Avago Technologies LSI53C180 User Manual

LSI53C180 Ultra160 SCSI Bus Expander
June 2001
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Document DB14-000118-03, Fourth Edition (June 2001) This document describes the LSI Logic Corporation LSI53C180 Ultra160 SCSI Bus Expander and will remain the official reference source for all revisions/releases of this product until rescinded by an update.
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This manual provides a description of the LSI53C180 Ultra160 SCSI Bus Expander chip that supports all combinations of Single-Ended and Low Voltage Differential SCSI bus conversions.
Currently the LSI53C140 is offered in a 192-BGA package so that customers who are designing Ultra2 can easily upgrade to Ultra160. Refer to System Engineering Note S11006 for design considerations using the LSI53C140 and LSI53C180.
This manual assumes some prior knowledge of current and proposed SCSI standards. For background information, please contact:
11 West 42nd Street New York, NY 10036 (212) 642-4900 Ask for document number X3.131-199X (SCSI-2)
Global Engineering Documents
15 Inverness Way East Englewood, CO 80112 (800) 854-7179 or (303) 397-7956 (outside U.S.) FAX (303) 397-2740 Ask for document number X3.131-1994 (SCSI-2) or X3.253 (SCSI Parallel Interface-3 (SPI-3))
Preface iii
ENDL Publications
14426 Black Walnut Court Saratoga, CA 95070 (408) 867-6642 Document names: SCSI Bench Reference, SCSI Encyclopedia,
SCSI Tutor
Prentice Hall
113 Sylvan Avenue Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632 (800) 947-7700 Ask for document number ISBN 0-13-796855-8,
SCSI: Understanding the Small Computer System Interface
LSI Logic World Wide Web Home Page
This document has the following chapters and appendixes:
Chapter 1, Introduction, contains the general information about the
LSI53C180 product.
Chapter 2, Functional Descriptions, describes the main functional
areas of the chip in more detail, including the interfaces to the SCSI bus and external memory.
Chapter 3, Specifications, contains the pin diagram, signal
descriptions, electrical characteristics, AC timing diagrams, and mechanical drawing of the LSI53C180.
Appendix A, Wiring Diagrams, contains wiring diagrams that show
typical LSI53C180 usage.
Appendix B, Glossary, contains commonly used terms and their
iv Preface
Revision Record
Date Version Remarks
2/00 1.0 Version 1.0 11/00 1.1 All product names changed from SYM to LSI. 4/01 1.2 Changes in Chapter 2 to how Warm Swap Enable is
6/01 1.3 Changes to wiring diagrams in Appendix A.
designated. Changes in Chapter 3 to DC Characteristics.
Preface v
vi Preface


Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 General Description 1-1
1.1.1 Applications 1-3
1.1.2 Features 1-5
1.1.3 Specifications 1-6
1.2 Ultra160 SCSI 1-6
1.2.1 Double Transition (DT) Clocking 1-6
1.2.2 Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) 1-6
1.2.3 Domain Validation 1-7
1.2.4 Parallel Protocol Request 1-7
1.2.5 Benefits of LVD Link 1-7
Chapter 2 Functional Descriptions
2.1 Interface Signal Descriptions 2-1
2.1.1 SCSI A Side and B Side Control Blocks 2-2
2.1.2 Retiming Logic 2-4
2.1.3 Precision Delay Control 2-4
2.1.4 State Machine Control 2-4
2.1.5 DIFFSENS Receiver 2-5
2.1.6 Dynamic Transmission Mode Changes 2-5
2.1.7 SCSI Signal Descriptions 2-5
2.1.8 Control Signals 2-11
2.1.9 SCSI Termination 2-13
2.2 Internal Control Descriptions 2-14
2.2.1 Self-Calibration 2-14
2.2.2 Delay Line Structures 2-14
2.2.3 Busy Filters 2-15
Contents vii
Chapter 3 Specifications
3.1 Signal Descriptions 3-1
3.2 Electrical Characteristics 3-7
3.2.1 DC Characteristics 3-8
3.2.2 TolerANT Technology Electrical Characteristics 3-12
3.2.3 AC Characteristics 3-16
3.2.4 SCSI Interface Timing 3-16
3.3 Mechanical Drawings 3-19
3.3.1 LSI53C180 192-Pin BGA Mechanical Drawing 3-20
Appendix A Wiring Diagrams
A.1 LSI53C180 Wiring Diagrams A-1
Appendix B Glossary
Customer Feedback
1.1 LSI53C180 SCSI Bus Modes 1-2
1.2 LSI53C180 Server Clustering 1-3
1.3 LSI53C180 SCSI Bus Device 1-4
2.1 LSI53C180 Block Diagram 2-2
2.2 LSI53C180 Signal Grouping 2-6
3.1 Left Half of LSI53C180 192-Pin BGA Top View 3-2
3.2 Right Half of LSI53C180 192-Pin BGA Top View 3-3
3.3 LSI53C180 Functional Signal Grouping 3-4
3.4 LVD Driver 3-9
3.5 LVD Receiver 3-10
3.6 External Reset Circuit 3-12
3.7 Rise and Fall Time Test Conditions 3-14
3.8 SCSI Input Filtering 3-14
3.9 Hysteresis of SCSI Receivers 3-14
3.10 Input Current as a Function of Input Voltage 3-15
viii Contents
3.11 Output Current as a Function of Output Voltage 3-15
3.12 Clock Timing 3-16
3.13 Input/Output Timing - Single Transition 3-17
3.14 Input/Output Timing - Double Transition 3-18
3.15 192-Pin PBGA (IJ, I2) Mechanical Drawing 3-20 A.1 LSI53C180 Wiring Diagram 1 of 4 A-2 A.2 LSI53C180 Wiring Diagram 2 of 4 A-3 A.3 LSI53C180 Wiring Diagram 3 of 4 A-4 A.4 LSI53C180 Wiring Diagram 4 of 4 A-5
1.1 Types of Operation 1-2
1.2 SCSI Bus Distance Requirements 1-4
1.3 Transmission Mode Distance Requirements 1-4
2.1 DIFFSENS Voltage Levels 2-5
2.2 Mode Sense Control Voltage Levels 2-11
2.3 RESET/ Control Signal Polarity 2-12
2.4 WS_ENABLE Signal Polarity 2-12
2.5 XFER_ACTIVE Signal Polarity 2-13
3.1 SCSI A Side Interface Pins 3-5
3.2 SCSI B Side Interface Pins 3-6
3.3 Chip Interface Control Pins 3-6
3.4 Power and Ground Pins 3-7
3.5 Absolute Maximum Stress Ratings 3-8
3.6 Operating Conditions 3-8
3.7 LVD Driver SCSI Signals—B_SD[15:0]±, B_SDP[1:0]±, B_SCD±, B_SIO±, B_SMSG±, B_SREQ±, B_SACK±, B_SBSY±, B_SATN±, B_SSEL±, B_SRST± 3-9
3.8 LVD Receiver SCSI Signals—B_SD[15:0]±, B_SDP[1:0]±, B_SCD±, B_SIO±, B_SMSG±, B_SREQ±, B_SACK±, B_SBSY±, B_SATN±, B_SSEL±, B_SRST± 3-9
3.9 DIFFSENS SCSI Signal 3-10
3.10 Input Capacitance 3-10
3.11 Bidirectional SCSI Signals—A_SD[15:0]/, A_SDP[1:0]/, A_SREQ/, A_SACK/, B_SD[15:0]±, B_SDP[1:0]±, B_SREQ±, B_SACK± 3-11
Contents ix
3.12 Bidirectional SCSI Signals—A_SCD/, A_SIO/, A_SMSG/, A_SBSY/, A_SATN/, A_SSEL/, A_SRST/, B_SCD±, B_SIO±, B_SMSG±, B_SBSY±, B_SATN±, B_SSEL±, B_SRST± 3-11
3.13 Input Control Signals—CLOCK, RESET/, WS_ENABLE 3-11
3.14 Output Control Signals—BSY_LED, XFER_ACTIVE 3-12
3.15 TolerANT Technology Electrical Characteristics 3-12
3.16 Clock Timing 3-16
3.17 Input Timing - Single Transition 3-16
3.18 Output Timing - Single Transition 3-17
3.19 Input Timing - Double Transition 3-17
3.20 Output Timing - Double Transition 3-18
x Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction
This chapter describes the LSI53C180 Ultra160 SCSI Bus Expander and its applications. It includes these sections:
Section 1.1, “General Description,” page 1-1
Section 1.2, “Ultra160 SCSI,” page 1-6

