PCI to Dual Channel
SCSI Multifunction
Version 2.1
March 2001
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LSI Logic products are not intended for use in life-support appliances, devices,
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Document DB14-000167-00, First Edition (March 2001)
This document describes the LSI Logic LSI53C876/876E PCI to Dual Channel
SCSI Multifunction Controller and will remain the official reference source for all
revisions/releases of this product until rescinded by an update.
To receive product literature, visit us at
LSI Logic Corporation reserves the right to make changes to any products herein
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except as expressly agreed to in writing by LSI Logic; nor does the purchase or
use of a product from LSI Logic convey a license under any patent rights,
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The LSI Logic logo design, TolerANT, SDMS, SYMplicity, and SCRIPTS are
registered trademarks or trademarks of LSI Logic Corporation. All other brand
and product names may be trademarks of their respective companies.
This book is the primary reference and technical manual for the LSI Logic
LSI53C876/876E PCI to Dual Channel SCSI Multifunction Controller. It
contains a complete functional description for the product and includes
complete physical and electrical specifications.
This technical manual assumes the user is familiar with the current and
proposed standards for SCSI and PCI. For additional background
information on these topics, please refer to the list of reference materials
provided in the Related Publications list.
This manual assumes some prior knowledge of current and proposed
SCSI and PCI standards.
This document has the following chapters and appendixes:
•Chapter 1, General Description, includes general information about
the LSI53C876/876E.
•Chapter 2, Functional Description, describes the main functional
areas of the chip in more detail, including the interfaces to the SCSI
bus and external memory.
•Chapter 3, Signal Descriptions, contains pin diagrams and signal
•Chapter 4, Registers, describes each bit in the operating registers,
and is organized by register address.
•Chapter 5, SCSI SCRIPTS Instruction Set, defines the SCSI
SCRIPTS instructions supported by the LSI53C876/876E.
•Chapter 6, Electrical Characteristics, contains the electrical
•Appendix A, Register Summary, is a register summary.
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characteristics and AC timing diagrams.
contains serveral example interface drawings for connecting the
LSI53C876 to external ROMs.
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Document names:
SCSI Tutor
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the Small Computer System Interface
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SCSI: Understanding
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SCSI SCRIPTS™ Processors Programming Guide,
Conventions Used in This Manual
The word
means to drive a signal true or active. The word
means to drive a signal false or inactive.
Hexadecimal numbers are indicated by the prefix “0x” —for example,
0x32CF. Binary numbers are indicated by the prefix “0b” —for example,
6.49SCSI-2 Fast-20 SE Transfers (20.0 Mbytes/s
(8-Bit Transfers) or 40.0 Mbytes/s (16-Bit Transfers),
80 MHz Clock) with Clock Doubled Internally6-59
A.1Configuration RegistersA-1
A.2SCSI RegistersA-2
Chapter 1
General Description
This chapter includes the following sections:
•Section 1.1, “Wide Ultra SCSI Benefits”
•Section 1.2, “TolerANT
•Section 1.3, “LSI53C876 Benefits”
This manual combines information for the LSI53C876 and LSI53C876E,
which are a PCI to dual SCSI controllers. The LSI53C876E is a minor
modification of the existing LSI53C876 product. It has all of the
functionality of the LSI53C876 with the addition of features to enable it
to comply with the Microsoft PC 97 Hardware Design Guide. Specifically,
the LSI53C876E has a Power Management Support enhancement.
Because there are only slight differences between them, the LSI53C876
and LSI53C876E are referred to as LSI53C876 throughout this technical
manual. Only the new enhancements are referred to as LSI53C876E.
The LSI53C876 PCI to Dual Channel SCSI Multifunction Controller is a
PCI 2.1 compliant device. It implements two LSI53C875 PCI to Ultra
SCSI controllers on a single chip. The LSI53C876 presents only one load
to the PCI bus, and it uses one REQ/ - GNT/ signal pair in arbitration for
PCI bus mastership.
Two packaging options are available. The 208-pin Plastic Quad Flat Pack
(PQFP) provides a differential Single-Ended (SE) SCSI interface on SCSI
Function A and an SE interface on SCSI Function B. The 256-bump Ball
Grid Array (BGA) provides a differential SE interface on both SCSI
Function A and SCSI Function B.
