This document contains proprietary information of LSI Corporation. The information contained herein is not to be used by or disclosed to third parties without the
express written permission of an officer of LSI Corporation.
LSI products are not intended for use in life-support appliances, devices, or
systems. Use of any LSI product in such applications without written consent of
the appropriate LSI officer is prohibited.
Document 80-00163-01 Rev. A, August 2007
This document describes revision/release 1.2 of LSI Corporation’s MegaRAID
Device Driver and will remain the official reference source for all
revisions/releases of this product until rescinded by an update.
LSI Corporation reserves the right to make changes to any products herein at
any time without notice. LSI does not assume any responsibility or liability arising
out of the application or use of any product described herein, except as expressly
agreed to in writing by LSI; nor does the purchase or use of a product from LSI
convey a license under any patent rights, copyrights, trademark rights, or any
other of the intellectual property rights of LSI or third parties.
LSI, the LSI logo design, and MegaRAID are trademarks or registered
trademarks of LSI Corporation. MS-DOS and Windows are registered trademarks
of Microsoft Corporation. Novell and Netware are registered trademarks and
SUSE is a trademark of Novell, Inc. Red Hat is a registered trademark of Red
Hat, Inc. Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds. SCO and UnixWare are
registered trademarks and OpenServer is a trademark of SCO Group, Inc. All
other brand and product names may be trademarks of their respective
To receive product literature, visit us at
This manual is the primary reference for the operating system drivers
provided with the LSI
all supported operating systems and explains how to install them.
This document is intended for people installing an operating system
driver for a MegaRAID SAS RAID controller.
MegaRAID® devices. It describes the drivers for
This document has the following chapters:
•Chapter 1, Overview, describes the MegaRAID SAS RAID controller
and lists the operating systems for which drivers are provided.
•Chapter 2, Windows Driver Installation, provides installation
•Chapter 4, Red Hat Linux 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0 Driver Installation,
provides installation instructions for Red Hat Linux.
•Chapter 5, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 9.0 and 10.0
Driver Installation, provides installation instructions for SLES Linux.
MegaRAID System Installation Sequences and Document Organization
The following table outlines the installation, configuration, and
management sequences for a MegaRAID SAS RAID system. Each
sequence consists of a series of steps and operations that the reference
MegaRAID SAS Device Driver Installation User’s Guideiii
manual explains. LSI recommends performing the sequences in the
order listed when you install and configure your SAS RAID system.
SequenceTaskReference Manual
1Understand RAID system theory and operation.MegaRAID SAS Software User’s
2Install the MegaRAID SAS RAID controller and the
related hardware.
3Configure the physical arrays and logical devices
4Install the MegaRAID SAS device drivers.MegaRAID SAS Device Driver
5Use the MegaRAID Storage Manager tool to config-
Related Publications
using either the MegaRAID Configuration Utility (CU)
or the WebBIOS CU.
ure, monitor, and maintain storage configurations on
LSI SAS controllers. The MegaRAID Storage Manager
graphical user interface (GUI) makes it easy for you to
create and manage storage configurations. This tool
runs under an operating system and can manage
RAID arrays while the system is operating.
MegaRAID SAS RAID Controllers User’s Guide,
Document No. 80-00130-01 Rev. B
This document explains how to install your MegaRAID 1068-based SAS
RAID controller in a host system. In addition, it provides the electrical and
physical specifications, jumper definitions, and connector locations for
the 1068-based SAS RAID controllers.
MegaRAID SAS RAID Controllers User’s Guide
MegaRAID 1078-based SAS
RAID Controllers User’s Guide
MegaRAID SAS Software User’s
Installation User’s Guide
MegaRAID SAS Software User’s
MegaRAID 1078-based SAS RAID Controllers User’s Guide,
Document No. 80-00157-01 Rev. B
This document explains how to install your MegaRAID 1078-based SAS
RAID controller in a host system. In addition, it provides the electrical and
physical specifications, jumper definitions, and connector locations for
the 1078-based SAS RAID controllers.
MegaRAID SAS Software User’s Guide, Document No. 80-00156-
01 Rev. B
This document explains how to use the MegaRAID Storage Manager,
WebBIOS, and Command Line Interface (CLI) utilities to configure,
monitor, and maintain MegaRAID SAS RAID controllers and the storagerelated devices connected to them.
Conventions Used in This Manual
NotationExampleMeaning and Use
→Start → Programs.Used to indicate a series of selections in a GUI.
all capsALT+CTRL+DELKey presses display in all capital letters.
italicsmoduleIn command lines and names, italics indicate user variables.
initial capital
ellipsesoption...In command formats, elements preceding ellipses may be
.nwk fileNames of commands, directories, filenames, and on-screen text
are shown in Courier typeface.
fd1spIn a command line, keywords are shown in bold, non-italic type-
face. Enter them exactly as shown.
Italicized text must be replaced with appropriate user-specified
items. Enter items of the type called for, using lower case.
Names of menu commands, options, check buttons, text
buttons, options buttons, text boxes, list boxes, etc., are shown
in text with initial capital lettering to avoid misreading. These
elements may appear on your screen in all lower case.
repeated any number of times. Do not enter the ellipses. In
menu items, if an ellipsis appears in an item, clicking that item
brings up a dialog box.
Revision History
Document NumberDateRemarks
80-00163-01 Rev. AAugust 2007Updated the installation procedures for the Windows,
Red Hat Linux, and SuSE Linux operating systems to
include the latest versions. Added a chapter for the
SCO operating system.
DB15-000358-00February 2006Initial release of document.
LSI provides technical support for products purchased directly from LSI
or from an LSI-authorized reseller only. For assistance in installing,
configuring, or running your MegaRAID SAS RAID controller, contact LSI
Technical Support.
Phone Support:
1-800-633-4545 (North America)
Web Site:
If the MegaRAID SAS RAID controller was installed as part of a system
manufactured by a company other than LSI, or if you purchased an LSI
product from an unauthorized reseller, call the technical support
department of the computer manufacturer or the unauthorized reseller.
LSI does not provide direct technical support in these cases.
This chapter provides an overview of the drivers for the MegaRAID® SAS
RAID controllers. It consists of the following sections:
•Section 1.1, “Driver Description”
•Section 1.2, “Driver Names”
Subsequent chapters in this manual provide detailed installation
instructions for the operating systems. Use the latest updates provided
by the operating system manufacturer and review the readme file that
accompanies the driver for any updated information.
1.1Driver Description
You can install the MegaRAID SAS controller in any IBM AT-compatible
computer that has a PCI Express local bus. The RAID controller can run
under various operating systems.
To use the controller with these operating systems, you must install
software drivers. LSI
operating systems:
Windows Server 2003 (x86), Windows Server 2003 (x64), and
Windows Vista
•Red Hat
•SuSE SLES versions 9 and 10
•SCO™ OpenServer
MegaRAID SAS Device Driver Installation User’s Guide1-1