Avago Technologies SAS 8344ELP User Manual

Cable Length Information for the
The external cables from the MegaRAID SAS 8344ELP RAID controller to the storage enclosure may not be longer than two meters. This limitation applies to the MegaRAID SAS 8344ELP RAID controller only.
The cable length limit is caused by the placement of the I/O controller engine on the SAS 8344ELP. There are approximately nine inches of PCB trace (electrical lines on the controller) between the I/O engine and the external connector. This is equivalent to nine feet, or 2.7 meters, of external cabling. Figure 1 shows the cable connection to the controller.
In addition, using a x4 or x1 fan-out cable to connect from the x4 external connector on the RAID controller to a SATA drive is not supported. This type of connection is supported on the internal port. However, SATA drives in an expander-based enclosure are supported with the same limitations as SAS drives (two meters).
Figure 1 Cable Connection for the MegaRAID SAS 8344ELP
RAID Controller
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2 of 2 Cable Length Information for the MegaRAID® SAS 8344ELP RAID Controller
December 2006 - Rel. 1.0 Copyright © 2006 LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.