Baldor VS1MD User Manual

VS1MD User Manual
Instruction Manual
The information in this manual is subject to change without notice.
Safety Notice
This equipment contains voltages that may be as high as 1000 volts! Electrical shock can cause serious or fatal injury. Only qualified personnel should attempt the start-up procedure or troubleshoot this equipment.
Precautions: Classifications of cautionary statements
WARNING: Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in injury
or death. CAUTION: Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in
damage to property.
WARNING: Do not touch any circuit board, power device or electrical connection before you
first ensure that power has been disconnected and there is no high voltage present from this equipment or other equipment to which it is connected. Electrical shock can cause serious or fatal injury. Only qualified personnel should attempt the start-up procedure or troubleshoot this equipment.
WARNING: Do not touch any circuit board, power device or electrical connection before you
first ensure that power has been disconnected and there is no high voltage present from this equipment or other equipment to which it is connected. Electrical shock can cause serious or fatal injury. Only qualified personnel should attempt the start-up procedure or troubleshoot this equipment.
WARNING: Be sure that you are completely familiar with the safe operation of this equipment.
This equipment may be connected to other machines that have rotating parts or parts that are controlled by this equipment. Improper use can cause serious or fatal injury. Only qualified personnel should attempt the start-up procedure or troubleshoot this equipment.
WARNING: Do not use motor overload relays with an automatic reset feature. These are
dangerous since the process may injure someone if a sudden or unexpected automatic restart occurs. If manual reset relays are not available, disable the automatic restart f eature using external control wiring.
WARNING: Do not use motor overload relays with an automatic reset feature. These are
dangerous since the process may injure someone if a sudden or unexpected automatic restart occurs. If manual reset relays are not available, disable the automatic restart f eature using external control wiring.
WARNING: This unit has an automatic restart feature that will start the motor whenever input
power is applied and a RUN (FWD or REV) command is issued. If an automatic restart of the motor could cause injury to personnel, the automatic restart feature of the VS1MSD should be disabled.
WARNING: Be sure the system is properly grounded before applying power. Do not apply AC
power before you ensure that all grounding instructions have been followed. Electrical shock can cause serious or fatal injury.
WARNING: Do not remove cover for at least five (5) minutes after AC power is disconnected
to allow capacitors to discharge. Dangerous voltages are present inside the equipment. Electrical shock can cause serious or fatal injury.
WARNING: Improper operation of control may cause violent motion of the motor shaft and driven
equipment. Be certain that unexpected motor shaft movement will not cause injury to personnel or damage to equipment. Certain failure modes of the control can produce peak torque of several times the rated motor torque.
WARNING: Motor circuit may have high voltage present whenever AC power is applied, even
when motor is not rotating. Electrical shock can cause serious or fatal injury.
WARNING: Dynamic brake resistors may generate enough heat to ignite combustible materials.
Keep all combustible materials and flammable vapors away from brake resistors.
WARNING: The motor shaft will rotate during the touting procedure. Be certain that unexpected
motor shaft movement will not cause injury to personnel or damage to equipment.
CAUTION: Disconnect motor leads (U, V & W) from control before you perform a “Megger” test
on the motor. Failure to disconnect motor from the control will result in extensive damage to the control. The control is tested at the factory for high voltage / leakage resistance as part of Underwriter Laboratory requirements.
CAUTION: Suitable for use on a circuit capable of delivering not more than the RMS
symmetrical short circuit amperes listed here at rated voltage.
Horsepower RMS Symmetrical Ampheres
1-30 5,000
CAUTION: Do not connect AC power to the Motor terminals U, V and W. Connecting AC power
to these terminals may result in damage to the control.
CAUTION: Baldor recommends not to use "Grounded Leg Delta" transformer power leads that
may create ground loops. Instead, we recommend using a four wire Wye.
CAUTION: Only Baldor cables should be used to connect the keypad and control. These are
special cables to protect the control and keypad. Damage associated with other cable types are not covered by the Baldor warranty.
CAUTION: If an M-Contactor is installed, the control must be disabled for at least 200msec
before the M-Contactor is opened. If the M-Contactor is opened while the control is supplying voltage and current to the motor, the control may be damaged. Before the control is enabled, the M-Contactor must be closed for at least 200msec.
CAUTION: Use of power correction capacitors on the output of the drive can result in erratic
operation of the motor, nuisance tripping, and/or permanent damage to the drive. Remove power correction capacitors before proceeding. Failure to observe this precaution could result in damage to, or destruction of, the equipment.
