AVIGILON is a registered and/or unregistered trademark of Avigilon Corporation in Canada and other
jurisdictions worldwide. RIALTO is a trademark of VideoIQ, Inc. RIALTO and VIEW are used under license from
VideoIQ, Inc. by Avigilon Corporation. Other product names mentioned herein may be the registered and/or
unregistered trademarks of their respective owners. ™ and ® are not used in association with each trademark in
this document.
This manual has been compiled and published covering the latest product descriptions and specifications. The
contents of this manual and the specifications of this product are subject to change without notice. Avigilon
reserves the right to make changes without notice in the specifications and materials contained herein and shall
not be responsible for any damages (including consequential) caused by reliance on the materials presented,
including but not limited to typographical and other errors relating to the publication.
Avigilon Corporation
Revised: 2014-04-28
Table of Contents
System Requirements9
Installing the Avigilon™ View Software9
Daily Operations12
Getting Started13
Logging In13
Changing Your Account Password14
Live Video16
Setting Video Quality16
Enabling Multi-Monitor Support17
Viewing Live Video17
Viewing Live Video Across Two Monitors18
Show or Hide Bounding Boxes18
Zooming In on an Object or Area19
Using Full Scene Window20
Setting Up IQTrack22
Using IQTrack23
Monitoring a Spe cific Target with IQTrack23
What are Rules?25
Regions of Interest, Regions of Disinterest, and Beams25
Viewing Rules25
Enabling Regions of Disinterest (ROD) in Thumbnails27
Alarm Events29
Reviewing and Acknowledging Alarm Events29
Adding a Comment to an Alarm Event29
Emailing Alarm Clips30
Saving Alarm Clips to a Hard Drive31
Viewing Alarm Events While Using Live Video31
List View31
Alarming Cameras View32
Timeline View32
Automatically Acknowledge Alarms33
Enable Live Video Pop-up Upon an Alarm Event34
Automatically Download Alarm Video Clips34
Enabling Alarm Sounds35
Customizing Alarm Sounds35
Camera Trees37
Manually Activating Auto-Discovery37
Understanding Camera Tree Icons37
Camera Groups38
Creating a Camera Group39
Renaming a Camera Group39
Deleting a Camera Group39
Finding Cameras or Camera Groups in the Camera Tree39
Displaying Camera Information40
Advanced Settings and Operations42
Account Management43
Logging In for the First Time43
Adding a User Account43
Editing a User Account44
Setting User Permissions45
Copying Account Settings and Permissions47
Deleting a User Account48
Viewing Logged In Users49
Force Login50
Managing Rialto™ Analytic Appliances51
Editing Analytic Appliance Connections51
Renaming an Analytic Appliance or Camera51
Filtering IPAddress Communication51
Deleting an Analytic Appliance from the Camera Tree52
Exporting the Camera Tree52
Importing the Camera Tree53
Creating and Editing Rules54
Creating a Ne w Rule54
Deleting or Editing a Rule57
Creating Regions of Interest and Beams58
Adding a Region of Interest58
Adding a Beam60
Renaming a Region of Interest or Beam61
Deleting a Region of Interest or Beam62
Setting Up Email Notification Service63
Enabling Email Notifications64
Holiday Schedule66
Creating or Editing a Holiday66
Activating the Holiday Schedule68
Exporting and Importing a Holiday Schedule68
Copying a Holiday Schedule Between Analytic Appliances69
Alarm Settings71
Alarm Inputs and Outputs71
Setting Pre-Alarm Recording72
Alarm Events72
Marking an Alarm Event as False72
Acknowledging an Alarm Event without Review73
Exporting and Importing Alarm Events73
Exporting Alarm Events73
Importing and Playing Alarm Events74
Emailing Exported Alarm Events74
Copying Exported Alarm Events75
Playing an Exported Alarm Event75
Removing Exported Alarm Events76
Teach By Example77
What is Teach By Example?77
When to Use Teach By Example77
Collecting Training Data77
Interpreting TrainingData78
Excluding an Alarm Event from Training Data79
Learned Results79
Learning From Collected Training Data80
Uploading Learning Results to a Camera80
