Balboa Water Group FIS Gunite Converta'ssage 10-4553 User Manual

FIS GUNITE MICRO’SSAGE® (Part No. 16-5280)
Recommended 14 GPM @ 14 PSI Flow Rate per Jet
Using PVC cement, glue a piece of 2-1/2” PVC pipe into the jet body, which is long enough to extend past the 1. plaster/finish line of the spa. Plumb the jet at the desired location. Anchor the jet so it will remain straight (perpendicular to the plaster/finish 2. line of the spa). NOTE: Unit must be installed at least 8” below the water level. If unit is installed less than 8” below the water lever, water may splash out of the spa when jets are turned on. Using PVC cement, glue a 2-1/2” cap over each open end of 2-1/2” pipe for pressure test. 3. After gunite, plaster and pressure test are complete, cut the 2-1/2” pipe flush to the plaster/finish line of the spa 4. wall. (See Diagram 1)
Using PVC cement, glue a piece of 1/2” pipe, which is long enough 5. to be flush with or extend beyond the finish line of the spa, into the nozzle adapter (P/N 16-5287). Thread (hand-tight) the 1/2” pipe/nozzle adapter assembly (created 6. in Step 5) into the jet assembly. (See Diagram 2) Use straight edge across the 1/2” pipe to mark Cut-Line #1 flush 7. with the finish line of the spa. Remove the 1/2” pipe/nozzle adapter assembly and cut pipe at the Cut-Line #1 mark. (See Diagram 3) Stand Fitting (P/N 16-5288) on flat surface. Sit the 1/2” pipe/nozzle 8. adapter assembly on the flange of the Fitting (P/N 16-5288) and mark Cut-Line #2 on the 1/2” pipe. (See Diagram 4)
Cut 1/2” pipe at the Cut-line #2
Glue a coupling onto a scrap random length of pipe. Slide coupling 9. (DO NOT GLUE) onto the 1/2,” pipe/nozzle adapter assembly. (See Diagram 5). Use this extension to screw 1/2” pipe/nozzle adapter assembly into the jet body. Center extension in pipe, then pull coupling extension off and out. Slip Fitting (P/N 16-5288) onto 1/2” pipe/nozzle adapter assembly. 10. Push or tap nozzle Fitting “Home”. (See Diagram 6) The Fitting with the 1/2” pipe/nozzle adapter assembly must fit flush with pool/spa wall as shown. If not - Remove the 1/2” pipe/ nozzle adapter and shorten as needed to fit the nozzle flush. Once fit is correct, remove Fitting from the 1/2” pipe/ nozzle adapter, and glue in place. Thread the assembly created in Step 10 into the corresponding jet 11. location in the spa. When the assembly is threaded all the way in, the flange of the fitting should be flush with the spa wall/plaster.
(See Diagram 7)
Install either a Micro’ssage® Grill & Flowpath Assembly (P/N 12. 16-5230) or a Converta’ssage™ Escutcheon Assembly (P/N 10-4505). Both Assemblies twist-lock into place.
NEVER Operate Spa If Suction / Main Drain Covers Are Loose, Broken Or Missing. Replace Loose, Broken Or Damaged Suction / Main Drain Covers Immediately. NEVER Exceed The Flow Rating of the Suction / Main Drain Covers.
PART NO. 10-4505Part No. 16-5230
88-5280 Rev B June 24, 2009