Avaya Managing Routers HTTP Server User Manual

BayRS Version 14.00 Part No. 308653-14.00 Rev 00
September 1999 4401 Great America Parkway
Santa Clara, CA 95054

Managing Routers Using the HTTP Server

Copyright © 1999 Nortel Networks
All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. September 1999. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. The statements, configurations, technical data,
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The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement and may only be used in accordance with the terms of that license. A summary of the Software License is included in this document.
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Notwithstanding any other license agreement that may pertain to, or accompany the delivery of, this computer software, the rights of the United States Government regarding its use, reproduction, and disclosure are as set forth in the Commercial Computer Software-Restricted Rights cl ause at FAR 52.227-19.
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In the interest of improvi ng internal design, operational fun c tion , an d/o r re lia bi lity, No rtel Ne tworks NA Inc. re se rv es the right to make changes to the products described in this document without notice.
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Portions of the code in this software product may be Copyright © 1988, Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms of such portions are permitted, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are duplicated in all such forms and that any docu mentation, advertising materials, and other materials related to such distribution and use acknowledge that su ch portions of the software were developed by the University of California, Berkeley. The name of the University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from such portions of the software without specific prior written permission.
In addition, the program and information containe d herein are licensed only pursuant to a license agreement that contains restrictions on use and disclosure (that may incorporate by reference certain limitations and notices imposed by third parties).
308653-14.00 Rev 00
Nortel Networks NA Inc. Software License Agreement
NOTICE: Please carefully read this license agre ement before copying or using the accompanying software or installing the hardware unit with pre-enabled software (each of which is referred to as “Software” in this Agreement). BY COPYING OR USING THE SOFTWARE, YOU ACCEPT ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT. THE TERMS EXPRESSED IN THIS AGREEMENT ARE THE ONLY TERMS UNDER WHICH NORTEL NETWORKS WILL PERMIT YOU TO USE THE SOFTWARE. If you do not accept these terms and conditions, return the product, unused and in the original shipping container, within 30 days of purchase to obtain a credit for the full purchase price.
1. License Grant. Nortel Networks NA Inc. (“Nortel Networks”) grants the end user of the Software (“Licensee”) a personal, nonex clusive, nontransfera ble lic ense: a) to u se the Softw are eit her on a single compute r or, if applicable, on a single authorized device identified by host ID, for which it was originally acquired; b) to copy the Software solely for backup purposes in support of authorized use of t he Software; and c) to use and copy the associated user manual solely in support of authoriz ed use of th e Softwa re b y Licen see. Thi s license applies t o the So ftware o nly and d oes not extend to Nortel Networks Agent software or other Nortel Networks software products. Nortel Networks Agent software or other Nortel Networks software products are licensed for use under the terms of the applicable Nortel Networks NA Inc. Software License Agreement that accompanies such software and upon payment by the end user of the applicable license fees for such software.
2. Restrictions on use; reservation of rights. The Software and user manuals are protected und er copyright laws. Nortel Networks and/or its licensors retain all title and ownership in both the Software and user manuals, including any revisions made by Nortel Networks or its licensors. The copyright notice must be reproduced and included with any copy of any portion of the Software or user manuals. Licensee may not modify, translate, decompile, disassemble, use for any competitive analysis, reverse engineer, distribute, or create derivative works from the Software or user manuals or any copy, in whole or in part. Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, Licensee may not copy or transfer the Software or user manuals, in whole or in part. The Software and user manuals embody Nortel Networks’ and its licensors’ confidential and propriet ary in telle c tu al pro p erty. Licensee shall not sublicense, assign, or ot he rwise disclose to any third party the Software, or any information about the operation, design, performance, or implementation of the Software and user manuals that is confidential to Nortel Networks and its licensors; however, Licensee may grant permission to its consultants, subcontractors, a nd agents to use the Softw are at Licensee’s facility, provided they have agreed to use the Software only in accordance with the terms of this license.
3. Limited warranty . Nortel Networks warrants each item of Software, as delivered by Nortel Networks and properly installed and operated on Nortel Networks hardware or other equipment it is originally licensed for, to function substantially as described in its accompanying user manual during its warranty period, which begins on the date Software is first shipped to Licensee. If an y item of S oftware f ails to so function d uring its w arranty period, as the sole remedy Nortel Networks will at its discretion provide a suitable fix, patch, or workaround for the problem that may be included in a future Software release. Nortel Networks further warrants to Licensee that the media on which the Software is provided will be free from defec ts in materials and wo rkman ship under no rmal use for a peri od of 90 da ys from the date Software is first shipped to Licensee. Nortel Networks will replace defective media at no charge if it is returned to Nortel Netw orks during the warranty period along with proof of the date of ship ment. This warranty does not apply if the media has been damaged as a result of accident, misuse, or abuse. The Licensee assumes all responsibility