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This document is the primary reference and user guide fo r th e Broa dcom Meg aRAID® SATA+SAS RAID controllers based
on the 12Gb/s SAS/SATA RAID-on-a-chip (RoC) devices. This document contains complete installation instructions and
specifications for these RAID controllers.
1.1 Overview
The 12Gb/s MegaRAID SATA+SAS RAID controllers are high-performance intelligent PCIe-to-SATA+SAS controllers with
RAID control capability . The 12Gb/s MegaRAID SAT A+SAS RAID controllers provide reliability, high-performance, and
fault-tolerant drive subsystem management. They are an ideal RAID solution for the internal storage of workgroup,
departmental, and enterprise systems. The 12Gb/s MegaRAID SATA+SAS RAID controllers offer a cost-effective way to
implement RAID in a server . In addition, most 12Gb/s MegaRAID RAID controllers support CacheV a ult™ technology , which
protects cache data if the host system loses power or a server failure occurs.
SAS technology brings a wealth of options and flexibility with the use of SAS devices and SATA devices within the same
storage infrastructure. However, SAS devices and SAT A devices bring individual characteristics that make each one a more
suitable choice depending on your storage needs. MegaRAID technology gives you the flexibility to combine these two
similar technologies on the same controller, within the same enclosure, and in the same virtual drive.
NOTE:Carefully assess any decision to mix SAS drives and SATA drives within the same virtual drive. Although you can
mix drives, the practice is strongly discouraged.
Broadcom offers a family of MegaRAID SATA+SAS RAID controllers that address the needs for both internal and external
solutions. The 12Gb/s MegaRAID SATA+SAS RAID controllers are based on the Broadcom SAS technology and proven
MegaRAID technology. As third-generation PCIe RAID controllers, these controllers address the growing demand for
increased data throughput and scalability requirements across midrange and enterprise-class server platforms. The
controllers provide the following features:
12Gb/s SAS performance
6Gb/s SATA III performance
Eight-lane, 8 GT/s PCIe host interface
1.1.1 SAS/SATA Standards and Communication Protocols
MegaRAID SA T A+SAS controllers support the ANSI Serial Attached SCSI - 3 standard, version 3.0. In addition, the controller
supports the SATA III protocol defined by the Serial ATA Version 3. 0 specification. Supporting both SAS and the SATA
interface, the SAS controller is a versatile controller that provides the backbone of both server and high-end workstation
Each port on your MegaRAID SAS RAID controller supports SAS devices, SATA devices, or both, by using the
following protocols:
SAS Serial SCSI Protocol (SSP), which enables communication with other SAS devices
SATA, which enables communication with other SATA devices
Serial Management Protocol (SMP), which communicates topology management information directly with an attached
SAS expander device
Serial Tunneling Protocol (STP), which enables communication with SATA devices through an attached expander
12Gb/s MegaRAID® User Guide SAS RAID Controllers
1.1.2 Cache Backup Support Using CacheVault Flash Modules and CacheVault
Power Modules
The following 12Gb/s MegaRAID SAS RAID controllers support the CacheVault Module Kit LSICVM02, which includes a
CacheVault Flash Module (CVFM) 04 module, a CacheVault Power Module (CVPM) 02 module, a clip, and a cable:
MegaRAID SAS 9361-4i RAID controller
MegaRAID SAS 9361-8i RAID controller
MegaRAID SAS 9361-24i RAID controller
MegaRAID SAS 9362-8i RAID controller
MegaRAID SAS 9380-4i4e RAID controller
MegaRAID SAS 9380-8e RAID controller
The CVFM04 module is an Open NAND Flash Interface (ONFI) flash module that provides cache offload capability to protect
cached data in case of host power loss or server failure. The CVPM02 module is a super-capacitor pack that provides power
to back up your data in case of a host power loss or a server failure.
The CVFM04 module installs directly on the RAID connector, and connects by cable to a CVPM02 module that is attached
to a remote mount board.