-4 VS1MD AC Drive User Manual
1.1 Change from Main Source to 2nd Source
The function of parameters P46 and P47 has been changed. A digital input can now select between the main control and speed setting selected in parameters P38 and P40 and the secondary source set in parameters P46 and P47. A digital input programmed in t1 to t8 must be set to “22” Exchange between second source and drive.
1.2 Parameters
P46 Drive Start/Stop Source 2
Range: 0 to 3 (see table for P38) Default: 0 = Keypad Access: Configurable See Also: P38, P47, t1 to t8
This parameter serves as an alternate control mode. It is selectable by a digital input (t1 to t8) = “22” Exchange between second source and drive.
P47 Frequency Setting Mode 2
Range: 1 to 7 (See table for P40) Default: 1 = Keypad Access: Configurable See Also: P40, P47, t1 to t8
This parameter serves as an alternate speed reference mode. It is selectable by a digital input (t1 to t8) = “22” Exchange between second source and drive.
NOTE: Parameters P46 and P47 are only viewable when one of the t1 to t8 terminals is set equal to “22”.
t1-t8 Digital Input 1 define (I/O Terminal P1) to Digital Input 8 define (I/O
Terminal P8) Range: 0 to 25 Default: t1 = 0, t2 = 1, t3 = 2, t4 = 3, t5 = 4, t6 = 5, t7 = 6, t8 = 7 Access: Configurable See Also: n/a
Errata Sheet for the VS1MD Drive Installation & Operating Manual
22 = Exchange between second source and drive: When the defined input is turned ON, the values set in drv2 and Frq2 are used for control and reference to the drive. Settings for drv2 and Frq2 can not be changed while the digital input is closed. During the change over from the Main Source to the 2nd source, the drive will stop if the control source differs. To restart the drive, a new run command must be given.
Digital/Relay Output On/Off Delay
A timer function has been implemented by adding four new software parameters. Two are for the On Delay and two for the Off Delay timer to the digital outputs of the VS1MD drive. Setting a value of greater than zero will begin the On, Off or both timers when the condition set in t32 and t33 for the digital outputs is met.
In the case of the On delay timer, the actual output will not change state until the time value set in t50 to t51 is met. The Condition set in t32 to t33 must be active when the timer is reached for the output state to change.
In the case of the Off delay timer, once the output state is on, it will delay turning of f after the Off delay value is reached on t52 to t53. When the Off delay time is reached, the condition set in t32 to t33 must still be off.
t50 t51
t52 t53
Digital Output (MO) On Delay Relay Output (3A - 3C) On Delay
Range: 0 to 3,600 Seconds Default: 0 Access: Configurable See Also: t32 and t33
Sets the on delay timer for the digital output.
Digital Output (MO) Off Delay Relay Output (3A - 3C) Off Delay
Range: 0 to 3,600 Seconds Default: 0 Access: Configurable See Also: t32 and t33
Sets the off delay timer for the digital output.
MO or Relay State
On De la y Tme On De la y Time
MO or Relay St ate
Off Delay Time
Errata Sheet for the VS1MD Drive Installation & Operating Manual
Off Delay Time
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Getting Assistance from Baldor.......................................................................1-1
Chapter 2 Gene ral Information a n d Ratin gs
2.1 Identifying the Drive by Model Number ...........................................................2-1
2.2 VS1-MD Drive Ratings, Model Numbers a nd Frame Sizes.............................2-2
2.3 Storage Guid e li n e s............................................................................ ..............2-2
Chapter 3 Installing the Drive
3.1 General Requirements for the Installation Site................................................3-1
3.2 Mounting the Drive ..........................................................................................3-5
3.3 Watts Loss Data..............................................................................................3-6
Chapter 4 Power Wirin g
4.1 Grounding the Drive ........................................................................................4-1
4.2 Connecting Peripheral Devices to the VS1-MD Drive .....................................4-3
4.3 Power Termina l Wir ing........................................................ ............................4
4.4 Specifications for Power Terminal Block Wiring .............................................4-5
4.5 Recomme nded Breake rs.................................................................................4
4.6 Recommended AC Reactors...........................................................................4-6
Chapter 5 Control Wiring
5.1 Stop Circuit Requirements...............................................................................5-1
5.2 Motor Start/Stop Precautions ..........................................................................5-2
5.3 Terminal Wiring (Control I/O)...........................................................................5-3
5.4 Control Terminal Specifications.......................................................................5
5.5 Source/Sync for Input Control Wiring..............................................................5-5
5.6 I/O Wiring Recommendations..........................................................................5-6
5.7 Technical Specifications..................................................................................5-6

Table of Contents

Chapter 6 Using the Keypad
6.1 Keypad Component s.......................................................................................6-1
6.2 LED Descripti o ns.......... ................................................................... ................6-2
6.3 Key Descripti o n s.......................................... ....................................................6-2
6.4 About Parameters...................................................... ..... ....... .. .......... .. ..... .......6-3
