The RoadRunners Evolution scanner can be programmed by scanning barcode labels which contain commands
for the decoder.
Programming labels must be Code128, with specific starting and ending characters. These labels will always be
read, even if Code128 symbology is disabled.
The scanner will acknowledge a good and valid programming barcode label reading with two beeps and a green
enlightening of the led. It will give two other beeps (lower tone) and a red enlightening of the led for either an
invalid or bad reading.
Please do not read the programming barcodes while being connected to the BaracodaManager software.
Programmable options are divided into 2 groups. The first group includes the options that show the general
behaviour of the scanner. The second group sets the decoding parameters for each barcode symbology.
This document concerns the Roadrunners 1D Evolution scanners, that is the BRR-L Evolution and the BRR-LA
All our documentations can be downloaded from the Partners download section of Baracoda website
(registration is required):
In order to switch on the scanner in its standard mode, you should just press the trigger. You can set up the
scanner to be switched on only after keeping the trigger pressed for two (2) seconds by reading the
appropriate barcode.
1.2.2. Shutdown timers
There are two different ‘shutdown timers’:
- When connected timer: delay between the last scanned barcode and the switch off when the
scanner is connected to a host
- Not connected timer: delay between the last scanned barcode and the switch off when the scanner is
not connected to any host
It is possible to set those timers to ‘infinite’. In this case, the scanner will stay all the time ON.
By default, timers value are:
- When connected timer = 20 minutes
- Not connected timer = 10 minutes
1.2.3. Turn scanner OFF
To turn off the scanner, read the following barcode:
It is a proprietary data encapsulation. It is necessary to activate it to use the Baracoda keyboard emulation
(Kemul) and Terminal.
The Baracoda header is enabled in default settings
No data loss mode:
Baracoda has developed a proprietary communication protocol in order to enhance the security of the
Bluetooth transmission.
Every barcode sent to the host must be acknowledged by the host (until then, the scanner will transmit it again
and again).
This acknowledgment is disabled in default settings. It is strongly recommended to set this protocol
acknowledgment on when using the scanner with the BaracodaManager.
Enable Baracoda header + “No Data loss mode” OFF (*)
Disable Baracoda header + “No data loss mode” OFF
1.3. Reading Mode
In Trigger mode, pressing the trigger will activate the beam.
The Aiming trigger mode has been developed for users who need to scan barcodes very close one to another
and they have to be sure to always read the correct one. Once in this mode, in order to read a barcode user will
have to press the trigger twice. Pressing it the first time will switch on the beam but will not switch on the
decoder (thus allowing user to aim at the correct barcode) while pressing the trigger the second time will
activate the decoder thus allowing the scanner to actually decode the barcode.
If the same barcode is trying to be scanned, it won’t be. The laser beam will still be enlightening.
1.4. Operating Mode
Data Capture
for Workforce
in Motion
Real Time mode
In real time mode, the barcode is decoded and transmitted to the remote host without any delay. If the
scanner is not connected, the data is lost.
Real Time mode with No Data Loss option
If the No Data Loss option is activated and if the scanner is not connected or out of Bluetooth range, the
scanner will store the data. It can memorise up to 10 000 barcodes (UPC format) and later automatically upload
them to the remote host when a Bluetooth connection is established to the host.
Every barcode sent to the host must be acknowledged by the host. If the host fails to send an
acknowledgement, the scanner will continue to transmit the barcode until the host does send an
This acknowledgment is disabled in the default settings. It is strongly recommended to set the No Data Loss
mode to ON. This configuration can be set with the BaracodaManager software or with the Programming
Additionally, this protocol acknowledgment allows an end user to set an audio acknowledgment indicating that
the barcode has been successfully transmitted to the host.
Batch mode
Barcodes are always stored in the scanner. Once the batch mode is selected, the BCL led (right) emits an
orange flash. In batch mode, the barcode can read up to 10 000 barcodes (UPC format) and store them into its
non-volatile memory for later transmission to the host. When the internal memory is full, both Leds will be full
orange (no blinking).
To upload barcodes from the scanner, connect it to the host computer via Bluetooth. The BaracodaManager
software is used to configure the location where the barcodes are sent once the barcodes are extracted from
the scanner.