1.1 General Description

The LSI53C180 Ultra160 SCSI Bus Expander is a single chip solution allowing the extension of SCSI device connectivity and/or cable length limits. A SCSI bus expander couples bus segments together without any impact to the SCSI protocol, software, or firmware. The LSI53C180 Ultra160 SCSI Bus Expander connects Single-Ended (SE) Ultra and Low Voltage Differential (LVD) Ultra160 peripherals together in any combination. The LSI53C180 does not support High Voltage Differential (HVD) mode.
The LSI53C180 is capable of supporting any combination of SE or LVD bus mode on either the A or B Side port. This provides the system designer with maximum flexibility in designing SCSI backplanes to accommodate any SCSI bus mode. The LSI53C180 has independent RBIAS pins allowing margining for each bus. A 10 kpull-up resistor on RBIAS is required to provide the correct LVD levels.
LSI53C180 Ultra3 SCSI Bus Expander 1-1
Figure 1.1 LSI53C180 SCSI Bus Modes
A Side B Side
SCSI Expander
192 PBGA
Figure 1.1 shows the two SCSI bus modes available on the A or B Side.
LVD Link™ transceivers provide the multimode LVD or SE capability. The LSI53C180 operates as both an expander and converter. In both SCSI Bus Expander and Converter modes, cable segments are isolated from each other. This feature maintains the signal integrity of each cable segment.
Table 1.1 shows the types of operational modes for the LSI53C180.

Table 1.1 Types of Operation

Signal Type Speed
LVD to LVD Ultra160
SE to SE Ultra LVD to SE Ultra SE to LVD Ultra
The LSI53C180 provides additional control capability through the pin level isolation mode (Warm Swap Enable). This feature permits logical disconnection of both the A Side bus and the B Side bus without disrupting SCSI transfers currently in progress. For example, devices on the logically disconnected B Side can be swapped out while the A Side bus remains active.
The LSI53C180 is based on previous bus expander technology, which includes signal filtering along with retiming to maintain skew budgets. The LSI53C180 is independent of software.
1-2 Introduction

1.1.1 Applications

Server clustering environments
Expanders creating distinct SCSI cable segments that are isolated
Figure 1.2 LSI53C180 Server Clustering
from each other
Primary Server
Segment A
SCSI Bus Expander
SCSI Bus Expander
Segment C
Shared Disk Subsystem
Segment B
Secondary Server
Figure 1.2 demonstrates how SCSI bus expanders are used to couple
bus segments together without any impact on the SCSI protocol or software. Configurations that use the LSI53C180 SCSI Bus Expander in the Ultra160 mode (LVD to LVD) allow the system designer to take advantage of the inherent cable distance, device connectivity, data reliability, and increased transfer rate benefits of LVD signaling with Ultra160 SCSI peripherals.
In the Figure 1.2 example, two LSI53C180 expanders are used to configure three segments. This configuration allows segment A to be treated as a point-to-point segment. Segments B and C are treated as load segments with at least 8 inches between every node. Table 1.2 shows the various distance requirements for each SCSI bus mode.
General Description 1-3
Table 1.2 SCSI Bus Distance Requirements
Segment Mode Length Limit
A LVD (Ultra160) 25 meters
SE (Ultra) 3 meters
B LVD (Ultra160) 12 meters
SE (Ultra) 1.5 meters
C LVD (Ultra160) 12 meters
SE (Ultra) 1.5 meters
1. The length may be more, possibly 6 meters, as no devices are attached to it.
In the second example, Figure 1.3, the LSI53C180 is cascaded to achieve four distinct SCSI segments. Segments A and D can be treated as point-to-point segments. Segments B and C are treated as load segments with at least 8-inch spacing between every node.
Figure 1.3 LSI53C180 SCSI Bus Device
Segment A Segment B Segment C
Primary Server
Table 1.3 Transmission Mode Distance Requirements
Segment Mode Length Limit
A, D LVD (Ultra160) 25 meters
B, C LVD (Ultra160) 12 meters
1-4 Introduction
SCSI Bus Expander
Shared Disk
SCSI Bus Expander
Shared Disk
SCSI Bus Expander
SE (Ultra) 1.5 meters
SE (Ultra) 1.5 meters
Segment D

