Vortex® Connectionless Steamers
888-994-7636 • avtecind.com
VS 03/07 (1.5m)
Information contained in this document is known to be current and accurate at the time of printing.
Unied Brands recommends referencing our product line websites for the most updated product information and specications.
Programmable Auto Wash System (PAWS™)
This system utilizes our exclusive, high-velocity, lowvolume, quadruple-pass grease extractor — designed
to remove up to 95 percent of grease contaminants,
allowing exhaust fans to run at high eciency. This
digital, programmable control system has been designed
to automate the frequency and time of wash cycles. A
lockout sequence avoids unauthorized changes.
• Electromechanical, manually resettable exhaust duct
collar dampers
• Fusible link exhaust collar
• Thermal detective damper
• Cold water mist
• Control panels available surface or recessed wall
mounted, hood mounted, or raceway mounted
Mist-A-Fire II™
This system constantly monitors and displays key
functions such as water, power, fuel supply, and water
pressure. LED indicators and an LCD alphanumeric
display — plus an audible alarm — signal deciencies as
soon as they arise. Additional features include:
• Individual detection and activation
• Optional 18-hour, self-charging battery
backup system
• Unlimited supply of re suppressant
• Easier cleanup
• Minimal maintenance costs
• No semiannual inspections required
• No system recharging
• Quick reactivation of system after use
• New fryer coverage to meet the newest codes
• Minimal water usage
Avtec Programmable Electrostatic
Precipitator (APEP™) System
The Avtec programmable el ectrostatic precipitator
system controls unwanted a irborne contaminants
and grease-laden va pors — important wh ere clean air
requirements are string ent. This technology replaces
fragile ionizing wires and insulators with m ore reliable,
high-frequency elec tronics. A programmable logic
controller manages the self-contained clea ning system
for added reliability and eciency.
Modular Utility Distribution Systems (UDS)
Our modular utility distribution systems are designed for
rapid change and expansion. With one-point connection,
you can easily move or change the whole system or a
single unit. The bulk power capability allows you to make
additions or changes without extensive — and expensive
— remodeling. Point-of-use circuit breaker connections
with matching outlet specication eliminate the need to
rewire, as well as the worry of adding circuit panels. And a
single connection point for all utilities provides exibility.
Both our popular “E” series utilizing bus bar electrical
delivery and “M” series cable bus are available in wall or
island congurations, and oer the best features and
exibility on the market. Each system includes point-ofoperation circuit protection or our optional end-mounted
breakers. Our gas and water manifolds are fully welded
and include a full-ow ball valve at all termination points.
Optional ventilation control panels, as well our Mist-A-Fire
II and PAWS controls, can be added to any system to meet
your specic needs.
Modular Utility Distribution System

We’ve got
you covered.
Your kitchen’s ventilation needs
are unique. Customi zation
and exibility are a necessity
in today’s performa nce-driven
market. That’s why Avtec
oers a choice of high-quality,
reliable systems — from our
value-driven CHINOOK Value
Ventilation line to our cuttingedge TAKU Premier Ventilation
models — to help you capture
a gentle or stron ger wind. Both
oer a variety o f hood designs,
along with many f unctional and
visually aesthe tic options.
The ventilation systems share
Avtec’s reputation for innovation.
Whether you’re looking for
standardized equipment, just a
couple of options, or a one-of-akind system, our design engineers
can help. As a technology leader,
we have the expertise and
experience to deliver a solution
that will t any need or budget.
From Flexible ...
CHINOOK, derived fro m a warm downward slopin g wind, oers great
value for the cost-co nscious kitchen. Stan dard features include att ractive
single-shell hood with stainless steel on exposed surfaces.
The systems also feature pre-wired, UL-listed incan descent light xtures,
as well as aluminum g rease lters, a removable grease trough and grease
cup for easy cleanup, a nd built-in, three-i nch rear air space. An op tional
zero-inch clearance i s approved for use agains t combustible surfa ces and
is available on the to p, back, or ends.
Our CHINOOK and TAKU models are available
in three basic hood designs to meet the specic
application you’re designing.
1. Exhaust Only Exhaust only is a design that allows for some of the lowest exhaust
rates in the industry. You control what and where air is exhausted, without the extensive
requirements of internal make-up air equipment. It is ideal for new constructions where
make-up air can be adequately replaced through building design and for existing makeup air systems with adequate capacity to replace exhausted air.
2. Front Face Make-Up Air Front face make-up air (MUA) is a popular, inexpensive
design that supplies heated, cooled, or ambient air to the cooking area via several
• Perforated at front MUA: Spreads an even ow of supply air across the face of
the ventilation system. This design economically introduces high volumes of
supply air without the need for ceiling or wall diusers.