6.5 How Parameters are Organized........... ...........................................................6-4
6.6 Moving Betwee n Para me te r Groups ................ ...............................................6-4
6.7 Changing Between Parameters Within a Group..............................................6-6
6.8 Modifying th e Valu e of a Para mete r.................................................. ..............6-8
6.9 Monitoring Display Parameters .....................................................................6-10
6.10 Reviewing the Fault Status in the Display Group..........................................6-11
6.11 Resetting the Parameters to Factory Default................................................6-12
Chapter 7 Parameter Description s
7.1 Overview..........................................................................................................7-1
7.2 Display Group Parameters..............................................................................7-2
7.3 Basic Group Par a mete r s..... ................................................................... .........7-5
7.4 Terminal Par a mter s.......................................................................................7-12
7.5 Function Gro up 1 Parame ters.................................................................... ...7-28
7.6 Function Gro up 2 Paramters.................................................................... .....7-40
Contents I
Chapter 8 Customi z in g f or Y our Applicat io n
8.1 Frequency Mode.......... ...................................... ..............................................8-1
8.2 UP-Down..........................................................................................................8
8.3 3-Wire ..............................................................................................................8
8.4 PID Control.....................................................................................................8
8.5 Auto-tuning.....................................................................................................8-
8.6 Sensorless Ve cto r Co nt r o l........................................................... ..................8
8.7 Speed Search ...............................................................................................8
 
  
8.8 Self-Diagnostic Function................................................................ .......... ......8-17
8.9 Parameter Read/Write ...................................................................................8
8.10 Parameter Initialization / Lock........................................................................8-19
8.11 Multi-function Output Terminal (MO) and Relay (3AC) ..................................8
8.12 Accel/Dece l setting and V/F Control......... ..................................... ................8-27
8.13 Control Block Diagram...................................................................................8-28
8.14 Frequency and Drive Mode Setting................................................................8-29
Chapter 9 Trouble shooting
9.1 Verifying that DC Bus Capacitors are Discharged Before
Servicing the Drive..........................................................................................9-1
9.2 Determining Drive Status Using the STP/FLT LED..........................................9-2
9.3 Monitoring Drive Sta tu s Usi n g the Displ a y Parameters............................. ......9-2
9.4 Reviewing Fault Status of the Drive.................................................................9-3
9.5 Fault Codes......................................................................................................9-3
9.6 Fault Correction................................................................................................9-6
9.7 Overload Prote c tion .................................... .....................................................9-8
Appendix A Technical Specifications........................................................................................A-1
Appendix B Options & Kits
B.1 Remote Option...... ...................................... ....................................................B-1
B.2 Condui t Kit.......................................................................................................B-4
B.3 Breaking Resistor............................................................................................B-8
Appendix C RS485 Protocol
C.1 In troduction . ....................................................................................................C-1
C.2 Specifications ..................................................................................................C-2
C.3 Installation .......................................................................................................C-3
C.4 Operation ........................................................................................................C-3
C.5 Communication Protocol (MODMUS-RTU).....................................................C-4
C.6 Communication Protocol (LS BUS) .................................................................C-4
C.7 Troubleshooting ..............................................................................................C-7
II VS1MD User Manual
This manual is intended for qualified electrical per so nnel fa mi liar wit h insta llin g, programming, and maintaining AC Drives.
This manual contains information on:
Installing and wiring the VS1MD drive
Programming the drive
Troubleshooting the drive
1.1 Getting Assistance from Baldor
For technical assistance, call 1-864-284-5444. Before calling, please review the troubleshooting section of this manual and check the Baldor Drives website at for additional information. When you call technical support, you will be asked for the drive model num ber or catalog number and this instruction manual number.
