Avago Technologies LSI53C1020 User Manual

LSI53C1020/1020A PCI-X to Ultra320 SCSI Controller
February 2004
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Document DB14-000176-06, Version 2.4 (February 2004) This document describes LSI Logic Corporation’s LSI53C1020 and LSI53C1020A PCI-X to Ultra320 SCSI Controllers and will remain the official reference source for all revisions/releases of these products until rescinded by an update.
LSI Logic Corporation reserves the right to make changes to any products herein at any time without notice. LSI Logic does not assume any responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any product described herein, except as expressly agreed to in writing by LSI Logic; nor does the purchase or use of a product from LSI Logic convey a license under any patent rights, copyrights, trademark rights, or any other of the intellectual property rights of LSI Logic or third parties.
Copyright © 2001–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. TRADEMARK ACKNOWLEDGMENT
LSI Logic, the LSI Logic logo design, Fusion-MPT, Integrated Mirroring, Integrated RAID, Integrated Striping, LVDlink, SDMS, SureLINK, and TolerANT are trademarks or registered trademarks of LSI Logic Corporation. ARM, ARM966E-S, and Multi-ICE are trademarks or registered trademarks of ARM Ltd., used under license. Windows is a registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. NetWare is a registered trademarks of Novell Corporation. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. Solaris is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. SCO OpenServer is a trademark of Caldera International, Inc. UnixWare is a trademark of The Open Group. All other brand and product names may be trademarks of their respective companies.
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Version 2.4 Copyright © 2001–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.


This book is the primary reference and technical manual for the LSI53C1020/1020A PCI-X to Ultra320 SCSI Controller. It contains a functional description and electrical specifications for the LSI53C1020/1020A.
This document assumes that you have some familiarity with microprocessors and related support devices. The people who benefit from this book are:
Engineers and managers who are evaluating the LSI53C1020/1020A
for use in a system
Engineers who are designing the LSI53C1020/1020A into a system
This document has the following chapters and appendix:
Chapter 1, Introduction, provides an overview of the
LSI53C1020/1020A features and capabilities.
Chapter 2, Functional Description, provides a detailed functional
description of the LSI53C1020/1020A operation. This chapter describes how the LSI53C1020/1020A implements the PCI/PCI-X and SCSI bus specifications.
Chapter 3, Signal Description, provides detailed descriptions of all
LSI53C1020/1020A signals.
Chapter 4, PCI Host Register Description, provides a bit level
description of the LSI53C1020/1020A host register set.
LSI53C1020/1020A PCI-X to Ultra320 SCSI Controller Technical Manual iii
Version 2.4 Copyright © 2001–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
Chapter 5, Specifications, provides the electrical and physical
Appendix A, Register Summary, provides a register map for the
Related Publications
LSI Logic Documents
Fusion-MPT Device Management User’s Guide, Version 2.0, DB15-000186-02
11 West 42nd Street New York, NY 10036 (212) 642-4900
Global Engineering Documents
15 Inverness Way East Englewood, CO 80112 (800) 854-7179 or (303) 397-7956 (outside U.S.) FAX (303) 397-2740
characteristics of the LSI53C1020/1020A. It also includes LSI53C1020/1020A pinout tables and mechanical drawings.
ENDL Publications
14426 Black Walnut Court Saratoga, CA 95070 (408) 867-6642 Document names: SCSI Bench Reference, SCSI Encyclopedia, SCSI Tutor
Prentice Hall
113 Sylvan Avenue Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632 (800) 947-7700 Ask for SCSI: Understanding the Small Computer System Interface, ISBN 0-13-796855-8
SCSI Electronic Bulletin Board
(719) 533-7950
PCI Special Interest Group
2575 N. E. Katherine Hillsboro, OR 97214 (800) 433-5177; (503) 693-6232 (International); FAX (503) 693-8344
iv Preface
Version 2.4 Copyright © 2001–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
Conventions Used in This Manual
The first time a word or phrase is defined in this manual, it is italicized. The word assert means to drive a signal true or active. The word
deassert means to drive a signal false or inactive. Signals that are active LOW end with a “/.”
Hexadecimal numbers are indicated by the prefix “0x” —for example, 0x32CF. Binary numbers are indicated by the prefix “0b” —for example, 0b0011.0010.1100.1111.
Revision History
Revision Date Remarks
v2.4 2/2004 Corrected PCI support information and package/pin compatibility information
in Chapter 1.
v2.3 2/2004 Added 384-pin entries to signal description tables in Chapter 3.
Corrected and updated pin/signal names and ball assignments throughout the document. Verified that this data is now consistent for the 384-pin and 456-pin packages. Added a statement that LSI53C1020A controller supports v2.3 of the PCI spec. Added descriptions of the Interrupt Disable and Interrupt Status bits to the PCI Command Register and PCI Status Register sections in Chapter 4 and noted that the LSI53C1020A controller supports these functions. Deleted this sentence from section 2.7: “LSI53C1020 based designs do not use the M66EN pin to determine the PCI bus speed.” (The sentence was not relevant, since the chip has no M66EN pin.) Made this correction in description of Diagnostic Read/Write Address regis­ter: “The address increments by a dword whenever the host system accesses the Diagnostic Read/Write
Data register.”
v2.2 12/2003 Updated references to Integrated RAID throughout the document.
Corrected SCSI clock, SCLK LOW, and SCLK HIGH timings in Table 5.13. Added pinout information for 448 EPBGA and 384 EPBGA packages of the LSI53C1020A chip. Edited descriptions of Request Queue and Reply Queue registers (formerly called “Request FIFO” and “Reply FIFO,” respectively).
v2.1 6/2003 Updated the external memory timing diagrams.
Updated the default Subsystem ID value. Updated the ZCR behavior description. Updated the Multi-ICE test interface description.
Preface v
Version 2.4 Copyright © 2001–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
Revision Date Remarks
v2.0 4/2002 Added the register summary appendix.
Updated the electrical characteristics. Updated the Index.
Prelim v1.0 2/2002 Updated the description of Fusion-MPT architecture in Chapter 1.
Updated the External Memory Interface descriptions in Chapter 2. Added the Test Interface description to Chapter 2. Added the Zero Channel RAID interface description to Chapters 2 and 3. Updated the MAD Power-On Sense pin description in Chapter 3. Updated the signal descriptions and lists to include the ZCR-related pins. Updated the electrical and environmental characteristics in Chapter 5. Removed SE SCSI electrical/timing characteristics figures from Chapter 5. Removed SCSI timing information from Chapter 5 and referred readers to the SCSI spec. Removed the PSBRAM interface and all related information.
Adv v0.1 4/2001 Initial release of document.
vi Preface
Version 2.4 Copyright © 2001–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.


Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 General Description 1-1
1.2 Benefits of the Fusion-MPT Architecture 1-5
1.3 Benefits of PCI-X 1-6
1.4 Benefits of Ultra320 SCSI 1-7
1.5 Benefits of SureLINK (Ultra320 SCSI Domain Validation) 1-7
1.6 Benefits of LVDlink Technology 1-8
1.7 Benefits of TolerANT®Technology 1-8
1.8 Summary of LSI53C1020 Features 1-9
1.8.1 SCSI Performance 1-9
1.8.2 PCI Performance 1-10
1.8.3 Integration 1-11
1.8.4 Flexibility 1-11
1.8.5 Reliability 1-11
1.8.6 Testability 1-12
Chapter 2 Functional Description
2.1 Block Diagram Description 2-2
2.1.1 Host Interface Module Description 2-3
2.1.2 SCSI Channel Module Description 2-6
2.2 Fusion-MPT Architecture Overview 2-7
2.3 PCI Functional Description 2-8
2.3.1 PCI Addressing 2-8
2.3.2 PCI Commands and Functions 2-9
2.3.3 PCI Arbitration 2-15
2.3.4 PCI Cache Mode 2-15
2.3.5 PCI Interrupts 2-15
2.3.6 Power Management 2-16
LSI53C1020/1020A PCI-X to Ultra320 SCSI Controller Technical Manual vii
Version 2.4 Copyright © 2001–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
2.4 Ultra320 SCSI Functional Description 2-18
2.4.1 Ultra320 SCSI Features 2-18
2.4.2 SCSI Bus Interface 2-22
2.5 External Memory Interfaces 2-23
2.5.1 Flash ROM Interface 2-23
2.5.2 NVSRAM Interface 2-26
2.6 Serial EEPROM Interface 2-27
2.7 Zero Channel RAID 2-28
2.8 Multi-ICE Test Interface 2-29
Chapter 3 Signal Description
3.1 Signal Organization 3-2
3.2 PCI Bus Interface Signals 3-4
3.2.1 PCI System Signals 3-4
3.2.2 PCI Address and Data Signals 3-5
3.2.3 PCI Interface Control Signals 3-6
3.2.4 PCI Arbitration Signals 3-6
3.2.5 PCI Error Reporting Signals 3-7
3.2.6 PCI Interrupt Signals 3-7
3.3 PCI-Related Signals 3-8
3.4 SCSI Interface Signals 3-9
3.5 Memory Interface 3-12
3.6 Zero Channel RAID (ZCR) Interface 3-13
3.7 Test Interface 3-14
3.8 GPIO and LED Signals 3-16
3.9 Power and Ground Pins 3-16
3.10 Power-On Sense Pins Description 3-18
3.11 Internal Pull-Ups and Pull-Downs 3-22
Chapter 4 PCI Host Register Description
4.1 PCI Configuration Space Register Descriptions 4-1 Vendor ID 4-3 Device ID 4-3 Command 4-3 Status 4-5 Revision ID 4-7 Class Code 4-7
viii Contents
Version 2.4 Copyright © 2001–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
Cache Line Size 4-8 Latency Timer 4-8 Header Type 4-9 I/O Base Address 4-9 Memory [0] Low 4-10 Memory [0] High 4-10 Memory [1] Low 4-11 Memory [1] High 4-11 Subsystem Vendor ID 4-13 Subsystem ID 4-14 Expansion ROM Base Address 4-15 Capabilities Pointer 4-16 Interrupt Line 4-17 Interrupt Pin 4-17 Minimum Grant 4-18 Maximum Latency 4-18 Power Management Capability ID 4-19 Power Management Next Pointer 4-19 Power Management Capabilities 4-20 Power Management Control/Status 4-21 Power Management Bridge Support Extensions 4-22 Power Management Data 4-22 MSI Capability ID 4-22 MSI Next Pointer 4-23 Message Control 4-23 Message Address 4-25 Message Upper Address 4-25 Message Data 4-26 PCI-X Capability ID 4-26 PCI-X Next Pointer 4-27 PCI-X Command 4-27 PCI-X Status 4-29
4.2 I/O Space and Memory Space Register Descriptions 4-32 System Doorbell 4-34 Write Sequence 4-35 Host Diagnostic 4-36 Test Base Address 4-37 Diagnostic Read/Write Data 4-38
Contents ix
Version 2.4 Copyright © 2001–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
Diagnostic Read/Write Address 4-39 Host Interrupt Status 4-40 Host Interrupt Mask 4-41 Request Queue 4-42 Reply Queue 4-42
Chapter 5 Specifications
5.1 DC Characteristics 5-1
5.2 TolerANT Technology Electrical Characteristics 5-7
5.3 AC Characteristics 5-9
5.4 External Memory Timing Diagrams 5-12
5.4.1 NVSRAM Timing 5-12
5.4.2 Flash ROM Timing 5-16
5.5 Pinout Information and Mechanical Drawings 5-20
Appendix A Register Summary
Customer Feedback
x Contents
Version 2.4 Copyright © 2001–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
1.1 Typical LSI53C1020 Board Application 1-3
1.2 Typical LSI53C1020 System Application 1-4
2.1 LSI53C1020 Block Diagram 2-3
2.2 Paced Transfer Example 2-19
2.3 Example of Precompensation 2-20
2.4 Flash ROM Block Diagram 2-25
2.5 NVSRAM Diagram 2-26
2.6 ZCR Circuit Diagram for the LSI53C1020 and
