Digital Servo Pressure Control Valve
I/P Converter
IInnssttaallllaattiioonn && OOppeerraattiioonn MMaannuuaall
Rev 1.6
8809 Industrial Drive, Franksville, WI 53126-9337
8809 Industrial Drive, Franksville, WI 53126-9337
Tel: 262-884-9800 Fax: 262-884-9810
E-Mail: awinfo@aw-lake.com Web: http://www.awgearmeters.com
ail: aw@awcompany.com Web:
Tel: 262-884-9800 Fax: 262-884-9810

Installation….…………………………………………… page 3
Dimensions……….................………………….. page 3
Electrical Connections……….................………………. page 3
Connection for Voltage Control Input…...……... page 3
DSV-100 Start-Up……...……………….....…..……….. page 4
Setpoint……………..................………………… page 4
DSV-100 Input/Output Options…………………..…….. page 4
Response Test………………....................……… page 5
Manual Mode Operation………..………….……………. page 6
Digital Servo Pressure Control Valve
Model DSV-100
Installation and Operation Manual
Introduction / Features…..………..…………………….. page 2
Specifications…..………..………………….………….. page 2
Connection for Current Control Input ……..…... page 3
DSV-100 Display Modes.……………….....…..……….. page 4
Actual Pressure…………………............………. page 4
Difference………………………............………. page 4
Input Range Options …………...........…………. page 4
Output Range Options …………...........……….. page 4
Programming/Diagnostic Mode.…………….………….. page 5
View/Edit Input Option …………...........………. page 5
View/Edit Output Option …………...........…….. page 5
Leak Test……………………....................……… page 6
Limited Warranty Statement.............…………………… page 7
AW-Lake Company 8809 Industrial Drive, Franksville, WI 53126 web: www.awgearmeters.com
Tel: 262-884-9800 Fax: 262-884-9810 Email: awinfo@aw-lake.com
REV. 1.6 03/10 DSV-100 Manual.DOC

Introduction / Features
The DSV-100 I/P Converter from AW Gear Meters is a compact high performance digital servo pressure
control valve. Accepting either current, voltage or touch-key input, the I/P Converter precisely regulates
air pressure for directing process control valves and air or fluid regulators. This microprocessor-based
converter delivers high accuracy pressure regulation with extremely low dynamic response times for
improved process control and higher product quality. A highly visible integral LED display eliminates the
need for additional display components providing a display of actual pressure, set point pressure or the
actual pressure deviation from set point. Additional diagnostic test modes measure the system response
time or check for line leaks providing actual real-time data invaluable in commissioning, monitoring or
troubleshooting an installation. An analog output representing output pressure is provided. User set-up of
output pressure range and input voltage or current span is accomplished quickly and easily via the two
touch-keys and display. The lightweight and compact DIN rail mount package maximizes panel
component density while the push-in type ¼” pneumatic hose connectors and threaded electrical
connection minimize installation time and cost.
A Typical Spray Painting Application
Power Requirements:
Supply Voltage 10 - 24 Vdc
Supply Current 85 mA. @ 15 Vdc
Signal Inputs:
Voltage Input (programmable) 0-5, 1-5, 0-10 Vdc
Voltage Input Impedance 10 KΩ
Current Input (programmable) 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA
Current Input Impedance 250Ω
Performance Specifications:
Max. Input Pressure 130 psig*
Output Psig (programmable) 3 to 15, 0 to 15,30,50, 100
Flow Rate, 100 psig @ Inlet .6 SCFM max
Recommended Filtration 20 Micron
Min. Closed End Volume 2.13 cu. in. (35 ml)
Linearity (typical) ± 0.1% F.S.
Hysterisis (typical) ± 0.1% F.S.
Repeatability (typical) ± 0.2% F.S.
Accuracy (typical) ± 0.3% F.S.
* Supply pressure should be 10% higher than max. required
output pressure, not to exceed 130 psig.
AW-Lake Company 8809 Industrial Drive, Franksville, WI 53126 web: www.awgearmeters.com
Tel: 262-884-9800 Fax: 262-884-9810 Email: awinfo@aw-lake.com
REV. 1.6 03/10 DSV-100 Manual.DOC
Signal Output:
Pressure Signal 0-5 Vdc
(Actual pressure, 0 to 100%
of programmed output range)
Dynamic Response:
10 - 90% F.S. Rated Output 180 ms.
Wetted Parts:
Elastomers RTV, Glass
Manifold Aluminum
Valves Nickel Plated Brass
Press. Transducer RTV, Aluminum, Plastic
Operating Temp. Range 32-158°F (0-70°C)