The following 12Gb/s MegaRAID SAS RAID controllers support data retention by using NAND flash memory down on the
controller and power backup by a CVPM02 module on a remote moun t board. The controller connects by cable to the remo te
CVPM02 module.
MegaRAID SAS 9361-16i RAID controller
MegaRAID SAS 9380-8i8e RAID controller
The MegaRAID SAS 9365-28i RAID controllers supports data retention by using NAND flash memory down on the controller
and power backup by a CVPM05 module on a remote moun t board. The controller connects by cable to the remote CVPM05
ATTENTION: You cannot hot-plug CVPM modules. Removing or inserting a CVPM module with the server powered on
damages the board and the battery functionality. To attach or remove a CVPM module from a controller, you
must fully power down the controller before you attach the module to, or remove the module from, its mating
For more information about CVFM modules and CVPM modules, refer to the Cache Backup Products for MegaRAID SAS+SATA RAID Controllers User Guide. See Section 1.8, Te chnical Support, for the link to the Broadcom Technical
Support page for storage and board support.
1.2 General Description
The 12Gb/s MegaRAID SATA+SAS RAID controllers bring 12Gb/s Serial Attached SCSI and 6Gb/s SATA III performance
to host adapter, workstation, and server designs. The following table shows which controllers are based on which devices.
Table 1 12Gb/s MegaRAID SAS Controller and Devices
12Gb/s MegaRAID SAS ControllerDevice
MegaRAID SAS 9341-4iSAS3004 PCIe-to-SAS/SA TA
MegaRAID SAS 9341-8iSAS3008 PCIe-to-SAS/SA TA
MegaRAID SAS 9361-4iSAS3108 PCIe RoC
MegaRAID SAS 9361-8iSAS3108 PCIe RoC
MegaRAID SAS 9380-4i4eSAS3108 PCIe RoC
12Gb/s MegaRAID® User Guide SAS RAID Controllers
Table 1 12Gb/s MegaRAID SAS Controller and Devices (Continued)
12Gb/s MegaRAID SAS ControllerDevice
MegaRAID SAS 9380-8eSAS3108 PCIe RoC
MegaRAID SAS 9361-16iSAS3316 dual-core PCIe RoC
MegaRAID SAS 9380-8i8eSAS3316 dual-core PCIe RoC
MegaRAID SAS 9361-24iSAS3324 dual-core PCIe RoC
MegaRAID SAS 9365-28iSAS3508 PCIe RoC device and SAS35x36 expander
The controllers support internal storage devices, external storage devices, or both, which allow you to use a system that
supports enterprise-class SAS drives and desktop-class SATA III drives. Each 12Gb/s MegaRAID SATA+SAS RAID
controller can connect to drives and can use expanders to connect to additional dr ives. Simplifie d cabling betwee n devices
is an additional benefit.
These devices are compliant with the Fusion-MPT™ architecture and provides a PCIe x8 interface. Each port on the
MegaRAID SAS controllers supports SAS devices, SATA devices, or both, using SSP, SMP, STP, and SATA.
NOTE:All of these RAID controllers provide an x8 PCIe 3.0 interface.
1.2.1 Flash ROM and Serial EMPROM Characteristics
The 12Gb/s MegaRAID SA T A+SAS RAID controllers all support Flash ROM for boot code and firmware, and serial EEPROM
for BIOS configuration storage. Each 12Gb/s MegaRAID SATA+SAS RAID controller ensures data integrity by intelligently
validating the compatibility of the SAS domain.
The 12Gb/s MegaRAID SATA+SAS RAID controllers are described in detail in the following subsections.
1.3.1 MegaRAID SAS 9341-4i RAID Controller
The 12Gb/s MegaRAID SAS 9341-4i board is a PCIe 3.0 low-profile SAS/SA T A disk array controller . The controller supports
four internal SAS/SATA ports through one SFF-8643 mini-SAS HD-4i internal connector.
1.3.2 MegaRAID SAS 9341-8i RAID Controller
The 12Gb/s MegaRAID SAS 9341-8i board is a PCIe 3.0 low-profile SAS/SA T A disk array controller . The controller supports
eight internal SAS/SATA ports through two SFF-8643 mini-SAS HD-4i internal connectors.
