Avaya Virtual Services Platform 9000, Virtual Services Platform 9012 Installation Manual

Installation — Chassis Avaya Virtual Services Platform 9000
NN46250-304, 02.02
October 2011
2011 Avaya Inc.
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2 Installation — Chassis October 2011
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Chapter 1: New in this release...........................................................................................
Chapter 2: Introduction......................................................................................................
Chapter 3: 9012 chassis installation fundamentals.........................................................
Virtual Services Platform 9000 9012 chassis............................................................................................
Power supplies..........................................................................................................................................
Cooling modules.......................................................................................................................................
Switch Fabric module................................................................................................................................
Control Processor module.........................................................................................................................
Site requirements......................................................................................................................................
Hardware requirements.............................................................................................................................
Successful installation verification.............................................................................................................
Chassis installation time requirements......................................................................................................
Chapter 4: 9012 chassis installation.................................................................................
Unpack the installation kit.........................................................................................................................
Install the installation shelf........................................................................................................................
Reduce the chassis weight.......................................................................................................................
Lift the chassis..........................................................................................................................................
Secure the chassis....................................................................................................................................
Assemble and install cable management brackets...................................................................................
Grounding the chassis..............................................................................................................................
Chapter 5: Chassis operations..........................................................................................
Determining the minimum number of AC power supplies.........................................................................
Powering up the system............................................................................................................................
Resetting the Avaya Virtual Services Platform 9000.................................................................................
Chapter 6: Part numbers....................................................................................................
Chapter 7: Technical specifications..................................................................................
Chassis weight..........................................................................................................................................
AC power supply.......................................................................................................................................
Component input power............................................................................................................................
Rack mount...............................................................................................................................................
Power supply selection.............................................................................................................................
Virtual Services Platform 9000 chassis specifications..............................................................................
Chapter 8: Regulatory Information and Safety Precautions...........................................
International Regulatory Statements of Conformity..................................................................................
National Electromagnetic Compliance (EMC) Statements of Compliance...............................................
National Safety Statements of Compliance..............................................................................................
Safety Messages.......................................................................................................................................
Chapter 9: Translations of safety messages....................................................................
Chapter 10: Customer service...........................................................................................
Getting technical documentation...............................................................................................................
Getting product training.............................................................................................................................
Getting help from a distributor or reseller..................................................................................................
Getting technical support from the Avaya Web site..................................................................................
5 7 9
9 11 13 13 14 14 15 18 18
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39 41
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4 Installation — Chassis October 2011

Chapter 1: New in this release

The following sections detail what's new in Avaya Virtual Services Platform 9000 Installation—Chassis (NN46250–304) for release 3.1.
Features on page 5
Other changes on page 5
There are no feature changes.
Other changes
See the following sections for information about changes that are not feature-related.
Switch Fabric modules
With Release 3.1, you must install a minimum of three Switch Fabric (SF) modules in the chassis. For more information about SF module requirements, see Switch Fabric module on page 13.
Compact Flash memory card
You must install the Compact Flash memory card in the CP module before you power on the chassis. For more information about Compact Flash memory card requirements, see
Processor module on page 14.
The part number for the 2GB Compact Flash memory card is added to page 39.
Hardware requirements on page 15 is updated. A Compact Flash memory card is not part
of the chassis shipping accessories.
Part numbers on
Installation — Chassis October 2011 5
New in this release
6 Installation — Chassis October 2011
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Chapter 2: Introduction

The Avaya Virtual Services Platform 9000 chassis provides the physical framework for the Avaya Virtual Services Platform 9000 modules.
This document provides the instructions to install the A vaya Virtual Services Platform 9000 chassis in an equipment rack and describes how to power on the A vaya Virtual Services Platform 9000. This document includes technical specifications for the chassis.
Before you install the Avaya Virtual Services Platform 9000 chassis, ensure that you install all network wiring on the premises by using standard cable-system practices.
9012 chassis installation fundamentals on page 9
9012 chassis installation on page 19
Chassis operations on page 35
Part numbers on page 39
Technical specifications on page 41
9012 chassis installation fundamentals on page 9
Translations of safety messages on page 55
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8 Installation — Chassis October 2011
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Chapter 3: 9012 chassis installation
The A vaya Virtual Services Platform 9000 chassis consists of a sheet metal enclosure, a midplane, cooling modules, and power supplies. The number of power supplies needed depends on the specific hardware configuration and redundancy needs.
Virtual Services Platform 9000 9012 chassis on page 9
Power supplies on page 11
Cooling modules on page 13
Switch Fabric module on page 13
Control Processor module on page 14
Site requirements on page 14
Hardware requirements on page 15
Successful installation verification on page 18
Chassis installation time requirements on page 18