Teach By Example History81
AccessingTeach By Example History81
Uploading Learned Results inTeach By Example History81
Deleting Learned Results81
Restoring FactoryDefault Settings82
Before Setting Up Video Archiving83
Setting Up Video Archiving83
Creating an Archive Schedule84
Canceling An Archive Schedule85
Performing a Search Across Cameras85
Performing an Appearance Search88
Configuring Settings for a Rialto™ Analytic Appliance90
Accessing Common R-Series Settings90
Setting the Date and Time91
Configuring Analytics92
Setting Video Stream Quality for Analytic Appliances93
Manually Configuring Network Settings94
Camera Setup96
Adding a Rialto™ Analytic Appliance Manually97
Choosing Your Stream Type97
Setting Up IPand Analog Cameras98
Connecting an IP Camera98
Disconnecting an IP Camera99
Setting Up an Analog Camera99
Configuring a PTZ Camera101
Initial PTZSettings101
Setting the Home Position101
Using Position Presets102
Adding a Preset Position102
Renaming a Preset Position102
Deleting a Preset Position103
Using a Position Preset on a Live Video Window103
Adjusting the Focus of your PTZDevice103
Setting the Analog PTZCamera's Baud Rate104
Sending Commands to an Analog PTZCamera104
Configuring Audio Settings106
Configuring Audio Input106
Setting Audio Output107
Browser Access109
Logging in to the Rialto™ Analytic Appliance109
Viewing Live Video110
Viewing Recent Alarms110
Alarm I/O Toolbar111
Enabling the Alarm I/OToolbar111
Responding to an Alarm111
Video Settings for Browser Access112
Enabling Bounding Boxes112
Setting the Network112
Enabling Anonymous Access114
Maintenance Tasks114
Upgrading Firmware114
Rebooting the Analytic Appliance114
Maintenance and Troubleshooting115
Managing Disk and Storage Space115
Managing Storage Space115
Setting Disk Clean-up Options116
Setting Clip File Storage Space116
Upgrading Firmware117
Upgrading Multiple Analytic Appliances118
Restarting an Analytic Appliance119
Backing Up Camera Settings119
Restoring Camera Settings from Backup119
Restoring Factory Default Settings120
Formatting a Hard Drive120
Special Technical Options Window122
Accessing the Special Technical Options Window122
Testing the HTTPS Connection122
Saving Log Files using Special Technical Options123
Upgrading Firmware using Special Technical Options123
Restarting an Analytic Appliance using Special Technical Options124
Available User Permissions125
List of Activities for Rules126
System Requirements
To run the Avigilon™ View software you will need:
l Windows 8, Windows 7, or Windows XP (with Service Pack 3 or higher)
l Core-2 Duo 2.0 GHz processor or better
l At least 2 GB of RAM
l Connection to the local area network (LAN)
l At least 20GB of disk space to store downloaded video clips.
l Monitor with a minimum of 900 pixels vertical display resolution.
Installing the Avigilon™ View Software
NOTE: When installing the View software, you must have administrator privileges.
1. Run AvigilonViewInstaller.exe
2. When the installer window appears, click Install Avigilon View Software.
3. Review the License Agreement and accept. If you do not accept the license agreement, the installation is
4. Select a new destination folder or keep the default folder and click Next.
NOTE: The View software must be installed on a local drive, not on a network drive.
5. When the View software has correctly installed, click Finish.
10Installing the Avigilon™ View Software
Installing the Avigilon™ View Software11
Daily Operations
Users can perform day-to-day operations in the Avigilon™ View software such as acknowledging alarm events
and viewing live video.
NOTE: Some features may not be accessible to all accounts. If you cannot access one or more of the following
features, then your account does not have permission to do so.
l Logging In on the facing page
l Changing Your Account Password on page14
l Camera Trees on page37
l Camera Groups on page38
l Live Video on page16
l IQTrack on page22
l Rules on page25
l Alarm Events on page29
Getting Started
1ToolbarAllows you to manage your analytic appliances.