1.3.3 MegaRAID SAS 9361-4i RAID Controller
The 12Gb/s MegaRAID SAS 9361-4i board is a PCIe 3.0 low-profile SAS/SA T A disk array controller . The controller supports
four internal SAS/SATA ports through one SFF-8643 mini-SAS HD-4i internal connector.
1.3.4 MegaRAID SAS 9361-8i RAID Controller
The 12Gb/s MegaRAID SAS 9361-8i board is a PCIe 3.0 low-profile SAS/SA T A disk array controller . The controller supports
eight internal SAS/SATA ports through two SFF-8643 mini-SAS HD-4i internal connectors.
12Gb/s MegaRAID® User Guide SAS RAID Controllers
1.3.5 MegaRAID SAS 9361-16i RAID Controller
The 12Gb/s MegaRAID SAS 9361-16i board is a PCIe 3.0 low-profile SAS/SATA disk array controller. The controller
supports 16 internal SAS/SATA ports through four SFF-8643 mini-SAS HD-4i internal connectors.
1.3.6 MegaRAID SAS 9361-24i RAID Controller
The 12Gb/s MegaRAID SAS 9361-24i board is a PCIe 3.0 low-profile SAS/SATA disk array controller. The controller
supports 24 internal SAS/SATA ports through six SFF-8643 mini-SAS HD-4i internal connectors.
1.3.7 MegaRAID SAS 9380-4i4e RAID Controller
The 12Gb/s MegaRAID SAS 9380-4i4e board is a PCIe 3.0 low-profile SAS/SATA disk array controller . The controller
supports four internal SAS/SATA ports through one SFF-8643 mini-SAS HD-4i internal connector and four external
SAS/SATA ports through one SFF-8644 mini-SAS HD-4e external connector.
1.3.8 MegaRAID SAS 9380-8e RAID Controller
The 12Gb/s MegaRAID SAS 9380-8e board is a PCIe 3.0 low-profile SAS/SA T A disk array controller . The controller supports
eight external SAS/SATA ports through two SFF-8644 mini-SAS HD-4e external connectors.
1.3.9 MegaRAID SAS 9380-8i8e RAID Controller
The 12Gb/s MegaRAID SAS 9380-8i8e board is a PCIe 3.0 low-profile SAS/SATA disk array controller . The controller
supports eight internal SAS/SATA ports through two SFF-8643 mini-SAS HD-4i internal connectors and eight external
SAS/SATA ports through two SFF-8644 mini-SAS HD-4e external connectors.
1.3.10 MegaRAID SAS 9365-28i RAID Controller
The 12Gb/s MegaRAID SAS 9365-28i board is a PCIe 3.0 full-profile SAS/SA T A disk array controller . The controller supports
28 internal SAS/SATA ports through six SFF-8643 mini-SAS HD-4i internal connectors and one four-port SFF-8654
1.4 Configuration Scenarios
You can use the MegaRAID SAS RAID controllers in three main scenarios:
Low-end, internal SA TA configuration: In th is configuration, use the RAID controller as a high-end SATA II or SATA III
compatible controller that connects up to eight drives directly or through a po rt expand er. This configuration is primarily
for low-end or entry servers. An out-of-band I
internal SAS connectors support the SFF-8485 (SGPIO) interface.
Midrange internal SAS configuration: This configuration is similar to an internal SATA configuration, but with high-end
SAS drives. This configuration is suitable for low-range to midrange servers.
High-end external SAS/SATA configuration: This configuration is for external connectivity using SATA II drives,
SATA III drives, SAS drives, or SATA and SAS drive combinations. External enclosure management is supported
through inband, SCSI-enclosed storage. The configuration must support STP and SMP.
The following figure shows a direct-connect configuration. The Inter-IC (I
external memory bus provides an 8-bit/16-bit interface to connect peripheral devices, such as nonvolatile static random
access memory (NVSRAM) and Flash ROM.
