This document contains proprietary information of LSI Logic Corporation. The
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LSI Logic products are not intended for use in life-support appliances, devices,
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DB15-000159-01, Second Edition (October 2000)
This document describes the LSI Logic Corporation SCSI SCRIPTS
Processors and will remain the official reference source for all revisions/releases
of this product until rescinded by an update.
To receive product literature, visit us at
LSI Logic Corporation reserves the right to make changes to any products herein
at any time without notice. LSI Logic does not assume any responsibility or
liability arising out of the application or use of any product described herein,
except as expressly agreed to in writing by LSI Logic; nor does the purchase or
use of a product from LSI Logic convey a license under any patent rights,
copyrights, trademark rights, or any other of the intellectual property rights of
LSI Logic or third parties.
Fast-20 SCSI, as documented in the SCSI-3 Fast-20 Parallel Interface standard,
Ultra2 SCSI is the term used by the SCSI Trade Association (STA) to describe
Fast-40 SCSI, as documented in the SCSI Parallel Interface-2 standard, (SPI-2)
The LSI Logic logo design, NASM, SCRIPTS, LVD Link, and TolerANT are
trademarks or registered trademarks of LSI Logic Corporation. All other brand
and product names may be trademarks of their respective companies.
This book is the primary reference and programming guide for the
LSI Logic PCI to SCSI I/O Processors. It contains a complete functional
description for the LSI Logic PCI to SCSI I/O Processors and includes
complete physical and electrical specifications for the LSI Logic PCI to
SCSI I/O Processors.
This manual is written for users who are familiar with the SCSI and PCI
specifications, and have a working knowledge of computer architectures
and programming. It is specifically designed for use with programming
the LSI Logic SCSI SCRIPTS™ processor in the following chip families:
•LSI53C10XX (up to the LSI53C1010 and LSI53C1010R)
This document has the following chapters and appendixes:
•Chapter 1, Using the Programming Guide, introduces the
SCRIPTS processor features and functions, and the parts of the PCI
to SCSI system that are involved in operating the chip.
•Chapter 2, Programming with SCRIPTS, describes the SCRIPTS
processor and programming language in depth, including how
SCRIPTS programs are integrated with “C” code to execute SCSI
•Chapter 3, The SCSI SCRIPTS Processor Instruction Set,
describes the SCRIPTS processor instruction set, along with detailed
functional descriptions and usage guidelines for all of the instructions
•Chapter 4, Using the LSI Logic Assembler NASM™, describes
use and operation of the LSI Logic Assembler (NASM).
•Chapter 5, The NASM Output File, describes the LSI Logic
Assembler (NASM) output file.
•Chapter 6, Using the Registers to Control Chip Operations,
contains functional and address information on the
LSI53C7XX/8XX/10XX family chips register set.
•Chapter 7, Integrating SCRIPTS Programs into “C” Language
Drivers, illustrates the relationship between the SCRIPTS program
and the “C” language device driver.
•Chapter 8, Writing Device Drivers with SCRIPTS, addresses
specific kinds of driver applications, with code samples for all
applications discussed.
•Chapter 9, SCRIPTS Programming Topics, addresses specific
kinds of driver applications, with code samples for all applications
•Chapter 10, Multithreaded I/O, contains guidelines for writing
SCRIPTS for multithreaded applications.
•Chapter 11, Using the SCRIPTS Processor in Target
Applications, provides guidelines that are specific to using the
SCRIPTS processor in a target device.
•Chapter 12, Debugging the SCRIPTS Processor, provides
information on debugging SCRIPTS programs.
•Chapter 13, New SCRIPTS Processor Features,provides
information on the new 64-bit features of the latest version of this
chip family.
