Telephone: Victoria 3404-9
For eword .. .. ..
Int rodu ction .............................................................
The Basic Method of characte ristic c h e c k in g The Basic Method of checking diodes and re ctifie rs
Insulation Testing .. .. .. .. .: .. .. .. .. 8
T he Safety C ut-out.. ...................................................................................... 9
The Valve Panel and Selector S w itc h .......................................................................... 9
Pro cedure for setting up valve base connections .. ,, .. .. 10
Provision for new valve bases .......................................................................... 12
The prevent ion of Self oscillation of valves under test Dia gram of Standard base pin conne ctions
Special pro cedure for valves ha ving internally connected pins .. . . . 14
The controls on the front panel, their functions and op erati ons
The Set 'v Control ...................................................................................... 16
The Electrod e Le aka ge S w itc h .......................................................................... 16
The Circuit Selector Switch .......................................................................... 16
T he Anode and Screen Voltage Switches
The Heater Voltage Switches .. .............................................................. 17
The N egative Grid Voltage Control .............................................................. 17
The Press Buttons ..
The Set Zero Control ...................................................................................... 17
The Meter Selector Switch...................................................................................... 18
The Set mA/V C o n tr o l ...................................................................................... 18
The Anode Selector S wit ch .......................................................................... 18
T he Sp ecial Ad ju stment Panel at the rea r o f the instrum ent .. .. . . .. 19
G eneral Procedure for testing a v a l v e .......................................................................... 19
Mains voltage adjustment and panel set upcold and hot leakage testsmutual characteristic checks and gas testsdiode and rectifier tests made under load.
Instructions for test ing specific val ve ty pes .................................................. .. 22
Multiple diodes and rectifiersdouble triodes and double pentodescombined diode
and amplifying valvesfrequency changers of heptode and hexode typesfrequency changers employing separate electrode assemblies.
The Use of the Link on th e Back P anel of the I nstr ument ..
Tuning Indica tors .. .. .. ...................................... .. . . 24
Gaseous Rectifiers .. .............................................................. .. .. 24
Cold Ca thode R ectifiers ...................................................................................... 24
Thyratrons .. .. .............................................................. .. ., 24
Neo n Indicators .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 25
General Precaution s to be obs erved when using the Valve Characterist ic Meter ., 25
N otes upon simple maintenance of instrument .. .. .. . . .. 26
Ci rcuit diagra m of Valve Ch ar acteristic M ete r
...................................... .......................... .. 3
.................................................. 7
...................................... 7
...................................... 12
.......................... .. .. 13
.................................................. 17
.......................... .......................... 27
The AVO Valve Data Manua l
This instrument will produce maximum information when used in conjunction with the Valve
Manufacturers Graphs and Technical Data, but to enable rapid checks to be made relative to a valves
general efficiency, the AVO” Valve Data Manual has been produced.
This instruction book refers throughout to the AVO Valve Data Manual, a copy of which should
always be kept with the instrument. New editions of this data manual will be published from time to time.
Watch our advertisements in the technical press for further announcements.
'The proble m of de signing a Valye Testing Instrument capable of giving a true and
A comprehensive pic ture of the state of any valve, has always been one of co nsiderable
magn itude, increasing in complexity as new valve types are brought into gen eral use.
For a quick general purpose test necessitating a minimum of time and technic al effort,
a mut ual conductan ce figure w ill give an adequ ate i dea of a valve’s usefulness, and the
original AVO Valve Tester was design ed to tes t the efficiency of valves on t his basis.
Whilst a Valv e T ester must, of necessity, be accompani ed by a data book correlating the results of the Tester wi th the cond ition of the valve in question, a purely empirical figure, if u sed as a standard, will always give ri se to doubts in the mi nd of the operator. Th e instrumen t should therefore , produce a figure which can be compared with so me st andard quoted b y the valve ma nufactur er, if the opera tor is to use his in strument with confidence. For this reas on the A VO Valve Tester used the static ze ro bias mutual conductanc e figure as a ba sis of comparison, this figu re being at that time almost universally quoted by the valve manufacturer .
In order to reproduce this stan dard correctly, it was also nec essary to reproduce the stated values of DC anode and screen voltage, a matter of some considerable difficulty when it is realised that for an y stated condition of anode and/ or screen volts the correspond
ing electrod e currents can vary over very wide limits, and in the case of valves of low initial a no de current a nd high slope, the actuation of the control w hich pro duc es the milliamp-per-vol t reading might eas ily double the anode cu rrent flowing. With D.C. methods of testing t he inherent internal resistanc e of the rectifying circu its use d could be such as to give regulation errors wh ich c ould cause results to be meaningless unless com
plicated thermionic stabilising circuits and a vast array of monitoring meters were used
in all voltage supply circuits. Such complications would not only re nder the Tester of
prohibitive price and size, but would considerabl y increase the complication of ope ration
for the non-technic al user .
