Avaya Compact Contact Center V5 System Administrator Manual

Compact Contact Center V5
System Administrator
40DHB0002USDU Issue 2b (1st February 2005)
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 5
General....................................................................................................................................................... 5
Use of this Manual...................................................................................................................................... 6
About this Manual .................................................................................................................................. 6
System Overview........................................................................................................................................ 7
CCC User Access....................................................................................................................... 9
Starting CCC User Access ......................................................................................................................... 9
Delta Server .............................................................................................................................. 10
Introduction............................................................................................................................................... 10
Viewing Delta Server ................................................................................................................................ 11
Tool Bar Pane........................................................................................................................................... 12
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 12
Event Viewer........................................................................................................................................ 13
Event Viewer Selector.......................................................................................................................... 14
Email Notification ................................................................................................................................. 15
Log to File ............................................................................................................................................ 16
SMDR .................................................................................................................................................. 17
Comms................................................................................................................................................. 18
Message Control.................................................................................................................................. 19
PCA Target Times ............................................................................................................................... 20
Users.................................................................................................................................................... 21
Users (Active) ...................................................................................................................................... 21
Agents.................................................................................................................................................. 22
Agents (Logged Off)............................................................................................................................. 23
Agents (Logged on) ............................................................................................................................. 23
Agents (Active)..................................................................................................................................... 23
Agents (Available)................................................................................................................................ 24
Agents (Located).................................................................................................................................. 24
Recent SMDR Entries.......................................................................................................................... 25
License Info.......................................................................................................................................... 26
Session Info ......................................................................................................................................... 27
Group ................................................................................................................................................... 28
Group Active ........................................................................................................................................ 28
Pilot Number ........................................................................................................................................ 29
Lines .................................................................................................................................................... 29
Lines (Active) ....................................................................................................................................... 30
Calls ..................................................................................................................................................... 30
Archiver................................................................................................................................................ 31
Reporting Admin Console....................................................................................................... 33
Launching Reporting Admin Console ....................................................................................................... 33
PBX Tab ................................................................................................................................................... 33
Database Tab ........................................................................................................................................... 34
CRM Tab .................................................................................................................................................. 35
Email Tab ................................................................................................................................................. 35
Service Tab .............................................................................................................................................. 36
Database Server Supervisor ................................................................................................... 37
Starting ..................................................................................................................................................... 37
Changing the Server Connection ............................................................................................................. 37
User Interface ........................................................................................................................................... 38
Options Pane ....................................................................................................................................... 38
Archiver Maintenance Plan....................................................................................................................... 40
General Tab ......................................................................................................................................... 40
Optimization Tab.................................................................................................................................. 41
Integrity Tab ......................................................................................................................................... 42
Table Of Contents
Complete Backup Tab ......................................................................................................................... 43
Transaction Log Backup Tab ............................................................................................................... 44
Reporting Tab ...................................................................................................................................... 45
Edit Recurring Job Schedule ............................................................................................................... 47
Backups & Restoring ................................................................................................................................ 48
The Backup Wizard.............................................................................................................................. 48
Edit Schedule Screen .......................................................................................................................... 49
Manual Backups .................................................................................................................................. 50
Restoring a Database .......................................................................................................................... 52
General Information.................................................................................................................................. 54
Display Error Logs ............................................................................................................................... 54
Viewing Messages ............................................................................................................................... 55
Jobs ..................................................................................................................................................... 56
Backup Devices ................................................................................................................................... 57
Properties............................................................................................................................................. 58
Administering the Database ..................................................................................................................... 63
Overview .............................................................................................................................................. 63
Disk Backup ......................................................................................................................................... 63
Integrity Check ..................................................................................................................................... 63
Optimizations ....................................................................................................................................... 63
Restore ................................................................................................................................................ 63
Tape Backup........................................................................................................................................ 63
Index.......................................................................................................................................... 65
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System Administrator Page 5 Compact Contact Center V5 40DHB0002USDU Issue 2b (1st February 2005)
Compact Contact Center (CCC) modules provide the user with the necessary tools to facilitate the management of call traffic. These tools are designed to provide a tightly integrated real time and historic reporting package and wallboard support for the eBusiness digital communications platform. The product consists of a set of fully integrated modules sharing a common database utilising Interactive Directory and Database (IDD) technology.