LSI53C1000R 2-29
3.1 LSI53C1020/1020A Functional Signal Grouping 3-3
5.1 LVD Driver 5-3
5.2 LVD Receiver 5-4
5.3 Rise and Fall Time Test Condition 5-8
5.4 SCSI Input Filtering 5-8
5.5 External Clock 5-9
5.6 Reset Input 5-10
5.7 Interrupt Output 5-11
5.8 NVSRAM Read Cycle 5-13
5.9 NVSRAM Write Cycle 5-15
5.10 Flash ROM Read Cycle 5-17
5.11 Flash ROM Write Cycle 5-19
5.12 LSI53C1020 456-Pin BGA Top View 5-21
5.13 LSI53C1020A 384-Pin BGA, Top View 5-26
5.14 456-Pin EPBGA (KY) Mechanical Drawing 5-31
5.15 384-Ball Count EPBGA (HT) Mechanical Drawing
(Sheet 1 of 2) 5-32
5.16 448-Ball Count EPBGA (5B) Mechanical Drawing
(Sheet 1 of 2) 5-34
Contents xi
Version 2.4 Copyright © 2001–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
xii Contents
Version 2.4 Copyright © 2001–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
2.1 PCI/PCI-X Bus Commands and Encodings 2-10
2.2 Power States 2-16
2.3 Flash ROM Size Programming 2-24
2.4 Flash Signature Value 2-26
2.5 PCI Configuration Record in Serial EEPROM 2-27
2.6 20-Pin Multi-ICE Header Pinout 2-30
3.1 PCI System Signals 3-4
3.2 PCI Address and Data Signals 3-5
3.3 PCI Interface Control Signals 3-6
3.4 PCI Arbitration Signals 3-6
3.5 PCI Error Reporting Signals 3-7
3.6 PCI Interrupt Signal 3-7
3.7 PCI-Related Signals 3-8
3.8 SCSI Bus Clock Signal 3-9
3.9 SCSI Channel Interface Signals 3-9
3.10 SCSI Channel Control Signals 3-11
3.11 Flash ROM/NVSRAM Interface Signals 3-12
3.12 Serial EEPROM Interface Signals 3-13
3.13 ZCR Configuration Signals 3-13
3.14 JTAG, ICE, and Debug Signals 3-14
3.15 LSI Logic Test Signals 3-15
3.16 GPIO and LED Signals 3-16
3.17 Power and Ground Pins 3-16
3.18 No Connect Pins 3-18
3.19 MAD Power-On Sense Pin Options 3-19
3.20 Flash ROM Size Programming 3-21
3.21 Pull-Up and Pull-Down Signal Conditions 3-22
4.1 LSI53C1020 PCI Configuration Space Address Map 4-2
4.2 Subsystem ID Register Download Conditions and Values 4-15
4.3 PCI I/O Space Address Map 4-32
4.4 PCI Memory [0] Address Map 4-33
4.5 PCI Memory [1] Address Map 4-33
5.1 Absolute Maximum Stress Ratings 5-2
5.2 Operating Conditions 5-2
Contents xiii
Version 2.4 Copyright © 2001–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
5.3 LVD Driver SCSI Signals – SACK±,SATN±, SBSY±,
SCD±, SD[15:0]±, SDP[1:0]±, SIO±, SMSG±, SREQ±, SRST±, SSEL± 5-3
5.4 LVD Receiver SCSI Signals – SACK±,SATN±, SBSY±,
SCD±, SD[15:0]±, SDP[1:0]±, SIO±, SMSG±, SREQ±, SRST±, SSEL± 5-4
5.5 DIFFSENS SCSI Signal 5-4
5.6 Input Capacitance 5-4
5.7 8 mA Bidirectional Signals – GPIO[7:0], MAD[15:0],
MADP[1:0], SerialDATA 5-5
5.8 8 mA PCI Bidirectional Signals – ACK64/, AD[63:0],
C_BE[7:0]/, DEVSEL/, FRAME/, IRDY/, PAR, PAR64, PERR/, REQ64/, SERR/, STOP/, TRDY/ 5-5
5.9 Input Signals – CLK, DIS_PCI_FSN/, DIS_SCSI_FSN/,
5.10 8 mA Output Signals – ALT_INTA/, RAMWE[1:0]/,
5.11 12 mA Output Signals – A_LED/, HB_LED/ 5-6
5.12 TolerANT Technology Electrical Characteristics for
SE SCSI Signals 5-7
5.13 External Clock 5-9
5.14 Reset Input 5-10
5.15 Interrupt Output 5-11
5.16 NVSRAM Read Cycle Timing 5-12
5.17 NVSRAM Write Cycle 5-14
5.18 Flash ROM Read Cycle Timing 5-16
5.19 Flash ROM Write Cycle 5-18
5.20 LSI53C1020 456-Pin Pinout by Signal Name 5-22
5.21 LSI53C1020 456-Pin Pinout by BGA Position 5-24
5.22 LSI53C1020A 384-Pin Pinout by Signal Name 5-27
5.23 LSI53C1020A 384-Pin Pinout by BGA Position 5-29
A.24 LSI53C1020 PCI Registers A-1 A.25 LSI53C1020 PCI I/O Space Registers A-3 A.26 LSI53C1020 PCI Memory [0] Registers A-4
xiv Contents
Version 2.4 Copyright © 2001–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
Chapter 1 Introduction
This chapter provides a general overview of the LSI53C1020/1020A PCI-X to Ultra320 SCSI Controller. This chapter contains the following sections:
Section 1.1, “General Description”
Section 1.2, “Benefits of the Fusion-MPT Architecture”
Section 1.3, “Benefits of PCI-X”
Section 1.4, “Benefits of Ultra320 SCSI”
Section 1.5, “Benefits of SureLINK (Ultra320 SCSI Domain
Section 1.6, “Benefits of LVDlink Technology”
Section 1.7, “Benefits of TolerANT® Technology”
Section 1.8, “Summary of LSI53C1020 Features”

