U.S. Government Federal law prohibits removal of this label before consumer purchase.
Clothes Washer
Capacity: Compact
Models: LTE5243D*, LTG5243D*
Estimated Yearly Operating Cost
(when used with an electric water heater)
$19 $49
Cost Range of Similar Models
Estimated Yearly Electricity Use
Estimated Yearly Operating Cost
(when used with a natural gas water heater)
Whirlpool Corporation
Cat. V93f2MBA(4C)
Your cost will depend on your utility rates and use.
Cost range based only on standard capacity models.
Estimated operating cost based on eight wash loads a week and a 2007
national average electricity cost of 10.65 cents per kWh and natural gas
cost of $1.218 per therm.
For more information, visit www.ftc.gov/appliances. (P/N W10293897)