This manual covers three [3] of the basic types of
systems offered by AVTEC - Baffle Filter [AF],
Modular Grease Extractor [AX] and Auto Wash
Down [AW].
A.Baffle Filter [AF Series] [See fig. #1
Model AF ventilators are listed by Underwriters
Laboratories Inc. [UL] and are built in accordance
with the National Fire Protection Association
[NFPA] Standard No. 96 for use with UL Listed
fire extinguishing systems for duct hood
protection. They are available with or without an
automatic exhaust fire damper. They utilize UL
Classified removable baffle filters to extract
grease and provide a limited fire barrier. The
canopy contains an integral grease trough and
removable grease receptacle(s). Surface,
plenum and duct collar fire extinguis hing systems
may be factory supplied.
Vent Control Panels may be supplied with these
systems. See additional wiring diagrams for
canopy contains an integral grease trough and
grease collection receptacle(s). Surface, plenum
and duct collar fire extinguishing systems are
required and may be factory supplied.
Vent control panels may be supplied with these
systems. See additional wiring diagrams for
Installation shall be in accordance with NFPA 96.
C.Auto Wash Down [AW Series] Energy Aire [see
fig. #3]
Model AW ventilators are listed by UL and built in
accordance with NFPA Standard No. 96 for use
with UL Listed fire extinguishing system s for duct
and hood protection. They are available with or
without an automatic exhaust fire damper.
Installation shall be in accordance with NFPA 96.
B.Modular Grease Extractors [AX Series] Energy
Aire [see fig. #2]
Model AX ventilators are listed by UL and built in
accordance with NFPA Standard No. 96 for use
with UL Listed fire extinguishing s ystems for duc t
and hood protection. They are available with or
without an automatic exhaust fire damper.
These models utilize high velocity removable
grease extractors. T his exclusive design extracts
up to 95%* of airborne grease c ontaminants. T he
*Data from independent tests not a part of UL test
These systems utilize a high velocity grease
extractor. This exclusive design extracts up to
95%* of airborne grease contaminants. An
integral water wash system cleans the inside of
the grease extraction cham ber either by manual
activation of the Wash Start button or by a
programmable tim er. T he duration of the wash is
electrically controlled. The wash system is also
activated by an electrical thermostat or a manual
switch in the event of a fire condition. A surface
fire extinguishing system is required and may be
factory supplied.
Auto Wash control panels are provided with these
systems. W iring diagrams are provided with this
Installation shall be in accordance with NFPA 96.
D.Airflow Requirements
Minimum exhaust airflow requirements and
maximum make-up airflow requirements [where
air is introduced directly inside the canopy] are
shown on the chart below. These flow rates were
established under laboratory conditions. Greater
exhaust airflows and/or reduced make-up airflows
may be required for complete capture.
*=Manufacturer's test results not yet submitted to U.L. for capture tests.
Surface Equip. Surface Equip. Surface Equip.
400°F Cooking 600°F Cooking 700°F Cooking
E.Fire Extinguishing Systems
There are two basic types of ventilator fire
extinguishing systems in use today:
Wet Chemical and Water Mist. Wet Chemical
Systems may be all or partially factory installed
[by the Fire System Manufacturer]; f inal hook up
and certification at job site is done by the Fire
System Manufacturer's local representative.
These systems must be periodially inspected,
and critical parts replaced. It is suggested that a
service contract be purchased from the local
representative. For further details refer to the
manufacturer's technical manual.
AVTEC manufactures and installs a water mist
fire extinguishing system, "MIST-A-FIRE", that
connects to the building fire sprinkler system
[must be "wet" type system]. Final connect of this
system must be done in the field by the sprinkler
contractor or authorized plumber. A
certification/inspection report is done by an
authorized AVTEC representative. Periodic
inspection is generally required, but replacement
of parts and periodic maintenance is virtually
eliminated. For further details, refer to the
AVTEC MIST-A-FIRE Installation and Operating
Technical Manual.
The ventilator is supplied with brackets to facilitate
the attachment of hanger r ods to the vent. Hanger
rods should be attached to all brackets to ensure
proper support.
A.Ascertain that the ceiling/roof str ucture is strong
enough to support the weight of the hood and
support system. T he approximate weight of the
hood is shown below:
45 lbs/linear ft. for hoods w/o AMU plenums.
55 lbs/linear ft. for hoods w/AMU plenums.
125 lbs for fire control cabinet.
B.Carefully uncrate the hood so as not to dent or
scratch the outer surface.
C.Position the hood on the floor in approximately
its final installed location.
D.Use 1/2" threaded rods to hang the hood. The
hanger rods should be approxim ately 1/2" closer
to the wall at the structural attachment location
than at the top of the hood. [see fig. #4] This
ensures that the hood is held tightly against the
Note! Do not remove
Support Brace until Ventilator
installation is complete. Upon completion of
installation, dispose of Support Brace and replace the
Acorn Nuts to their original locations.