1.1 General Description

The LSI53C1020/1020A PCI-X to Single Channel Ultra320 SCSI Controllers bring Ultra320 SCSI performance to host adapter, workstation, and server designs, making it easy to add a high­performance SCSI bus to any PCI or PCI-X system.
The LSI53C1020 SCSI controller is available in a 456-pin BGA package. The LSI53C1020A SCSI controller is available in a 448-pin BGA package that is pin-compatible with the LSI53C1020 controller and also in a smaller 384-pin BGA package.
LSI53C1020/1020A PCI-X to Ultra320 SCSI Controller Technical Manual 1-1
Version 2.4 Copyright © 2001–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
The LSI53C1020 controller and the 448-pin BGA package of the LSI53C1020A controller are pin compatible with the LSI53C1000R PCI to Ultra160 SCSI Controller, to provide an easy and safe migration path to Ultra320 SCSI. The LSI53C1020/1020A supports up to a 64-bit, 133 MHz PCI-X bus. The Ultra320 SCSI features for the LSI53C1020/1020A include: double transition (DT) clocking, packetized protocol, paced transfers, quick arbitrate and select (QAS), skew compensation, intersymbol interference (ISI) compensation, cyclic redundancy check (CRC), and domain validation technology. These features comply with the American National Standard Institute (ANSI) T10 SCSI Parallel Interface-4 (SPI-4) draft specification.
DT clocking enables the LSI53C1020/1020A to achieve data transfer rates of up to 320 megabytes per second (Mbytes/s). Packetizedprotocol increases data transfer capabilities with SCSI information units. QAS minimizes SCSI bus latency by allowing the bus to directly enter the arbitration/selection bus phase after a SCSI disconnect and skip the bus­free phase. Skew compensation permits the LSI53C1020/1020A to adjust for cable and bus skew on a per-device basis. Paced transfers enable high-speed data transfers during DT data phases by using the REQ/ACK transition as a free-running data clock. Precompensation enables the LSI53C1020/1020A to adjust the signal drive strength to compensate for the charge present on the cable. CRC improves the SCSI data transmission integrity through enhanced detection of communication errors. SureLINK™ Domain Validation detects the SCSI bus configuration and adjusts the SCSI transfer rate to optimize bus interoperability and SCSI data transfer rates. SureLINK Domain Validation provides three levels of domain validation, assuring robust system operation.
The LSI53C1020/1020A supports a local memory bus, which supports a standard serial EEPROM and allows local storage of the BIOS in Flash ROM memory. The LSI53C1020/1020A supports programming of local Flash ROM memory for BIOS updates. Figure 1.1 shows a typical LSI53C1020/1020A board application connected to external ROM memory.
Note: In the rest of this document, LSI53C1020 refers to both the
1-2 Introduction
Version 2.4 Copyright © 2001–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
LSI53C1020 SCSI controller and the LSI53C1020A SCSI controller, unless specifically noted. Chapter 5 includes pinout diagrams and mechanical drawings for both of these SCSI controllers.
Figure 1.1 Typical LSI53C1020 Board Application
Memory Control
68-Pin­Wide SCSI Connector
Serial Data
Serial Clock
Flash ROM
SCSI Signals
64-Bit, 133 MHz
PCI-X to
Ultra320 SCSI
PCI-X Interface
The LSI53C1020 integrates a high-performance Ultra320 SCSI core and a 64-bit, 133 MHz PCI-X bus master direct memory access (DMA) core. The LSI53C1020 employs two ARM966E-S
processors to meet the data transfer flexibility requirements of the Ultra320 SCSI, PCI, and PCI­X specifications. Separate ARM®processors support the SCSI channel and the PCI/PCI-X interface.
These processors implement the Fusion-MPT™ architecture, a multithreaded I/O algorithm that supports data transfers between the host system and SCSI devices with minimal host processor intervention. Fusion-MPT technology provides an efficient architecture that solves the protocol overhead problems of previous intelligent and nonintelligent adapter designs.
LVDlink™ technology is the LSI Logic implementation of Low Voltage Differential (LVD) SCSI. LVDlink transceivers allow the LSI53C1020 to perform either Single-Ended (SE) or LVD transfers. Figure 1.2 illustrates a typical LSI53C1020 system application.
General Description 1-3
Version 2.4 Copyright © 2001–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
Figure 1.2 Typical LSI53C1020 System Application
Processor Bus
LSI53C1020 PCI-X
to Ultra320 SCSI
PCI Graphic Accelerator
PCI Fast Ethernet
Fixed Disk, Optical Disk,
Printer, Tape, and Other
SCSI Peripherals
The LSI53C1020 supports the Integrated RAID™ solution. The Integrated RAID solution provides cost benefits for the server or workstation market where the extra performance, storage capacity, and/or redundancy of a RAID configuration are required. The two components of the Integrated RAID solution are:
Integrated Mirroring™ (IM), which provides features of RAID 1 and
RAID 1E. The Integrated Mirroring feature provides physical mirroring of the boot volume through LSI53C1020 firmware. This feature provides extra reliability for the system’s boot volume without burdening the host CPU. The runtime mirroring of the boot drive is transparent to the BIOS, drivers, and operating system.
Integrated Striping™ (IS), which provides features of RAID 0. The
IS feature writes data across multiple disks instead of onto one disk. This is accomplished by partitioning each disk’s storage space into
1-4 Introduction
Version 2.4 Copyright © 2001–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
64 Kbyte stripes. These stripes are interleaved round-robin, so that the combined storage space is composed alternately of stripes from each disk.
The Fusion-MPT architecture provides the interface to the SCSI chip/firmware to enable the Integrated Striping and Integrated Mirroring features. LSI Logic’s CIM interface software is used to continuously monitor IM volumes and IS volumes and to report status and error conditions as they arise.
A BIOS-based configuration utility is provided to create the IM and IS volumes. A DOS-based configuration utility is also provided for use on the manufacturing floor.
For more information about the Integrated RAID solution, see the Integrated RAID User’s Guide, DB15-000292.
1.2 Benefits of the Fusion-MPT Architecture
The Fusion-MPT architecture provides an open architecture that is ideal for SCSI, Fibre Channel, and other emerging interfaces. The I/O interface is interchangeable at the system and application level; embedded software uses the same device interface for SCSI and Fibre Channel implementations, just as application software uses the same storage management interfaces for SCSI and Fibre Channel implementations. LSI Logic provides Fusion-MPT device drivers that are binary compatible between Fibre Channel and Ultra320 SCSI interfaces.
The Fusion-MPT architecture improves overall system performance by requiring only a thin device driver, which offloads the intensive work of managing SCSI I/Os from the system processor to the LSI53C1020. Developed from the proven SDMS™ solution, the Fusion-MPT architecture delivers unmatched performance of up to 50,000 Ultra320 SCSI I/Os per second with minimal system overhead or device maintenance. The use of thin, easy-to-develop, common OS device drivers accelerates time to market by reducing device driver development and certification times.
The Fusion-MPT architecture provides an interrupt coalescing feature. Interrupt coalescing allows an I/O controller to send multiple reply messages in a single interrupt to the host processor. Sending multiple
Benefits of the Fusion-MPT Architecture 1-5
Version 2.4 Copyright © 2001–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
reply messages per interrupt reduces context switching of the host processor and maximizes the host processor efficiency, which results in a significant improvement of system performance. To use the interrupt coalescing feature, the host processor must be able to accept and manage multiple replies per interrupt.
The Fusion-MPT architecture also provides built-in device driver stability because the device driver need not change for each revision of the LSI53C1020 silicon or firmware. This architecture is a reliable, constant interface between the host device driver and the LSI53C1020. Changes within the LSI53C1020 are transparent to the host device driver, operating system, and user. The Fusion-MPT architecture also saves the user significant development and maintenance effort because it is not necessary to alter or redevelop the device driver when a revision of the LSI53C1020 device or firmware occurs.
1.3 Benefits of PCI-X
PCI-X doubles the maximum clock frequency of the conventional PCI bus. The PCI-X Addendum to the PCI Local Bus Specification,
Revision 1.0a, defines enhancements to the proven PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.2. PCI-X provides more efficient data transfers
by enabling registered inputs and outputs, improves buffer management by including transaction information with each data transfer, and reduces bus overheadby restricting the use of wait states and disconnects. PCI-X also reduces host processor overhead by providing a wide range of error recovery implementations.
The LSI53C1020 supports up to a 133 MHz, 64-bit PCI-X bus and is backward compatible with previous versions of the PCI/PCI-X bus. The LSI53C1020 includes transaction information with all PCI-X transactions to enable more efficient buffer management schemes. Each PCI-X transaction contains a transaction sequence identifier (Tag), the identity of the initiator, and the number of bytes in the sequence. The LSI53C1020 clocks PCI-X data directly into and out of registers, which creates a more efficient data path. The LSI53C1020 increases bus efficiency because it does not insert wait states after the initial data phase when acting as a PCI-X target and never inserts wait states when acting as a PCI-X initiator.
