UNIStim Firmware Maintenance Release 0604DAX for
Phase II IP Phones (2001, 2002 & 2004), 0621C3N for IP
Phone 2007, and 0623C3G, 0624C3G, 0625C3G and
0627C3G for IP Phone 1110, 1120E, 1140E and 1150E
Date Revision # Summary of Changes
31-July-07 Originalbulletin This is the original publication
10-Oct-07 Revision 1
New up-revision of IP Phone 11xx firmware to
reinstate support for CS1K prior to release 5.0
Nortel* is pleased to announce the general availability of a maintenance release of UNIStim
firmware version 0604DAX for the Phase II IP Phone 2001, Phase II IP Phone 2002, and
Phase II IP Phone 2004. Nortel is also pleased to announce the general availability of a
maintenance release of UNIStim firmware version 0621C3N for the IP Phone 2007. In
addition, Nortel is pleased to announce the general availability of maintenance releases of
UNIStim firmware version 0623C3G, 624C3G, 0625C3G and 0627C3G for the IP Phone
1110, 1120E, IP Phone 1140E and IP Phone 1150E respectively.
NOTE: The 0623C3G, 0624C3G, 0625C3G and 0627C3G firmware loads, for the IP Phone
1110, 1120E, 1140E and 1150E respectively, resolve an incompatibility discovered in the
0623C3F, 0624C3F, 0625C3F and 0627C3F firmware loads with Communication Server
1000 release 4.5 or earlier. With the up-revision of 0623C3G, 0624C3G, 0625C3G and
0627C3G firmware loads the firmware loads 0623C3F, 0624C3F, 0625C3F and 0627C3F
respectively have been manufactured discontinued.
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Nortel recommends an upgrade to these maintenance releases of firmware for all applicable
IP Phones and Call Servers at the earliest convenience. These maintenance releases are
being provided as a no charge update to all customers.
These new firmware loads deliver enhancements to Nortel’s IP Telephony Solution and
deliver general quality improvements. The enhancements available include:
More flexible network connectivity control
Additional backlight control timers on selected IP Phones
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More flexible network connectivity control
The 0604DAX, 0621C3N, 0623C3G, 0624C3G, 0625C3G and 0627C3G firmware loads
introduce greater low level network control available through the phones configuration
menus. The greater control includes:
1) Allowing 802.1q extended frame format to be disabled permitting the phone to
connect to network infrastructure that does not support the 802.1Q extended
frame format. As well, the new firmware allows for the provisioning of the 802.1Q
priority settings for the voice traffic, both control and bearer, and the data traffic
from the PC port.
The configuration menu has been expanded to include the additional content. The
following new menu items have been added to the configuration menu:
Disable Data 802.1Q: []
Data Priority Bits: [Auto, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
2) allowing the link speed and the duplex mode on the IP phones to be provisioned
independently for both the network port and the PC port
The configuration menu has been expanded to include the additional content. The
following new menu items have been added to the configuration menu:
Ntwk Port Speed: [Auto, 10BT, 100BT]
Ntwk Port Duplex: [Auto, Force Full, Force Half]
PC Port Speed: [Auto, 10BT, 100BT]
PC Port Duplex: [Auto, Force Full, Force Half]
The PC Port menu items are not available on the IP Phone 2001 since this phone does not
have a PC port.
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Additional Timer Values Added to Backlight Control (Applies to IP Phone 2007, 1110,
1120E, 1140E and 1150E)
The 0621C3N, 0623C3G, 0624C3G, 0625C3G and 0627C3G firmware loads deliver two
new backlight timer durations on the IP Phone 2007, 1110, 1120E, 1140E and 1150E
The Contrast and Brightness Tools are used to alter the physical settings of the display. The
Backlight setting determines the time before the display sleeps (goes black) or dims.
Two new short duration intervals of 5 seconds and 1 minute have been added to the existing
duration choices.