Error! Not a valid link.
Fig 4
E.The hood should be hung so that the bottom of the
hood is 6'-6" above the finished floor unless otherwise
specified. Carefully lift the hood into position being
certain to avoid scratching the finished surfaces.
Install 1/2" threaded rod from each bracket and the
structural support. Secure rods with heavy duty nuts.
[see fig. #5] Be sure that the hood is level.
Error! Not a valid link.
Fig 5
Tower Interface Detail
Place trim collar on tower. Position tower under hood.
Fully tighten trim collar retainer hardware after tower
and hood are aligned properly. See fig. A, B, and C
(next page).
F.The entire exhaust duct system must be con-
tinuously welded. This includes the connection
to the duct collar and the roof curb. All welds
must be liquid tight.
NOTE: Welds must not impede operation of
G.Connect the lights to the circuit breaker panel
through the light switch. All connections should
be in compliance with NFPA 70, National Electric Code [NEC].
H. Install bulbs in the light fixture[s].
I.Install the grease filters [AF] or modules [AX].
J.Install the grease receptacles [AF or AX]
NOTE: A minim um of a three inch [3"] insulated
fire barrier and air space must be maintained
between the capture area skin of the ventilator
and any combustible surface, including wall and
ceiling. AVTEC ventilators normally have a 3" air
space; insulation is added when specified.
III.CONTROL PANEL [if provided]
Control panels are provided with all auto wash type
ventilators [Models AW- ] and are optional with the
baffle filter type [AF- ] and modular grease
extractor type [AX- ]. Control panels with Models
AF- and AX- do not have the auto wash plumbing
assembly compartments. Any control panel may
be provided with a integral MIST-A- FIRE
Extinguishing System alarm panel and sprinkler
assembly piping; refer to the MIST-A-FIRE
technical manual.
A.Wall Attachment
Control panel dimensions and connection detail
are shown on the enclosed shop drawing.
Panels may be surface mounted, partially
recessed or fully recessed as shown on fig. 6.
1.Surface Mounted
Drill four [4] holes in ventilator plumbing
compartment as required. Be careful not to
damage any components. Avoid drilling into
electrical compartments. Bolt to wall with
anchor bolts or other acceptable means.
Weight of control panel varies from 90 lbs. to
200 lbs.
Cut hole in wall 1/2" greater than O/A
dimensions of control box [shown on shop
drawing]. Spacers or support angles may be
necessary to provide proper support. It is
recommended that panel be bolted to wall
similar to method used for surface mounted
A.VCW Control Panel [Refer to fig. 7]
1.Typical field connection terminals for VCW
Control Panel are shown in fig. 7. For custom
features such as sequential wash, tim e delay,
etc. refer to AVTEC shop drawing in back of
this manual.
2.Terminals No. 1 and No. 2 are for the
120vac Power Supply. Terminal No. 1 is Hot
and Terminal No. 2 is Neutral.
3.Terminals No. 3 and No. 4 are 120vac
power for the W ater Solenoid and Detergent
Pump. These terminals are "hot" whenever
the Water W ash Solenoid and the Detergent
Pump is scheduled to be "ON" or when there
is a fire condition. Terminal No. 5 provides
power for a pump/prime switch with a
momentary closed/normally open contact.
This switch is helpful in checking the
performance of the pump as well as in
priming the pump.
B.Programmable Automatic Wash Sequence
[PAWS] Control Panel
1.Typical Field Connections for the PAWS
Control Panel are shown on [figs. 10, 11, and
12]. Note that all options and connections may
not be included on your system.
2.Terminal Block #1 [TB-1] has three [3]
terminals and is located on the right-hand side of
the Input/Output [I/O] Board. Terminal #1
[uppermost] is for the Hot lead of the power
supply and is protected by a fuse located within
the panel. Terminal #2 [center] is for the Neutral
lead of the power supply. Terminal #3
[lowermost] is used to ground the Input/Output
Board to the Control Panel Housing.
Terminal No. 4 is Hot and Terminals No. 2 & 3
are Neutral.
3.Terminals No. 3 and No. 6 carry 120vac
whenever the fans are scheduled to be ON.
They are used to activate the fan contactor[s]. In
the event of a fire situation, power is removed
from Terminal 5 which provides power for
Terminal No. 6. Terminal No. 6 is the Hot lead
and Terminal No. 3 is Neutral.
Fig. 7
4.Terminal Block #2 [TB-2] has three [3] pairs of
terminals and is located at the upper right corner
of the Input/Output Board. The first pair of
terminals are for the number one wash valve
solenoid. This will be the only wash output
active in a P-10-__ or P-15-__ Control Panel.
The second pair of terminals are f or the number
two wash valve solenoid. The third pair of
terminals are for the number three wash valve
5.Terminal Block #3 [TB-3] has three [3] pairs of
terminals. It will not be present on P- 10-__ or P15-__ Control Panels. The firs t pair of terminals
are for wash valve solenoid number four. The
second pair of term inals are for the number five
wash valve solenoid. The third pair of terminals
are for the number six wash valve solenoid.