1-6 Introduction
Version 2.4 Copyright © 2001–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
1.4 Benefits of Ultra320 SCSI
Ultra320 SCSI is an extension of the SPI-4 draft specification that allows faster synchronous SCSI data transfer rates than Ultra160 SCSI. When enabled, Ultra320 SCSI performs 160 megatransfers per second, resulting in approximately double the synchronous data transfer rates of Ultra160 SCSI. The LSI53C1020 performs 16-bit, Ultra320 SCSI synchronous data transfers as fast as 320 Mbytes/s. This advantage is most noticeable in heavily loaded systems or large block size applications, such as video on-demand and image processing.
Ultra320 SCSI doubles both the data and clock frequencies from Ultra160 SCSI. Due to the increased data and clock speeds, Ultra320 SCSI introduces skew compensation and ISI compensation. These new features simplify system design by resolving timing issues at the chip level. Skew compensation adjusts for timing differences between data and clock signals caused by cabling, board traces, and so on. ISI compensation enhances the first pulse after a change in state to ensure data integrity.
Ultra320 SCSI includes CRC, which offers higher levels of data reliability by ensuring complete integrity of transferred data. CRC is a 32-bit scheme, referred to as CRC-32. CRC guarantees detection of all single or double bit errors, as well as any combination of bit errors within a single 32-bit range.
1.5 Benefits of SureLINK (Ultra320 SCSI Domain Validation)
SureLINK Domain Validation software ensures robust SCSI interconnect management and low-risk Ultra320 SCSI implementations by extending the domain validation guidelines documented in the SPI-4 specifications. Domain validation verifies that the system is capable of transferring data at Ultra320 SCSI speeds, allowing the LSI53C1020 to renegotiate to a lower data transfer speed and bus width if necessary. SureLINK Domain Validation is the software control for the domain validation manageability enhancements in the LSI53C1020. SureLINK Domain Validationsoftware provides domain validation management at boot time as well as during system operation.
Benefits of Ultra320 SCSI 1-7
Version 2.4 Copyright © 2001–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
SureLINK Domain Validation provides three levels of integrity checking on a per-device basis: Basic (Level 1) with inquiry command; Enhanced (Level 2) with read/write buffer; and Margined (Level 3) with margining of drive strength and slew rates.
1.6 Benefits of LVDlink Technology
The LSI53C1020 supports LVD through LVDlink technology. This signaling technology increases the reliability of SCSI data transfers over longer distances than are supported by SE SCSI. The low current output of LVD allows the I/O transceivers to be integrated directly onto the chip. To allow the use of the LSI53C1020 in both legacy and Ultra320 SCSI applications, this device features universal LVDlink transceivers that support LVD SCSI and SE SCSI.
1.7 Benefits of TolerANT®Technology
The LSI53C1020 features TolerANT technology, which provides active negation on the SCSI drivers and input signal filtering on the SCSI receivers. Active negation causes the SCSI Request, Acknowledge, Data, and Parity signals to be actively driven HIGH rather than passively pulled up by terminators.
TolerANT receiver technology improves data integrity in unreliable cabling environments where other devices would be subject to data corruption. TolerANT receivers filter the SCSI bus signals to eliminate unwanted transitions, without the long signal delay associated with RC-type input filters. This improved driver and receiver technology helps ensure correct clocking of data. TolerANT input signal filtering is a built­in feature of the LSI53C1020 and all LSI Logic Fast SCSI, Ultra SCSI, Ultra2 SCSI, Ultra160 SCSI, and Ultra320 SCSI devices.
TolerANT technology increases noise immunity, balances duty cycles, and improves SCSI transfer rates. In addition, TolerANT SCSI devices do not cause glitches on the SCSI bus at power-up or power-down, which protects other devices on the bus from data corruption. When used with the LVDlink transceivers, TolerANT technology provides excellent signal quality and data reliability in real world cabling environments.
1-8 Introduction
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TolerANT technology is compatible with both the Alternative One and Alternative Two termination schemes proposed by ANSI.