Introduction 1-1
1-2 VS1MD AC Drive User Manual
General Information and Ratings
The VS1MD is a variable frequency PWM drive capable of operating in open-loop, volts-per-hertz mode and in a sensorless vector control (SVC) mode.
This chapter contains information about the VS1MD drive, including how to identify the drive.
2.1 Identifying the Drive by Model Number
Each drive can be identified by its model number, as shown in figure 2.1. The model number is on the shipping label and the drive nameplate. The model number includes the drive and any options.
Drive model numbers for the VS1MD drive are provided in table 2.1.
VS1 MD 4 10
0P5 = 0.5HP 1 = 1HP 2 = 2HP 3 = 3HP 5 = 5HP 7 = 7.5 HP 10 = 10HP
2 = 230V 4 = 460V
MD = Microdrive
Figure 2.1 – Identifying the Drive by Model Number
General Information and Ratings 2-1
2.2 VS1MD Drive Ratings, Model Numbers and Frame Sizes
Similar VS1MD drive sizes are grouped into frame sizes to simplify re-ordering and dimensioning. Refer to figures 3.2 through 3.5 for the dimensions of each frame size.
Table 2.1 provides VS1MD drive ratings, model numbers and frame sizes.
Table 2.1 – Drive Ratings, Model Numbers and Frame Sizes
Drive Ratings Model Number Fram e
Input Voltage kW HP Output
0.4 0.5 2.5 VS1MD20P5 A
0.75 1.0 4.5 VS1MD21 A
200-230V 3-Phase
1.5 2.0 8.0 VS1MD22 B
2.2 3.0 12.0 VS1MD23 C
3.7 5.0 17.0 VS1MD25 C
5.5 7.5 24.0 VS1MD27 D
7.5 10 32.0 VS1MD210 D
0.4 0.5 1.25 VS1MD40P5 A
0.75 1.0 2.5 VS1MD41 A
380-480V 3-Phase
1.5 2.0 4.0 VS1MD42 B
2.2 3.0 6.0 VS1MD43 C
3.7 5.0 8.0 VS1MD45 C
5.5 7.5 12.0 VS1MD47 D
7.5 10.0 16.0 VS1MD410 D
2.3 Storage Guidelines
If you need to store the drive, follow these recommendations to prolong drive life and performance:
Store the drive within an ambient temperature range of -40
Store the drive within a relative humidity range of 0% to 90%, non-condensing.
Do not expose the drive to a corrosive atmosphere.
to +70 Co.
2-2 VS1MD AC Drive User Manual
Installing the Drive
This chapter provides information that must be considered when planning a VS1MD drive installation and provides drive mounting information and installation site requirements.
ATTENTION: Only qualified electical personnel familiar with the construction and operation of this equipment and the hazards involved
should install, adjust, operate, or service this equipment. Read and understand this manual and other applicable manuals in their entirety before proceeding. Failure to observe this precaution could result in severe bodily injury or loss of life.
ATTENTION: Use of power correction capacitors on the output of the drive can result in erratic operation of the motor, nuisance tripping, and/or permanent damage to the drive. Remove power correction capacitors before proceeding. Failure to observe this precaution could result in damage to, or destruction of, the equipment.
ATTENTION: The user is responsible for conforming with all applicable local, national, and international codes. Failure to observe this precaution could result in damage to, or destruction of, the equipment.
3.1 General Requirements for the Installation Site
It is important to properly plan before installing a VS1MD to ensure that the drive’s environment and operating conditions are satisfactory.
The area behind the drive must be kept clear of all control and power wiring. Power connections may create electromagnetic fields that may interfere with control wiring or components when run in close proximity to the drive.
Read the recommendations in the following sections before continuing with the drive installation.
Inst alling the Drive 3-1
3.1.1 Operating Conditions
Before deciding on an installation site, consider the following guidelines:
Protect the cooling fan by avoiding dust or metallic particles.
Do not expose the drive to a corrosive atmosphere.
Protect the drive from moisture and direct sunlight.
Verify that the drive location will meet the environmental conditions specified in table
Table 3.1 – Ambient Temperatures and Mounting Clearances
Ambient Temperature Enclosure Rating Minimum Mounting
Minimum Maximum
-10 (14
50 (122
40 (104
50 (122
IP20/Open Type 5 cm
IP20/NEMA 1 5 cm
Side-by-Side 5 cm
3.1.2 Minimum Mounting Clearances
Refer to figur e 3.1 f or the mi nimum mou nting cl earances. Refer to sec tion 3 .1 f or dr ive mount ing dimensions.
