This is the original publication
Technical Tip
Date: 20 December 2011
Business Communications Manager (BCM) 5.0
and 6.0 RAID systems – Interoperability issue
with Acronis® True Image™ Home 2011 disk
imaging software.
Problem Description
Avaya has identified an interoperability issue between the latest Acronis® True Image™ Home 2011 and the BCM product
which results in BCM a RAID mirror failure. The system will boot up and run normally but the RAID feature will not function.
BCM disk images available on the Avaya web site are created using Acronis® True Image™ Home 2010 disk imaging software.
These disk images can be downloaded, and Acronis® True Image™ Home software, be used by a distributor to reimage a
BCM hard drive.
This problem affects BCM 450 Release 5 and BCM 450 Release 6 software. There is no impact to BCM 4.0, BCM 450 Rls 1, or
any BCM 50 software .
This problem is specific to the RAID feature only. No other features are affected.
Design status
Lab testing has shown that this behaviour is due to a change in functionality between Acronis® True Image™ Home 2010 and
Acronis® True Image™ Home 2011 software.
Avaya design has replicated the problem, and is working to determine if it is possible to resolve the problem by modifying
the BCM software.
Avaya design has confirmed that there is no issue with the any of the BCM disk images posted on the Avaya web site.
Recommended Action
Compas ID: 154840

Avaya has identified that the secondary drive in RAID system s will mirror correctly as long as Acronis® True Image™ Home
2010 disk imaging software Is used.
Until a final solution is identified, Avaya customers are strongly advised to re-image all BCM hard drives using Acronis® True
Image™ Home 2010 software only.
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References to Avaya include the Nortel Enterprise business, which was acquired as of December 18, 2009.
Compas ID: 154840