1.8 Summary of LSI53C1020 Features

This section provides a summary of the LSI53C1020 features and benefits. It contains information on SCSI Performance, PCI Performance,
Integration, Flexibility, Reliability, and Testability.

1.8.1 SCSI Performance

The LSI53C1020 contains the following SCSI performance features:
Supports Ultra320 SCSI
Paced transfers using a free-running clock – 320 Mbytes/s SCSI data transfer rate – Mandatory packetized protocol – Quick arbitrate and select (QAS) – Skew compensation with bus training – Transmitter precompensation to overcome ISI effects for SCSI
data signals
Retained training information (RTI)
Offers a performance-optimized architecture
Two ARM966E-S processors provide high performance with low
Designed for optimal packetized performance
Uses proven integrated LVDlink transceivers for direct attach to either
LVD or SE SCSI buses with precision-controlled slew rates
Supports expander communication protocol (ECP)
Uses the Fusion-MPT (Message Passing Technology) drivers to
provide full operating system support for the Windows, Linux,Solaris, SCO OpenServer, UnixWare, OpenUnix 8, and NetWare operating systems
Summary of LSI53C1020 Features 1-9
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1.8.2 PCI Performance

The LSI53C1020 supports the following PCI features:
Has a 133 MHz, 64-bit PCI/PCI-X interface that:
Operates at 33 MHz or 66 MHz PCI – Operates at up to 133 MHz PCI-X – Supports 32-bit or 64-bit data – Supports 32-bit or 64-bit addressing through Dual Address Cycles
(DA Cs) – Provides a theoretical 1066 Mbytes/s zero wait state transfer rate – Complies with PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.2
(LSI53C1020) or Revision 2.3 (LSI53C1020A) – Complies with the PCI-X Addendum to the PCI Local Bus
Specification, Revision 1.0a – Complies with the PCI Power Management Interface
Specification, Revision 1.1
Complies with the PC2001 System Design Guide
Offers unmatched performance through the Fusion-MPT architecture
Provides high throughput and low CPU utilization to offload the host processor
Uses SCSI Interrupt Steering Logic (SISL) to provide alternate interrupt routing for RAID applications
Reduces Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) overhead with interrupt coalescing
Supports 32-bit or 64-bit data bursts with variable burst lengths
Supports the PCI Cache Line Size register
Supports the PCI Memory Write and Invalidate, Memory Read Line, and Memory Read Multiple commands
Supports the PCI-X Memory Read Dword, Split Completion, Memory Read Block, and Memory Write Block commands
Supports up to eight PCI-X outstanding split transactions
Supports Message Signaled Interrupts (MSIs)
1-10 Introduction
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1.8.3 Integration

The following features make the LSI53C1020 easy to integrate:
Is backward compatible with previous revisions of the PCI and SCSI
448-pin and 456-pin BGA packages are pin compatible with the
Provides a low-risk migration path to Ultra320 SCSI from the
Supports a full 32-bit or 64-bit PCI/PCI-X DMA bus master
Reduces time to market with the Fusion-MPT architecture
Provides integrated LVDlink transceivers
LSI53C1000R SCSI controller
Single driver binary for SCSI and Fibre Channel products – Thin, easy to develop drivers – Reduced integration and certification effort

1.8.4 Flexibility

The following features increase the flexibility of the LSI53C1020:
Universal LVD transceivers are backward compatible with SE
Provides a flexible programming interface to tune I/O performance or
Supports MSI or pin-based (INTA/ or ALT_INTA/) interrupt signaling
Can respond with multiple SCSI IDs
Is compatible with 3.3 V and 5.0 V PCI signaling

1.8.5 Reliability

to adapt to unique SCSI devices
Drives and receives 3.3 V PCI signals – Receives 5.0 V PCI if the PCI5VBIAS pin connects to 5.0 V, but
does not drive 5.0 V signals on the PCI bus
The following features enhance the reliability of the LSI53C1020:
Supports ISI compensation
Summary of LSI53C1020 Features 1-11
Version 2.4 Copyright © 2001–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
Provides 2 kV electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection on SCSI signals
Provides latch-up protection greater than 150 mA
Provides voltage feed-through protection
Supports the Integrated RAID (IR) solution to provide physical mirroring or striping of the boot volume
Has a high proportion of power and ground pins
Provides power and ground isolation of I/O pads and internal chip logic
Supports CRC checking and generation in double transition (DT) phases
Provides comprehensive SureLINK Domain Validation technology: – Basic (Level 1) with inquiry command – Enhanced (Level 2) with read/write buffer – Margined (Level 3) with margining of drive strength and slew
Supports TolerANT technology, which provides:

1.8.6 Testability

These features enhance the testability of the LSI53C1020:
Allows all SCSI signals to be accessed through programmed I/O
Supports JTAG boundary scan
Provides ARM Multi-ICE®test interface for debugging purposes
Active negation of SCSI Data, Parity, Request, and Acknowledge
signals for improved SCSI transfer rates
Input signal filtering on SCSI receivers for improved data
integrity, even in noisy cabling environments
1-12 Introduction
Version 2.4 Copyright © 2001–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
Chapter 2 Functional Description
This chapter provides a subsytem level overview of the LSI53C1020, a discussion of the Fusion-MPT architecture, and a functional description of the LSI53C1020 interfaces. This chapter contains the following sections:
Section 2.1, “Block Diagram Description”
Section 2.2, “Fusion-MPT Architecture Overview”
Section 2.3, “PCI Functional Description”
Section 2.4, “Ultra320 SCSI Functional Description”
Section 2.5, “External Memory Interfaces”
Section 2.6, “Serial EEPROM Interface”
Section 2.7, “Zero Channel RAID”
Section 2.8, “Multi-ICE Test Interface”
The LSI53C1020 is a high-performance, intelligent PCI-X to Ultra320 SCSI Controller. The LSI53C1020 controller supports the PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.2; the LSI53C1020A controller supports Revision 2.3 of this spec. Both controllers support the PCI-X Addendum
to the PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 1.0a and the proposed SCSI Parallel Interface-4 (SPI-4) draft standard.
Note: In the rest of this chapter, LSI53C1020 refers to both the
LSI53C1020 SCSI controller and the LSI53C1020A SCSI controller, unless specifically noted.
The LSI53C1020 employs the Fusion-MPT architecture to ensure robust system performance, to support binary compatibility of host software between the LSI Logic SCSI and Fibre Channel products, and to significantly reduce software development time. Refer to the Fusion-MPT
Device Management User’s Guide for more information on the
LSI53C1020/1020A PCI-X to Ultra320 SCSI Controller Technical Manual 2-1
Version 2.4 Copyright © 2001–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
Fusion-MPT architecture and how to control the LSI53C1020 using Fusion-MPT technology.

2.1 Block Diagram Description

The LSI53C1020 consists of two major modules: a host interface module and an Ultra320 SCSI channel module. The modules consist of the following components:
Host Interface Module
Up to a 64-bit, 133 MHz PCI/PCI-X Interface – System Interface – I/O Processor (IOP) – DMA Arbiter and Router – Shared RAM – External Memory Interface
Flash ROM Memory Controller NVSRAM
Timer and Configuration Control
Device Configuration Controller Serial EEPROM Interface Controller General Purpose I/O (GPIO) Interface Chip Timer
Ultra320 SCSI Channel Module
Datapath Engine – Context Manager – Ultra320 SCSI Core
Figure 2.1 illustrates the relationship between these modules.
2-2 Functional Description
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Figure 2.1 LSI53C1020 Block Diagram
Host Interface Module
SCSI Channel Module
System Interface
Primary Bus
External Memory
Flash ROM/
Timer, GPIO,
Bus to Bus
Datapath Engine
Secondary Bus
Context Manager
Ultra320 SCSI

2.1.1 Host Interface Module Description

The host interface module provides an interface between the host driver and the SCSI channel. The host interface module controls system DMA transfers and the host side of the Fusion-MPT architecture. It also supports the external memory, serial EEPROM, and GPIO interfaces. This subsection provides a detailed explanation of the host interface submodules.
Block Diagram Description 2-3
Version 2.4 Copyright © 2001–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. PCI Interface
The LSI53C1020 provides a PCI-X interface that supports up to a 64-bit, 133 MHz PCI-X bus. The interface is compatible with all previous implementations of the PCI specification. For more information on the PCI interface, refer to Section 2.3, “PCI Functional Description,”
page 2-8. System Interface
The system interface efficiently passes messages between the LSI53C1020 and other I/O agents using a high-performance, packetized, mailbox architecture. The LSI53C1020 system interface coalesces PCI interrupts to minimize traffic on the PCI bus and maximize system performance.
All host accesses to the IOP, external memory, and timer and configuration subsystems pass through the system interface and use the primary bus. The host system initiates data transactions on the primary bus with the system interface registers. PCI Memory Space [0] and the PCI I/O Base Address registers identify the location of the system interface register set. Chapter 4, “PCI Host Register Description,” provides a bit-level description of the system interface register set. I/O Processor (IOP)
The LSI53C1020 I/O processor (IOP) is a 32-bit ARM966E-S RISC processor. The IOP controls the system interface and uses the Fusion-MPT architecture to manage the host side of non-DMA accesses to the Ultra320 SCSI bus. The context manager uses the Fusion-MPT architecture to control the SCSI side of data transfers. The IOP and Context Manager completely manage all SCSI I/Os without host intervention. Refer to Section 2.2, “Fusion-MPT Architecture Overview,”
page 2-7, for more information on the Fusion-MPT architecture. DMA Arbiter and Router
The descriptor-based DMA Arbiter and Router subsystem manages the transfer of memory blocks between local memory and the host system. The DMA channel includes PCI bus master interface logic, the internal bus interface logic, and a 256-byte system DMA FIFO.
2-4 Functional Description
Version 2.4 Copyright © 2001–2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
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