• Perforated sloped front MUA: Allows the same low-velocity, even ow as the at
front method, yet directs airow downward as well as outward. As much as 90
percent of exhausted air can be replaced, limiting the expense of additional
return air diusers.
• Front face diuser: Employs double deection diusers that oer greater
exibility in adjusting and directing airow to ensure the proper air movement
in your environment.
There are no tools needed for perforated front face MUA hoods—an Avtec specialty.
Removable panels easily lift up and pull out for easy cleaning, making this one of the
easiest-to-maintain designs on the market.
3. Short Circuit Make-Up Air Short circuit make-up air is a design—popular for
light-duty cooking equipment—that minimizes the amount of air removed from the area by
supplying make-up air directly under the hood. The amount of exhaust varies with kitchen
design, so discuss your application with us to get the right design to meet your needs:
• Internal slot short circuit: Your best choice for low-heat, low-grease applications.
Internal MUA condenses steam and guides the euent in the capture plenum
toward the capture device. Make-up air is supplied through a slot with a
perforated plate, evenly distributing air.
• Internal diuser: More ecient than the slot style, as the diuser assembly
— located inside the capture plenum — is targeted directionally to ensure more
ecient use and capture of the cooking and combustion euent. Ideal for lowand medium-temperature cooking.
• Internal diuser with capture curtain: This specially engineered design creates a
face velocity, while the internal diuser supplies a stream of air directed at the
lters, making it the most ecient short circuit ventilation design on the market.
Ideal for medium- and high-temperature cooking.
Available on all hood designs All of our hood designs are available with UL-listed
grease lters or modular grease extractor cartridges.
• UL-listed grease lters: Capture grease particulates on the lter surface through
impingement and deliver them to the grease gutter.
• Modular grease extractor cartridges: Remove extreme amounts of grease from
the air stream! Both our high-volume exhaust cartridge (for high air volumes)
and low-volume exhaust cartridge (for low- to mid-range air volumes) are
rigorously tested to ensure optimal performance.
... To Cutting Edge
TAKU, derived from an Alaskan wind that can reach hurricane force, is our top-of-theline ventilation system. It’s ideal for open kitchens where designer-driven aesthetics
are a must. A double-skin ventilation hood allows customized interior and exterior
nishes to match any décor.
TAKU models feature heavy 300 series stainless steel throughout. Pre-wired, UL
listed light xtures are designed not to exceed three-feet on center, giving you
the light you need. A concealed grease gutter and removable grease cup add
to the pleasing aesthetics, as do stainless steel grease lters or modular grease
extractor cartridges—as well as our popular programmable water wash system for
applications that require the best available technology on the market. Adjustable
location hanger brackets and built-in, three-inch rear air space are standard.
All heavy 300 series stainless steel double wall construction (inside and outside)
Concealed grease trough
Stainless steel extractor cartridges (standard on dry extractor hoods)
Concealed grease cup with overow hole
Pre-wired globe lighting on maximum of 3’ centers
• UL listed stainless steel lters (standard on lter hoods)
• Field locatable hanging brackets pre-punched
• Lineal diusers with opposed blade dampers for exact adjustment of supply air
• Self-cleaning quadruple pass collection device for water wash
Programmable auto wash control panel
Mist-A-Fire II sprinkler suppression system
TAKU stainless steel hidden
grease cup and trough
TAKU AXWP Dry Cartridge Perforated Front Hood
CHINOOK removable grease cup
and trough for easy cleanup
CHINOOK VDD Exhaust Only Hood
Double sidewall construction
Removable grease trough
UL listed aluminum grease lters (standard on lter hoods)
Easily removable grease cup
Pre-wired globe lighting on maximum of 4’ centers
• Stainless steel where shows construction
• Pre-mounted hanging brackets
• Removable front perforated panels
• Lineal diusers with perforated distribution plates
& External
VDD Filter •
VDV Filter V-Bank •
VNW Filter •
VPF Filter •
UL listed stainless
steel lter
VPV Filter V-Bank •
VFF Filter •
VFV Filter V-Bank •
VIC Filter •
VAD Filter •
VAV Filter V-Bank •
VCV Filter V-Bank •
VID Filter
VIS Filter
VIV Filter V-Bank
AFWO Filter •
AXWO Dry Cartridge •
AFWE Filter •
AFWP Filter •
Stainless steel
dry cartridge
AXWE Dry Car tridge •
AXWP Dry Cartridge •
AWWE Water Wash •
AWWI Water Wash •
AWWP Water Wash •
AWWO Water Wash •
AWWD Water Wash •
AXSO Dry Cartridge •
AFSO Filter •
AFWI Filter •
AFWD Filter •
AXWD Dry Cartridge •
AXWI Dry Cartridge •