5 cm (1.0 in)
Figure 3.1 – Mini mum Mounting Clea rances
3-2 VS1MD AC Drive User Manual
3.1.3 Mounting Dimensions for the VS1MD Drive
Overall dimens ions and weights are illustrated in figures 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 as an aid to calculating the total area required by the VS1-MD drive. Dimensions are in millimeters. Weights are in kilograms. See table 2.1 for drive ra tings by frame.
Frame Size A HP W W1 H H1 D A B kg
230V/460V 0.5 70 65.5 128 119 130 4.5 4.0 0.76 230V/460V 1.0 70 65.5 128 119 130 4.5 4.0 0.77
Figure 3.2 – Drive Dimensions and Weights Frame A
Inst alling the Drive 3-3
Frame Size B HP W W1 H H1 D A B kg
230V/460V 2.0 100 95.5 128 120 130 4.5 4.5 1.12
Figure 3.3 – Drive Dimensions and Weights Frame B
Frame Size C HP W W1 H H1 D A B kg
230V/460V 3.0 140 132 128 120.5 155 4.5 4.5 1.84 230V/460V 5.0 140 132 128 120.5 155 4.5 4.5 1.89
Figure 3.4 – Drive Dimensions and Weights Frame C
3-4 VS1MD AC Drive User Manual
Frame Size D HP W W1 H H1 D A B kg
230V/460V 7.5 180 170 220 210 170 5.0 4.5 3.66 230V/460V 10.0 180 170 2 20 210 170 5.0 4.5 3.66
Figure 3.5 – Drive Dimens ions and Weights Frame D
3.2 Mounting the Drive
Mount the drive upright on a flat, vertical, and level surface.
Table 3.1 – Mounting Speci fications
Frame Screw Size Screw Torque
A M3.5 (#6-32) 0.67 - 0.97 N-m (6 - 8 in-lb) B M4 (#8-32) 1.56 - 1.96 N-m (14 -17 in-lb) C M4 (#8-32) 1.56 - 1.96 N-m (14 -17 in-lb) D M4 (#8-32) 1.56 - 1.96 N-m (14 -17 in-lb)
3.2.1 Protecting the Drive from Debris
The drive must be protected from debris falling through the vents in the top of the drive during installation and operation. The drive is designed to operate in IP20/Open Type application mounted in a protective enclosure. A conduit kit is available as an option which provides a top panel to block the top vents and prevent debris from entering the drive.
Inst alling the Drive 3-5
3.3 Watts L oss Data
Model # HP Fr ame Wat ts Loss
VS1MD20P5 0.5 A 13
VS1MD21 1.0 A 28 VS1MD22 2.0 B 18 VS1MD23 3.0 C 56 VS1MD25 5.0 C 98 VS1MD27 7.5 D 73
VS1MD210 10.0 D 70
VS1MD40P5 0.5 A 9
VS1MD41 1.0 A 22 VS1MD42 2.0 B 32
Table 3.2 – Watts Loss Data
230 Volts
460 Volts
VS1MD43 3.0 C 47 VS1MD45 5.0 C 94 VS1MD47 7.5 D 84
VS1MD410 10.0 D 113
3-6 VS1MD AC Drive User Manual
4.1 Grounding the Drive
ATTENTION:T he following information is merely a guide for proper
installation. Baldor Electric Company cannot assume responsibility for
The drive Safety Ground - must be connected to system ground. Ground impedance must conform to the requirements of national and local indust ri al safety regulations and/or electrical
codes. The integr ity of all ground conne cti ons should be periodically checked.
the compliance or the noncompliance to any code, national, local or otherwise for the proper installation of this drive or associated equipment. A hazard of personal injury and/or equipment damage exists if codes are ignored during installation.
ATTENTION:Use the dedicated ground terminal to ground the drive. Do not use the screw in the case or chassis, etc for grounding.
Power Wiring
Figure 4.1 – Typical Grounding
Ground Fault Monitoring
If a system ground fault monitor is to be used, only Type B devices should be used to avoid nuisance tripping.
Safety Ground -
This is the safety ground for the drive that i s requi red by code. One of these points must be connected to adjacent building steel (girder, joist), a floor ground rod, or bus bar. Grounding points must comply with national and loc al i ndustrial safet y regulations and/or electrical codes.