2View menuAllows you to manage accounts and software preferences.
3Menu buttonAllows you to access the View menu.
4Camera windowDisplays live video image from a camera.
5Camera treeLists all attached cameras.
Logging In
Before logging in, ensure you have a valid user account with a username and password. If you do not have one,
contact your supervisor.
1. Run the Avigilon™ View software.
2. Enter your username and password.
Getting Started13
3. If you want the View software to log you in automatically the next time, check the Remember Me box.
4. Click OK.
NOTE: When logging in for the first time, the View software will automatically discover and add all attached
analytic appliances. If the View software doesn't automatically discover and add all analytic appliances, you must
manually activate auto-discovery. To do so, complete the steps in Manually Activating Auto-Discovery on
Changing Your Account Password
Once you have logged into your account, you can change your password. You cannot change your username.
NOTE: Each password is connected to a particular analytic appliance. If you change a password for your account
on a single analytic appliance, you can access that analytic appliance only by logging into your account using
that password. A single account can have multiple passwords, each used to access a specific analytic appliance.
1. Open the View menu and select Change Password.
14Changing Your Account Password
2. Select the analytic appliance where you to want to change the password. Hold Ctrl to select multiple
analytic appliances.
3. Enter your old password.
4. Enter your new password.
NOTE: Password must be a minimum of 4 characters and is case sensitive.
5. Enter your new password again to confirm it.
6. Click OK.
Changing Your Account Password15
Live Video
The Live Video area is where you can view live video from your cameras. You can add and display a single
camera window at full resolution, up to 4 medium-sized camera windows, or up to 16 small-sized camera
windows in the Live Video area. Each live video can be zoomed in or out.
Setting Video Quality
By default, the View software will stream video image at a lower resolution and bandwidth in the medium and
small windows, and at a higher resolution and bandwidth for the large window. If you want to use the highest
quality video stream in all windows or the lower resolution stream in the large window, you can set the View
software to do so.
NOTE: You can only enable high quality video stream for medium-sized and large-sized camera windows, not
small-sized camera windows.
1. Open the View menu and select Preferences.
2. Click the Video tab.
3. Perform one of the following options:
l To enable high quality for all windows, check the Mid-size Live Video and Large size Live Video
l To enable low bandwidth for large windows, uncheck the Large size Live Video box.
4. Click OK.
Enabling Multi-Monitor Support
You can set the View software to support 2 monitors in order to view live video from up to 32 cameras.
1. Open the View menu and select Preferences.
2. Click the Video tab.
3. Under Multi-Monitor Support, check the Enable Extended Live Video View box.
4. Click OK.
5. Click the Extended Live Video tool to begin viewing Live Video on 2 monitors.
Viewing Live Video
1. Click the Live Video tool.
2. To add a camera window to the Live Video area, perform one of the following actions:
l Double-click a camera in the camera tree.
l Drag a camera from the camera tree into the Live Video area.
3. You can adjust the camera windows in the following ways:
To change the size of a camera window, click the Small, Medium, or Largeicons in the
upper right corner of the window.
l To rearrange camera windows, drag each window into different positions in the Live Video area.
NOTE: While viewing video, colored bounding boxes indicating different object types will display on the screen.
You can choose to show or hide these bounding boxes. To do so, complete the steps in Show or Hide BoundingBoxes on the next page.
Enabling Multi-Monitor Support17
Viewing Live Video Across Two Monitors
You can view live video across 2 monitors using the Extended Live Video tool.
NOTE: If you cannot see the Extended Live Video tool on the toolbar, make sure that you have the View
software set to support multiple monitors. See Enabling Multi-Monitor Support on the previous page.
1. Click the Extended Live View tool.
2. Select the analytic appliances or camera groups you want to add and drag them to the Extended Live
Video window.
NOTE: A video window cannot display on both the main View software window and on the Extended Live Video
Show or Hide Bounding Boxes
Boundingboxes are colored box outlines that help you see the objects detected in your videos. Different color
outlines indicate different types of objects.
l Red outlines designate humans.
l Blue outlines designate vehicles or boats.
l Yellow outlines designate suspicious objects (unclassified objects that look similar to a person or vehicle).
