Bauknecht WATK Sense 97D6 EU User Manual



Commercial code

Energy Eciency Class A

Energy consump&on (wash and dry of full wash load) 6.12 (kWh)

Energy consump&on (wash only) 1.17 (kWh)

Washing performance class A

Rest humidity % on dry load aer max. spin 44

Capacity co'on washing 9 (kg)

Capacity co'on drying 7 (kg)

Water consump&on (wash and dry full wash load) 92 (l)

Washing water consump&on per cycle 57 (l)

Washing and drying cycle &me 520 (min)

WATK Sense 97D6 EU

Total annual energy consump&on (Washing and drying 200 full loads) 1224 (kWh)

Total annual water consump&on (Washing and drying 200 full loads) 18400 (l)

Total annual energy consump&on (Washing only 200 full loads) 234 (kWh)

Total annual water consump&on (Washing only 200 full loads) 11400 (l)

Noise level washing 54 (dB(A) re 1 pW)

Noise level spinning 83 (dB(A) re 1 pW)

Noise level drying 63 (dB(A) re 1 pW)