C bus provides enclosure management. Side bands of both types of
C) interface communicates with peripherals. The
12Gb/s MegaRAID® User Guide SAS RAID Controllers
Figure 1 SAS Direct-Connect Application Example
The following figure shows an example of a SAS RAID controller configured with a SASx12 expander that connects to SAS
drives, SATA III drives, or both.
Figure 2 SAS RAID Controller Configured with a SASx12 Expander Example
1.5 SAS Benefits
SAS is a serial, point-to-point, enterprise-level device interface that leverages the proven SCSI protocol set. SAS is a
convergence of the advantages of SATA, SCSI, and Fibre Channel, and it is the mainstay of the enterprise and high-end
workstation storage markets. SAS offers a higher bandwidth per pin than parallel SCSI, and it improves signal and data
SAS uses the proven SCSI command set to ensure reliable data transfers, while providing the connectivity and flexibility of
point-to-point serial data transfers. The serial transmission of SCSI commands eliminates clock-skew challenges. SAS
provides improved performance, simplified cabling, smaller connectors, lower pin count, and lower power requirements
when compared to parallel SCSI.
SAS controllers leverage a common electrical and physical connection interface compatible with Serial ATA technology. The
SAS protocols and the SATA III protocols use a thin, 7-wire connector instead of the 68-wire SCSI cable or 26-wire ATA
cable. The SAS/SATA III connector and cable are easier to manipulate, allow connections to smaller devices, and do not
inhibit airflow. The point-to-point SA TA III architecture eliminates inherent di fficulties created by the legacy ATA master-slave
architecture, while maintaining compatibility with existing ATA firmware.
12Gb/s MegaRAID® User Guide SAS RAID Controllers
1.5.1 PCI Express Architecture
PCIe is a local bus system designed to increase data transfers without slowing down the CPU. You can install MegaRAID
PCIe RAID controllers in PCIe computer systems with a standard bracket type. With these controllers in your system, you
can connect SAS devices and SATA devices over the PCIe bus.
NOTE:Some PCIe slots support only PCIe graphics cards. RAID controllers installed in these PCIe slots do not function.
PCIe goes beyond the PCI specification in that it is intended as a unifying I/O architecture for various systems: desktops,
workstations, mobile devices, servers, communications, and embedded devices.
1.5.2 Operating System Support
The 12Gb/s MegaRAID SATA+SAS RAID controllers support the following operating systems:
Microsoft Windows Server 2016
Microsoft Windows Server 2012
Microsoft Windows 10
VMware ESXi
Red Hat Linux
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server
Oracle Enterprise Linux (OEL)
Ubuntu Linux
Debian Linux
Fedora Linux
Refer to the MegaRAID SAS Device Driver Installation User Guide for driver information. To download the latest operating
system drivers, go to
The 12Gb/s MegaRAID SATA+SAS RAID controllers use Fusion-MPT architecture for all major operating systems, which
results in thinner drivers and better performance.
1.6 Summary of 12Gb/s MegaRAID SATA+SAS RAID Controller
This section summarizes the features and benefits offered by the 12Gb/s MegaRAID SA TA+SAS RAID controllers, such as
SAS features, SATA features, PCIe performance, integration, usability, and flexibility.
