Wireless Audio Systems, based on Avnera’s AV7211 IC
General Description
Every consumer wants to be free from wires, but system designers could never find a low-cost, high-quality, easy-to-use wireless audio solution for speakers, microphones, headphones and headsets on the market.
Avnera’s proprietary wireless system changes the game by taking a new approach to wireless audio. The wireless protocol was designed from the ground up and delivers uncompressed stereo audio over the air without interference problems.
Avnera’s wireless modules offer a low-touch, easy-to-integrate wireless audio solution and enable fast time to market by already solving the problem associated with FCC, antenna tuning and board optimization.
Modules based on Avnera’s AV72xx silicon(also known as AudioMagic 1.5G) providebreakthrough wireless audio functionality with point to multipoint transport of uncompressedstereo PCM audio data from a singleAVMD7211 sender and a total of up to threesimultaneous AVMD7212 listeners.
9Wireless audio transmitter for portable
audio player
9Wireless audio distribution hub for
surround speakers
Ordering Options
AVMD7211-04-ACNA: Analog-in, normalrange
AVMD7211-04-ACPA: Analog-in, extended range
9Uncompressed audio, point to multipoint
capable (1 to 3)
9Audio path SNR: Stereo 84 dB SNR, 48 kHz
sampling rate
9Support for 14m (normal) and 30m
(extended) range
9Frequency range: 2.4 GHz ISM band,
continuous dynamic frequency selection
9Forward error correction coding, error
detection, and audio-specific error concealment
9Diversity antennas for multipath and fading
9Connector: Edge contact via array supports
surface mount
9Auto-search/synch and dynamic channel
9Low, fixed latency suitable for video lip-
9Support for 16, 20, 24, and 32 bit PCM
words at 16, 22.05, 24, 32, 44.1, 48, and 96 kHz
9General purpose over-the-air (OTA) serial
92 kbps, bi-directional, full duplex 9Support for meta-data and remote
General Description______________________________________________________________1Applications_____________________________________________________________________1Ordering Options_________________________________________________________________1Features________________________________________________________________________11Table of Contents_____________________________________________________________22Lists of Figures and Tables_____________________________________________________33AVMD7211 Functional Block Diagrams__________________________________________44AVMD7211 Pin Information___________________________________________________65AVMD7211 Mechanical Dimensions_____________________________________________76Electrical Specifications_______________________________________________________8
6.1Absolute Maximum Ratings_____________________________________________________________8
9Ordering Information________________________________________________________1810Contact Information and Legal Disclaimer_____________________________________19
When paired with an AV7212-based companion receiving device, the AVMD7211 modules support group mode scenarios in which one sender can transmit audio to up to three listener modules simultaneously.
The nominal output power without PA is 0 dBm (normal range) and with a PA is +10 dBm (extended range)into the antennas.
Figure 1: AVMD7211 Module Block Diagram without RF Power Amplifier (normal range)
Figure 2: AVMD7211 Module Block Diagram with RF Power Amplifier (extended range)
The AVMD7111’s SPI interface is used to allow an external host to control the AV7111 senderIC and to facilitate testing of the module.
The GPIO and LED lines allow buttons and LEDs to be connected to the AVMD7111 to allow the user to control the AudioMagic™ system and communicate the system’s state to the user.
These three pins form the module’s analog audio input. The COM pin is tied to analog groundon the module and should not be connected to ground in the host system.
This pin connects directly to the “PWR” pin on the AV7111 IC and is used to signal the module to power on and off.
These pins provide power to various elements of the AVMD7111. The V3.3 pin, connected to the AV7111 IC’s VBATT pin, supplies power to the AV7111. The VA pin supplies power to the ADC. On the PA-enabled version of the module, VCCPA supplies power to the RF power amplifier. In normal operation, all three pins are connected to the 3.3V (nom) main supply.
The VDDIO pin is connected to the VDDIO regulator bypass pin on the AV7111. The pin can be used to indicate when the AV7111 IC is powered on. Note that VDDIO must NOT be usedto power an external device, nor should it be driven by an external supply.
1 VCCPA Analog Power RF power amplifier supply connection 2 AGND Ground Analog section ground 3 V3.3 Analog Power 3.3V power supply connection 4 AGND Ground Analog section ground 5 VA Analog Power ADC power supply (3.3 V) 6 AINL Analog InputLeft-channel audio input. 7 COM Analog InputAnalog common connection 8 AINR Analog InputRight-channel audio input
9 PWR Analog InputPower switch input 10 LED2 Digital Output LED drive line 11 LED1 Digital Output LED drive line 12 LED0 Digital Output LED drive line 13 NC NC NC 14 NC NC NC 15 NC NC NC 16 GPIO6 Digital I/O General-Purpose I/O 17 GPIO5 Digital I/O General-Purpose I/O 18 DGND Ground Digital section ground 19 VDDIO Digital Power 3.3V regulated voltage 20 GPIO4 Digital I/O General-Purpose I/O 21 GPIO3 Digital I/O General-Purpose I/O 22 GPIO2 Digital I/O General-Purpose I/O 23 GPIO1 Digital I/O General-Purpose I/O 24 SDO Digital Output SPI data output 25 SDI Digital Input SPI data input 26 SSB Digital Input SPI slave select, active low 27 SCLK Digital Input SPI data clock input 28 AGND Ground Analog section ground 29 AGND Ground Analog section ground 30 AGND Ground Analog section ground
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