Motor Ground
The motor ground must be connected to one of the ground terminals on the drive.
Power Wiring 4-1
Shield Terminat io n - SH L D
Either of the safety ground termi nals provides a grounding point for the motor cable shiel d. The motor cable shield connected to o ne of these term inal s (drive end) sho uld al so be connect ed to the motor frame (motor end). Use a shield terminating or EMI clamp to connect the shield to the safety ground te rminal.
When shielded cable is used for control and signal wiri ng, t he shield should be grounded at the source end only, not at the drive end.
4.1.1 RFI Filter Grou nding
Using drives with RFI fi lter s may resul t in relat ivel y high gr ound leak age cu rrent s. The refor e, the filter must only be used in installations with grounded AC supply systems and be permanently installed and solidly grounded (bonded) to the buildi ng power distribution
ground. Ensure that the incom ing supply neutral is solidly connected (b onded) to the same building
power distribution ground. Groundi ng m ust not rely on flexible cables and should not include any form of plug or sock et that would permit inadvertent disconnection. Some local codes may require redundant ground connections. The integrity of all connections should be periodically checked.
4.1.2 Grounding Procedure
Step 1. Remove the front cover. Step 2. Connect the Grounding wire to the ground terminal through the opening for
ground terminal. Enter the screw driver from vertical to the terminal and secure the screw tightly.
4.1.3 Grounding Guidelines
200V Class 400V Class
0.5 HP 3.5 mm
1.0 HP 3.5 mm
2.0 HP 3.5 mm
3.0 HP 3.5 mm
7.5 HP 5.5 mm
M3 Type 3 2 mm M3 2 mm M3 2 mm M3 2 mm M4 3.5 mm
Table 4.1 – Grounding G uidelines
M3 Special Type 3 M3 M3 M3 M4
4-2 VS1MD AC Drive User Manual
4.2 Connecting Peripheral Devi ces to the VS1MD Drive
ATTENTION:Appropria te peripheral devices must be selected and
correct connections made to ensure proper operation. You must read and understand this manual thoroughly before proceeding. Failure to observe
this precaution could result in damage to, or destruction of, the equipment.
The following devices are required to operate the VS1MD drive.
Table 4.2 – Peripheral Devices for the VS1MD Drive
AC Source Supply Use a power supply within the
permissible range for the drive’s input power rating.
MCCB or Earth leakage circuit breaker (ELB)
Magnetic Contactor Install a magnetic contactor if
Reactors Reactors must be used when the
Installation and wiring To ensure optimal operation and
Select circuit breakers with care. A large inrush current may flow in the converter when power is turned on.
necessary. When installed, do not use the contactor for the purpose of starting or stopping.
power factor needs to be improved or the drive is installed within 10 m of a large power supply system (1000kVA or more).
life span of the drive, install it in an approriate place with proper orientation and clearances. Incorrect terminal wiring can result in damage to the equipment.
To motor Do not connect a power factor
capacitor , surge suppresor , or radio noise filter to the output side of the drive.
Power Wiring 4-3
4.3 Power Terminal Wiring
AC Line
Figu re 4.2 – Power Terminal Wi ring
% %
4-4 VS1MD AC Drive User Manual
4.4 Specifications for Power Terminal Block Wiring
VS1MD20P5, VS1MD21, VS1MD40P5, VS1MD41, VS1MD22, VS1MD42
VS1MD23, VS1MD43, VS1MD25, VS1MD45
VS1MD27, VS1MD210, VS1MD47, VS1MD41 0
B1 B2 U V W
VS1MD20P5 VS1MD21 VS1MD22 VS1MD23 VS1MD25 VS1MD27 VS1MD10 VS1MD40P5 VS1MD41 VS1MD42 VS1MD43 VS1MD45 VS1MD47 VS1MD410
wire size
2 14 2 14 3.5 12 M3.5 10/ 8.7 2 14 2 14 3.5 12 M3.5 10/ 8.7 2 14 2 14 3.5 12 M3.5 10/ 8.7 2 14 2 14 3.5 12 M4 15/13
3.5 12 3.5 12 3.5 12 M4 15/13
5.5 10 5.5 10 5.5 10 M5 32/28 8 8 8 8 5.5 10 M5 32/28 2 14 2 14 2 14 M3.5 10/8.7 2 14 2 14 2 14 M3.5 10/8.7 2 14 2 14 2 14 M4 15/13 2 14 2 14 2 14 M4 15/13 2 14 2 14 2 14 M4 15/13
3.5 12 2 14 3.5 12 M5 32/28
3.5 12 3.5 12 3.5 12 M5 32/28
U, V, W
wire size
Ground Wire Screw
AWG Terminal
torque Screw
* Strip the sheaths of the wire insulation 7mm when a ring terminal is not used for power connection.