1.1.2 Features

A flexible SCSI bus expander that supports any combination of LVD
or SE transceivers
Creates distinct SCSI bus segments that are isolated from each
Integrated LVD Link transceivers for direct attachment to either LVD
or SE bus segments
Operates as a SCSI Bus Expander
LVD to LVD (Ultra160 SCSI) – SE to SE (Ultra SCSI)
Operates as a SCSI Bus Converter
LVD to SE (Ultra SCSI) – SE to LVD (Ultra SCSI)
Targets and initiators may be located on either the A or B Side of the
Accepts any asynchronous or synchronous transfer speed up to
Ultra160 SCSI (for LVD to LVD mode only)
Supports dynamic addition/removal of SCSI bus segments using the
isolation mode
Does not consume a SCSI ID
Propagates the RESET/ signal from one side to the other regardless
of the SCSI bus state
Notifies initiator(s) of changes in transmission mode (SE/LVD) on A
or B Side segments by using the SCSI bus RESET/
SCSI Busy LED driver for activity indicator
Up to four LSI53C180s may be cascaded
Does not require software
Supports Double Transition (DT) clocking
Supports Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) in DT data phases
Supports Domain Validation
General Description 1-5
1.1.3 Specifications
40 MHz Input Clock
192-pin Plastic Ball Grid Array package (PBGA). This package is a
drop in replacement for the LSI53C140 when the design uses the LSI53C180 pinout.
Compliant with the SCSI Parallel Interface-3 (SPI-3)
Compliant with SCSI Enhanced Parallel Interface (EPI) Specifications

1.2 Ultra160 SCSI

The LSI53C180 SCSI Bus Expander supports Ultra160 SCSI. This interface is an extension of the SCSI-3 standards that expands the bandwidth of the SCSI bus to allow faster synchronous data transfers, up to 160 Mbytes/s. Ultra160 SCSI provides a doubling of the data rate over the Ultra2 SCSI interface. All new speeds after Ultra2 are wide.

1.2.1 Double Transition (DT) Clocking

Ultra160 provides DT clocking for LVD transfers where clocking is defined on the rising and falling edges of the clock. The latching of data on both the assertion edge and the negation edge of the REQ/ACK signal represents DT data phases. DT data phase encompasses both the DT Data In and the DT Data Out phase. DT data phases use only 16­bit, synchronous transfers.
Information unit and data group transfers use DT data phases to transfer data. Information unit transferstransmitallnexus, task management, task attribute, command, data, and protection. Data group transfers transmit all data and protection. The number of bytes transferred for an information unit or data group is always a multiple of four. Refer to the SCSI Parallel Interface-3 (SPI-3) for more detailed information about DT clocking.

1.2.2 Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)

Ultra160 supports CRC, which represents error checking code to detect the validity of data. CRC increases the reliability of data transfers since four bytes of code are transferred along with data. All single bit errors,
1-6 Introduction
two bits in error, or other error types within a single 32-bit range are detected. Refer to SPI-3 to see how CRC generation and transmission occur during data transfers.

1.2.3 Domain Validation

Domain Validation is a procedure that allows a host computer and target SCSI peripheral to negotiate and find the optimal transfer speed. This procedure improves overall reliability of the system by ensuring integrity of the data transferred.

1.2.4 Parallel Protocol Request

Parallel Protocol Request (PPR) messages negotiate a synchronous data transfer agreement, a wide data transfer agreement, and set the protocol options between two SCSI devices. This message exchange negotiates limits about data transmission and establishes an agreement between the two SCSI devices. This agreement applies to ST Data In, ST Data Out, DT Data In, and DT Data Out phases.
For example, a SCSI device could initiate a PPR message whenever it is appropriate to negotiate a data transfer agreement. If the target device is capable of supporting any of the PPR options, it will respond with a PPR message. If not, it responds with a Message Reject message and the two SCSI devices use either SDTR or WDTR messages to negotiate an agreement.
1.2.5 Benefits of LVD Link
The LSI53C180 supports LVD technology for SCSI, a signaling technology that increases the reliability of SCSI data transfers over longer distances than those supported by SE SCSI technology. The low current output of LVD allows the I/O transceivers to be integrated directly onto the chip. LVD provides the reliability of HVD SCSI technology without the added cost of external differential transceivers. LVD allows a longer SCSI cable and more devices on the bus. LVD provides a long-term migration path to even faster SCSI transfer rates without compromising signal integrity, cable length, or connectivity.
For backward compatibility to existing SE devices, the LSI53C180 features multimode LVD Link transceivers that can switch between LVD and SE modes.
Ultra160 SCSI 1-7
Some features of integrated LVD Link multimode transceivers are:
Supports SE or LVD technology
Allows greater device connectivity and longer cable length
LVD Link transceivers save the cost of external differential
Supports a long-term performance migration path
1-8 Introduction
Chapter 2 Functional Descriptions
This chapter describes all signals, their groupings, and their functions. It includes these topics:
Section 2.1, “Interface Signal Descriptions,” page 2-1
Section 2.2, “Internal Control Descriptions,” page 2-14