The LSI53C876 has a local memory bus for storage of the device’s BIOS
ROM in Flash memory or standard EPROMs. The LSI53C876 supports
programming of local Flash memory for updates to BIOS or SCRIPTS™
LSI53C876/876E PCI to Dual Channel SCSI Multifunction Controller1-1
The LSI53C876 reduces the requirement for system BIOS support and
PCI bus bandwidth. It also supports the Wide Ultra SCSI standard. The
LSI53C876 performs Wide Ultra SCSI transfers or Fast SCSI transfers,
and it improves performance by optimizing PCI bus utilization. Figure 1.1
illustrates a typical LSI53C876 system and Figure 1.2 illustrates a typical
LSI53C876 board application.
Figure 1.1Typical LSI53C876 System Application
Processor Bus
Typical PCI Computer
System Architecture
to Wide Ultra SCSI
Function A
to Wide Ultra SCSI
Function B
One PCI Bus Load
PCI Graphic Accelerator
PCI Sound Card
Fixed Disk, Optical Disk,
Printer, Tape, and Other
Fixed Disk, Optical Disk,
Printer, Tape, and Other
1-2General Description
Figure 1.2Typical LSI53C876 Board Application
Function A
68 Pin
Function B
68 Pin
SCSI Data,
Parity, and
Control Signals
SCSI Data,
Parity, and
Control Signals
PCI Address, Data, Parity and Control Signals
Dual Channel SCSI
PCI Interface
Memory Control
Function A
Function B
The LSI53C876 integrates a high-performance SCSI core, a PCI bus
master DMA core, and the LSI Logic SCSI SCRIPTS processor to meet
the flexibility requirements of SCSI, Fast SCSI, and Wide Ultra SCSI
standards. It is designed to implement multithreaded I/O algorithms with
a minimum of processor intervention, solving the protocol overhead
problems of previous intelligent and nonintelligent controller designs.
The LSI53C876 is fully supported by the LSI Logic Storage Device
Management System (SDMS™), a software package that supports the
Advanced SCSI Protocol Interface (ASPI). SDMS software provides
BIOS and driver support for hard disk, tape, removable media products,
and CD-ROM under the major PC operating systems.
In addition, LSI Logic provides a SYMplicity™ I2O Hardware Device
Module for the LSI53C876 to support the device in I2O-ready systems.
The SYMplicity I2O architecture is compliant with the I2O specification.
I2O is a split driver architecture that increases system efficiency by
transferring I/O intensive processing tasks from the host CPU to
intelligent peripheral platforms.
1.1Wide Ultra SCSI Benefits
Wide Ultra SCSI is an extension of the SCSI-3 family of standards that
expands the bandwidth of the SCSI bus and allows faster synchronous
SCSI transfer rates. When enabled, Wide Ultra SCSI performs
40 megatransfers per second during an I/O operation, resulting in
approximately twice the synchronous transfer rates of Fast SCSI. The
LSI53C876 can perform Ultra SCSI synchronous transfers at
20 Mbytes/s. It can also perform Wide Ultra SCSI transfers at
40 Mbytes/s. This advantage is most noticeable in heavily loaded
systems or large block size requirements, such as video on-demand and
image processing.
An advantage of Wide Ultra SCSI is that it significantly improves SCSI
bandwidth while preserving existing hardware and software investments.
The LSI53C876 is compatible with all existing LSI53C875 software.
The LSI53C876 features TolerANT technology, which includes active
negation on the SCSI drivers and input signal filtering on the SCSI
receivers. Active negation actively drives the SCSI Request,
Acknowledge, Data, and Parity signals HIGH rather than allowing them
to be passively pulled up by terminators. Active negation is enabled by
setting bit 7 in the SCSI Test Three (STEST3) register.
TolerANT receiver technology improves data integrity in unreliable
cabling environments where other devices would be subject to data
corruption. TolerANT receivers filter the SCSI bus signals to eliminate
unwanted transitions, without the long signal delay associated with
RC-type input filters. This improved driver and receiver technology helps
eliminate double clocking of data, the single biggest reliability issue with
SCSI operations. TolerANT input signal filtering is a built in feature of the
LSI53C876 and all LSI Logic Fast SCSI and Ultra SCSI devices.
The benefits of TolerANT technology include increased immunity to noise
on the deasserting signal edge, better performance due to balanced duty
cycles, and improved Fast SCSI transfer rates. In addition, TolerANT
SCSI devices do not cause glitches on the SCSI bus at power-up or
1-4General Description
power-down, so other devices on the bus are also protected from data
corruption. TolerANT technology is compatible with both the Alternative
One and Alternative Two termination schemes proposed by the American
National Standards Institute (ANSI).
