Baracoda, Inc. (US Offi ce) Baracoda SA (Europe Offi ce: France)
45 Main street - Suite 616 - Brooklyn, NY 11201 30 Avenue de l’Amiral Lemonnier - 78160 Marly-Le-Roi
Ph: 718 488 9600 - Fx: 718 488 9601 Ph: +33 1 30 08 89 00 - Fx: +33 1 30 08 89 98
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Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of
our product information; however, we accept no
responsability for errors or omissions including, but not
limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and
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errors contained herein or for incidental consequential
damages in connection with the furnishing, performance,
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Specifi cations or version may be subject to change
without notice. The actual specifi cation and version are
based on the product delivered.
Scanning a series of programming bar code labels can
confi gure the scanner.
The scanner must be properly powered before program-
Programming Guide
BCM2604-F Programming guide
This document is to be used with the following Baracoda Barcode Scanners:
Important notice:
Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of our product information; however, we accept no responsibility for errors or
omissions including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. We shall not be liable for
errors contained herein or for incidental consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.
Specifications or version may be subject to change without notice. The actual specification and version are based on the product
BCM2604-F Programming Guide
RESET ALL PARAMETERS...................................................................................................................... 4
3.14 UPC A ............................................................................................................................................... 24
APPENDIX E : PROGRAMMING CHART..................................................................................................... 47
1 Reset all parameters
The reading of the "Default settings” label turns all the parameters back to default settings:
2 Output
2.1 Beeper – Good Read
The beeper may be programmed
response to a good read indication. All error and menu beeps are still audible.
2.2 Beeper Volume – Good Read
The beeper volume codes modify the volume of the beep the imager emits on a good read.
in response to a good read. Turning this option off, only turns off the beeper
Default = On.
Default =, High..
2.3 Beeper Pitch – Good Read
The beeper pitch codes modify the pitch (frequency) of the beep the imager emits on a good read.
Default = Medium.
2.4 Beeper Duration – Good Read
The beeper duration codes modify the length of the beep the imager emits on a good read.
Default = Normal.
* Normal Beep
Short Beep
2.5 Number of Beeps – Good Read
The number of beeps of a good read can be programmed from 1 – 3 (maximum 3). The same number of
beeps will be applied to the beeper and LED in response to a good read. For example, if you program
this option to have two beeps, there will be two beeps and two LED flashes in response to a good
read. The beeps and LED flashes are in sync with one another. To change the number of beeps, scan
the bar code below and then scan a digit (1-3) bar code and the
Chart (Appendix E of this manual).
Default = One.
bar code on the Programming
2.6 Good Read Delay
This sets the minimum amount of time before the imager can read another bar code.
* No Delay
Short Delay (500 ms)
Medium Delay (1,000 ms)
Long Delay (1,500 ms)
Default = No Delay.
2.7 Aimer Delay
The aimer delay allows a delay time for the operator to aim the imager before the picture is taken. Use
these codes to set the time between when the trigger is activated and when the picture is taken.
During the delay time, the aiming light will appear, but the LEDs won’t turn on until the delay time is
200 milliseconds
400 milliseconds
* Off
(no delay)
2.8 Centering
Use Centering to narrow the imager’s field of view to make sure the imager reads only those bar
codes intended by the user. For instance, if multiple codes are placed closely together, centering will
insure that only the desired codes are read. (Centering can be used in conjunction with Aimer Delay,
page 5-11, for the most error-free operation in applications where multiple codes are spaced closely
together. Using the Aimer Delay and Centering features, the imager can emulate the operation of
older systems, such as linear laser bar code imagers.)
In the example below, the gray area is the full imager field of view and the white area is the centering
window. Bar Code 1 will not be read, while Bar Code 2 will be.
The default centering window is a 128x96 pixel area in the center of the imager’s field of view. The
following diagram illustrates the default top, bottom, left, and right pixel positions, measured from the
top and the left side of the imager’s field of view, which is 640 by 480 pixels.
Scan Centering On, then scan one of the following bar codes to change the top, bottom, left, or right
of the centering window. Then scan the percent you want to shift the centering window using digits
on the inside back cover of this manual. Scan Save. Default Centering = 40% for Top and Left, 60%
for Bottom and Right.