2.1 Interface Signal Descriptions

The LSI53C180 has no programmable registers, and therefore, no software requirements. SCSI control signals control all LSI53C180 functions. Figure 2.1 shows a block diagram of the LSI53C180 device, which is divided into these specific areas:
A Side SCSI Control Block
LVD and SE Drivers and Receivers
B Side SCSI Control Block
LVD and SE Drivers and Receivers
Retiming Logic
Precision Delay Control
State Machine Control
LSI53C180 Ultra3 SCSI Bus Expander 2-1
Figure 2.1 LSI53C180 Block Diagram
Control Signals
LVD, Single-ended,
Wide Ultra SCSI Bus
(A Side)
VD Link Tr
ol Block
SCSI Contr
ol Bloc
LVD Link Transceivers
SCSI Contr
LVD, Single-ended
Wide Ultra SCSI Bus
(B Side)
40 MHz Clock Input
In its simplest form, the LSI53C180 passes data and parity from a source bus to a load bus. The side asserting, deasserting, or releasing the SCSI signals is the source side. The model of the LSI53C180 represents pieces of wire that allow corresponding SCSI signals to flow from one side to the other side. The LSI53C180 monitors arbitration and selection by devices on the bus so it can enable the proper drivers to pass the signals along. In addition, the LSI53C180 does signal retiming to maintain the signal skew budget from the source bus to the load bus.

2.1.1 SCSI A Side and B Side Control Blocks

The SCSI A Side pins are connected internally to the corresponding SCSI B Side pins, forming bidirectional connections to the SCSI bus.
In the LVD/LVD mode, the SCSI A Side and B Side control blocks connect to both targets and initiators and accept any asynchronous or synchronous data transfer rates up to the 160 Mbytes/s rate of Wide Ultra160 SCSI. TolerANT®and LVD Link technologies are part of both the A Side and B Side control blocks.
DIFFSENS LSI53C180 Requirements for Synchronous Negotiation
The LSI53C180 builds a table of information regarding devices on the bus in on-chip RAM. The PPR, SDTR, and WDTR information for each
2-2 Functional Descriptions
device is taken from the MSG bytes during negotiation. For all devices in the configuration to communicate accurately through the LSI53C180 at Ultra160 (Fast-80) rates, it is necessary for a complete synchronous negotiation to take place between the initiator and target(s) prior to any data transfer. On a 16-bit bus, the LSI53C180 at Ultra160 approaches rates of 160 Mbytes/s. The LSI53C180 defaults to Fast-20 rates when a valid negotiation between the initiator and target has not occurred. TolerANT Technology
In SE mode, the LSI53C180 features TolerANT technology, which includes active negation on the SCSI drivers and input signal filtering on the SCSI receivers. Active negation causes the SCSI Request, Acknowledge, Data, and Parity signals to be actively driven HIGH rather than passively pulled up by terminators.
TolerANT receiver technology improves data integrity in unreliable cabling environments, where other devices would be subject to data corruption. TolerANT receivers filter the SCSI bus signals to eliminate unwanted transitions without the long signal delays associated with RC-type input filters. This improved driver and receiver technology helps eliminate double clocking of data, the single biggest reliability issue with SCSI operations.
The benefits of TolerANT technology include increased immunity to noise on the deasserting signal edge, better performance due to balanced duty cycles, and improved SCSI transfer rates. In addition, TolerANT SCSI devices prevent glitches on the SCSI bus at power-up or power-down, so other devices on the bus are also protected from data corruption. LVD Link Technology
To support greater device connectivity and longer SCSI cables, the LSI53C180 features LVD Link technology, the LSI Logic implementation of multimode LVD SCSI. LVD Link transceivers provide the inherent reliability of differential SCSI, and a long-term migration path of faster SCSI transfer rates.
LVD Link technology is based on current drive. Its low output current reduces the power needed to drive the SCSI bus. Therefore, the I/O drivers can be integrated directly onto the chip. This reduces the cost and complexity compared to traditional (high power) differential designs.
Interface Signal Descriptions 2-3
LVD Link lowers the amplitude of noise reflections and allows higher transmission frequencies.
The LVD Link transceivers in Side A and Side B operate in the LVD or SE modes. The LSI53C180 automatically detects the type of signal connected, based on the voltages detected by A_DIFFSENS and B_DIFFSENS.