for selection of the Software to achieve Licensee’s intended results and for the installation, use, and results obtained from the Software. Nortel Networks does not warrant a) that the functions contained in the software will meet the Licensee’s requirements, b) that the Software will operate in the hardware or software combinations that the Licensee may select, c) that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, or d) that all defects in the operation of the Softw are will be corrected . Nortel Network s is not obligate d to remedy an y Software defect that cannot be reproduced with the latest Software release. These warranties do not apply to the Software if it has been (i) altered, except by Nortel Networks or in accordance with i ts instructions; (ii) used in conjunction with another vendor’s product, resulting in the de fect; or (iii) damage d by improper environment, abuse, misuse, accident, or negligence. THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES AND LIMITATIONS ARE EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES AND ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITA TION ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Licensee is responsible
308653-14.00 Rev 00
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7. Term and termination. This license is effective until terminated; however, all of the restrictions with respect to Nortel Networks’ copyright in the Software and user manuals will cease being effective at the date of expiration of the Nortel Networks copyright; those restrictions relating to use and disclosure of Nortel Networks’ confidential information shall continue in effect. Licensee may terminate this license at any time. The license will automatically terminate if Licensee fails to comply with any of the terms and conditions of the license. Upon termination for any reason, Licensee will immediat ely destroy or return to Nortel Networks the Software, user manuals, and all copies. Nortel Networks is not liable to Licensee for damages in any form solely by reason of the termination of this license.
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9. General. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of the provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. This Agreement will be governed by the laws of the state of California.
Should you have any questions concerning this Agreement, contact Nortel Networks, 4401 Great America Par kwa y, P.O. Box 58185, Santa Clara, California 9505 4-8185.
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Before You Begin .............................................................................................................xiii
Text Conventions .............................................................................................................xiv
Acronyms ........................... .......................... .......................... ......................... ................. xv
Hard-Copy Technical Manuals ............................................... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....x vi
How to Get Help ..............................................................................................................xvi
Chapter 1 Starting and Configuring the HTTP Server
Browser Requirements ...................................................................................................1-1
Starting the HTTP Server Using
Starting the HTTP Server Using the BCC or Site Manager ............................................1-3
Setting HTTP Server Security ........................................................................................1-4
User Name/Password Security Concepts ................................................................1-5
Basic Access Authentication ....................... ....... ...... ....... ...................................... ...1-8
Digest Authentication ...............................................................................................1-9
Filtering Network Address es .... ....... ...... ............................................. ....... ...... ................1-9
Using a Domain Name Instead of an IP Address ...........................................................1-9
Relocating HTTP Server Help Information ...................................................................1-10
Customizing HTTP Parameters ....................................................................................1-10
Chapter 2 HTTP Server Concepts
What the HTTP Server Does ..........................................................................................2-1
Navigating the HTTP Server Interface ............................................................................2-3
Data Display Formats .....................................................................................................2-4
Enabling and Disabling Connections ..............................................................................2-4
What the Administration Functions Do ...........................................................................2-4
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Chapter 3 Monitoring Routers Using the HTTP Server
Getting Help ....................................................................................................................3-1
Specifying a Router to Monitor .......................................................................................3-2
Viewing Overall System Status .......................................................................................3-2
Chapter 4 Troubleshooting Router Operation
Troubleshooting Icon ... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ............................................. ...... ....... .........4-1
Displaying Circuit Alerts ..................................................................................................4-2
Viewing the Event Log .................... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ......................4-2
Filtering What the Event Log Shows ........................................................................4-3
Interpreting Event Messages ...................................................................................4-3
Saving and Clearing the Event Log ..........................................................................4-4
Saving the Event Log ................................... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ......................4-4