6.Terminal Block #4 [TB-4] has three [3] pairs of
terminals. It will not be present on P- 10-__ or P15-__ Control Panels. The firs t pair of terminals
are for the number seven wash valve solenoid.
The second pair of term inals are for the number
eight wash valve solenoid.
7.Terminal Block #5 [TB-5] has three [3] pairs of
terminals. T he first pair provides power for the
detergent pump. The second pair provides
power for the PAW S Alarm/Trouble horn. [The
third pair provides power for the vent fan
contactors. [see figs. #8a & 8b]
Note that the maximum output is one-and-onehalf [1-1/2] amperes. If the total inrush current
for all contactors will exceed this limit, an
intermediate relay must be used.
8.Terminal Block #9 [TB-9] has three [3] pairs of
terminals and is located at the lower left corner of
the Input/Output Board. The first pair of
terminals are for connection to the optional
supervised shut-off valve. If the panel is not
equipped with this option, a jumper wire must be
installed. The second pair of terminals are for
connection to the Manual Fire Switch. T he third
pair of terminals are for connection to the
automatic fire switch contacts terminals are for
connection to the automatic fire switch contacts.
Fig 8a
Fig 8b
9.Terminal Block #11 [TB-11] has three [3] pairs of
terminals. The first pair of terminals are low voltage
connections for the detergent low level probe. The
probe should be installed in the detergent container
so that it does not protrude above the top of the
detergent pump inlet strainer. [fig. #9] This is
intended to prevent cavitation of the pump and will
advise when the tank needs to be refilled. The probe
rods may be cut to facilitate a neat and effective
Fig 9
10.Terminal Bloc k #12 [TB-12] has three [3] pairs
of terminals. The first pair of terminals are for
connection to the optional battery.
Terminal Block Designation
B. PAWS Cont rol Panel
TB-1 1-Line Hot
2-Line Neutral Incoming Power Supply 120vac, 15 amps, 60 Hz
3-Mech. Ground
TB-2 1-Switched Hot
2-Neutral Wash Solenoid #1, 120vac , 1.5 amps max
3-Switched Hot
4-Neutral Wash Solenoid #2, 120vac , 1.5amps max
5-Switched Hot
6-Neutral Wash Solenoid #3, 120vac , 1.5amps max
TB-3 1-Switched Hot
2-Neutral Wash Solenoid #4 120vac, 1.5amps max
3-Switched Hot
4-Neutral Wash Solenoid #5 120vac, 1.5amps max
5-Switched Hot
6-Neutral Wash Solenoid #6 120vac, 1.5amps max
TB-4 1-Switched Hot
2-Neutral Wash Solenoid #7 120vac, 1.5amps max
3-Switched Hot
4-Neutral Wash Solenoid #8 120vac, 1.5amps max
TB-5 1-Switched Hot
2-Neutral Detergent Pump, 120vac, 1.5apms max
3-Switched Hot
4-Neutral PAWS Alarm Horn, 120vac, 1.5amps max
5-Switched Hot
6-Neutral Fan Contractor, 120vac, 1.5amps max
TB-6 1-Switched Hot
2-Neutral Spare Output [PAW ] 120vac 1.5amps max
*3-Switched Hot
*4-Neutral Spare Output [MAF II] 120vac, 1.5amps max
5-Neutral Auxillary
6-Hot Power Tap 120vac, 120amps max
TB-7 *1-NC
*2-C Trouble Dry Contacts [MAF II ] 1.5amps @ 28vdc/120vac
*5-C Trouble Dry Contacts [MAF II ] 1.5amps @ 28vdc/120vac
TB-8 *1-NC
*2-C Fire Dry Contacts [MAF II ] 1.5amps @ 28vdc/120vac
*5-C Fire Dry Contacts [MAF II ] 1.5amps @ 28vdc/120vac
TB-9 1-Line Hot PAWS Supervised ]
2-Switched Hot Valve Switch |
3-Line Hot PAWS Manual | 120vac, 25 milliamps
4-Switched Hot Fire Pull Switch |
5-Line Hot PAWS Automatic |
6-Switched Hot Fire Switch ]
TB-10 *1-Line Hot MAF II Water ]
*2-Switched Hot Flow Switch |
*3-Line Hot MAF II Water | 12vdc, 25 milliamps
*4-Switched Hot Press ure S witch |
*5-Line Hot MAF II Supervised | *6-Switched Hot Valve Switch ]
TB-11 1-Detergent
2-Probe 20vdc, 2 milliamps
*4-Negative MAF II Horn, 12vdc, 1.5am ps
TB-12 1-Positve
2-Negative Battery, 12v, 5A Hours
3-Positve Auxillary
4-Negative Power Tap
*See “Mist-A-Fire Technical Manual” (fig. 10)
[For authorized sevice techinician use only]
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