1.3LSI53C876 Benefits
This section provides an overview of the LSI53C876 features and
benefits. It contains information on PCI Performance, SCSI Performance,
Testability, Integration, and Reliability.
1.3.1 PCI Performance
To improve SCSI performance, the LSI53C876:
•Complies with PCI 2.1 specification
•Presents a single electrical load to the PCI bus (True PCI
multifunction device).
•Supports 32-bit word data bursts with variable burst lengths of 2, 4,
8, 16, 32, 64 or 128 Dwords across the PCI bus.
•Prefetches up to 8 Dwords of SCSI SCRIPTS.
•Bursts SCSI SCRIPTS opcode fetches across the PCI bus.
•Performs zero wait-state bus master data bursts up to 132 Mbytes/s
(@ 33 MHz).
•Supports PCI Cache Line Size register.
•Supports PCI Write and Invalidate, Read Line, and Read Multiple
•Complies with PCI Bus Power Management Specification
(LSI53C876E) Revision 1.0.
1.3.2 SCSI Performance
To improve SCSI performance, the LSI53C876:
•Includes 4 Kbytes internal RAM on each channel for SCRIPTS
instruction storage.
•Wide Ultra SCSI SE Interface.
LSI53C876 Benefits1-5
•Performs Wide Ultra SCSI synchronous transfers as fast as
40 Mbytes/s.
•Supports 536-byte DMA FIFO for more effective PCI and SCSI bus
•Supports 16 levels of SCSI synchronous offset.
•Supports variable block size and scatter/gather data transfers
•Minimizes SCSI I/O start latency.
•Performs complex bus sequences without interrupts, including
restore data pointers.
•Reduces interrupt service routine overhead through a unique
interrupt status reporting method.
•Supports Load and Store SCRIPTS instructions to increase the
performance of data transfers to and from chip registers.
•Supports target disconnect and later reconnect with no interrupt to
the system processor.
•Supports multithreaded I/O algorithms in SCSI SCRIPTS with fast
I/O context switching.
•Supports expanded Register Move instructions.
•Compatible with LSI53C875 software (drivers and SCRIPTS).
•Enables Ultra SCSI with 40 MHz SCSI clock input with integrated
clock doubler.
1.3.3 Testability
The LSI53C876 contains these testability features:
•All SCSI signals accessible through programmed I/O.
•SCSI loopback diagnostics.
•SCSI bus signal continuity checking.
•Support for single step mode operation.
•Test mode (AND-tree) to check pin continuity to the board.
1-6General Description
1.3.4 Integration
1.3.5 Reliability
The LSI53C876 contains these integration features:
•Dual channel SCSI multifunction controller.
•3.3 V/5 V PCI interface.
•Full 32-bit PCI DMA bus master.
•Memory-to-Memory Move instructions allow use as a third-party PCI
bus DMA controller.
•High-performance SCSI core.
•Integrated SCRIPTS processor.
The LSI53C876 contains these reliability features:
•2 kV ESD protection on SCSI signals.
•Typical 300 mV SCSI bus hysteresis.
•Protection against bus reflections due to impedance mismatches.
•Controlled bus assertion times (reduces EMI, improves reliability, and
eases FCC certification).
•Latch-up protection greater than 150 mA.
•Voltage feed-through protection (minimum leakage current through
SCSI pads).
•Power and ground isolation of I/O pads and internal chip logic.
•TolerANT technology, which provides:
–Active negation of SCSI Data, Parity, Request, and Acknowledge
signals for improved fast SCSI transfer rates.
–Input signal filtering on SCSI receivers improves data integrity,
even in noisy cabling environments.
LSI53C876 Benefits1-7
1-8General Description
Chapter 2
Functional Description
Chapter 2 is divided into the following sections:
•Section 2.1, “PCI Functional Description”
•Section 2.2, “SCSI Functional Description”
•Section 2.3, “Parallel ROM Interface”
•Section 2.4, “Serial EEPROM Interface”
•Section 2.5, “Power Management”
The LSI53C876 is a multifunction device composed of the following
Figure 2.1 illustrates the relationship between these modules.