Clearing the Event Log ......................................................................................4-5
Getting Help on the Event Log Window ...................................................................4-5
Pinging Devices ..............................................................................................................4-5
Ping IP ............................... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... .............................4-6
Ping IPX ................................... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ......................4-6
Ping AppleTalk ......................... ...... ....... ...... ....... ............................................. ...... ...4-7
Chapter 5 Viewing Router Services Statistics
Router Services Statistics ..............................................................................................5-1
Using the HTTP Server to View HTTP Statistics ............................................................5-3
HTTP Configuration Statistics ..................................................................................5-3
HTTP Counters ........................................................................................................5-3
HTTP Request Statistics ..........................................................................................5-4
HTTP Response Statistics .......................................................................................5-4
Using the Statistics Manager to View HTTP Server Statistics ........................................5-5
Selecting the Windows to Display ............................................................................5-5
Starting the Statistics Launch Facility ......................................................................5-5
Viewing HTTP Statistics .............................. ............................................. ....... ...... ...5-6
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Chapter 6 Viewing Router Port Statistics
Changing the Administrative Status of a Port .................................................................6-2
Viewing Traffic Statistics for All Ports ..............................................................................6-2
Viewing Ethernet Port Statistics .....................................................................................6-3
Viewing Serial Port Statistics ..........................................................................................6-3
Viewing FDDI Port Statistics ...........................................................................................6-3
Viewing HSSI Port Statistics ...........................................................................................6-4
Viewing Token Ring Port Statistics .................................................................................6-4
Chapter 7 Viewing Router Protocol Statistics
Changing the Administrative Status of an Interface ........................................................7-1
Viewing IP Statistics .......... ...... ....... ............................................. ...... ....... ......................7-2
Viewing IPX Statistics ........ ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ............................................. ...7-3
Viewing AppleTalk Statistic s ........................................................ ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...7-3
Chapter 8 Support and Administration
What Administration Functions Do .................................................................................8-1
Using Date and Time Functions .....................................................................................8-2
Using the Reset and Boot Functions ..............................................................................8-3
Resetting a Slot ........................................................................................................8-3
Booting the Router ...................................................................................................8-3
File Manager Functions ..................................................................................................8-4
Files Function ...........................................................................................................8-4
Volumes Function .....................................................................................................8-5
Appendix A Site Manager Parameters
Accessing HTTP Site Manager Parameters .................................................................. A-2
Appendix B BCC show Commands
Sample show Command Output .................................................................................... B-2
Online Help for show Commands .................................................................................. B-3
Show Commands for the HTTP Server ......................................................................... B-3
show http summary ................................................................................................. B-3
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show http requests .................................................................................................. B-4
show http responses ............................................................................................... B-4
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Figure 2-1. HTTP Server Interface Components ........................................................2-2
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Table 1-1. Access Privilege Levels and Associated Functions .................................1-6
Table 4-1. Event Message Severity Levels .................................. ....... ......................4-4
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This guide describes how to configure and use the Nortel Networks™ HTTP Server , an embed ded Web-based router management tool included wit h the Nortel Networks router operating system software (BayRS standard Web browser. Using HTTP Server software, you can monitor network devices, v ie wing su mmary, fault, and statistica l info rmation on a de vice-b y-d e vice basis.
) and accessible from any
You can use the Bay Command Console (BCC HTTP Server software on a router. In this guide, you will find configuration instructions for both the BCC and Site Manager.