The suite of modules consists of the following applications:
Call Center View (CCV):
Provides a management package for telephone based staff and supports any size Customer Facing Department (CFD) or contact center. To effectively control customer service levels, real time human resource management is essential and the Call Center View has been specially designed to manage the CFD’s or contact center’s most valuable and expensive asset – it's people.
Call Center View Alarm Reporter:
Provides information (for each Contact Center Profile) about alarms that have occurred within the Compact Contact Center. The detailed alarm information for each directory number is presented in report format, which can then be printed.
Wallboard Manager:
Real time information from the call center is essential to react to constantly changing telephone traffic levels and provide excellent customer service. Wallboards allow managers and staff to monitor the service being provided and respond immediately. Wallboards provide current information on the number of calls waiting, response times and service levels. Wallboard Manager provides the ability to drive physical wallboards and PC wallboards.
PC Wallboard:
The PC Wallboard delivers traditional wall mounted wallboard functionality to the desktop but with the additional benefit of each PC Wallboard agent being able to configure and monitor a personalised view of the contact center. The PC Wallboard also enables agents to increase their productivity and maintain revenue levels with the added benefit of managing customer callback requests.
This module provides in depth historical reporting on contact center activity. In addition to call centre information, the Reporter also provides reports individual agent activity. This powerful package allows individual call records to be stored and reported upon months later.
CCC User Access:
CCC User Access allows storage of personal Call Center View and Wallboard settings. It also establishes user rights and password protection for Call Center View, Wallboard and Alarm Reporter software.
Workforce Management – Blue Pumpkin:
Workforce Management Interface allows integrated rostering, forecasting and scheduling systems to connect across the LAN to a comma separated variable (CSV) file containing a list of Contact Center related metrics.
MultiMedia Module:
The MultiMedia Module (MMM), is a customer contact software solution that enables companies and departments to manage multimedia contacts into and out of the organization. MMM provides applications that manage Telephony, Web Chat, E-mail and Web Call Back communications.
For installation and administration of the MultiMedia Module, refer to the separate set of manuals for MultiMedia
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Use of this Manual
This manual covers the installation and administration of Avaya's Compact Contact Center (CCC) at software Level 5.0+. on the following communications platforms:
IP Office operating Software Level 2.0+
This guide is intended for use by installers and administrators who are familiar with the relevant communications platform and have successfully completed the appropriate training courses.
Ensure that you have read and understood this Manual before beginning installation.
About this Manual
This manual is designed for the CCC System Administrator and provides the information necessary to access, configure and administer the CCC system.
This manual contains information on:
CCC User Access - see page 9.
Delta Server - see page 10.
Database Server Supervisor - see page 37.
Administering the Database - see page 63.
Reporting Admin Console - see page 33.
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System Overview
Compact Contact Center provides the user with the necessary tools to facilitate the management of call traffic. The following conceptual diagram shows how this is achieved:
The Compact Contact Center consists of the following components:
Telephone System: The telephone system software must be IP Office Level 2.1+
Delta Server: This component connected to both the telephone system and to the MultiMedia
Module. The Archiver obtains and accumulates the information from the IP Office via the Delta Server
CCC User: This component communicates with the Delta Server to provide User Access Level
as well as Password Protection for the CCC modules.
Call Center View: This component communicates with the Delta Server to enable the user to
monitor, in real time, selected Contact Center activity.
Wallboard Manager: This component communicates with the Delta Server enabling the user to
display selected Contact Center activity on a wallboard device.