Centering On
* Centering Off
Top of Centering Window
Bottom of Centering Windo
Left of Centering Window
Right of Centering Window
2.9 Decode Search Mode
There are three selectable decode (scanning) modes:
Full Omnidirectional - Searches for bar code features beginning at the center of an image, and
searches to the image’s limits. This mode reads all symbologies , in any orientation. The Full
Omnidirectional search is very thorough which may slow performance time.
Note: This search mode is the default setting
Quick Omnidirectional - This is an abbreviated search for bar code features around the center region
of an image. This mode quickly reads all symbologies in any orientation. The Quick Omnidirectional
mode may miss some off-center symbols, as well as larger Data Matrix and QR Code symbols.
Quick Omnidirectional
Advanced Linear Decoding - Performs quick horizontal linear scans in a center band of the image.
This mode is not omnidirectional, but does quickly read linear and stacked bar codes. Advanced
Linear Decoding cannot read 2D, OCR, or Postal symbols.
2.10 Output Sequence Overview
Advanced Linear Decoding
Require Output Sequence
When turned off, the bar code data will be output to the host as the Imager decodes it. When turned
on, all output data must conform to an edited sequence or the Imager will not transmit the output data
to the host device.
Note: This selection is unavailable when the Multiple Symbols Selection is turned on.
Output Sequence Editor
This programming selection allows you to program the Imager to output data (when scanning more
than one symbol) in whatever order your application requires, regardless of the order in which the bar
codes are scanned. Reading the Default Sequence symbol programs the Imager to the Universal
values, shown below. These are the defaults. Be certain you want to delete or clear all formats before
you read the Default Sequence symbol.
Note: To make Output Sequence Editor selections, you’ll need to know the code I.D., code length,
and character match(es) your application requires. Use the Alphanumeric symbols (Appendix E)
to read these options.
To Add an Output Sequence
1. Scan the Enter Sequence symbol (see Output Sequence Editor, in two pages).
2. Code I.D.
On the Symbology Chart on Appendix A, find the symbology to which you want to apply the
output sequence format. Locate the Hex value for that symbology and scan the 2 digit hex value
from the Programming Chart (Appendix E).
3. Length
Specify what length (up to 9999 characters) of data output will be acceptable for this symbology.
Scan the four digit data length from the Programming Chart. (Note: 50 characters is entered as
0050. 9999 is a universal number, indicating all lengths.) When calculating the length, you must
count any programmed prefixes, suffixes, or formatted characters as part of the length (unless
using 9999).
4. Character Match Sequences
On the ASCII Conversion Chart (Appendix B), find the Hex value that represents the character(s)
you want to match. Use the Programming Chart to read the alphanumeric combination that
represents the ASCII characters. (99 is the Universal number, indicating all characters.)
5. End Output Sequence Editor
Scan F F to enter an Output Sequence for an additional symbology, or Save to save your entries.
Other Programming Selections
~ Discard
This exits without saving any Output Sequence changes.
2.11 Output Sequence Example
In this example, you are scanning Code 93, Code 128, and Code 39 bar codes, but you want the
imager to output Code 39 1 st, Code 128 2nd, and Code 93 3rd, as shown below.
Note: Code 93 must be enabled to use this example.
You would set up the sequence editor with the following command line:
The breakdown of the command line is shown below:
SEQBLKsequence editor start command
62 code identifier for Code 39
9999 code length that must match for Code 39, 9999 = all lengths 41 start character match for
Code 39, 41h = “A” FF termination string for first code
6A code identifier for Code 128
9999 code length that must match for Code 128, 9999 = all lengths 42 start character match for
Code 128, 42h = “B” FF termination string for second code
69 code identifier for Code 93
9999 code length that must match for Code 93, 9999 = all lengths 43 start character match for
Code 93, 43h = “C” FF termination string for third code
To program the previous example using specific lengths, you would have to count any
programmed prefixes, suffixes, or formatted charact ers as part o f the length. If you use t he
example on the previous, assume a <CR> suffix and
specific code lengths, you would u se the following command line:
The breakdown of the command line is shown below:
SEQBLK sequence editor start command 62 code identifier for
Code 39
0011 Code 39 code length (9) plus CR suffix (2) = 11
41 start character match for Code 39, 41h = “A”
FF termination string for first code
6A code identifier for Code 128
0012 Code 128 code length (10) plus CR suffix ( 2) = 12
42 start character match for Code 128, 42h = “B”
FF termination string for second code
69 code identifier for Code 93
0011 Code 93 code length (9) plus CR suffix (2) = 11
43 start character match for Code 93, 43h = “C”
FF termination string for third code
2.11.1 Output Sequence Editor
Enter Sequence
Default Sequence
2.11.2 Require Output Sequence
When an output sequence is Required, all output data mu st conform to an edited seq uence or
the imager will not transmit the outp ut dat a to the host d evice. When it ’s On/Not Required, the
imager will attempt to get the output data to conform to an edited sequen ce, but if it cannot, the
imager transmits all output data to the host device as is.