Before You Begin

Before using this guide, you must complete the following procedures. For a new router:
Install the router (see the installation guide that came with your router).
Connect the router to the network and create a pilot configuration file (see
Quick-Starting Routers
Configure IP on the router (see
Services; Configuring IP, ARP, RIP, and OSPF Services; and Configuring GRE, NAT, RIPSO and BFE Services
Make sure that you are runni ng the lates t versio n of Nortel Netw orks BayRS Site Manager software. For information about upgrading BayRS and Site Manager, see the upgrading guide for your version of BayRS.
) or Site Manager to configure the
Configuring IP Multicasting and Multimedia
308653-14.00 Rev 00
Managing Routers Using the HTTP Server

Text Conventions

This guide uses the following text conventions:
angle brackets (< >) Indicate that you choose the text to enter based on the
description inside the brackets. Do not type the brackets when entering the command.
Example: If the command syntax is:
bold text
Indicates command names and options and text that
, you enter:
you need to enter.
show ip {alerts | routes
italic text
Example: Enter Example: Use the
Indicates file and directory names, new terms, book titles, and variables in command syntax descriptions. Where a variable is two or more words, the words are connected by an underscore.
Example: If the command syntax is:
show at
is one variable and you subst itute one value
for it.
screen text
Indicates system output, for example, prompts and system messages.
Set Trap Monitor Filters
308653-14.00 Rev 00
separator ( > ) Shows menu paths.
Example: Protocols > IP iden tifi es the IP optio n on the Protocols menu.


vertical line (
) Separates choices for command keywords and
arguments. Enter only one of the choices. Do not type the vertical line when ent ering the command.
Example: If the command syntax is:
show ip {alerts | routes show ip alerts
show ip routes
, you enter either:
This guide uses the following acronyms:
ARP Address Resolution Protocol BootP Bootstrap Protocol FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface FTP File Transfer Protocol HSSI High-Speed Serial Interface HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol ICMP Internet Control Message protocol
, but not both.
IP Internet P rotocol IPX Internet Packet Exchange MAC media access control RIP Routing Information Protocol SAP Service Advertising Protocol SMDS Switched Multimegabit Data Service SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol TCP Transaction Control Protocol URL uniform resource locator
308653-14.00 Rev 00
Managing Routers Using the HTTP Server

Hard-Copy Technical Manuals

You can print selected technical manuals and release notes free, directly from the Internet. Go to support.baynetworks.com/library/tpubs/. Find the product for which you need documentation. Then locate the specific category and model or version for your hardw are or soft ware product . Usi ng Adobe Ac robat Re ader, you can open the manuals and releas e notes, search for the sections you ne ed, and print them on most standard printers. You can download Acrobat Reader free from the Adobe Systems Web site, www.adobe.com.
You can purchase selected documentation sets, CDs, and technical publications through the collateral catalog. The catalog is located on the World Wide Web at
support.baynetworks.com/catalog.html and is divided into sections arranged
The “CD ROMs” section lists available CDs.
The “Guides/Books” section lists books on technical topics.
The “Technical Manuals” section lists available printed documentation sets.

How to Get Help

If you purchased a service contract for your Nortel Networks product from a distributor or authorized reseller, contact the technical support staff for that distributor or reseller for assistance.
If you purchased a Nort el Net wor ks s ervice pr ogram, c ontact one of the f ollowing Nortel Networks Technical Solutions Centers:
Technical Solutions Center Telephone Number
Billerica, MA 800-2LANWAN (800-252-6926) Santa Clara, CA 800-2LANWAN (800-252-6926) Valbonne, France 33-4-92-96-69-68 Sydney, Australia 61-2-9927-8800 Tokyo, Japan 81-3-5402-7041
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Chapter 1
Starting and Configuring the HTTP Server
The Nortel Networks HTTP Server is an embedded Web-based router management tool included with BayRS and accessible from any standard Web browser. Using the HTTP Server software, you can monitor network devices, viewing summary, fault, and statistical information on a device-by-device basis.
Before you can use the HTTP Server to monitor a router, you must configure and enable the HTTP Server software on the router using the Quick-Start installation script install.bat, the Bay Command Console (BCC), or Site Manager.
The following sections describe how to get started.
rowser Requirements
B Starting the HTTP Server Using install.bat
Starting the HTTP Server Using the BCC Starting the HTTP Server Using Site Manager
Setting HTTP Server Security Using a Domain Name Instead of an IP Address Relocating HTTP Server Help Information Customizing HTTP Parameters