Report Server: This application communicates, via Archiver/Delta Server, with the SQL
database and enables you to define, run and schedule the available standard reports.
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CCC User Access
Starting CCC User Access
CCC User Access is available on all Server and Client PCs. It allows storage of personal Call Center View profiles and Wallboard settings.
Initially, on each PC, Administrators can log on by entering the following:
Name: Admin Password: NMYSBH
CAUTION: When you log on as Administrator for the first time, it is recommended that you change the password. The new password must be recorded and kept in a secure place.
As an administrator you have the ability to change all set up screen and run the CCV Alarm Reporter application.
You can also log on with any name and no password is required. As you are not logged on as an administrator, CCV Alarm Reporter cannot be run and the following setup screens are not available.
WB Alarm Scripts
Alarm WB Destination
Alarm Settings
Default Settings.
To log on using CCC User Access:
1. Double click on the CCC User Access Icon
showing on the toolbar. If this is not visible double click the same Icon on the desktop and then double click on the toolbar Icon (which should now be visible).
2. A CCC User Access screen will be shown. For Administrator rights the User Name must be Admin. A password box will appear. Enter the default password (NMYSBH) and the Update button will become active. Click on it to update the user identification.
3. The new password must be recorded and kept in a secure place. To change the password, click on the New Password button, enter your new password and confirm the change.
4. When you have logged on as either Administrator or Supervisor, the status will appear at the bottom of the CCV task bar as follows:
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Delta Server
The Delta Server receives the IP Office call data via the LAN. The Delta Server is a component to which all the CCC modules connect. It is able to support up to 80 simultaneous client connections (e.g. CBC, CCV, etc.) and consists of software that ensures every activity on the telephone system is passed through to these modules. An example of an activity could be that an agent has ‘logged on’ which would clearly impact the real time Call Center View and the Wallboard Manager software.
The Delta Server additionally holds a model of the IP Office such that each time a new CCC module is started it will synchronise itself with today’s data, thus ensuring consistency between clients irrespective of when they were started.
The Delta Server application runs as a Windows Service.
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Viewing Delta Server
You need to ensure the Delta Server has established connection with the telephone system. Every time the Server PC is switched on, the Delta Server starts up automatically. You can view the Delta Server, by performing the following:-
1. Click the Start button on the Windows Taskbar.
2. Point to Programs | CCC.
3. Select Delta Server.
4. Click on Comms in the Toolbar Pane and the following screen appears:
The information on the screen is:
Comms Status: This indicates the status of the link between the Delta Server and the telephone system. These are:
Comms Restored: Indicates the connection between the Delta Server and the telephone system
is established.
Init Comms: Indicates Delta Server is initializing and has established communication with the
telephone system (this happens every time you start the Delta Server).
Comms Failure: Indicates communications link between the Delta Server and the telephone
system has been terminated.
The name and the IP Address of the IP Office are displayed when connection has been established.
If the Comms Status does not show Comms Restored, click on Apply and Refresh. The name and IP Address of the IP Office will appear in the Connection window.
Toolbar Fields: The Event Viewer, Event Viewer Selector, Email notification, Log to File, SMDR, Comms, etc. enable access to their display field menus.
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Tool Bar Pane
The tool bar pane (on the left hand side of the display) lists all the available diagnostics and set up menus available in the Delta Server.
Details on the menus available are:
Event Viewer - page 13.
Event Viewer Selector - page 14.
Email Notification - page 15.
Log to File - page 16.
SMDR - page 17.
Comms - page 18.
Message Control - page 19.
PCA Target Times - page 20.
Users - page 21.
Users (Active) - page 21.
Agents - page 22.
Agents (Logged On) - page 23.
Agents (Logged Off) - page 23.
Agents (Active) - page 23.
Agents (Available) - page 24.
Agents (Located) - page 24.
Recent SMDR Entries - page 25.
License Info - page 26.