When the output sequence is Off, t he bar co de dat a is outpu t to th e host as t he imager deco des
it. Note: This selection is unavailable when th e Multip le Symbols Se lection is t urned on.
2.12 No Read
With No Read turned
Scan Data Window, an “NR” appears when a code cannot be read. If No Read is turned
“NR” will not appear.
If you want a different notation than “NR,” for example, “Error,” or “Bad Code,” you can edit the
output message using the Data Formatter. The hex code for the No Read symbol is 9C.
the Imager notifies you if a code cannot be read. If using a Quick*View
* Off
2.13 Print Weight
Print Weight is used to adjust the way the imager reads Matrix symbols. If a imager will be seeing
consistently heavily printed matrix symbols, then a print weight of 6 may improve the reading
performance. For consistently light printing, a print weight of 2 may help. After scanning the Set Print
Weight bar code, set the print weight (from 1-7) by scanning digits from the inside back cover, then
scanning Save. Default = 4.
2.14 Video Reverse
Video Reverse is used to allow the imager to read bar codes that are inverted. The “Off” bar code
below is an example of this type of bar code. If additional menuing is required, Video Reverse must be
disabled to read the menu bar codes and then re-enabled after menuing is completed.
Note: Images downloaded from the unit will not be reversed. This is a setting for decoding only.
2.15 Working Orientation
* Off
2.16 Prefix Suffix
It is of course possible to add a suffix/prefix but not via this programming guide. It is only possible
sending commands via Bluetooth. Please refer to the BaracodaManager documentation for further
Rotate Counterclockwise 90°
3 Symbologies
This programming section contains the following menu selections
Linear barcodes
Codabar, Code 39, Interleaved 2 of 5, Code 93, EAN, Code 2 of 5, IATA Code 2 of 5, Matrix 2 of
5, Code 11, Code 128, Telepen, UPC A, UPC-A/EAN-13 with Extended Coupon Code, EAN/JAN
13, EAN/JAN 8, MSI, Plessey Code, RSS-14, RSS Limited, RSS Expanded, PosiCode A and B
stacked and composite, Trioptic, TLC39, Codablock F
Postal Barcodes
Postnet, Planet Code, British Post, Canadian Post, Kix (Netherlands)Post, Australian Post, Japanese
Post, China Post, Korea Post,
2D Barcodes
QR Code, DataMatrix, MaxiCode, Aztec Code
3.1 Reset all parameters
The reading of the "Default settings” label turns all the parameters back to default settings:
3.2 All Symbologies On and Off
If you want to decode all the symbologies allowable for your imager, scan the All Symbologies On
code. If on the other hand, you want to decode only a particular symbology, scan All Symbologies Off
followed by the On symbol for that particular symbology.
All Symbologies On
All Symbologies Off
3.3 Message Length Description
You are able to set the valid reading length of some of the bar code symbologies. If the data length of
the scanned bar code doesn’t match the valid reading length, the imager will issue an error beep.
You may wish to set the same value for minimum and maximum length to force the imager to read
fixed length bar code data. This helps reduce the chances of a misread.
EXAMPLE: Decode only those bar codes with a count of 9-20 characters.
Min. length = 09 Max. length = 20
EXAMPLE: Decode only those bar codes with a count of 15 characters.
Min. length = 15 Max. length = 15
For a value other than the minimum and maximum message length defaults, scan the bar codes
included in the explanation of the symbology, then scan the digit value of the message length and
Save bar codes on the Programming Chart (Appendix E of this manual). The minimum and maximum
lengths and the defaults are included with the respective symbologies.
3.4 Codabar
<Default All Codabar Settings>
Codabar Start/Stop Characters
3.4.1 Codabar Check Character
Default = Don’t Transmit
3.4.2 Codabar Check Character
Codabar check characters are created using different “modulos.” You can program the imager to
read only Codabar bar codes with Modulo 16 check characters. Default = No Check Character.
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