Browser Requirements

Your Web browser must support the following:
JavaScript 1.2 or later
Java applets
Cascading style sheets
308653-14.00 Rev 00 1-1
Managing Routers Using the HTTP Server
For example, the browsers Netscape® 4.0 and later and Microsoft® Internet Explorer
4.0 and later offer these features.
If you have changed the default settings for these browsers, you must ensure that Java is enabled and that your browser is configured to accept cookies. To configure digest aut hent ic at io n, you must use a br owser t hat supports this fe atu re .
Internet Explorer lets you store your browser password. For security reasons, Nortel Networks strongly recommends that you do not store your password.
If you are upgrading from an earlier version of the HTTP Server and want to access Web pages that require digest authentication, you must reenter or change your password when upgrading to the HTTP Server in BayRS Version 13.20.
Starting the HTTP Serve r Us ing
A new router comes with a flash memory card cont aining the software image for the router, two configuration files (config and ti.cfg), and the Quick-Start script install.bat.
The Quick-Start installation script install.bat creates an initial IP network interface on the rout er so that your router ca n communicate wit h the con figurati on workstation from which you will manage t he route r . Th e i nstall.ba t script pr ompts you to enter the network information that dynamically configures the initial IP interface.
As the following example shows, the script asks whether you want to enable HTTP. Answer yes to this question. (The default is no.)
Step 7. Enable HTTP
Enable the HTTP (Web) Server
Do you want to enable the HTTP (Web) server? (y/n)[n]:
HTTP server enabled.
1-2 308653-14.00 Rev 00
Starting and Configuring the HTTP Server
For complete ins truct ion s on runn ing the ins tall. bat scr ipt an d verif ying
that the installation is successful, see Quick-Starting Routers.
When you enable the HTTP Ser ver duri ng the Qui ck-St art pr ocedur e, you ca n use the HTTP Server with its default configuration settings after completing the install.bat procedure. For information on modifyin g the default H TT P Server settings, see “C
ustomizing HTTP Parameters.”
After you run the install.bat script, you can install Site Manager software, as described in Quick-Starting Routers.

Starting the HTTP Serve r Us ing the BCC or Site Manager

If you did not use the Quick-Start procedure to start the HTTP Server, you can start it using the BCC or Site Manager. When you complete this procedure, the HTTP Server software is configured on the router. Before you start the HTTP Server, verify that you have configured IP on an interface.
You can start the HTTP Server using default values for all parameters. For information about modifying the default HTTP Server settings, see “C
HTTP Parameters.”
Using the BCC
Adding the HTTP Server to a router automatically loads TCP on all slots. To add the HTTP Server to a router, navigate to the box prompt and enter:
For example, the following command adds HTTP Server to a router:
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Managing Routers Using the HTTP Server
Using Site Manager
You can configure the HTTP Server software in any Configuration Manager mode. To start the HTTP Serve r software, complete the following tasks:
You do this System responds
Site Manager Procedure
1. In the Configuration Manager window,
2. Choose
3. Choose
4. Choose
5. Choose
6. Choose
7. Choose
8. Choose
Global Protocols TCP Create TCP
Protocols Global Protocols HTTP Create HTTP
. The Global Protocols menu opens.
. The TCP menu opens.
. You return to the Configuration Manager
. The Protocols menu opens.
. The Global Protocols menu opens.
. The HTTP menu opens.
. You return to the Configuration Manager

Setting HTTP Server S ecurity

The HTTP Server allows access to device information from anywhere in the network. To protect your network information, you can implement security controls. The HTTP Server offers access control through: user name/password security, basic access or digest authentication, and network address filtering, as described in the following sections.
User Name/Password Security Concept Basic Access Authentication Digest Authentication
The Protocols menu opens.
1-4 308653-14.00 Rev 00