Because of the addition of the two new intervals, a previously selected preference may be
adjusted when the new firmware is loaded onto the phone. This one time adjustment can be
reset by entering the Contrast and Brightness Tools and selecting a new preference. Once
the new preference is selected the selection will be persistent across future resets and
Quality Improvements
The 0604DAX, 0621C3N, 0623C3G, 0624C3G, 0625C3G and 0627C3G firmware loads
also continue to improve the overall quality of the Phase II IP Phones (2001, 2002, 2004), IP
Phone 2007 and Next Generation IP Phones (1110, 1120E, 1140E and 1150E) through the
delivery of ongoing resolution of CRs and closed cases. In total, approximately 70 resolved
issues have been closed, and 14 customer cases have been closed in these new firmware
loads since the last suite of GA firmware loads. The list of resolved critical issues and the list
of closed cases since the last suite of generally available (GA) firmware loads are listed
The 0604DAX, 0621C3N, 0623C3G, 0624C3G, 0625C3G and 0627C3G firmware releases
fix many minor issues and the following critical issues since the last suite of GA firmware
Remote chance that DHCP may suspend
Slight chance that IP Phone may lock on Active Call
Difficulty connecting to server if network cable unplugged and then restored
Errors sometimes occurring during DHCP option handling
IP Phone sometimes not re-registering after server maintenance
Difficulty downloading firmware if link speed set to 100BT Full Duplex
Sound quality may be impaired after network disruption
IP Phone may not respond to Zone Pages
Issues with EAP if Password or Device ID are input incorrectly
In "Enter Admin. Password" menu, using an USB mouse may freeze the phone
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The 0604DAX, 0621C3N, 0623C3G, 0624C3G, 0625C3G and 0627C3G firmware releases
close the following cases:
Case # Title
070104-91739 CRC errors occurring during large file transfer when using auto negotiation
070326-78016 Set cannot be muted with “AnswerBack” on a BCM platform
070412-96011 DHCP Release sometimes not being sent
070606-51244 XAS IP address may change to after upgrading firmware
060911-74038 Etherset QoS Statistics may be reported incorrectly
061019-18728 IP Phone might respond to ARP with wrong IP address
070313-65095 Connection to XAS may resets resulting in loss of IP Zone Paging
070330-83922 1-way speech sometimes occurring with SRTP PSK
070417-00508 IP Phone did not reset after upgrading firmware
070510-24253 DHCP lease sometimes not released in the default VLAN
Product Advisements
2-Step Upgrade May Be Required (Applies to IP Phone 1120E and 1140E)
One important note when upgrading the IP Phone 1120E to 0624C3G or the IP Phone
1140E to 0625C3G from any load previous to 0624C1B or 0625C1B respectively, is that a
2-step upgrade will be required. The IP Phone 1120E and 1140E cannot be upgraded
directly to the newly released firmware if they are currently running firmware previous to
0624C1B and 0625C1B respectively. Instead, the phones must first be upgraded to
0624C1B and 0625C1B or newer (recommend 0624C3C and 0625C3C). Once the phones
are running at least 0624C1B and 0625C1B firmware, they will accept being upgraded to
0624C3G and 0625C3G respectively.
Current release of SRTP PSK is not backward compatible with older version of
SRTP PSK (Applies to IP Phone 2001, 2002, 2004, 2007, 1110, 1120E, 1140E,
One important note when upgrading the IP Phones to the current releases of firmware is to
realize that the current releases of SRTP PSK is not compatible with older versions of SRTP
PSK. All phone wishing to provide secure communication using SRTP PSK must upgrade to
the current firmware version 0604DAX for the Phase II IP Phone 2001, Phase II IP Phone
2002, and Phase II IP Phone 2004, firmware version 0621C3N for the IP Phone 2007 and
firmware versions 0623C3G, 0624C3G, 0625C3G and 0627C23 for the IP Phone 1110,
1120E, 1140E and IP Phone 1150E respectively.
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Network Loop (Applies to IP Phone 2002, 2004, 2007, 1120E, 1140E)
These firmware releases include a fix to help prevent network loop scenarios from being
introduced into the network, and the resultant network outages that can occur. The network
loop avoidance fix was first introduced in 0604D9H, 0621C2B, 0624C1E and 0625C1E. One
important note when upgrading to 0604DAX, 0621C3N, 0624C3G or 0625C3G from any
load previous to 0604D9H, 0621C2B, 0624C1E or 0625C1E respectively, is that IP Phones
that were inadvertently mis-wired during initial installation will not be allowed to work until the
cabling problem is corrected. This fix is only an issue if the installer, when installing the
Nortel IP Phone 2002, 2004, 2007, 1120E or 1140E, inadvertently connected the network
Ethernet cable to the PC Ethernet port on the back of the phone, instead of connecting it to
the network Ethernet port on the back of the phone. Phase II IP Phones (2002 and 2004)
running firmware previous to 0604D9H, IP Phones 2007 running firmware previous to
0621C2B and IP Phone 1120E and 1140E running firmware previous to 0624C1C and
0625C1C respectively will work when incorrectly connected, but this does introduce the
potential for network degradation. These new firmware loads will try and safe guard the
network by trying to prevent phones that are mis-cabled to function. This means that the
IP Phones that are working on a previous release of firmware may stop working if
they are not correctly wired.
But realize that a mis-cabled phone may still work, even with the new firmware, if the
network infrastructure supports Auto MDIX. And, if the network infrastructure supports Auto
MDIX, network loop can still occur if the network is not running the Spanning Tree Protocol
(STP) or a similar loop avoidance protocol.
As a preventative measure to reduce the potential for network degradation, and to prevent
mis-cabled phones from ceasing to work when their firmware is upgraded, please consider
taking the necessary steps to ensure your Nortel IP phones network cables are plugged into
the correct ports on the back of the phone – network cable into the network Ethernet port,
and the PC Ethernet cable (if connecting a PC) to the PC Ethernet port (little computer icon)
on the back of the phone.
Correction to VLAN Access Process (Applies to IP Phone 2002, 2004, 2007, 1120E,
1140E) – may impact current network configurations
The 0604DAX, 0621C3N, 0624C3G and 0625C3G firmware releases continue to support
the changes to the VLAN Access Process that were first introduced in 0604D9H, 0621C2B,
0624C1E or 0625C1E firmware.
When upgrading to 0604DAX, 0621C3N, 0624C3G or 0625C3G from any load previous to
0604D9H, 0621C2B, 0624C1E or 0625C1E respectively, the corrections to the VLAN
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