To change the settings for bounding boxes:
1. Open the View menu and select Preferences.
2. Click the Video tab.
18Viewing Live Video Across Two Monitors
3. Perform one of the following actions:
l To show bounding boxes for individual object types, check each object type box.
l To show bounding boxes for all object types, check the All object types box.
l To hide bounding boxes, uncheck the box for each object type you do not want bounding boxes
to show.
4. To highlight the bounding box around an object that triggered an alarm, check Show thicker boundingbox around an object that triggered an event.
5. To display an object's ID number and its classification confidence, check the Show object ID andconfidence above bounding box box.
6. Click OK.
Zooming In on an Object or Area
Use the zoom controls to quickly zoom in or out on an object or area in a camera window.
NOTE: If you are not using a PTZ camera, the zoom function is a digital zoom that only affects the live video
displayed in the View software. If you are using a PTZ camera, the zoom functional will mechanically zoom the
camera lens.
Zooming In on an Object or Area19
1. Hover your cursor over the Live Video camera window to activate the zoom controls.
2. Perform one the following actions:
To zoom in or out, click and hold the Zoom Inor Zoom Outbuttons, or use the scroll
wheel on your mouse.
l To zoom in on a specific point in the window, double-click the area you want to zoom in on.
To return the window to its original magnification, click the Homebutton.
l To pan to another area while zoomed in, click and drag inside the Live Video camera window.
l To focus the zoom function on a specific point, click once on the area in the window you want to
focus on.
Using Full Scene Window
As you zoom in or out on a Live Video camera window, you can view the original full display as a smaller window
using Full Scene Window.
1. At the bottom of the camera tree, click Enable Full Scene Window.
2. Zoom in on the camera window to activate Full Scene Window display.
3. Use the crop rectangle in Full Scene Window to pan to another area in the Live Video camera window.
20Using FullScene Window
The crop rectangle corresponds to the zoom area in the camera window.
4. To close the Full Scene Window, click the Home button in the camera window.
5. To prevent Full Scene Window from displaying, click the Home button, then click Disable Full SceneWindow.
UsingFull Scene Window21
IQTrack allows you to automatically zoom in on and follow an object type in a live video camera window until it
leaves the camera’s field of view. You can set which object types you would like IQTrack to monitor: vehicle,
person, suspicious objects, or all three.
Setting Up IQTrack
1. Right-click on the camera window and select Configure IQTrack.
2. Check the box for each object type you would like to monitor.
3. Set the magnification limit to specify how much the camera will zoom in on the object type.
4. Click OK.
Using IQTrack
Before you begin using IQTrack, you must choose which object types you would like IQTrack to monitor. To do
so, complete the steps in Setting Up IQTrack on the previous page
1. Ensure the camera window is set to medium size or large size.
Click the IQTrackicon in the camera window. The IQTrack icon will not show in small-sized camera
4. The camera will automatically zoom in on the object until it leaves the camera’s field of view.
5. To turn off IQTrack, click the IQTrack icon again.
NOTE: If more than one object of an object type moves into the camera’s field of view, all objects will be
tracked until you choose a specific target to track.
Monitoring a Specific Target with IQTrack
1. Ensure IQTrack has been configured and is enabled.
2. Move your cursor towards the specific target until the bounding box turns orange.
3. Click on the target to select it and begin monitoring.
4. To deselect the target, click anywhere outside of the bounding box.
24Monitoring a SpecificTarget with IQTrack
What are Rules?
Rules can be set for each camera. They are used to define:
l The types of objects the camera should monitor.
l The regions, objects, and directions of travel the camera should monitor.
l The actions a camera should take when a rule is triggered.
When a rule is triggered, it results in an alarm event. You can view the rules on each camera and their details,
such as the name of the rule, whether or not the rule is enabled, and the action taken when the rule is triggered.
NOTE: Unless your account has been granted permission, you cannot create, edit, or delete rules.
