Baracoda BRR-L, BBR-LA User Manual

Data Capture for Workforce in Motion
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Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of our product information; however, we accept no responsability for errors or omissions including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fi tness for a particular purpose. We shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. Specifi cations or version may be subject to change without notice. The actual specifi cation and version are based on the product delivered.
Scanning a series of programming bar code labels can confi gure the scanner. The scanner must be properly powered before programming. The scanner will acknowledge a good and valid programming barcode label reading with two beeps and a green enlightening. It will give two other beeps (lower tone) and a red enlightening of the RSL led for either an invalid or bad reading. Please do not read the programming barcodes while being connected to the BaracodaManager.
Programmable options are divided into 2 groups. The first groups includes the options that show the general behaviour of the scanner. The second group sets the decoding parameters for each barcode symbology.
Baracoda, Inc. (US Office) Baracoda SA (Europe Office: France) 45 Main street - Suite 616 - Brooklyn, NY 11201 30 Avenue de l’Amiral Lemonnier - 78160 Marly-Le-Roi Ph: 718 488 9600 - Fx: 718 488 9601 Ph: +33 1 30 08 89 00 - Fx: +33 1 30 08 89 98
The bluetooth name and Bluetooth registered trademarks are owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc., and are used by Baracoda under license. The Baracoda names and Baracoda trademarks are own by Baracoda. All specifications are subject to change without notice - Non contractual pictures © Baracoda - All rights reserved
© Baracoda™ - November 2007
RoadRunners BRR-L & BRR-LA Programming guide Nov 2007
RoadRunners BRR-L & BRR-LA Programming Guide
1/ INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 3
2/ GENERAL CONFIGU R A TIO N ............................................... ........ ... ........ ... .... ....... ... ........ ... .... .......... 4
2.1/ Reset all parameters: .................................................................................................................. 4
2.2/ Erase all barcodes in memory .................................................................................................... 4
2.3/ Baracoda advanced features ...................................................................................................... 4
2.3.1/ Switch on delay .......................................................................................................................................... 4
2.3.2/ Shutdown timers ........................................................................................................................................ 5
2.3.3/ No data loss mode and Baracoda Header ................................................................................................ 5
2.3.4/ Timestamp Option ...................................................................................................................................... 6
2.4/ Reading Mode ............................................................................................................................ 7
2.5/ Operating Mode .......................................................................................................................... 8
2.5.1/ Real time mode .......................................................................................................................................... 8
2.5.2/ Batch mode ................................................................................................................................................ 9
2.6/ Cradle / RS232 jack .................................................................................................................. 10
2.6.1/ Cradle ....................................................................................................................................................... 10
2.6.2/ RS232 jack ............................................................................................................................................... 10
2.7/ Buzzer and Led Settings ........................................................................................................... 10
2.8/ Bluetooth commands ................................................................................................................ 11
2.8.1/ Bluetooth name ........................................................................................................................................ 11
2.8.2/ Sniff settings ............................................................................................................................................ 12
2.8.3/ Power emission settings .......................................................................................................................... 12
2.8.4/ Security (code PIN) settings .................................................................................................................... 12
2.9/ Prefix and suffix ........................................................................................................................ 13
2.9.1/ Prefix/suffix ............................................................................................................................................... 13
2.9.2/ Postrefix/postsuffix ................................................................................................................................... 14
3/ DECODER SETTIN GS ............. ....... .... ... ....... .... ....... .... ... ........ ... ....... .... ... ........ ... ....... .... .... ............... 15
3.1/ Symbology default settings ....................................................................................................... 15
3.2/ Symbology Identifier ................................................................................................................. 15
3.3/ Voting ....................................................................................................................................... 15
3.4/ Disable All Symbologies ........................................................................................................... 15
3.5/ Set decoder barcode length ...................................................................................................... 16
3.6/ Codabar settings ...................................................................................................................... 16
3.7/ Code 11 Settings ...................................................................................................................... 17
3.8/ Code 39 settings ....................................................................................................................... 17
3.9/ Code 93 Settings ...................................................................................................................... 18
3.10/ Code 128 Settings .................................................................................................................. 19
3.10.1/ General .................................................................................................................................................. 19
3.10.2/ EAN 128: Group Separator ................................................................................................................... 19
3.11/ Interleaved 2 of 5 Settings ...................................................................................................... 20
3.12/ MSI Code Settings .................................................................................................................. 20
3.13/ Standard 2 of 5 Settings ......................................................................................................... 21
3.14/ UPC/ EAN Settings ................................................................................................................. 21
3.15/ Set min or Max length option .................................................................................................. 23
APPENDIX 1: ASCII Table (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, ponctuation, Control characters) .............................. 25
APPENDIX 2 ................ ................................................................................................................... 29
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RoadRunners BRR-L & BRR-LA Programming guide Nov 2007
1/ Introduction
Please verify that your Roadrunners has a firmware version equal or superior to 3.1 before using it with this programming Guide. Some functionality may not work with older versions of the firmware. Refer to the BaracodaManager documentation in order to know how to upgrade your scanner.