The 12Gb/s MegaRAID SATA+SAS RAID controllers have the following features:
PCIe x8 lane width (with support for x16 connections)
PCIe performance up to 8Gb/s per lane
Support for 1-GB and 2-GB DDR3 at 1866 MHz with ONFI cache offload support
– The MegaRAID SAS 9365-28i RAID controller supports 4-GB DDR4 at 2133 MHz
One internal connector for the MegaRAID SAS 9341-4i RAID controller, the MegaRAID SAS 9361-4i RAID controller,
and MegaRAID SAS 9380-4i4e RAID controller
Two internal connectors for the MegaRAID SAS 9341-8i RAID controller, the MegaRAID SAS 9361-8i RAID controller,
and the MegaRAID SAS 9380-8i8e RAID controller
Four internal connectors for the MegaRAID SAS 9361-16i RAID controller
12Gb/s MegaRAID® User Guide SAS RAID Controllers
Six internal connectors for the MegaRAID SAS 9361-24i RAID controller
One external connector for the MegaRAID SAS 9380-4i4e RAID controller
Two external connectors for the MegaRAID SAS 9380-8e RAID controller and the MegaRAID SAS 9380-8i8e RAID
Seven internal connectors for the MegaRAID SAS 9365-28i RAID controller
Support for RAID levels 0, 1, 5, 6, 10, 50, and 60
Advanced array configuration and management utilities
Support for global hot spares and dedicated hot spares
Support for user-defined strip sizes: 64 KB, 128 KB, 256 KB, 512 KB, or 1024 KB
NOTE:MegaRAID does not support strip sizes smaller than 64 KB. However, you can import virtual drives from legacy
MegaRAID generations that use strip sizes smaller than 64 KB.
NOTE:The MegaRAID SAS 9341-4i RAID controller and the MegaRAID SAS 9341-8i RAID controller support a stripe size
of 64 KB only. The stripe size for these two controllers cannot be changed.
Advanced array configuration and management utilities offer the following capabilities:
– Online capacity expansion to add space to an existing drive or a new drive
– Online RAID level migration
– Drive migration
– Drive roaming
– No reboot necessary after expansion
– Load balancing
– Media scan
User-specified rebuild rate (specify the percentage of system resources to use from 0 percent to 100 percent)
NVSRAM of 32 KB to store RAID system configuration information; the MegaRAID SAS firmware is stored in flash ROM
for easy upgrade.
1.6.1 SAS Features
The 12Gb/s MegaRAID SATA+SAS RAID controllers support the following SAS features:
Four or eight fully independent phys, depending on the controller.
12Gb/s, 6Gb/s, and 3Gb/s SAS data transfers per phy.
SMP to communicate topology-management information.
SSP to enable communication with other SAS devices.
STP to enable communication with SATA devices through an attached expander.
Serial, point-to-point, enterprise-level storage interface.
Simplified cabling between devices.
They provide a scalable interface that supports up to 255 devices through the use of expanders.
NOTE:The number of devices varies depending on the MegaRAID product. Check the Broadcom website,, for specific details about your product.
Wide ports that consist of two, three, or four phys within a single quad port.
Narrow ports consisting of a single phy.
Data transfer by using SCSI information units.
12Gb/s MegaRAID® User Guide SAS RAID Controllers
1.6.2 SAS Array Limitations
This section describes the array limitations of the 12Gb/s MegaRAID SA T A+SAS RAID contro llers. These limitations include
the number of drives supported per controller, the maximum number of drives per controller, and the maximum number of
virtual drives allowed per controller.
The following table lists the array limitations for the 12Gb/s MegaRAID SATA+SAS RAID controllers.
T able 2 12Gb/s MegaRAID SATA+SAS RAID Controllers Array Limitations
SAS 9361-4i
Maximum virtual drives per controller326464
Maximum drive groups per controller32128128
Maximum virtual drives per drive group161616
Maximum drives per drive group323232
Maximum drives per controller64 (32 configurable drives)128240
Maximum hot spares per controller32128240
Maximum spans per virtual drive888
Maximum enclosures per port21616
Maximum enclosures per controller23232
Maximum drives supported per enclosure 646464
SAS 9341-4i
SAS 9341-8i
SAS 9361-8i
SAS 9361-16i
SAS 9361-24i
SAS 9365-28i
SAS 9380-4i4e
SAS 9380-8e
SAS 9380-8i8e
These RAID controllers support 64-bit logical block addressing (LBA), which makes it possible to connect a larg e number of
drives to the RAID controller, directly and through expanders. However, the actual number of drives that you can attach
depends on the limits listed in the previous table rather than by actual RAID volume capacity.
1.6.3 SATA III Features
The following list describes the SATA III features of the RAID controllers:
Supports SATA III data transfers of 6Gb/s.
