LSI53C1010R PCI to
Dual Channel Ultra160
SCSI Multifunction
August 2003
Version 2.2
This document contains proprietary information of LSI Logic Corporation. The
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LSI Logic products are not intended for use in life-support appliances, devices,
or systems. Use of any LSI Logic product in such applications without written
consent of the appropriate LSI Logic officer is prohibited.
Document DB14-000153-04, Version 2.2 (August 2003)
This document describes the LSI Logic LSI53C1010R PCI to Dual Channel
Ultra160 SCSI Multifunction Controller and will remain the official reference
source for all revisions/releases of this product until rescinded by an update.
LSI Logic Corporation reserves the right to make changes to any products herein
at any time without notice. LSI Logic does not assume any responsibility or
liability arising out of the application or use of any product described herein,
except as expressly agreed to in writing by LSI Logic; nor does the purchase or
use of a product from LSI Logic convey a license under any patent rights,
copyrights, trademark rights, or any other of the intellectual property rights of
LSI Logic or third parties.
Ultra/Ultra2/Ultra3/Ultra160 SCSI are terms used by the SCSI Trade Association
(STA) to describe various SCSI specifications. Refer to the
subsection entitled “Related Publications,” for details on SCSI specifications.
LSI Logic, the LSI Logic logo design, LVDlink, SCRIPTS, SDMS, SURElink, and
TolerANT are registered trademarks or trademarks of LSI Logic Corporation. All
other brand and product names may be trademarks of their respective companies.
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This book is the primary reference and technical manual for the LSI Logic
LSI53C1010R PCI to Dual Channel Ultra160 SCSI Multifunction
Controller. It contains a complete functional description for the product
and includes complete physical and electrical specifications.
This document was prepared for system designers and programmers
who are using this device to design an Ultra160 SCSI port for PCI-based
personal computers, workstations, servers or embedded applications.
This document has the following chapters and appendixes:
•Chapter 1, Introduction, describes the general information about the
•Chapter 2, Functional Description, describes the main functional
areas of the chip in greater detail, including the interfaces to the
SCSI bus and external memory.
•Chapter 3, Signal Descriptions, contains the pin diagram and signal
•Chapter 4, Registers, describes each bit in the operating registers,
and is organized by register address.
•Chapter 5, SCSI SCRIPTS Instruction Set, defines all of the SCSI
SCRIPTS™ instructions that are supported by the LSI53C1010R.
•Chapter 6, Specifications, contains the electrical characteristics and
AC timing diagrams.
•Appendix A, Register Summary, is a register summary.
11 West 42nd Street
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(212) 642-4900
Ask for document number X3.131-199X (SCSI-2)
Global Engineering Documents
15 Inverness Way East
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(800) 854-7179 or (303) 397-7956 (outside U.S.) FAX (303) 397-2740
Ask for document number X3.131-1994 (SCSI-2) or X3.253
(SCSI-3 Parallel Interface)
contains several example interface drawings for connecting the
LSI53C1010R to external ROMs.
ENDL Publications
14426 Black Walnut Court
Saratoga, CA 95070
(408) 867-6642
Document names: SCSI Bench Reference, SCSI Encyclopedia, SCSI Tutor
Prentice Hall
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(800) 947-7700
Ask for document number ISBN 0-13-796855-8, SCSI: Understanding
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Conventions Used in This Manual
The word assert means to drive a signal true or active. The word
deassert means to drive a signal false or inactive.
Hexadecimal numbers are indicated by the prefix “0x”—for example,
0x32CF. Binary numbers are indicated by the prefix “0b”—for example,
Revision Record
1.06/2000Preliminary version for engineering review.
2.011/2000Final version.
2.15/2001Changes to Chapter 3 and Chapter 6 pertaining to pinouts.
2.27/2003Added instructions for setting the GPIO registers. Changed Vih (max) to
11.0 V in Table 6.10. Corrected VSSC ball assignment to C26 in Table
6.52. In Table 3.1, changed GPIO[4:0] pins to “Pulled down internally.”
This chapter provides a general overview of the LSI53C1010R PCI to
Dual Channel Ultra160 SCSI Multifunction Controller. This chapter
contains the following sections:
•Section 1.1, “General Description”
•Section 1.2, “Benefits of Ultra160 SCSI”
•Section 1.3, “Benefits of SURElink (Ultra160 SCSI Domain Validation)
•Section 1.4, “Benefits of LVDlink Technology”
•Section 1.5, “Benefits of TolerANT® Technology”
•Section 1.6, “Summary of LSI53C1010R Benefits”
1.1General Description
The LSI53C1010R PCI to Dual Channel Ultra160 SCSI Multifunction
Controller brings Ultra160 SCSI performance to host adapter,
workstation, and server designs, making it easy to add a
high-performance SCSI bus to any PCI system. Features incorporated in
this chip include double transition (DT) clocking, cyclic redundancy check
(CRC), and domain validation. These features comply with the Utra160
SCSI industry initiative.
