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Technical Tip
Date: 26 July 2013
Business Communications Manager (BCM):
Media Path Relay port range configuration.
Avaya would like to inform that customers should ensure RTP over UDP port ranges are configured
properly for media relay service to function.
BCM smart update BCMX50.R600.SU.System-017.201304 onwards, SIP trunk calls will fail if this default
port range of RTP over UDP (30000-30999) is unavailable for the media relay service.
This port range configuration is available at:
Element Manager -->Configuration-->Resources-->Port Ranges--RTP over UDP
This recommendation applies to the following BCM products, if the customer wants BCM to anchor the
BCM50/BCM450/SRG Release 6.0 – BCMX50.R600.SU.System-017.201304 onwards.
Design Status
The Media Path Relay feature anchors RTP media payload for all phones routing through the BCM rather
than directly between end points. When used in conjunction with Local NAT compensation, the default
port ranges for RTP over UDP are between 30000 and 30999.
RTP over UDP port range other than the internal port range of 28xxx is used for media relay service.
Compas ID: 162739

Recommended Action
Customers are advised to retain the default second port range for RTP over UDP for Media relay to function, though
it can be modified (default value is 30000- 30999).
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Compas ID: 162739