Regions of Interest, Regions of Disinterest, and Beams
Arule can use Regions of Interest (ROI), Regions of Disinterest (ROD), and Beams to determine what will cause an
alarm event to trigger.
l Regions of Interest: The areas of a scene where activity is detected.
l Regions of Disinterest: Used to mark areas within an ROI where false alarms occur frequently. Areas
marked as a ROD will not trigger an alarm when the activity detected in the ROInormally would.
l Beams: Virtual lines used to detect when an object crosses a specified beam, such as a person walking
through a gate.
If a rule contains an ROI or Beam, it will be marked on the camera window thumbnail in the rule summary. To
access a rule summary, complete the steps in Viewing Rules below.
NOTE: Regions of Disinterest will not be marked unless it is enabled in Preferences. To do so, complete the
steps in Enabling Regions of Disinterest (ROD) in Thumbnails on page27.
Viewing Rules
Each camera has one or more rules defined in order for an alarm event to trigger when the rule is violated. You
can view the rules set for each camera, as well as the details for that particular rule.
1. Click the Rules tool.
2. Select a camera from the camera tree to view a list of the rules set for that camera.
3. Select a rule from the list to access a summary of the rule that informs you:
l The name of the rule.
l What Region of Interest, Region of Disinterest, Object of Interest, or Beams have been configured.
NOTE: You must enable show RODin thumbnails to see any RODs configured. To do so, complete
the steps in Enabling Regions of Disinterest (ROD) in Thumbnails on the facing page.
l The object type and activity set for detection.
l What day and time the rule is active.
l What action is initiated when the rule is violated and an alarm event is triggered.
4. To view the rule in further detail, click View Rule....
5. In the View Rule window, you can:
l Explore what settings are configured in the Activity, Cameras, Date/Time, and Actions tab.
l Access the rule summary similar to the version available in the main Rules window.
26Viewing Rules
NOTE: You cannot edit any settings in the View Rule window, including enabling or disabling a rule. You can only
view the settings that have already been configured.
Enabling Regions of Disinterest (ROD) in Thumbnails
Regions of Disinterest indicate areas within a Region of Interest where activity will not trigger an alarm. By
default, RODs are not marked on the camera window thumbnail in the rule summary. You must enable RODs to
show to see them on the thumbnail.
1. Open the View menu and select Preferences.
2. Click the Video tab.
Enabling Regions of Disinterest (ROD) in Thumbnails27
3. Check the Show RODs in thumbnails box.
4. Click OK.
28Enabling Regions of Disinterest (ROD) in Thumbnails
Alarm Events
Alarm events occur when a rule is triggered. When an alarm event occurs, you can access the alarm clip to
review it and acknowledge the alarm event.
Reviewing and Acknowledging Alarm Events
You must review an alarm event in the playback window before you can acknowledge it. In the playback
window, you can also comment, save, and email the alarm event.
Acknowledging an alarm will make the alarm sound stop. Acknowledged alarms will change their display icon
from a red squareto a green square with a check mark.
NOTE: If two or more users are logged into the same analytic appliance, the alarm event will display as
acknowledged as soon as one user acknowledges the alarm.
Adding a Comment to an Alarm Event
While marking an alarm event as false or acknowledging an alarm event, you can also add comments.
1. Select and open an event from the alarm list.
2. Click Comment.
3. Enter your comment.
Alarm Events29
4. Save your comment with one of the following procedures:
l Click Acknowledge to acknowledge the alarm and save the comment.
l Click Update Comment if the alarm has already been acknowledged.
Emailing Alarm Clips
You can email an alarm clip directly from the Avigilon™ View software. Make sure that the recipient has a video
player application that can play .mp4 files.
1. Open your email application.
2. Select and open an event from the alarm list.
3. Click Email Alarm Clip.
4. In your email application, enter the email address of the person receiving the alarm clip and send the
message. The clip will be automatically added as an .mp4 attachment to the email message.
NOTE: Bounding boxes will not show in alarm clips viewed outside of the View software unless the Media
Components plug-in is installed. You can download the plug-in from the Avigilon support website.
30Emailing Alarm Clips
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