DT clocking permits the LSI53C1010R to transfer data up to 160 Mbytes/s
on each channel, for a total of 320 Mbytes/s. CRC improves the integrity
of the SCSI data transmission through enhanced detection of
communication errors. Asynchronous Information Protection (AIP)
augments CRC to protect all nondata phases, providing complete
end-to-end protection of the SCSI I/O. The SURElink™ domain validation
LSI53C1010R PCI to Dual Channel Ultra160 SCSI Multifunction Controller1-1
technology detects the SCSI bus configuration and automatically tests
and adjusts the SCSI transfer rate to optimize interoperability.Three levels
of domain validation are provided, assuring robust system operation.
The LSI53C1010R has a local memory bus. This allows local storage of
the device’s BIOS ROM in flash memory or standard EPROMs. The
LSI53C1010R supports programming of local flash memory for BIOS
updates. The chip is packaged in a 456 Ball Grid Array (BGA). Figure 1.1
shows a typical LSI53C1010R board application connected to external
ROM or flash memory.
Figure 1.1Typical LSI53C1010R Board Application
Function A
68 Pin
Function B
68 Pin
SCSI Data,
Parity, and
Control Signals
SCSI Data,
Parity, and
Control Signals
64-Bit/66 MHz
PCI to
Dual Channel
Ultra160 SCSI
PCI Interface
PCI Address, Data, Parity
and Control Signals
Memory Control
Function A
Function B
LVDlink™ technology is the LSI Logic implementation of Low Voltage
Differential (LVD). LVDlink transceivers allow the LSI53C1010R to
perform either Single-Ended (SE) or LVD transfers. The LSI53C1010R
integrates two high-performance SCSI cores, a 64-bit/66 MHz PCI bus
master DMA core, and the SCSI SCRIPTS processor to meet the
flexibility requirements of Ultra160 SCSI standards. It implements
multithreaded I/O algorithms with minimum processor intervention,
solving the protocol overhead problems of previous intelligent and
nonintelligent adapter designs. Figure 1.2 illustrates a typical
LSI53C1010R system application.
Figure 1.2Typical LSI53C1010R System Application
Typical PCI Computer
System Architecture
Processor Bus
to Wide Ultra160 SCSI
Function A
to Wide Ultra160 SCSI
Function B
One PCI Bus Load
PCI Graphic Accelerator
PCI Fast Ethernet
Fixed Disk, Optical Disk,
Printer, Tape, and Other
SCSI Peripherals
Fixed Disk, Optical Disk,
Printer, Tape, and Other
SCSI Peripherals
The LSI53C1010R is pin compatible with the LSI53C1030 PCI to
Dual Channel Ultra320 SCSI Multifunction Controller. Proper board
design, using LSI Logic Design Considerations for the LSI53C1010R andLSI53C1030, SEN S11019, allows seamless, low risk upgrade from the
Ultra160 LSI53C1010R to the Ultra320 LSI53C1030.
Ultra160 SCSI delivers data up to two times faster than Ultra2 SCSI.
Ultra160 SCSI is a subset of Ultra3 SCSI, which is an extension of the
SPI-3 draft standard. When enabled, Ultra160 SCSI performs
80 megatransfers/s), resulting in approximately double the synchronous
data transfer rates of Ultra2 SCSI. The LSI53C1010R performs 16-bit,
Ultra160 SCSI synchronous data transfers as fast as 160 Mbytes/s on
each channel providing a total bandwidth of 320 Mbytes/s. This
advantage is most noticeable in heavily loaded systems, or large block
size applications such as video on-demand and image processing.
The Ultra160 data transfer speed is accomplished using DT clocking.
DT clocking refers to transferring data on both polarity edges of the
request or acknowledge signals. Data is clocked on both rising and falling
edges of the request and acknowledge signals. Double-edge clocking
doubles data transfer speeds without increasing the clock rate.
Ultra160 SCSI also includes CRC, which offers higher levels of data
reliability by ensuring complete integrity of transferred data. CRC is a
32-bit scheme, referred to as CRC-32. CRC is guaranteed to detect all
single bit errors, any two bits in error, or any combination of errors within
a single 32-bit range.
AIP is also supported by the LSI53C1010R, protecting all nondata
phases, including command, status, and messages. CRC, along with AIP,
provides end-to-end protection of the SCSI I/O.
SURElink domain validation provides three levels of integrity checking:
Basic (level 1), Enhanced (level 2), and Margined (level 3). Further
information on SURElink technology is available in Section 1.3, “Benefits
of SURElink (Ultra160 SCSI Domain Validation) Technology.”
An advantage of Ultra160 SCSI is that it significantly improves SCSI
bandwidth while preserving existing hardware and software investments.
The primary software changes required are to enable the chip to perform
synchronous negotiations for Ultra160 SCSI rates and to enable the clock
quadrupler. Ultra160 SCSI uses the same connectors as Ultra SCSI and
Ultra2 SCSI. Chapter 2 contains more information on migrating an Ultra
SCSI or Ultra2 SCSI design to an Ultra160 SCSI design.