Virtual Services Platform 9000 9012 chassis

The front of the Virtual Services Platform 9000 chassis has ten slots for interface modules and two slots for Control Processor (CP) modules. Slots are numbered from top to bottom. The front of the Virtual Services Platform 9000 chassis also has two bays for cooling modules and six bays for power supplies. The following figure shows the front view of the chassis.
Installation — Chassis October 2011 9
9012 chassis installation fundamentals
Figure 1: Virtual Services Platform 9000 chassis front view
In the rear, the chassis has six slots for Switch Fabric (SF) modules and two auxiliary slots for future use. Rear slots are numbered from right to left. The rear also has two bays for cooling modules. There are six separate IEC 60320-C20 AC power inlets and six power switches which connect the main AC power to their corresponding power supply bays. The following figure shows the rear view of the chassis. The ground bonding location is located in the bottom right part of the chassis.
10 Installation — Chassis October 2011
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Power supplies

Figure 2: Virtual Services Platform 9000 chassis rear view
Power supplies
This section describes the 9006 AC power supply, the power inlets and how to plan for feed and power supply redundancy.
9006AC power supply on page 12
Power supply and power inlet locations on page 12
Power supply redundancy on page 12
Power feed redundancy on page 13
Installation — Chassis October 2011 11
9012 chassis installation fundamentals
9006AC power supply
The Avaya Virtual Services Platform 9000 chassis has six bays for AC power supply installation. Install the power supplies in the front of the chassis and plug the power plugs in the corresponding power inlets at the back of the chassis.
To configure a Avaya Virtual Services Platform 9000 system, consider the total power consumption to ensure proper system performance. The total input power consumption of the components (modules and cooling modules) must not exceed the output power rating of the power supply. For more information about the power consumption of each module, see
Component input power on page 42.
When the A vaya V irtual Services Platform 9000 operates in a redundant power configuration, you can upgrade or replace power supplies while the chassis remains in operation.
For more information about power supply installation and electrical specifications, see Avaya Virtual Services Platform 9000 Installation — AC Power Supply, NN46250-303.
Power supply and power inlet locations
In the front of the chassis, the power supply bays are numbered from left to right, so 1, 2, and 3 on the first row, and 4, 5, and 6 on the second row.
The power inlets in the back of chassis are numbered from left to right, so 3, 2, and 1 on the first row, and 6, 5, and 4 on the second row (as viewed from the back).
For more information about grounding the Virtual Services Platform 9000 and related precautions, see
Grounding the chassis on page 30.
Power supply redundancy
This section uses "n" to represent the number of power supplies required to operate the power system without redundancy, and "m" to represent the number of redundant power supplies required to improve the system availability. You can configure the Virtual Services Platform 9000 for n + n redundancy by means of distributing an "A" power feed to the "A" power shelf (which comprises of AC power supplies 1, 2, and 3), and a "B" power feed to the "B" power shelf (which comprises of AC power supplies 4, 5, and 6). Apply this power configuration protection against simultaneous power supply and individual power feed failure. Use n + m redundancy to ensure internal redundancy in the event of a power supply failure. Install an additional power supply (additional to what you require to power your hardware configuration) to provide n + m redundancy. If two separate power feeds are not available at the site power distribution, you can only configure the system for n + m redundancy.
Use n + n redundancy to ensure redundancy in the event that an external failure occurs (for example, an entire power feed within the building fails). To ensure n + n redundancy, you must install power supplies to provide twice the power requirements of your hardware configuration.
The system reserves the following power requirements:
• 80 Watts (W) each for the primary and secondary Control Processor (CP) modules
• 70 W each for the Switch Fabric (SF) modules located in slots 1 and 4
12 Installation — Chassis October 2011
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• 150 W each for the two IO fan trays
• 65 W each for the two SF fan trays