The RoadRunners can be programmed by scanning barcode labels which contain commands for the 1D decoder. Programming labels must be Code128, with specific starting and ending characters. These labels will always be read, even if Code128 symbology is disabled.
The scanner will acknowledge a good and valid programming bar code label reading with two beeps and a green enlightening of both leds. It will give two other beeps (lower tone) and a red enlightening of the RSL led for either an invalid or bad reading.
Please do not read the programming barcodes while being connected to the BaracodaManager.
Programmable options are divided into 2 groups. The first group includes the options that show the general behaviour of the scanner. The second group sets the decoding parameters for each barcode symbology.
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RoadRunners BRR-L & BRR-LA Programming guide Nov 2007
2/ General Configuration
2.1/ Reset all parameters:
The reading of the "Default settings” label turns all the parameters of the BRR-L back to default settings and switches it off.
Reset to factory defaults
2.2/ Erase all barcodes in memory
The RoadRunners has the ability to store barcodes in its internal memory (both in batch mode and in Real Time with “No Data Loss Mode” ON). By reading the following barcode you will empty the internal memory of the scanner.
Empty memory
2.3/ Baracoda advanced features
In order to switch on the BRR-L in its standard mode, you should just press the trigger. You can set up the scanner to be switched on only after keeping the trigger pressed for two seconds by reading the appropriate barcode.
2.3.1/ Switch on delay
Switch on delay : 2 seconds
Switch on delay : 0 second (*)
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RoadRunners BRR-L & BRR-LA Programming guide Nov 2007
2.3.2/ Shutdown timers
There are two differents ‘shutdown timers’ :
- when connected timer : delay between the last scanned barcode and the switch off when the
scanner is connected to a host
- Not connected timer : delay between the last scanned barcode and the switch off when the
scanner is not connected to any host
It is possible to set those timers to ‘infinite’. In that case, the scanner will stay all the time ON.
Set shutdown timers to infinity
By default, timers value are :
when connected timer = 20 minutes Not connected timer = 10 minutes
Set shutdown timers to defaults
2.3.3/ No data loss mode and Baracoda Header
Baracoda header:
It is a proprietary data encapsulation. It is necessary to activate it to use the Baracoda keyboard emulation (Kemul) and Hyper terminal. The Baracoda header is enabled in default settings
No data loss mode:
Baracoda has developed a proprietary communication protocol in order to enhance the security of the Bluetooth transmission. Every barcode sent to the host must be acknowledged by the host (until then, the scanner will transmit it again and again). This acknowledgment is disabled in default settings. It is strongly recommended to set this protocol acknowledgment on when using the scanner with the BaracodaManager.
