Baumer Flex Top 2221 User Manual

FlexTop 2221 Universal Transmitter with HART
Safety instructions
This instrument is built and tested ac cord ing to the current EU-direc­tives and packed in technically safe con di tion. In order to main tain this condition and to ensure safe op er a tion, the user must follow the hints and warnings given in this instruction.
During the installation the valid national rules have to be observed. Ignoring the warnings may lead to severe per son al injur y or substantial damage to property.
The product must be op er at ed by trained staff. Correct and safe operation of this equipment is de pend ent on proper transport, storage, installation and op er a tion.
All electrical wiring must conform to local stand ards. In order to prevent stray elec tri cal radiation, we rec om mend twisted and shielded input cables, as also to keep power sup ply cables separated from the input cables. The con nec tion must be made ac cord ing to the connecting di a grams.
Before switching on the power supply take care that other equip ment is not af fect ed. Ensure that the supply voltage and the conditions in the environment comply with the spec i fi ca tion of the de vice.
Before switching off the supply voltage check the possible effects on other equipment and the processing system.
For electrical installation and com mis sion ing of explosion protected devices, the data given in the con form i ty cer tifi cate as also the local reg u la tions for installation of elec tri cal apparatus within explosion pro­ tect ed areas must be considered. The intrinsically safe versions can be mounted in the explosion hazarded area according to its spec i fi ca tion only con nect ed to a certifi ed intrinsically safe supply loop with the cor­ re spond ing electrical values.
Non-Ex Application
5 4
6 3
5 8
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FlexTop 2221 HART® confi gurator Power supply
This Ex-approved product is manufactured by:
Baumer A/S
Jacob Knudsens Vej 14
DK-8230 Aabyhoej
1 2 3 4
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Installation Manual 5850-033
Page 1 Design and specifi cations subject to change without notice
Confi guring with FlexProgrammer
Disconnect loop supply before
connecting the FlexProgrammer
2 1
to FlexTop 2221.
2 1
The FlexTop 2221 can be confi gured, us ing the 4...20 mA cable. The max i mum dis tance de pends on the cable type, re sist ance and ca pac i ty. We rec om mend to use screened cables.
To be able to confi gure the FlexTop 2221 with the FlexProgrammer the
dedicated software, Flex-program, must be loaded on the PC.
The Flex-program has help menus for all func tions.
During the confi guration the new data are, by means of the FlexPro-
grammer, trans ferred from the PC to the FlexTop 2221, where they are
stored in the in ter nal mem o ry.
FlexProgrammer 9701
Red clip
Black clip
Note: Ambient temperature range 0...50°C
The indication for a correct con fi g u ra tion se quence is:
1) The LED on the FlexTop 2221 lights up constantly.
Error indications during confi guration:
1) The LED on the FlexTop 2221 is not lighting.
3) An error message comes up on the PC.
Note: During the fi rst power-up after a confi guration the power-on time
increases to approx. 10 sec.
Ex-Confi guring
None of the two types of FlexProgrammer confi guring unit must be connected to the FlexView within the hazardous area.
Confi guring procedure: a) Disconnect mains from the 4...20 mA loop circuit. b) Disconnect the FlexTop 2221 from the circuitry within the hazardous area. c) Bring the FlexTop 2221 to the safe area. d) Connect the FlexProgrammer and perform the confi guring session. e) Re-install the FlexTop 2221 in the hazardous area. f) Connect the power supply to the circuit.
LED Function
The LED of the FlexTop indicate the actual status of the measured
value. The LED will be turned on continually as long as the measured
value result in an output current between 4 and 20mA. If the output
current is higher than 20mA or lower than 4mA the LED will twinkle
with 1Hz. The same twinkling behavior will occur if a sensor break
error is detected.
Installation Manual 5850-033
Page 2 Design and specifi cations subject to change without notice
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