Cooling modules

Refer to
Component input power on page 42 for information on power consumption.
Power feed redundancy
Avaya recommends that you use two separate power feeds to plug the AC power supplies. The power supplies in the 9012 chassis are divided in two shelves. The top shelf (shelf "A") consists of power supplies 1, 2, and 3, while the bottom shelf (shelf "B") consists of power supplies 4, 5, and 6. If you use n + n redundancy and plug the power supplies from the top shelf in power feed "A", and the power supplies from the bottom shelf in power feed "B", this gives you power feed redundancy. Each shelf can provide 3600 W or 6000 W, depending if you use 100-120 V AC or 200-240 V AC. Ensure that each power supply connects to a dedicated breaker.
Cooling modules
The Avaya Virtual Services Platform 9000 chassis uses four cooling modules. Two cooling modules at the front of the chassis cool the CP and interface modules. Two cooling modules at the back of the chassis cool the SF modules.
You install the cooling modules for the interface and CP modules at the front of the chassis. The cooling modules plug into the midplane. The cooling air flows from left to right, as viewed from the front. A green LED indicates correct fan operation.
You install the cooling modules for the SF modules at the back of the chassis. The cooling air flows from front to back to cool the SF and auxiliary modules.
See Avaya Virtual Services Platform 9000 Installation — Cooling Modules, NN46250-302 for information about installing cooling modules.

Switch Fabric module

With Release 3.1, you must install a minimum of three SF modules in the chassis. Avaya recommends that you install a minimum of four SF modules for redundancy. You must install an SF module in slots SF1 and SF4; install a third SF module in one of the remaining slots.
Each SF module connects to the ten different interface module slots and the two CP module slots simultaneously. You can install a maximum of six SF modules in each chassis in a 5 + 1 redundancy configuration.
The SF module slot numbers increment from right to left when you view the chassis from the rear. The slot location determines the module function. Slots 1 and 4 provide the arbitration and scheduling for traffic (and therefore, bandwidth management) from the interface modules
Installation — Chassis October 2011 13
9012 chassis installation fundamentals
and provide redundancy when both slots are populated. The other slots provide additional bandwidth.
Avaya recommends that you install SF modules in both Slot 1 and Slot 4 (to provide redundancy). Y ou must have a functioning SF module in at least one of those slots for proper operation of the interface modules.
Bandwidth is dependent on your hardware configuration.

Control Processor module

The 9080CP module performs the following tasks:
• runs all high level protocols, for example Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) and Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
• distributes the routing update
• manages and configures the interface and SF modules
• maintains and monitors the health of the chassis
• displays the status of the modules installed at the back of the chassis using LEDs
Y ou need to ensure that the external Compact Flash card is installed in the CP module before you power on the chassis or enable the CP module.
See Avaya Virtual Services Platform 9000 Installation — Modules, NN46250-301 for information about installing CP modules.

Site requirements

Ensure that the installation site meets the space requirements described in this section. For more information about environmental and electrical requirements, see Technical
specifications on page 41.
The installation site must provide sufficient free space around the chassis to ensure proper ventilation and service access.
You can install up to three Avaya Virtual Services Platform 9000 chassis in a single rack. Although there are no space requirement between units, leave enough room between units to remove and replace modules.
14 Installation — Chassis October 2011
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Hardware requirements