•Appendix A, NASM Error Messages,providesalistofNASMerror
This chapter provides an overview of the LSI Logic SCSI SCRIPTS
processor. It also provides brief descriptions for some of the chips
containing the processor and their features. The chapter contains the
following sections:
•Section 1.1, “Product Overview”, page 1-1
•Section 1.2, “Benefits of Ultra, Ultra2, and Ultra3 SCSI”, page 1-7
•Section 1.3, “System Overview”, page 1-8
1.1 Product Overview
The LSI Logic SCSI SCRIPTS processor is based on the LSI53C7XX
SCSI I/O Processor family architecture, with a host interface to the
Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) bus. The SCRIPTS processor
connects to the PCI bus without glue logic.
Several LSI Logic product families contain the SCRIPTS processor.
•LSI53C10XX (up to the LSI53C1010 and LSI53C1010R)
Tables 1.1 and 1.2 list currently available chips using the SCRIPTS
processor and their basic specifications. More detailed information is
available in the respective chip technical manuals, listed in Related
Publications on page v.
SCSI SCRIPTS Processors1-1
Table 1.1Features and Functions of LSI53C7XX/8XX/10XX Family Chips (part 1)
Big or Little
Endian (except
LSI53C895 Big
or Little Endian
Little Endian
Little EndianLittle EndianLittle Endian
PCI Addressing 32-Bit32-Bit
Package160 PQFP,
169 BGA,
208 PQFP
208 PQFP329 BGA329 BGA329 BGA
The LSI Logic SCSI SCRIPTS processors are the first products to
concentrate the functions of an intelligent SCSI adapter board onto a
single chip. These products integrate a high-performance SCSI core, a
PCI bus master DMA core, and the SCSI SCRIPTS processor to meet
1-4Using the Programming Guide
the flexibility requirements of SCSI-3 and future SCSI standards. It
executes multithreaded I/O algorithms with minimum host processor
intervention, reducing the protocol overhead required for SCSI operations
to as little as one interrupt per SCSI I/O. The SCRIPTS language, a high
level instruction set, provides complete programmability of I/O operations
and supports the flexibility needed for multithreaded I/O algorithms.
SCRIPTS provides:
•Phase sequencing without processor intervention
•Automatic bus arbitration
•Data or phase comparison for independent SCSI algorithm decisions
•DMA interface control
All LSI53C7XX/8XX/10XX family chips are also supported by LSI Logic
software for connecting SCSI devices. This includes BIOS support for
LSI Logic SCSI processors and drivers for most types of SCSI
peripherals under the major operating systems. These chips also feature:
•On-chip Single-Ended (SE) drivers
•Synchronous and asynchronous transfer capabilities
•LSI Logic T olerANT
driver and receiver technology
•Bus mastering
•Automatic selection/reselection time-outs
•32-bit memory addressing
•32-bit data bus
•PCI bursting
Newer chips, including the LSI53C895, LSI53C895A, LSI53C896,
LSI53C1000, LSI53C1010, LSI53C1010R, and LSI53C1000R also have
these features:
•On-chip LVD
•64-bit memory addressing
•64-bit data bus
Product Overview1-5
For specific information on the features and functions of the
various chips supporting SCRIPTS, refer to their respective
technical manuals. You must have the appropriate technical
manual in order to effectively program SCRIPTS for each
Figures 1.1 and 1.2 are block diagrams of the single and dual channel
LSI Logic chips that support SCRIPTS, with a map of SCSI data and
control paths through the chips.
Figure 1.1Single Channel Block Diagram
Channel Chip
External Memory
(When Supported)
External Oscillator
or Optimal Internal
Connection to
PCI Bus Clock
CPU baseboard
Figure 1 .2Dual Channel Block Diagram
Channel Chip
External Memory
(When Supported)