Power Wiring 4-5
4.5 Recommended Breakers
Table 4.3 – Circuit Brea ker Ratings by Model Number
Model Breaker Model Breaker
Current[A] Voltage[V] Current[A] Voltage[V]
VS1MD20P5 VS1MD21 30 230
VS1MD22 30 230 VS1MD23 30 230 VS1MD25 30 230 VS1MD27 50 230 VS1MD10 60 230
30 230
VS1MD40P5 30 460 VS1MD41 30 460 VS1MD42 30 460 VS1MD43 30 460 VS1MD45 30 460 VS1MD47 30 460 VS1MD410 30 460
4.6 Recommended Fuses and AC Reactors
Model External fuse AC reactor
Current[A] Voltage[V]
VS1MD21 10 A 500 2.13mH, 5.7A VS1MD22 15 A 500 1.20mH, 10A VS1MD23 25 A 500 0. 88m H,14A VS1MD25 40 A 500 0.56mH, 20A VS1MD27 40 A 500 0.39mH, 30A
VS1MD210 50 A 500 0.28mH, 40A
VS1MD40P5 5 A 500 18.0mH, 1.3A
VS1MD41 10 A 500 8.63mH, 2.8A VS1MD42 10 A 500 4.81mH, 4.8A VS1MD43 10 A 500 3.23mH, 7.5A VS1MD45 20 A 500 2.34mH, 10A VS1MD47 20 A 500 1.22mH, 15A
VS1MD4100 30 A 500 1.14mH, 20A
10 A 500 4.20mH, 3.5A
ATTENTION:Suitable For Use On A Circuit Capable Of Delivering Not More Then 65,000 RMS Symmetrical Amperes. 240V drives
4-6 VS1MD AC Drive User Manual
or 480V drives Volts Maximum ATTENTION:Use Class H or K5 UL Listed Input Fuse and UL
Listed Breaker Only. See the table above for the voltage and current rating of the fuse and the breaker.
4.7 Reflected Wave Protection
When more than one motor is connected to one inverter, total wiring length should be less than 200m (656ft). Do not use a 3-wire cable for long distances. Due to increased leakage capacitance between wires, over-current protective feature may operate or equipment connected to the output side may malfunction. In case of long wire length, lower carrier frequency or contact Baldor for recommendations.
Table 4.4 – Wire Length Recommendations
Length Between Inverter and Motor Allowable Carrier Frequency
Up to 50 meters Less than 15 kHz
Up to 100 meters Less than 5 kHz
More than 100 meters Less than 2.5 kHZ
Power Wiring 4-7
4-8 VS1MD AC Drive User Manual
Control Wiring
This chapter describes how to wire the signal and I/O terminal strip for stop, speed feedback, and remote control signals.
ATTENTION:Apply the rated torque to terminal screws. Loose screws can cause short circuit and malfunction. Tightening the screws too much
can damage the terminals and cause short circuit and malfunction.
ATTENTION:Make sure the input power is off before wiring. ATTENTION:After power supply is switched off following operation, wait
at least 10 minutes after LED keypad display is off before you start working on it.
ATTENTION:Applying input power supply to the output terminals U, V and W causes internal inverter damage.
ATTENTION:Use ring terminals with insulated caps when wiring the input power and motor wiring.
ATTENTION:Do not leave wire fragments inside the inverter. Wire fragments can cause faults, breakdowns and malfunctions.
ATTENTION:When more than one motor is connected to one inverter, total wiring length should be less than 200m (656ft). Do not use a 3-wire cable for long distances. Due to increased leakage capacitance between wires, over-current protective feature may operate or equipment connected to the output side may malfunction. In case of long wire length, lower carrier frequency or contact Baldor for recommendations.
ATTENTION:Never short B1 and B2 terminals. Shorting terminals may cause internal inverter damage.
ATTENTION:Do not install a power factor capacitor, surge suppressor or RFI filter in the output side of the inverter. Doing so may damage these components.