Session Info - page 27.
Group - page 28
Group (Active) - page 28.
Pilot Number - page 29.
Lines - page 29.
Lines (Active) - page 30.
Calls - page 30.
Archiver - page 31.
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Event Viewer
The Event Viewer displays communication messages between the Delta Server and the CCC Module Client application(s). It can also show messages received from the connected CCC modules. In default, Event Viewer displays Error Messages. To update the Events screen, click on Refresh.
Certain Events will always be displayed even if you have not selected any specific options for viewing. Such Events are:
Comms Failure.
License Requests.
Message Routing Failure.
These events can be changed using the Event Viewer Selector. In addition you can also configure your e-mail notification, where your Error Log and Delta Server event stream (SMDR) files are to be stored.
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Event Viewer Selector
This menu allows you to add or delete events that are displayed in the Event Viewer.
The significance of the tick boxes are:
Error: Provides error/warning/feedback messages from both IP Office and CCC modules.
Delta Info: Provides Delta messages to Client Applications (in real time) that originate from the
IP Office.
Server: Provides events data from the IP Office and data for archiving (historical).
Timer: Displays all timed events between IP Office and CCC modules.
Initialise: Every time the Delta Server is initialised, the date, time, etc. is displayed.
Network: Provides identity data of network you are connected to.
CTI Message: Provides integration messages to/from the IP Office.
R17 Message: Provides internal CCC module messages.
Client Message: Provides messages from Client(s), e.g. Wallboard, sign on/off, Archiver, etc.
Delta 2 Message: Provides messages from IP Office, e.g. call information.
MultiMedia Message: Provides messages from the (optional MMM module (see separate
manual for details)
SMDR Message: Provides messages to/from CCC modules (in SMDR format) to/from IP Office.
When you have ticked your selection(s), click on the Apply button.
Note: Selecting a large number of fields will impact on the Delta Server's performance.
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Email Notification
You can automatically receive notification by email when a problem occurs with the Delta Server connection to the IP Office. With Email Notification selected, the following menu is displayed:
The significance of the tick boxes and display areas are:
Enable Email Notification: Tick if email notification is required.
Recipients: Enter the email address of the recipient to whom the email is to be sent. When more
than one person is required to receive notification, enter all the email addresses into the field. A semi colon should be used to separate each address.
Additional Text: Adds data to email concerning PC that Delta Server is operating from, e.g. IP
Office configuration, RAM, Applications, etc.
Attach Switch Configuration: Attaches the current switch configuration to email.
Attached Voice Mail Configuration file: Adds VMPro Database information to email.
Attach current Delta Server log file: Adds log file to email.
When you have ticked your selection(s), click on the Apply button.
Test Email: Sends email to address entered in Recipients box above together with any data/files
requested in the tick boxes.
Note: The more boxes ticked the bigger the email becomes, especially the VMPro and Delta Server logs.
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Log to File
The Delta Server log file is used for diagnostic purposes. If there is an error the file can be emailed to selected recipients to notify them of a problem. With Log to File selected, the following menu is displayed:
Log File Enabled: Tick if you wish to enable Log to File.
Log File Name: Displays the name of the file path and the name of the file.
When you have ticked your selection(s), click on the Apply button.
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The IP Office Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR) functionality captures detailed information about incoming and outgoing voice and data calls. It receives SMDR data via the LAN. The SMDR log file for the present day is named SMDR.csv. At midnight the log file will be automatically rolled over and renamed to the date of the log.
Present Day: SMDR.csv
Previous Day: SMDR(backupYYYY-MM-DD).csv
The SMDR.csv file can be accessed by 3rd party applications whilst been used by the SMDR (Delta Server) application. In order to do this, the 3rd party application must open the SMDR.csv file for read only, and should process as many records as are found. The application may either read the entire file periodically and determine what new records have been output since last accessed, or periodically read from the current position until the end of the file.