The problem was overcome by th e intr oduction of the AC method of ope ration (Patent
No. 480752) by which m ean s the nec essary DC test conditions were correctly simul ated
and a true mutual co nductan ce figu re produced b y the application of AC voltages of suitable amplitude t o all electrodes. This e normously simplified the power supply problem,
rendered regulation er ror s n egligible , and obvia ted the necessity forvoltagecircuitmonitoring.
The AVO Valve Tester thus fulfilled normal testing needs for a long pe riod. Du ring
recent years, however , electronic tec hniqu es have bec ome much more precise and the
natu re and mul tiplicity of valve types have contin uo usly incre ased. T he zero bias mutual co nduct ance figure is seldo m quoted by the valve manufacturers, who, usually, publis h t he
optimum wo rking point mutual conductance and voltage figures, and in a large number
of cases give full fa milies of curv es, from which, precise operatio n, under a variety o f
working conditions, can be judge d. To cater for present day requireme nts therefore, a
valve testin g d evice should n ot only be capable o f producing a working point mutu al conductance figure at any reasonable val ue of anode, screen or grid voltage r ecomme nded by the manufacturers, but should also be cap able, if necessary, of reprodu cing any one of the mutual characteristics associ ated with the valve i n qu estion. The instrument thus has to simulate the performance of a compr ehensive valve mea surin g s et-up of laboratory
type and yet, at the sam e tim e, be sufficiently cheap and s imp le to ca ter for the needs of the comparatively inexp erienced rad io test assistant. It is obvious that the very much wid er application of an instrument of this class, would render the regulation difficulties, already r eferred to, much mo re critical.
Investiga tions were, therefore, put in hand t o see whether th e AC test method would reproduce DC conditi ons n ot only in respect of the mutual conductance figure taken at a singl e disc rete poi nt, but at all points o n ail characteristi cs fr om zero bias to c ut off. In other words, it was necessary t o de termine whether the general funct ion for a DC stati c valve characteristic
(Va + ^ V gl + μ 2ν ?2)
la = f ---------------------------------
would hol d when la was measured in terms of DC current, but wh en Va, Vg2 an d, if necessary, Vgl, were replaced by 50 cycle AC voltage s of suitable magnit ud e. It was eventu ally fou nd that a complete co-relation between the se two sets of conditions was h eld when the grid voltage took the form of a sin usoidal wave form with the positive half cycle suppressed (in other words , rectified but completely unsmoothed AC), and th e following
relationships were maintai ned :
Va RMS 1*1 Va in dicated DC
Vg.2 RMS = 1 ·! Vg3 ind icated DC
Vgx ( mean un smoothed) = 0*52 Vgj indicated DC
la (mean DC) = 0*5 ind icated la
From the above c onditions, therefore, the re quired relationship s were obtaine d which
fo rmed the basis of oper ation of th e Valve Characteristic Met er (Pat ent No. 606707).
Such an in strument, whilst retaining the advantages of simplicity, size and reas onable price, res ultan t upon the elimination of complicated regulated DC supply systems and univ ersal mon itoring, woul d have the inherent regu latio n easily ob tained from a well- designed AC transformer. It would enable a valve to be c heck ed at any point on any one of i ts many mutual characteristics and if necessary would allow a full family of character
istics to be drawn.
The basic method of characteristic checking
The fundamental circu it of operation of the instrument is shown in Figure 1 , the nature of the wave forms present in the vario us parts of the circuit being indicate d thereon. As in the origina l Valve Tester, the process of obtaining a direct readi ng mutual conductance
figure is simplified by the production of a backin g off circuit, whic h balances out the deflection
due to the standing anode current at the desired test condi tions prior t o the operation of
the mutual cond uctance button. Only the desire d figu re appears on the meter scale,
thus ena bling the meter to be set at a sufficiently sensitive range for preci se determ inati on of mutual conductance. It will be noticed that the cu rrent flowing in this backing off circuit is similar in wave form, but precisely opposite in direction to the an ode current,
thus eli minating any u nd esira ble rip ple that could otherwise bec ome appar ent when the
meter, after b acking off, was set to a sen sitive range.
The basic method of checking diodes and rectifiers
Any simp le emission te st at lo w applied voltage must necessarily give rise to a purely
em pirical figure for the valve in question which cannot necessar ily be co-r eiated wi th any
one of the makers characte ristics and w hich, owing to th e f act that it relates to the lower bend portion of the rectifier characteristic may vary very w idely for any given type of valve.
The important function of a rectifying valve is that it will, under suitable reservoir load conditions, produce sufficient curr ent to operate the apparatus which it is intended to supply. This fundamental requirement,' therefore, is the basis of rectifier testing in the Valve
Characteristic Meter. A sufficiently high AC voltage is applied to operate the valve above the bend in its characteristic, and to ensure that its internal voltage drop is negligible. With a suitable reservoir condenser in circuit, the DC load is adjusted to correspond to a number of DC current conditions, i.e. 5mA, 15mA, 30mA, 60mA and 120mA. The actual
current flowing in the load circuit is then indicated on a met er shunted to correspond with
the DC load required. The meter read ing will then indicate as a percentage, the comparative efficiency of the valve on the basis of this required DC load. Each half of a full wave rectifying valve is tested sepa rately thus enabling matching of two halves to be checked and any tendency to pr oduce hum by part ial h alf waving to be indicated.