Supports STP data transfers of 6Gb/s and 3Gb/s.
Provide a serial, point-to-point storage interface.
Simplify cabling between devices.
Eliminate the master-slave construction used in parallel ATA.
Permit addressing of multiple SATA targets through an expander.
Permit multiple initiators to address a single target (in a fail-over configuration) through an expander.
Comply with the Serial ATA Version 3.0 specification.
1.6.4 PCIe Performance
The following list describes the PCIe performance features of the RAID controllers:
PCIe interface that does the following:
– Supports a dedicated PCIe bus.
– Supports x8 lane configuration.
12Gb/s MegaRAID® User Guide SAS RAID Controllers
– Supports transfer rates of up to 8Gb/s per lane.
– Complies with the PCI Express Specification, Revision 3.0.
Unequaled performance through the Fusion-MPT architectur e.
High throughput and low CPU use to offload the host processor.
1.6.5 Usability Features
The following list describes the usability features of the RAID controllers:
Simplified cabling with point-to-point, serial architecture.
Smaller, thinner cables that do not restrict airflow.
Drive spin-up sequencing control.
One LED signal for each phy to indicate link activity (this LED is a fault LED only for controllers with internal port
C interface for enclosure management.
Support for the internal SAS Sideband signal SFF-8485 (SGPIO) interface.
NOTE:LED signals indicate an error condition or drive activity. MegaRAID controllers support different blink patterns for
these LEDs, depending on the user configuration and storage enclosure. For information about the LED blink
patterns, contact your storage enclosure manufacturer.
1.6.6 Flexibility Features
These features increase the flexibility of the RAID controllers:
Flash ROM interface and an NVSRAM interface.
Flexible programming interface to tune I/O performance.
Option to mix connections to SAS targets or SATA III targets.
Leverage compatible connectors for SAS connections and SATA III connections.
Group up to four phys in a single quad port to form a wide port.
Program the World Wide Name.
1.6.7 Drive Roaming
Drive roaming occurs when the drives are changed to differ ent ports on the sa me controller. When the drives are placed on
different channels, the controller detects the RAID configuration from the configuration data on the drives.
Configuration data is saved in the NVSRAM on the RAID contr oller and on the drives attached to the controller. This action
maintains the integrity of the data on each drive, even if the drives change their physical device ID.
NOTE:If you move a drive that is being rebuilt, the rebuild operation resta rts; it does not resume from the stopping point.
Follow these steps to use the drive roaming feat ur e:
1. Turn off the power to the server and all drives, enclosures, and system components. Disconnect the power cords from
the system.
2. Open the host system by following the instructions in the host system technical documentation.
3. Move the drives to different positions on the backplane to change the targets.
4. Determine the SAS target requirements.
12Gb/s MegaRAID® User Guide SAS RAID Controllers
5. Perform a safety check.
a. Make sure that the drives are inserted correctly.
b. Close the cabinet of the host system.
6. Reconnect the power cords to the system.
7. Turn on the power to the system.
The controller detects the RAID configuration from the configuration data on the drives.
1.6.8 Drive Migration
Drive migration is the transfer of a set of drives in an existing configuration from one controller to another. The drives must
remain on the same channel and must be reinstalled in the same order as in the original configuration. Partial configurations,
which include individual virtual drives, can be migrated. The controller to which you migrate the drives cannot have an
existing configuration.
NOTE:Drive roaming and drive migration cannot be supported at the same time.
Follow these steps to migrate drives:
1. Make sure that you clear the configuration on the system to which you migrate the dr ives to prevent a co nfiguration data
mismatch between the drives and the NVSRAM.
NOTE:When you migrate drives, move only the drives that make up the virtual drive (not all of the drives in a drive group),
so that you do not see an NVSRAM mismatch error (providing a configuration is on the destination controller). The
NVSRAM mismatch error appears only if you move all of the drives to the other controller.
2. Turn off power to the server and all drives, enclosures, and system components. Disconnect the power cords from
the systems.