With SMDR selected, the following menu is displayed:
SMDR Log File Enabled: Tick if you wish to enable the SMDR Log File.
SMDR Log File Name: Displays the name of the file path and the name of the file. You may
change this from the default if you so wish.
SMDR Port Enabled: Tick if you wish to enable Log to File. The SMDR default port number is
displayed. You may change this from the default if you so wish.
SMDR port will act as a client: Tick if you wish the SMDR port to act as a client. Enter the
remote host IP address for the SMDR client.
Send Data every: Select, from the pull down list, the time interval for sending SMDR files.
Send Data at: Tick and select from the pull down list the required time for sending the SMDR
When you have ticked your selection(s), click on the Apply button.
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This screen displays details of both the telephone system and the Multimedia Modules to which the Delta Server is connected.
The information on the screen is:
Comms Status: This indicates the status of the link between the Delta Server and the telephone system. These are:
Comms Restored: Indicates the connection between the Delta Server and the telephone system
is established.
Init Comms: Indicates Delta Server is initialising and has established communication with the
telephone system (this happens every time you start the Delta Server).
Comms Failure: Indicates communications link between the Delta Server and the telephone
system has been terminated.
The name and the IP Address of the IP Office are displayed when connection has been established. If the Comms Status does not show Comms Restored, click on Apply and Refresh. The name and IP Address of the IP Office will appear in the Connection window.
Connection: Displays the name and IP Address of the IP Office connected to the Delta Server. If not shown, enter the IP Address in the Search box and click Search.
Connection to MultiMedia Module: Tick this box if connection to the MultiMedia Module is required (the MMM Resource Manager should be running). In the MultiMedia Connection box, enter the name or the IP Address of the Server running the MultiMedia module.
When you have entered your selection(s), click on the Apply and Refresh buttons..
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Message Control
Time in Activity (TIA) are messages that are produced by the Delta Server which are subsequently transmitted to the Archiver.
The information on the screen is:
Refresh: Tick to refresh
Auto Reset Time: Enter the time in which you wish to have the real time statistics reset (default
Lost Email Threshold (days): This option is here for maintenance only. Do not use this option,
but set up the threshold from the CCV.
Enable Closing Time: Tick and the enter the required time, in the Company Closing Time box,
that the Call Center ceases work.
Display Agent Details: These features are designed solely for the German Market and are only
active if German is the selected language for installation. When ticked, details of individual agents are displayed, e.g. names, statistics, etc.
Agent Group TIA's Enabled: Enables the generation of TIA's for Agent Groups respectively.
This will affect Agent Activity trace i.e. you will not be able to see how long agents are in state. This is disabled by default.
Trunk Group TIA's Enabled: Enables the generation of TIA's for Trunk Groups respectively.
Voicemail Group TIA's Enabled: Enables the generation of TIA's for Voicemail groups. This
allows the voicemail reports to show when all the voicemail channels are busy.
Selective ISMDR Suppression On: Enables/disables internal SMDR reports historically.
Display Agents:
o All Agents: When ticked, details of all extensions on the switch are considered as agents.
o Login by Code: When ticked, Force Login is not required to be set in the switch.
However, a login code is still required to enable extensions to be considered as agents.
Note: Disabling the generation of TIA's will reduce the amount of data stored in the Archiver database. However, it should also be noted that this would disable Time In State fields for respective groups on historical reports i.e. more summary information and less detail.
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PCA Target Times
Displays the setting used to calculate the PCA, e.g. the minimum time (in seconds) an agent is permitted to leave a call ringing. You can alter these default times (default 45 seconds). The list of individual agents are shown below any hunt groups that have been created.
When you have changed the time(s), click on Apply.
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Displays diagnostic data on all extensions on the IP Office.
Users (Active)
Displays diagnostic data on all active extension on the IP Office
Note: When hotdesking is being used the type is Agent and the location is shown. In normal use the type is Extension and the location is blank.
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