIFO TX and RX buffers)
16C550 Compatible
Character length: 5, 6, 7 or 8 bits
Parity: Even, odd or none
Stop bits: 1, 1.5, or 2
Optical Isolation:
Data Line Device: HCPL0600 (or equivalent) Handshake Line Device: IL207 (or equivalent)
RS-232 Data Lines Drivers/Receivers:
Transceiver Device: SP211H (or equivalent) High level output voltage: 5.0 V minimum Low level output voltage: 5.0 V minimum Output current limited to: ±25 mA Input high threshold voltage: 1.7 V maximum Input low threshold voltage: 0.8 V minimum Device will withstand: ±15 V
RS-422/485 Driver/Receiver:
Transceiver device: SP491 (or equivalent) Differential driver output voltage: 1.5 - 5 V Differential input high-threshold voltage: 0.2 V maximum Differential input low-threshold voltage: 0.2 V minimum
Automatic RS-485 Driver Control Timing:
Driver is enabled b
Tx input buffer data. Driver remains
enabled until all data in Tx buffer is sent.
4 Chapter 1 Documentation Number 3PCIO1-0903 Manual
B&B Electronics Mfg Co – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Comm. Pk. – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445
Receiver Biasing:
4.7K pull-up/pull-down for 32 standard (12-15K) nodes Provision for custom biasing (R14, R13)
Termination: None. Provision for custom termination (R15)
Max Power Consumption: loaded
+5 300 1.5
Typical Baud Rates
75 110 134 150 300 600 1200 1800 2400 4800 7200 9600
Any baud rate which is a common divisor of 460.8K can be used if the application software supports it.
Software: Driver CD-ROM disc for Windows 95/98/2000/XP
Manual: Instruction Manual (paper copy of this booklet)
Documentation Number 3PCIO1-0903 Manual Chapter 2 5
B&B Electronics Mfg Co – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Comm. Pk. – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445
Chapter 2:
Your 3PCIO1 serial card was tested for proper operation before packaging. It should be in perfect mechanical and electrical condition upon receipt.
Before removing the card from the anti-static protective packaging:
Discharge any static electricity buildup on your body by touching a large grounded metal surface or the metal chassis on equipment connected to earth ground by a 3-wire power cord.
Avoid touching the gold connectors or other parts on the card except as necessary to set the configuration jumpers.
Remove AC power from the computer before inserting the card.
Retain the ESD bag for handling the card.
Save the packaging for storage or shipping.
Before Starting…
The card is normally pre-configured for RS-232 operation.
Check/Set 3 Operating Mode Jumpers for Mode desired.
Device Driver Setting for RS-485 Mode:
After driver installation, set DTR Operation to RS-485 Mode.
See Chapter 4,
Setting Driver Options.
Continued next page
Use ESD precautions for safe handling.
6 Chapter 2 Documentation Number 3PCIO1-0903 Manual
B&B Electronics Mfg Co – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Comm. Pk. – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445
Selection of Operating Mode
The hardware address and IRQ is set by the Windows Operating System using driver information files and the Plug and Play OS.
The Operating Mode is set using Jumpers, Device Manager Driver Settings and by your cable connections and software.
Set the Jumpers
Set the 3 JP1 Jumpers to match your Operating Mode.
Jumpers RS-232 RS-422
JP1 Top 232
JP1 Middle -----
No effect
JP1 Bottom -----
No effect
Table 1 – Jumper/Mode Table
The top jumper sets DB9 connections for either 232 or 422/485
RS-232 operation requires setting only the Top jumper.
The middle jumper sets the RS-422/RS-485 transmitter for RS-485 or RS-422 operation
. In RS-485 mode, the transmitter is tri-stated when not sending data.In RS-422 mode, the transmitter is always enabled.
The bottom jumper sets the RS-422/RS-485 receiver for half-duplex RS-485 operation or full-duplex RS-422/RS-485 operation
.InHalf Duplex RS-485, the Receiver is Enabled when not transmitting. In Full Duplex RS-422/485 operation, the receiver is always enabled
For more operating mode information, see the related chapter.
Documentation Number 3PCIO1-0903 Manual Chapter 2 7
B&B Electronics Mfg Co – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Comm. Pk. – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445
Install the Card
1. Shut down your computer.
2. Unplug the power cord to remove power to prevent accidentally
turning on the computer during installation.