3. Open the host system by following the instructions in the host system technical documentation.
4. Either remove the SAS cable connectors from the internal drives, or remove the shielded cables from the external drives
that you want to migrate.
a. Make sure that pin 1 on the cable matches pin 1 on the connector.
b. Make sure that the SAS cables conform to all SAS specifications.
5. Remove the drives from the first system, and insert them into the drive bays on the second system.
6. Connect the SAS cables to the drives in the second system.
7. Determine the SAS target requirements.
8. Perform a safety check.
a. Make sure that all of the cables are attached correctly .
b. Make sure that the RAID controller is installed correctly.
c. Close the cabinet of the host system.
9. Reconnect the power cords to the system.
10.Turn on the power to the system.
The controller detects the RAID configuration from the configuration data on the drives.
12Gb/s MegaRAID® User Guide SAS RAID Controllers
1.7 Hardware Specifications
You can install the 12Gb/s MegaRAID SATA+SAS RAID controllers in a computer with a motherboard that has a PCIe slot.
The following table describes the hardware configuration features for the 12Gb/s MegaRAID SATA+SAS RAID controllers.
Table 3 12Gb/s MegaRAID SATA+SAS RAID Controller Features
SpecificationMegaRAID RAID ControllersSupported Features
RAID levelsSAS 93410, 1, 5, 10, 50
SAS 9361, SAS 9380, SAS 93650, 1, 5, 6, 10, 50, 60
Devices supported per portSAS 9341Up to 64 SAS devices or SATA III devices (such as drives
and expanders)
SAS 9361, SAS 9380, SAS 9365Up to 255 SAS devices or SATA III devices (such as drives
and expanders)
Number of portsSAS 9341-4i and SAS 9361-4iFour ports through one SFF-8643 mini-SAS HD-4i connector
SAS 9341-8i and SAS 9361-8iEight ports through two SFF-8643 mini-SAS HD-4i connectors
SAS 9361-16i16 ports through four SFF-8643 mini-SAS HD-4i connectors
SAS 9361-24i24 ports through six SFF-8643 mini-SAS HD-4i connectors
SAS 9380-4i4eFour ports through one SFF-8643 mini-SAS HD-4i connector and
four ports through one SFF-8644 mini-SAS HD-4e connector
SAS 9380-8eEight ports through two SFF-8644 mini-SAS HD-4e connectors
SAS 9380-8i8eEight ports through two SFF-8643 mini-SAS HD-4i connectors and
eight ports through two SFF-8644 mini-SAS HD-4e connector
SAS9365-28i28 ports through seven SFF-8643 mini-SAS HD-4i connectors
Data transfer rateAllUp to 12Gb/s per phy
Host interface busAllx8 PCIe 3.0
Cache functionAllWrite-back, write-through, non-read-ahead, read-ahead, cache I/O,
direct I/O
Multiple virtual drives per
Online capacity expansionAllYes
Dedicated and global hot
Hot-swap devicesAllSupported
Non-drive devicesAllSupported
Mixed-capacity drivesAllSupported
Number of internal
Number of external
Hardware exclusive OR
(XOR) assistance
SAS 9341Up to 32
SAS 9361, SAS 9380, SAS 9365Up to 64
SAS 9361-16iFour SFF-8643 mini-SAS HD-4i connectors
SAS 9361-24iSix SFF-8643 mini-SAS HD-4i connectors
SAS 9341-4i, SAS 9361-4i,
SAS 9380-4i4e
SAS 9341-8i, SSA 9361-8i,
SAS 9380-8i8e
SAS9365-28iSix SFF-8643 mini-SAS HD-4i inte rnal connectors, one four-port
SAS 9380-4i4eOne SFF-8644 mini-SAS HD-4e connector
SAS 9380-8e, SAS 9380-8i8eTwo SFF-8644 mini-SAS HD-4e connectors
One SFF-8643 mini-SAS HD-4i connector
Two SFF-8643 mini-SAS HD-4i connectors
SFF-8654 connector
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