Enable Baracoda header
+ “No Data loss mode” ON
Disable Baracoda header
+ “No data loss mode” OFF
Enable Baracoda header
+ “No Data loss mode” OFF (*)
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RoadRunners BRR-L & BRR-LA Programming guide Nov 2007
2.3.4/ Timestamp Option
Time stamp can be configured (ON/OFF, set new date and new time) by the following configuration barcodes
Timestamp on
Timestamp off (*)
Read « Set Timestamp » label
Read intermediary label
Corresponding to the next digit to set for the
Timestamp (from Appendix 1)
Finished ? (1)
Read « END of config » label
Programming procedure for “set Timestamp” option.
Set Timestamp
END of
Noted that the timestamp must fit the specific following format:
{YY} {MM} {DD} {HH} {MM} {SS}
The setting is made by scanning the 0-9 labels (Appendix 1) as on a calculator; following the timestamp format shown above.
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RoadRunners BRR-L & BRR-LA Programming guide Nov 2007
For example: to set the current time at 16th May 2007, 3.25 pm, the user will scan:
- “Set Timestamp” label,
- “0” label,
- “7” label,
- “0” label,
- “5” label,
- “1” label,
- “6” label,
- “1” label,
- “5” label,
- “2” label,
- “5” label,
- “0” label,
- “0” label,
- “end of config” label.
2.4/ Reading Mode
In trigger mode, pressing the trigger will activate the beam.
The Aiming trigger mode has been developped for users who need to scan barcodes very close each others
and they have to be sure to always read the corect one. Once in this mode, in order to read a barcode user will have to press the trigger twice. Pressing it the first time will switch on the beam but will not switch on the decoder (thus allowing user to aim at the correct barcode) while pressing the trigger the second time will activate the decoder thus allowing the RoadRunners to actually decode the barcode.
In autoscan mode the beam will be continuously on
In Smart Autoscan, for a battery power consumption optimisation issue, the scanner will be continously
Trigger (*)
Aiming Trigger Mode
Smart Autoscan
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RoadRunners BRR-L & BRR-LA Programming guide Nov 2007
2.5/ Operating Mode
Real Time mode (standard mode): barcodes are transmitted in real time to the remote host device/terminal (with
optional acknowledgment beep from the host to the scanner). User can choose if the scanner, when not connected, should read, memorize and later automatically upload the barcodes or shouldn’t read the barcodes (no beam).
Batch mode: Barcodes are stored in the scanner even if the reader is connected to a device. In order to upload the data the user will have to read the “discharge” barcode
2.5.1/ Real time mode
Important reminder: if an ACK beep or bufferisation is needed, the scanner must be set in the “no data loss mode” first. (See part 1.2.2.)
Erases all codes in memory and
forces the RoadRunners in Real time mode.
No other setting is changed.
REAL TIME with ACK beep and bufferisation.
Forces the RoadRunners in Real Time mode (with
data acknowledgement). Erases all codes in
memory. The BRR should have been previously set
in the “No data loss mode” ON.
REAL TIME without ACK beep and buffersiation.
Forces the RoadRunners in Real Time mode (without data acknowledgement). Erases all codes in memory. The BRR should have been previously
set in the “No data loss mode” ON.
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RoadRunners BRR-L & BRR-LA Programming guide Nov 2007
2.5.2/ Batch mode
BATCH MODE. Forces the
RoadRunners in Batch mode.
Erases all codes in memory.
When in batch mode, The BRR will wait the appropriate command in order to start uploading the barcodes: this command can come
from the Baracoda Manager
from reading the “discharge” barcode here after
If this barcode is read when the reader is in batch mode and connected, the reader will automatically upload to the host all the data in its memory. If not in batch mode and not connected, the BRR-L will ignore this barcode.
Æ For CPU firmware versions <3.16, only the following upload barcode is available:
Upload batch data
When scanning this barcode, the BRR will send all barcodes in memory using the Baracoda header, with “no data loss mode” OFF.
Æ For CPU firmware versions ≥3.16, this upload barcode is available:
Upload batch data with no data loss mode
This upload process consists in switching temporarily the BRR into Real time with “no data loss mode” ON (all the barcodes in memory will be sent using the no data loss protocol). Then the BRR switches back to batch mode when all the barcodes are properly sent.
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