Instructions for use
Before using the dishwasher/Connections Electrical connection Precautions and general recommendations How to fill the salt container How to fill the rinse aid dispenser How to fill the detergent dispenser Care and Maintenance
Before using the dishwasher/Connections
1. Removing the packaging and con trols:
Af t er unpacking, make sure that t he dishwasher is undamaged and t hat the door closes correctly. If in d ou bt , cont act a qual if ied t echnician or your local retailer .
Keep t he packag in g mat erials (plastic bags, polystyrene part s, et c.) out of reach of children, as they are potent iall y dan ger ou s.
2. Water and e lectrical connections:
All w at er an d electrical connections must be carried out by a qualif ied t echn ician in compliance wit h t h e manuf acturer' s in st r uct io ns (ref er to t he enclosed inst allat ion booklet ) and curr ent local safet y regul at ions. The appliance must only be used in the househ ol d f or the prescribed uses.
Do not use t he dish wash er if it has been damaged in transit. Consult your local retailer or our After-Sal es Service.
(Ref er t o t he separa te installat ion instructions booklet)
3. Water inlet and drain :
Observe any special regulat ions issued by you r local Wat er Board. Wat er supply pressure:
0.3 - 10 bar.
Make sure t he inlet and dr ain hoses are kink-f ree and are not crushed.
If the hose length is not su f ficien t , pl ease cont act your local dealer or our Af t er-Sales Service.
The inlet hose must be securely clamped to the water t ap to prevent leaks.
The inlet w ater t emperatu re varies according to the model inst alled. Inlet hose marked “ 25° C M ax” : maximum temperat ure 25° C. All other models: maxim um temperat ure 60° C.
When installing t h e appliance, make sur e t he drain wat er d ischarges corr ectl y (if necessary, remove t he wire gauze from the sink si phon).
Fi x t he d rai n hose to t he spigot w ith a clamp to prevent it f rom coming o ff during oper ation.
Fo r ap pl ian ces w it h w at er­st op system only: If the water connections are made correctly, th e w ater-stop system saf eguards your home against damage caused by flooding.
4. Electrical con ne ction:
Closely adhere t o l ocal El ectr icity Board regulat ions. Vol tag e inf or mation is sh ow n on the rating plat e mount ed insi de t h e door on the right hand side.
The appliance must be eart hed as prescr ib ed b y law .
Do not use ext ensi on leads o r mult iple adapters.
Befo re carr yin g out maint en ance, di sconnect the mains plug.
The po wer cab le must only be replaced b y aut h or ized personnel.
Warning f or m odels provided w ith LCD display:
The mains plug must be positioned i n an easi ly accessible place.
For Austria:
is seri es connected to a f ault curr ent swi tch, this m ust b e sen si tive t o the pu lsating curr ent .
if th e apparatus
Electrical connection
1) For Great Britain on ly
Warning - t his appliance must be eart hed
Fuse replacem ent
If the mains lead of this appliance is fitted w ith a BS 1363A 13amp f used plug, to chan ge a fuse in t h is type of plug u se an A.S.T.A. approved f use t o BS 1362 type and proceed as follow s:
Rem ove t h e f use cover (A) and fuse (B).
Fi t replacement 13A f use i nto fuse co ver.
Ref i t bo th int o plug.
Im por t an t :
The fuse co ver m ust b e ref itted w hen changing a fuse and if the f use cover is lost t he plug must not be used until a correct replacemen t is fitted.
Co rr ect r epl acement are ident ified by t he colour inser t or the colour emb ossed in words on the base of the plug.
Rep lacement f use covers ar e available from your local electrical st ore.
2) For t he Republic of Ireland only
The informat ion given in respect o f Great Britain will frequently apply, but a third type of plug and socket is also used, the 2-p in , side eart h type.
3) Socket outlet / plug
(valid for bot h count ries)
If the f itted plug is not suit able for your socket outlet , Please cont act Wh ir lp oo l Ser vice f or further inst r uct io n. Please do not attem pt t o change plug yourself. This procedure need s to be carried out by a q ualif ied Whirlpool t echnician in compliance wit h t he manuf act ur es i nstructions and curr ent stan dard safety regulations.
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