5.1 Stop Circuit Requirements
ATTENTION:You must provide an external, hardwired emergency
stop circuit outside of the drive circuitry. This circuit must disable the
In addition to the operational stop, you must provide a hardwired emergency stop external to the drive. The emergency stop circuit must contain only hardwired electromechanical components. Operation of the emergency stop must not depend on electronic logic (hardware or software) or on the communication of commands over an electronic network or link. Note that the hardwired emergency stop you install can be used at any time to stop the drive.
Control Wiring 5-1
system in case of improper operation. Uncontrolled machine operation can result if this procedure is not followed. Failure to observe this precaution could result in bodily injury.
5.2 Motor Start/Stop Precautions
ATTENTION:A contactor or other device that routinely disconnects and
reapplies the AC line to the drive to start and stop the motor can cause
Important points to remember about I/O wiring:
Always use copper wire.
Wire with an insulation rating of 600V or greater is recommended.
Control and signal wires should be separated from power wires by at least 0.3
meters (1 foot).
drive hardware damage. The drive is designed to use control input signals that will start and stop the motor. If used, the input device must not exceed one operation per minute or drive damage can occur. Failure to observe this precaution can result in damage to, or destruction of, equipment.
ATTENTION:The drive start/stop control circuitry includes solid-state components. If hazards due to accidental contact with moving machinery or unintentional flow of liquid, gas or solids exist, an additional hardwired stop circuit may be required to remove the AC line to the drive. When the AC line is removed, there will be a loss of any inherent regenerative braking effect that might be present - the motor will coast to a st op . A n a ux iliary brakin g method may b e required.
Important: I/O terminals labeled “Common” are not referenced to the safety ground
terminal and are designed to greatly reduce common mode interference.
ATTENTION:Driving the 4-20 mA analog input from a voltage source could cause component damage. Verify proper configuration prior to
applying input signals.
5-2 VS1MD AC Drive User Manual
5.3 Terminal Wiring (Control I/O)
T/M Description
MO Multi-function open collector output
MG MO Common
24 24V output
P1 FX: F orw ard run
CM Input signal common
P3 BX: Stop
P4 RST: Trip reset
CM Input signal common
VR 10V power supply for potentiometer
V1 Freq. Setting Voltage signal input: -0~10V
I Freq. Setting Current signal input: 0~20mA
AM Multi-function analog output signal: 0~10V
MF input terminal
(factory setting)
MF input terminal
(factory setting)
MF input terminal
(factory setting)
RX: Reverse run
JOG: Jog operation
Preset Speed Input 1
Preset Speed Input 2
Preset Speed Input 3
3A A contact output N.O.
3B B contact output N.C.
Multi-function relay
output terminal
A/B contact common
RS485 communication terminal
# For connection to Remote Option or
parameter copying
Control Wiring 5-3
5.4 Control Terminal Specificati ons
MO MG 24 P1 P2 CM P3 P4 S- S+
3A 3B 3C P5 CM P6 P7 P8 VR V1 I AM
T/M Terminal Description
Multi-fu nction d igital input
CM Common Terminal 1.0 1.5 M2.6 0.4
VR Power supply for external
V1 Input terminal f or Voltage
I Input terminal for Current
AM Multi-function analog
MO Multi-function terminal for
MG Ground terminal for
24 24V External Power
3A Multi-function relay
3B Multi-function relay
3C Common for
T/M 1-8
speed potentiometer
output termin al
open collector output
external power supply
output A contact N.O.
output B contact N.C.
Multi-function relays
Wire size[m m2]
solid wire
1.0 1.5 M2.6 0.4
1.0 1.5 M2.6 0.4
1.0 1.5 M2.6 0.4
1.0 1.5 M2.6 0.4
1.0 1.5 M2.6 0.4
1.0 1.5 M2.6 0.4
1.0 1.5 M2.6 0.4
1.0 1.5 M2.6 0.4
1.0 1.5 M2.6 0.4
1.0 1.5 M2.6 0.4
1.0 1.5 M2.6 0.4
Output Voltage: 12 V Max output current: 10mA Potentiometer: 1 - 5 kohm
Max input voltage:
-12V - +12V input 0 - 20 mA input
Internal Resister: 250 ohm
Max output voltage: 11 V
Max output current:
Below DC 26V, 100mA
Max output current:
Below AC 250V, 1A
Below DC 30V, 1A
5-4 VS1MD AC Drive User Manual
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