1.3Benefits of SURElink (Ultra160 SCSI Domain Validation)
SURElink technology represents the very latest SCSI interconnect
management solution. It ensures robust and low risk Ultra160 SCSI
implementations by extending the domain validation guidelines
documented in the ANSI T10 SPI-3 specifications. Domain validation
verifies that the system is capable of transferring data at Ultra160
speeds, allowing it to renegotiate to lower speed and bus width if
necessary. SURElink technology is the software control for the
manageability enhancements in the LSI53C1010R. Fully integrated in the
SDMS™ (Storage Device Management System) software solution,
SURElink technology provides domain validation at boot time as well as
throughout system operation. SURElink technology extends to the
Desktop Management Interface (DMI)-based System Management
components of the SDMS software solution, providing the network
administrator remote management capability.
SURElink domain validation provides three levels of integrity checking:
Basic (level1), Enhanced (level2), and Margined (level3). The basic check
consists of an inquiry command to detect gross problems. The enhanced
check sends a known data pattern using the Read and Write Buffer
commands to detect additional problems. Margined check verifies that the
physical parameters have some degree of margin. By varying L VD drive
strength and REQ/ACK timing characteristics, level 3 verifies that no errors
occur on the transfers. These altered signals are only used during the
diagnostic check and not during normal system operation. If errors occur
with any of these checks, the system can drop back to a lower transmission
speed, on a per-target basis, to ensure robust system operation.
1.4Benefits of LVDlink Technology
The LSI53C1010R supports LVD through LVDlink technology. This
signaling technology increases the reliability of SCSI data transfers over
longer distances than are supported by SE SCSI. The low current output
of LVD allows the I/O transceivers to be integrated directly onto the chip.
LVD provides the reliability of High Voltage Differential (HVD) SCSI without
the added cost of external differential transceivers. Ultra160 SCSI with LVD
Benefits of SURElink (Ultra160 SCSI Domain Validation) Technology1-5
allows a longer SCSI cable and more devices on the bus, with the same
cables defined in the SCSI-3 Parallel Interface standard for Ultra SCSI.
LVD provides a long-term migration path to even faster SCSI transfer rates
without compromising signal integrity, cable length, or connectivity.
For backward compatibility to existing SE devices, the LSI53C1010R
features universal LVDlink transceivers that support LVD SCSI and SE
SCSI. This allows use of the LSI53C1010R in both legacy and Ultra160
SCSI applications.
1.5Benefits of TolerANT®Technology
The LSI53C1010R features TolerANT technology, which includes active
negation on the SCSI drivers and input signal filtering on the SCSI
receivers. Active negation causes the SCSI Request, Acknowledge,
Data, and Parity signals to be actively driven HIGH rather than passively
pulled up by terminators.
TolerANT receiver technology improves data integrity in unreliable
cabling environments where other devices would be subject to data
corruption. TolerANT receivers filter the SCSI bus signals to eliminate
unwanted transitions, without the long signal delay associated with
RC-type input filters. This improved driver and receiver technology helps
eliminate double clocking of data, which is the single biggest reliability
issue with SCSI operations. TolerANT input signal filtering is a built-in
feature of the LSI53C1010R and all LSI Logic Fast, Ultra, Ultra2, and
Ultra160 SCSI devices.
The benefits of TolerANT technology include increased noise immunity
when the signal transitions to HIGH, better performance due to balanced
duty cycles, and improved fast SCSI transfer rates. In addition, TolerANT
SCSI devices do not cause glitches on the SCSI bus at power-up or
power-down. This protects other devices on the bus from data corruption.
When used with the LVDlink transceivers, TolerANT technology provides
excellent signal quality and data reliability in real world cabling
environments. TolerANT technology is compatible with both the
Alternative One and Alternative Two termination schemes proposed by
the American National Standards Institute.
This section provides a summary of the LSI53C1010R features and
benefits. It contains information on SCSI Performance, PCI Performance,
Integration, Ease of Use, Flexibility, Reliability, and Testability.
1.6.1 SCSI Performance
The LSI53C1010R:
•Performs wide, Ultra160 SCSI synchronous data transfers as fast as
160 Mbytes/s on each SCSI channel for a total of 320 Mbytes/s using
DT clocking.
•Supports CRC checking and generation in DT phases.
–Supports SE and LVD signals.
–Allows greater device connectivity and longer cable length.
–LVDlink transceivers save the cost of external differential
–Supports a long-term performance migration path.
•Bursts of up to 512 bytes across the PCI bus with an independent
896–920 byte FIFO on each SCSI channel.
•Includes two separate SCSI channels on one chip.
•Handles phase mismatches in SCRIPTS without interrupting the
system processor.
•Includes an on-chip SCSI clock quadrupler that allows the chip to
achieve Ultra160 SCSI transfer rates with an input frequency of
40 MHz.