LSI53C876/876E PCI to Dual Channel SCSI Multifunction Controller2-1
Figure 2.1LSI53C876 Block Diagram
PCI Master and Slave Control Block, PCI Configuration Registers (2 sets), and SCSI Function Arbitration
Wide Ultra SCSI Controller
4 Kbyte
536 Byte
SCSI FIFO and SCSI Control Block
Prefetch Buffer
Drivers and Receivers
SCSI Function A
Wide Ultra
ROM/Flash Memory Control
2-Wire Serial
and Autoconfiguration
Serial EEPROM Controller
Wide Ultra SCSI Controller
4 Kbyte
SCSI FIFO and SCSI Control Block
2-Wire Serial
Prefetch Buffer
Drivers and Receivers
SCSI Function B
Wide Ultra
536 Byte
2-2Functional Description
2.1PCI Functional Description
The LSI53C876 implements two PCI-to-Wide Ultra SCSI controllers in a
single package. This configuration presents only one load to the PCI bus
and uses one REQ/ - GNT/ pair to arbitrate for PCI bus mastership.
However, separate interrupt signals are generated for SCSI Function A
and SCSI Function B.
2.1.1 PCI Addressing
There are three physical PCI-defined address spaces:
•Configuration Space
•I/O Space
•Memory Space Configuration Space
Two independent sets of configuration space registers are defined, one
set for each SCSI function. The Configuration registers are accessible
only by system BIOS during PCI configuration cycles. The configuration
space is a contiguous 256 x 8-bit set of addresses. Decoding C_BE/[3:0]
determines if a PCI cycle is intended to access configuration register
space. The IDSEL bus signal is a “chip select” that allows access to the
configuration register space only. A configuration read/write cycle without
IDSEL is ignored. The eight lower order address bits AD[7:0], are used
to select a specific 8-bit register. Since the LSI53C876 is a PCI
multifunction device, AD[10:8] decodes either SCSI Function A
Configuration register (AD [10:8] = 000 binary) or SCSI Function B
Configuration register (AD [10:8] = 001 binary). The host processor uses
this configuration space to initialize the LSI53C876.
At initialization time, each PCI device is assigned a base address for
memory accesses and I/O accesses. In the case of the LSI53C876, the
upper 24 bits of the address are selected. On every access, the
LSI53C876 compares its assigned base addresses with the value on the
Address/Data bus during the PCI address phase. If the upper 24 bits
match, the access is for the LSI53C876 and the low-order eight bits
define the register being accessed. A decode of C_BE/[3:0] determines
which registers and what type of access is to be performed.
PCI Functional Description2-3
I/O Space – The PCI specification defines I/O space as a contiguous
32-bit I/O address that is shared by all system resources, including the
LSI53C876. The Base Address Register Zero (I/O) register determines
which 256-byte I/O area this device occupies.
Memory Space – The PCI specification defines memory space as a
contiguous 32-bit memory address that is shared by all system
resources, including the LSI53C876. The Base Address Register One
(Memory) register determines which 256-byte memory area this device
occupies. Each SCSI function uses a 4 K SCRIPT RAM memory space.
The Base Address Register Two (Memory) register determines the
4 Kbyte memory area occupied by SCRIPTS RAM.
2.1.2 PCI Bus Commands and Functions Supported
Bus commands indicate to the target the type of transaction the master
is requesting. Bus commands are encoded on the C_BE/[3:0] lines
during the address phase. PCI bus commands and encoding types
appear in Table 2.1.
Table 2.1PCI Bus Commands and Encoding Types
C_BE[3:0] Command TypeSupported as Master Supported as Slave
The LSI53C876 does not respond to this command as a slave and it
never generates this command as a master. Special Cycle Command
The LSI53C876 does not respond to this command as a slave and it
never generates this command as a master. I/O Read Command
The I/O Read command reads data from an agent mapped in I/O
address space. All 32 address bits are decoded. I/O Write Command
The I/O Write command writes data to an agent mapped in I/O address
space. All 32 address bits are decoded. Reserved Command
The LSI53C876 does not respond to this command as a slave and it
never generates this command as a master.