External Oscillator
or Optimal Internal
Connection to
PCI Bus Clock
CPU baseboard
SCSI Term ConnectionSCSI Connection
SCSI Term ConnectionSCSI Connection
SCSI Term ConnectionSCSI Connection
1-6Using the Programming Guide
1.2 Benefits of Ultra, Ultra2, and Ultra3 SCSI
Ultra SCSI is an extension of the SCSI-3 standard that expands the
bandwidth of the SCSI bus and allows faster synchronous SCSI transfer
rates. When enabled, Ultra SCSI performs 20 megatransfers per second,
which results in approximately doubling the synchronous transfer rates of
Fast SCSI-2. The LSI53C860 and LSI53C875 can perform 8-bit or
16-bit Ultra SCSI synchronous transfers as fast as 20 Mbytes/s or
40 Mbytes/s.
Ultra2 SCSI extends SCSI performance beyond Ultra SCSI rates, up to
40 megatransfers per second. It also defines a new physical interface,
LVD SCSI, that retains the reliability of HVD SCSI while allowing a longer
cable and more devices on the bus than Ultra SCSI. The LSI53C895 can
perform 16-bit, Ultra2 SCSI synchronous transfers as fast as
80 Mbytes/s.
Ultra3 SCSI delivers data up to two times faster than Ultra2 SCSI.
Ultra3 SCSI is an extension of the SPI-3 draft standard. When enabled,
Ultra3 SCSI performs 80 megatransfers per second. Ultra3 data transfer
speed is accomplished using Double Transition (DT) clocking. Data is
clocked on both rising and falling edges of the request and acknowledge
signals, doubling data transfer speeds without increasing the clock rate.
The advantages of Ultra/Ultra2/Ultra3 SCSI are most noticeable in
heavily loaded systems, or large block size applications such as video on
demand and image processing. Not only does it significantly improve
SCSI bandwidth, it also preserves existing hardware and software
investments. LSI Logic Ultra/Ultra2/Ultra3 SCSI chips are all compatible
with Fast SCSI software; the only changes required are to enable the
chip to negotiate for the faster synchronous transfer rates.
Some changes to existing cabling or system designs may be needed to
maintain signal integrity at Ultra SCSI synchronous transfer rates. These
design issues are discussed in the chip technical manuals.
Benefits of Ultra, Ultra2, and Ultra3 SCSI1-7
1.3 System Overview
To execute SCSI SCRIPTS programs, only a SCSI SCRIPTS starting
address is required. All subsequent instructions are fetched from external
memory or internal SCRIPTS RAM (when supported). Depending on the
chip, up to eight Dwords at a time are fetched across the DMA interface
and loaded into the internal chip registers. When the chip is operating at
its highest frequency, instruction fetching and decoding take as little as
500 ns. The chip fetches instructions until a SCRIPTS interrupt occurs or
until an external, unexpected event (such as a hardware error) causes
an interrupt. The full set of SCSI features in the instruction set allows
re-entry to the algorithm at any point. This high level interface can be
used for both normal operation and exception conditions.
A typical SCRIPTS operation is illustrated in Figure 1.3. Before SCRIPTS
operation begins, the host processor writes the Data Structure Address
register value to initialize the pointer for table indirect operations. To
begin SCRIPTS operation, the host processor writes the starting address
of the SCRIPTS instructions into the chip’s DMA SCRIPTS Pointer
Register. Once it receives this address, the chip becomes a bus master
and fetches the first SCRIPTS instruction. The chip executes all steps of
the instruction, moving through the appropriate bus phases, interrupting
only on completion of SCRIPTS operation or when service from the
external processor is required. This leaves the host processor free for
other tasks.
Software developers can create SCSI SCRIPTS source code in any text
editor. The LSI Logic Assembler, NASM, is discussed in Chapter 4,
“Using the LSI Logic Assembler NASM™.” NASM assembles SCRIPTS
code into an array of assembled SCRIPTS instructions that can be
included in the main “C” language program and linked together to create
an executable driver. When compiled, these programs control chip
1-8Using the Programming Guide
Figure 1.3Typical SCRIPTS Operation
Host System
System Memor y
Write DSP
Interrupt when done
Fetch instructions from
internal or external
System Bus
(Expanded View)
Data Structure
Message Buffer
Command Buffer
Data Buffer
Status Buffer
(when supported)
System Overview1-9
1-10Using the Programming Guide
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