Chassis units should be installed from the bottom up to ensure racks do not become top heavy and fall over.
Plan ahead to have three people present to lift the chassis. The chassis weighs in excess of 160 lb (73 kg) and requires a minimum of three people to lift. A mechanical lift should always be used when one is available.
Use the following guidelines to plan front and rear access:
• For proper ventilation, Avaya recommends 36 inches (in.) (91 centimeters [cm]) of free space in both the front and the back of the machine, and also 6 in. (15.2 cm) on each side.
• Air inlet temperature to each chassis must be within the specified range.
To ensure efficient cooling, both the air intake (left side of the chassis) and air exhaust (right side of the chassis) require a minimum of 6 in. (152.4 mm) of distance from any adjacent equipment which would either obstruct air flow or provide preheated air to the intake side.
Each power supply must operate from a dedicated branch circuit. For n + n redundancy, you must connect half the branch circuits on one power feed, and the other half of the branch circuits on a separate power feed. On top of power supply redundancy , this also provides power feed redundancy.
Hardware requirements
This section includes information about the hardware shipped with the A vaya V irtual Services Platform 9000 chassis.
Shipped Assembly 9012 12 Slot Chassis hardware
In addition to the Avaya Virtual Services Platform 9000 chassis, your shipping container contains several hardware accessories. Verify that the items in the shipping container match those on the shipment packing list.
Use the following table as a checklist when you verify the contents of the shipping container.
Part numbers on page 39 for information about ordering replacement parts.
Table 1: 9012 chassis shipping accessories
Accessory Usage
9012 chassis Ten interface and Control
Processor (CP) filler panels
Installation — Chassis October 2011 15
Filler panels must be installed in unused slots.
9012 chassis installation fundamentals
Check Accessory Usage
Four Switch Fabric (SF) filler
Filler panels must be installed in unused slots.
panels Two Auxiliary card filler panels Filler panels must be installed in unused slots. Regulatory label Two SF fan trays Two IO fan trays One DB9 to DB9 connector One accessory kit One cable manager assembly One generic label accessory kit Screws and hardware: The hardware required to mount the chassis in
a rack depends on your rack type.
12 Phillips-head screws 12 clip nuts
4 Phillips-head screws 4 hex nuts
Mount the chassis to a rack rail. Use the clip nuts, if necessary.
Mount the installation shelf to a rack rail.
Mount the installation shelf to a rack rail. 4 pan-head screws Install the cable management bracket. Installation shelf Mount the Virtual Services Platform 9000
chassis in an equipment rack. One left front cable
Manage network interface cables. management bracket
Grounding kit hardware Connects the chassis to the ground of the
The following figure illustrates the accessories in the chassis shipping container.
16 Installation — Chassis October 2011
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Hardware requirements
Figure 3: Accessories of the chassis shipping container
Other equipment
You will require items not included in the Virtual Services Platform 9000 chassis accessory package. The following sections describe these items. Before you install the Virtual Services Platform 9000 hardware, ensure that you obtain all the cables, tools, and other equipment you need.
To configure startup options and to monitor the results of startup diagnostics, you can attach a PC, laptop, VT100 console or equivalent, such as a PC terminal emulator.
The hardware required to mount the Avaya Virtual Services Platform 9000 chassis in an equipment rack depends on your equipment rack type.
You need a Phillips screwdriver to install the Virtual Services Platform 9000 chassis in a standard rail-type equipment rack if using Avaya-supplied screws.
Install the device in standard EIA-310D 19-inch (in.) racks and ETSI 600-millimeter (mm) racks. The chassis fits a standard 19-in. rack using the mounting brackets that ship with the unit. To install the chassis in an ETSI 600-mm rack, you must provide mounting brackets to adapt the chassis to the rack.
If the rack does not use threaded rail holes, you must use the supplied clip nuts with the clip nut screws.
Avaya does not include the cables required for your network configuration in the Virtual Services Platform 9000 chassis accessory package.
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9012 chassis installation fundamentals

Successful installation verification

In a normal power-up sequence, the LEDs light as follows:
• After you apply power to the switch, the corresponding power supply AC power LEDs and cooling module LED lights, and the Online LED for each interface module lights amber.
• Each interface module initiates a self-test during which the port and module LEDs display various patterns to indicate the progress of the self-test.
• Upon successful completion of the self-test (within 5 to 15 minutes after you apply power, depending on the module type), the interface module Online LED transitions from amber to green.
If the LEDs on the modules light in this sequence, your installation is successful. Contact your network administrator to verify that the Avaya Virtual Services Platform 9000 connects to the network.
If the LEDs do not light in this sequence, contact your local Avaya Technical Solutions Center.

Chassis installation time requirements

The following table lists the procedures you perform to install the Virtual Services Platform 9000 chassis and the estimated time you need to complete each procedure. Not all procedures are required for every Virtual Services Platform 9000 system.
Table 2: Installation procedures and time requirements
Procedure Time requirement
Reducing the chassis weight 5 minutes Attaching the mounting brackets 5 minutes Mounting the chassis in a two-post rack 12–30 minutes Installing the cable management brackets 5 minutes Grounding the chassis 12 minutes
18 Installation — Chassis October 2011
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Chapter 4: 9012 chassis installation

About this task
This section describes how to install the Avaya Virtual Services Platform 9000 chassis. Before you begin the installation of the Avaya Virtual Services Platform 9000 chassis, ensure you have
completed the following actions:
• Inspect all items for shipping damage. If you find items that are damaged, do not install the chassis. Call the Avaya Technical Solutions Center in your area.
• Verify that the items in the shipping container match those on the shipment packing list.
• Verify that you have all other required hardware.
The procedures in this task flow should be performed by trained service personnel only.
The following task flow shows you the sequence of procedures you perform to install the chassis. To link to any procedure, select the procedure name in the list that follows the taskflow.
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