User Name/Password Security Concepts

The HTTP Server control s access to network dev ice i nf ormation by grouping t hat information into col le ction s, call ed realms, that share the same security at tri butes. The HTTP Server defines three security realms on the router: user, operator, and manager . A use r name/p assword author izati on mechan is m control s acce ss to ea ch realm.
The user access privileges let you view device information
The operator access privileges additionally let you make temporary changes
to the router configuration; for example, enabling and disabling an interface, setting and clearing the event log, se tting the date and time, re sett ing a slot on the router, and rebooting the router using a file that a person with manager access privilege has loaded on the router.
The manager access privileges add complete read-write access to the router,
letting you, for example, format and compact volumes and load files onto the router’s flas h memory . A per son with manager ac cess privileges can also view SNMP communities and SNMP manager information.
Starting and Configuring the HTTP Server
ping a router.
Setting the user access privileges, assigning passwords, and related activities are not part of the HTTP Server, but your level of privilege determines what you can do in the HTTP Server.
The nonvolatile RAM (NVRAM) standard Manager and User login accounts are similar to the Manager and User logins for the Technician Interface. BayRS also supports custom logins, such as chris, lee, and operations. The access privilege levels for custom logins are manager (same privileges as for the Manager login), user (same privileges as for the User login) and operator, as previously listed.
In this guide, the wo rd “Manage r” or “User” with an init ial capit al lette r (other than at the start of a sentence) refers to the the actual NVRAM login. The word “manager,” “user,” or “operato r” (a ll l ower case) refe rs to a p rivil ege level.
The system administrator can also create groups of user login accounts with the same access privilege levels. For example, users with the logins chris and lee can be members of the group support, which could have operator-level access privileges. For information about how to configure custom logins and associated access privileges, see Using the Bay Command Console (BCC).
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Managing Routers Using the HTTP Server
Privileges are cumulative. An operator can do all that a user can, plus the functions listed for the operator privilege level. A manager can do everything an operator can, plus those functions that are exclusively available to the manager privilege level. Table 1-1 summarizes the privilege levels and the functions available to each.
Table 1-1. Access Privilege Levels and Associated Functions
A user with at least this privilege level Can perform this function
By clicking on this path in the navigation frame
User Display router summary
information. View circuit alerts and the event
log. Ping a router. Trouble Shooting > Ping - IP
Display router statistics for services, ports, and protocols (except SNMP communities and SNMP manager statistics).
Get help on the HTTP Server interface, view the release notes, link to online manuals, and contact the Nortel Networks Technical Solutions Center.
Display file status. Administration > File Manager View the date and time. Administration > Date
Trouble Shooting > Circuit Alerts Trouble Shooting > Event Log
Trouble Shooting > Ping - IPX Trouble Shooting > Ping - AppleTalk
Statistics > Services Statistics > Ports Statistics > Protocols
Support > Help Support > Release notes Support > Manuals Support > Support
1-6 308653-14.00 Rev 00
Starting and Configuring the HTTP Server
Table 1-1. Access Privilege Levels and Associated Functions
A user with at least this privilege level Can perform this function
Operator Enable or disable a conn ection to
a router.
Reset a slot. Boot a router.
Save or clear the event log. Troubleshooting > Event Log > Save Log
Set the date and time. Administration > Date
Manager Copy, delete, get, or put a file. Administration > File Manager > Files
Compact a volume. Format a volume. Create or delete a partition on a volume.
By clicking on this path in the navigation frame
Statistics > Ports > Ethernet > Summary Statistics > Ports > Serial > Summary Statistics > Ports > FDDI > Summary Statistics > Ports > HSSI > Summary Statistics > Ports > Token Ring > Summary
Administration > Reset & Boot
Troubleshooting > Event Log > Clear Log
Administration > File Manager > Volumes
The system administrator sets the privilege level and assigns a password for each user or group of users. The manag er password cannot be an empt y (null) string. To perform manager functions on a device, you must enter the appropriate login name and password.
A password is optional for a user or operator login account. If the system administrator does not set a user or operator password, the HTTP Server accepts an empty (null) string as the password. Generally, the system administrator sets passwords using Technician Interface or BCC commands, just as for console access.
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Managing Routers Using the HTTP Server
If you have user or operator pr ivileges and att empt to access info rmation requir ing manager or operator privileges (or, if you attempt to use the manager login with a null password), the HTTP Server prompts you for the manager password. If you do not provide the appropriate password, an error message appears, and you cannot perform that operation.
The BCC and Technician Interface provide two default user login accounts, User and Ma nager. Information about these access p rivileg e levels i s stored in nonvolatile RAM (NVRAM) on the router.
A system administrator can define multiple-user groups, names, passwords, and access privileges for other users.
The operator privilege level can be assigned to any user login account other than one of the default login names. Information about these other configured users is stored in the device configuration file. Only one system administrator at a time can change the configuration file.
For specific informat ion about creating login names and pa sswo rds and as si gni ng access privileges, see Using the Bay Command Console (BCC) or Using Technician Interface Software. For information about securing a router as part of the Quick-Start procedure, see Quick-Starting Routers.

Basic Access Authentication

In basic access authentication, the user name and password are passed over the network as encoded but unencrypted text. While this serves to verify the identity of the user, the information is less secure than with digest authentication. Even in basic access authentication, the information is not visible to anyone with a sniffer or similar device. If yo ur browser does n ot support digest authenticatio n, you must leave authenti catio n set to the defaul t va lue of b asic; othe rwise, you cannot acce ss the device.
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