2.1.2 Retiming Logic

The SCSI signals, as they propagate from one side of the LSI53C180 to the other side, are processed by logic circuits that retime the bus signals, as needed, to guarantee or improve the required SCSI timings. The retiming logic is governed by the State Machine Controls that keep track of SCSI phases, the location of initiator and target devices, and various timing functions. In addition, the retiming logic contains numerous delay elements that are periodically calibrated by the Precision Delay Control block in order to guarantee specified timing such as output pulse widths, setup and hold times, and other elements.
When a synchronous negotiation takes place between devices, a nexus is formed, and the corresponding information on that nexus is stored in the on-chip RAM. This information remains in place until a chip reset, power down, or renegotiation occurs. This enables the chip to make more accurate retiming adjustments.

2.1.3 Precision Delay Control

The Precision Delay Control block provides calibration information to the precision delay elements in the Retiming Logic block. This calibration information provides precise timing as signals propagate through the device. As the LSI53C180 voltage and temperature vary over time, the Precision Delay Control block periodically updates the delay settings in the Retiming Logic. The purpose of these updates is to maintain constant and precise control over bus timing.

2.1.4 State Machine Control

The State Machine Control tracks the SCSI bus phase protocol and other internal operating conditions. This block provides signals to the Retiming Logic that identify how to properly handle SCSI bus signal retiming based on SCSI protocol.
2-4 Functional Descriptions

2.1.5 DIFFSENS Receiver

The LSI53C180 contains LVD DIFFSENS receivers that detect the voltage level on the A Side or B Side DIFFSENS lines to inform the LSI53C180 of the transmission mode being used by the SCSI buses. A device does not change its present signal driver or receiver mode based on the DIFFSENS voltage levels unless a new mode is sensed continuously for at least 100 ms.
Transmission mode detection for SE or LVD is accomplished through the use of the DIFFSENS lines. Table 2.1 shows the voltages on the DIFFSENS lines and modes they will cause.
Table 2.1 DIFFSENS Voltage Levels
Voltage Mode
0.35 to +0.5 SE +0.7 to +1.9 LVD

2.1.6 Dynamic Transmission Mode Changes

Any dynamic mode change (SE/LVD) on a bus segment is considered to be a significant event that requires the initiator to determine whether the mode change meets the requirements for that bus segment.
The LSI53C180 supports dynamic transmission mode changes by notifying the initiator(s) of changes in transmission mode (SE/LVD) on A or B Side segments by using the SCSI bus RESET. The DIFFSENS line detects a valid mode switch on the bus segments. After the DIFFSENS state is present for 100 ms, the LSI53C180 generates a SCSI reset on the opposite bus from the one that the transmission mode change occurred on. This reset informs any initiators residing on the opposite segment about the change in the transmission mode. The initiator(s) then renegotiates synchronous transfer rates with each device on that segment.

2.1.7 SCSI Signal Descriptions

For a description of a specific signal, see Section 3.1, “Signal
Descriptions,” in Chapter 3. For signal electrical characteristics, see Section 3.2, “Electrical Characteristics.” For SCSI bus signal timing, see
Interface Signal Descriptions 2-5
Section 3.2.4, “SCSI Interface Timing.” Figure 2.2 shows the LSI53C180
signal grouping. A description of the signal groups follows.
Figure 2.2 LSI53C180 Signal Grouping
A Side
SCSI Interface
Control Signals Data and Parity (SD and SDP)
B Side
SCSI Interface
The signals named A_SD[15:0] and A_SDP[1:0] are the data and parity signals from the A Side, and B_SD[15:0] and B_SDP[1:0] are the data and parity signals from the B Side of the LSI53C180. These signals are sent and received from the LSI53C180 by using SCSI compatible drivers and receiver logic designed into the LSI53C180 interfaces. This logic provides the multimode LVD and SE interfaces in the chip. This logic also provides the necessary drive, sense thresholds, and input hysteresis to function correctly in a SCSI bus environment.
The LSI53C180 receives data and parity signals and passes them from the source bus to the load bus and provides any necessary edge shifting to guarantee the skew budget for the load bus. Either side of the LSI53C180 may be the source bus or the load bus. The side that is
2-6 Functional Descriptions
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