3. Remove the cover of the computer.
4. Locate an empty PCI expansion slot.
5. Remove the expansion slot cover. Save the retaining screw.
6. Ground yourself to the computer chassis before and while
inserting the card.
7. Install the card into the unused slot. Be certain that the card is
inserted completely (fully seated) in the slot.
8. Secure the card with the mounting screw from step 5.
9. Replace the cover, plug in the power cord.
10. Connect your cables.
11. Power up the system.
12. Install the drivers as indicated in chapter 3.
(Next page)
8 Chapter 3 Documentation Number 3PCIO1-0903 Manual
B&B Electronics Mfg Co – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Comm. Pk. – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445
Chapter 3:
Software Driver Installation
Windows 95 or 98
The 3PCIO1 drivers are unique to this series of cards. If at some point in the future you want to update these drivers, remove these drivers before installing the new version. See Removal at page 16.
Windows 98 screens are shown for this section. Windows 95 will have other screen names and text shown.
1. Configure the jumpers on card and install it – see Chapter 2.
2. Make sure PnP OS is set in the BIOS. Power up the computer.
3. Windows will detect the PCI card, start the Add New Hardware
Wizard, and begin driver installation.
4. The driver installation goes through several steps, after finding
the driver files. The first part installs the driver for the card, then after Finish, the second part installs the serial driver for the Com port. Do not remove the disc until completed.
5. Click Next.
Documentation Number 3PCIO1-0903 Manual Chapter 3 9
B&B Electronics Mfg Co – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Comm. Pk. – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445
6. Select Search, Click Next.
6. Insert Disc. Select CD-ROM Drive, Click Next.
10 Chapter 3 Documentation Number 3PCIO1-0903 Manual
B&B Electronics Mfg Co – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Comm. Pk. – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445
Windows will find “B&B 3PCIO1 Single-Port Isolated Serial Card” and the driver BBPCI.inf file.
7. Click Next.
8. Click Finish. Installation will complete automatically.
Documentation Number 3PCIO1-0903 Manual Chapter 3 11
B&B Electronics Mfg Co – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Comm. Pk. – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445
Another similar screen will be shown before the above. After the above is shown, installation will have completed. Wait for the process to complete.
To verify the installation: Open Start, Settings, Control Panel, System.
Then select the Device Manager Tab.
12 Chapter 3 Documentation Number 3PCIO1-0903 Manual
B&B Electronics Mfg Co – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Comm. Pk. – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445
Click the Multifunction adapters view the card. If you want other details, Select Properties.
Click Ports (COM & LPT) to view the COM numbers assigned by Windows to the card.
You will have 1 new B&B Com port as shown.
Select Properties or double-click on the new com port.
Set DTR Operation
Set DTR Operation to Normal for RS-232.
Set DTR Operation to RS-485 Mode for2-wireor4-wireRS-485 operation.
Either setting can be used for RS-422.
The card jumpers must be set for the same mode. See Chapter 2.
The Default Com parameters are normally overridden by the software application so it is not necessary to change them.
You can now remove the driver disc, close the Windows, and check the new ports with your software.
Continued next page
Documentation Number 3PCIO1-0903 Manual Chapter 3 13
B&B Electronics Mfg Co – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Comm. Pk. – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445
Changing Com Port Number
From the Device Manager, Select Properties, Settings, Advanced.
Available names for Com numbers are shown. Select a new number from those not “in use”. Com numbers from Com1 to Com256 may be available. Com numbers “in use” may be used by motherboard ports, Modems, virtual com ports for network serial server devices or FAX modem. Formerly installed USB to serial adaptors, PCI cards or other hardware may have reserved a com number. The device may need to be added back to the system, or the registry may need to be edited with Reg. Edit or a similar utility.
After selecting a new com number, Click OK, then OK again on the Settings page.
14 Chapter 3 Documentation Number 3PCIO1-0903 Manual
B&B Electronics Mfg Co – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Comm. Pk. – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445
After returning to the Device Manager screen, select Refresh. Then double-click Ports again.
You should see the B&B port renamed. As shown below:
Example – After renaming B&B Port from Com5 to Com3
The Default Com parameters are normally overridden by the software application.
Continue in Chapter 4, Setting Driver Options for Data Rate Clock Speed and FIFO settings.
Make your connections, RS-232 in Chapter 5 or RS-422/485 in Chapter 6.
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