The pre-det ermined lo ad figures are chosen so that they not only give a sufficiently wide range o f c urrents to cater fox the no rmal requirements of electronic appara tus, bu t also correspond to the DC maximum emission figures usually quoted by manufacture rs
in th eir rectifyin g valve data. Signal diod e valves are similarly tested, but a lower AC voltage is applied and comp arison is mad e with a single DC load figure of 1mA, this figure being normally more tha n sufficient to cover the rectified signal current that would be
obtained. The basic operating circuit of the diode and rectifier system is shown in Figure 2.
Insula tion Testing
To cover all eventualities, three distinct forms of insulation measurement are catered
for in the Valve Characteristic Meter. Measurements are taken with DC applie d voltages,
and direct indication of the insulation value in megohms is shown on the meter scale.
As an initial test, prior t o the application of operating voltages to the valve, th e rotation of
a switch enables the insulation figure to be shown, which occurs between ea ch of the valve
electrodes taken i n order and all the others strapped together. The denominat ion of the
Fi gure 2
elect rodes between which any bre ak down exists will thus be autom atically indicated and fu rther , the continuity of the heater circuit is shown as a zero resistance at th e heater (H) positio n of the switch.
Wi th d irectly heated valves it is not un common for electro de sagging to occur on the appl ication of heater voltage, with the result that a breakdown occurs between heater and an adjacent electrode. To show up thi s condition a test circui t is provided indi cating the insulation resistance betw een t he heate r and cathode of a valve and all oth er e lectro des strapped when heate r v olta ge has bee n applied.
Fin ally the very important factor of heater to cathode insulation when the heater is hot c an be tested , the insulation again being shown directly in megohms, the usual cat hode to heater connection b eing ope ned for this purpose an d the appl ied voltage being in such a direction as to make the cat hode negative with respect to the heater, thus avoiding false indic ations of i ns ulation r esi stance due to el ect rode emission.
Safety Cut -O ut
To preven t dam ag e to in ternal components of the Valve Charac teristic Meter, due to inadvert en t o r delib erate shorting of the sup ply voltages, a safety cut-o ut is incorp orated, op erative when da maging overlo ads of AC current are taken fro m either t he anode or screen voltage sources. The cut-out takes th e form of a two circuit polarised elect ro-m agne tic relay which has two windings incorporated in its ele ctro-m agn etic system, one as sociated
with the screen vol tage supply and one with the anode voltage supply . It will be appr eciated
that with the valve electrodes taking normal curre nt, half wave DC pulses only will flow through these windings and the dir ection and magnitude of the windings are such that with anode cu rrent only flowing, or alternatively, with a c onsiderab ly larger anode curr ent than screen current flowing, the cut-o ut will be held in contact and the inst rument will work normally. It is obvious, however, tha t if an internal valve sho rt occurs on any one of its high voltage electrodes, or alternati vel y, if such a short is a pplied externally via the valve holder sockets, or other part of the circuit, or further if any int ernal short occurs as sociated
with t he ano de or screen supply circuits, th en the current flowing i n these circuits will not
ta ke the form of un i-dir ectional pulses, but will be ordinary AC curren t.
In such circumsta nces, the effect of the first ha lf cycle of AC current in the reverse direc tion fro m no rma l w ill be such as throw out t he c ut-ou t and thus break both anode and screen sup ply circu its. The overload is, th erefore, removed from the supply system and bur n out of transformers and associate parts is obviated. Note t hat this protection does n ot apply in the ca se of a sho rt applie d to the heater voltage windings as these norm ally pass sinusoidal AC current . Further, if for any reason w hen te sting a pentode the anode circ uit should become disconnected (this can occur when the rolle r sw itch is wrongly set up) then the nor mal result would be for a dam agin gly heavy rectified cur rent t o flow
In t he screen circuit; the rel ative direction and magnitude of the two windings on the
cut-out is then such that w hen the current in the screen circu it seriously exceeds the cur rent
in the anode circuit the cut-out is t hr own and damage both to va lve and circuit is obviated.
It must be stressed that this cut-out will not operate upon the passage of normal heavy currents o f a DC nature occurring in the valve anode circuit, and it will not protect the movement if the latter is wrongly set on a range not corresponding to the current passing.
This problem is dealt with by ensuring that the movement is always set to its maximum
current range when the probable magnitude of the current is unknown.
The Valve Pane l com prises 18 valve holders of the fo llow ing types :English—4/5
pin, 7 and 9 pin, 8 pin side contact, B7G. B8 A, B8B ( American Loc tal), B9G, Englis h Octal,
+ 21 hidden pages