PCI Functional Description2-5 Memory Read Command
The Memory Read command reads data from an agent mapped in the
Memory Address Space. The target is free to do an anticipatory read for
this command only if it can guarantee that such a read has no side
effects. Memory Write Command
The Memory Write command writes data to an agent mapped in the
Memory Address Space. When the target returns “ready”, it assumes
responsibility for the coherency (which includes ordering) of the subject
data. Configuration Read Command
The Configuration Read command reads the configuration space of each
agent. An agent is selected during a configuration access when its
IDSEL signal is asserted and AD[1:0] are 0b00. During the address
phase of a configuration cycle, AD[7:2] address one of the 64 Dword
registers (where byte enables address of the bytes within each Dword)
in the configuration space of each device and AD[31:11] are logical don’t
cares to the selected agent. AD[10:8] indicate which device of a
multifunction agent is being addressed. Configuration Write Command
The Configuration Write command transfers data to the configuration
space of each agent. An agent is selected when its IDSEL signal is
asserted and AD[1:0] are 0b00. During the address phase of a
configuration cycle, the AD[7:2] lines address the 64 Dword registers
(where byte enables address of the bytes within each Dword) in the
configuration space of each device,and AD[31:11] are logical don’t cares
to the selected agent. AD[10:8] indicate which device of a multifunction
agent is addressed. Memory Read Multiple Command
This command is identical to the Memory Read command except that it
additionally indicates that the master may intend to fetch more than one
cache line before disconnecting. The LSI53C876 supports PCI Read
Multiple functionality and issues Read Multiple commands on the PCI
2-6Functional Description
bus when the Read Multiple Mode is enabled. This mode is enabled by
setting bit 2 (ERMP) of the DMA Mode (DMODE) register. If cache mode
is enabled, a Read Multiple command is issued on all read cycles, except
opcode fetches, when the following conditions are met:
•The CLSE bit (Cache Line Size Enable, bit 7, DMA Control (DCNTL)
register) and the ERMP bit (Enable Read Multiple, bit 2, DMA Mode
(DMODE) register) are set.
•The Cache Line Size register for each function contains a legal burst
size value (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128) and that value is less than or
equal to the DMA Mode (DMODE) burst size.
•The number of bytes to transfer at the time a cache boundary is
reached is at least twice the full cache line size.
•The chip is aligned to a cache line boundary.
When these conditions are met, the chip issues a Read Multiple
command instead of a Memory Read during all PCI read cycles.
Burst Size Selection – The Read Multiple command reads in multiple
cache lines of data in a single bus ownership. The number of cache lines
to read is a multiple of the cache line size specified in Revision 2.1 of
the PCI specification. The logic selects the largest multiple of the cache
line size based on the amount of data to transfer, with the maximum
allowableburstsizedetermined from the DMA Mode (DMODE) burst size
bits, and the Chip Test Five (CTEST5), bit 2. Dual Address Cycles (DACs) Command
The LSI53C876 does not respond to this command as a slave, and it
never generates this command as a master. Memory Read Line Command
This command is identical to the Memory Read command, except that it
additionally indicates that the master intends to fetch a complete cache
line. This command is intended for use with bulk sequential data transfers
where the memory system and the requesting master might gain some
performance advantage by reading up to a cache line boundary rather
than a single memory cycle. The Read Line function in the previous
LSI53C8XX chips is modified in the LSI53C876 to reflect the PCI Cache
Line Size register specifications. The functionality of the Enable Read
PCI Functional Description2-7
Line bit (DMA Mode (DMODE) register, bit 3) is modified to more
resemble the Write and Invalidate mode in terms of conditions that must
be met before a Read Line command is issued. However, the Read Line
option operates exactly like the previous LSI53C8XX chips when cache
mode is disabled by a CLSE bit reset or when certain conditions exist in
the chip (explained below).
If cache mode is disabled, Read Line commands are issued on every
read data transfer, except opcode fetches, as in previous LSI53C8XX
If cache mode is enabled, a Read Line command is issued on all read
cycles, except opcode fetches, when the following conditions are met:
•The CLSE (Cache Line Size Enable, bit 7, DMA Control (DCNTL)
register) and ERL (Enable Read Line, bit 3, DMA Mode (DMODE)
register) bits are set.
•The Cache Line Size register for each function must contain a legal
burst size value (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128) and that value is less
than or equal to the DMA Mode (DMODE) burst size.
•The number of bytes to be transferred at the time a cache boundary
is reached is equal to or greater than the DMA Mode (DMODE) burst
•The chip is aligned to a cache line boundary.
When these conditions are met, the chip issues a Read Line command
instead of a Memory Read during all PCI read cycles. Otherwise, it
issues a normal Memory Read command.
Read Multiple with Read Line Enabled – When both the Read
Multiple and Read Line modes are enabled, the Read Line command is
not issued if the above conditions are met. Instead, a Read Multiple
command is issued, even though the conditions for Read Line are met.
If the Read Multiple mode is enabled and the Read Line mode is
disabled, Read Multiple commands are issued if the Read Multiple
conditions are met.
2-8Functional Description
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