Once connected, the scanner will wait for the appropriate command in order to start uploading the barcodes:
this command can come from:
Be aware that with BaracodaManager, two (2) different ways to upload barcodes are possible:
• The BaracodaManager: The user has to click on the button “Upload”.
• A configuration scan barcode: the user has to read the appropriate configuration barcode.
• To an application window: In this case always double check before starting the upload
procedure that the cursor in your text window is active. Otherwise you will loose all the data
saved into your scanner.
•To a .txt file (default option). The BaracodaManager gives you the possibility to modify the
name of the file in which you may want to save the data.
Erases all captured data stored in memory and forces the scanner in Real time mode. No other setting is
Important reminder: if an ACK beep or buffer is needed, the scanner must be set in the “no data loss mode”
Enable Real Time without « No Data
Loss » mode
1.4.2. No Data Loss mode - Enable “ACK” beep
Forces the scanner in Real Time mode (with data acknowledgement); Erases all captured data stored in
memory. The scanner should have been previously set in the “No data loss mode” ON (So scan the “Enable Real
Time with No Data Loss mode” barcode before).
1.4.3. No Data Loss mode - Disable “ACK” beep
Forces the scanner in Real Time mode (without data acknowledgement); Erases all captured data stored in
memory. The scanner should have been previously set in the “No data loss mode” ON (So scan the “Enable Real
Time with No Data Loss mode” barcode before).
1.4.4. Real Time - Buffered data option
It’s possible to set the scanner in “Real Time with No Data Loss mode” but with no bufferisation (buffer
configured to 0) when it’s not connected. In this particular situation the trigger will not activate the beam: so
impossible to read barcodes in this mode, and Both LEDs blinks orange.
Forces the RoadRunners Evolution in Batch mode. Erases all codes in memory
Data Capture
for Workforce
in Motion
Max Buffered Barcodes = MAX
When in batch mode, the scanner will wait for the appropriate command in order to start uploading the
barcodes: this command can come
• from the BaracodaManager
• from reading the “Upload batch data” barcode here after
If this barcode is read when the reader is in batch mode and connected, the reader will automatically upload to
the host all the data in its memory. If not in batch mode or not connected, the scanner will ignore this barcode.
Upload batch data (with No Data Loss on)
When scanning this barcode, the scanner will send a message to the host, meaning that it wants to upload its
data. Following this, the host will launch the upload process and grab the batch data.
If the host application has received all the expected data, it will acknowledge the upload to the scanner which
will erase the data from its memory. If not, the host application will send a negative acknowledgment message
to the scanner which will keep the data in memory, ready to retry an upload.
If the data transfer has been successful (the scanner has received the acknowledgment and erased its memory)
and, for any reason, the user gets to realize that data has been lost at a higher level (keyboard emulation for
example), it still has the possibility to recover the last batch data into the scanner’s memory, by scanning the
below barcode.
Restore last batch data Restore last batch + launch upload
Please note that the data recovering won’t be possible if other barcodes have been scanned or if the scanner
has been shut down after the upload.
There are two (2) different way to create a connection from a Host and a scanner:
- Slave mode (by default)
The Host (PC, BaracodaManager, …) is creating the connection onto the scanner.
- Master mode
The scanner is creating itself a connection to the recorded Host Bluetooth address. This connection
attempt is set after a scan of barcode. The configuration of Host address (on which the scanner will set
up a connection) can be done:
o Via BaracodaManager software.
o Via scan of barcodes.
All usage mode (Real Time, No Data Loss, Batch) are obviously available on those two different ways of
Enable master m ode
Disable master m ode
\ V T \ V T Z \ N U L \ S O H \ S O H \ F F \ F F
\ V T \ V T Z \ N U L \ S O H \ N U L \ F F \ F F
Enable master mod e and disconnect
\ V T \ V T Z \ N U L \ S T X \ S O H \ S O H \ F F \ F F
Disable master mod e and disconnect
\ V T \ V T Z \ N U L \ S T X \ N U L \ S O H \ F F \ F F
The configuration of the Host Bluetooth address (BDA) is made by scanning the 0-9, a-f, A-F labels (Appendix 1)
as on a calculator; following the timestamp format shown above.
For example: to set the following BDA: 00:c3:EF:44:a2:B9, the user will scan: