Auto-Zone Control Systems ZoneView Plus User Manual

ZoneView Plus
Computer Front End
Operations Manual
ZoneView Plus
Computer Front End Operations Manual
WattMaster Controls, Inc. does not assume responsibility
for errors, or omissions herein.
ZoneView Plus Computer Front End Operations Manual - Form WM-ZVP-CFE-01C
Copyright 2000 WattMaster Controls, Inc.
All rights reserved.
ZoneView Plus
Table of Contents
System Requirements ....................................................................................1
Feature Summary ..........................................................................................2
Software Installation .....................................................................................3
ZoneView Plus Setup.....................................................................................5
Setup Serial Port ..............................................................................................................6
Alarm Polling Enabled.....................................................................................................7
AutoLog Interval..............................................................................................................7
Standard CommLink........................................................................................................8
Search For Units ............................................................................................9
Manually Adding Units..................................................................................................11
Print Unit Descriptions ..................................................................................................13
Exporting / Importing Unit Configurations .............................................14
Copy Phone List.............................................................................................................15
System User Setup .......................................................................................16
Description Programming ..........................................................................18
Comm Link II Setup....................................................................................19
Telephone Setup ...................................................................................22
Dialing Remote Job-Sites............................................................................24
Accessing Units ............................................................................................25
Sample Screens ............................................................................................27
Zone System Status Screen............................................................................................27
Toolbar Button Descriptions..........................................................................................28
Force Immediate Upload...........................................................................................29
Custom Screens.........................................................................................................29
Broadcast Time .........................................................................................................29
Week Schedules ........................................................................................................30
Holidays ....................................................................................................................32
View/Change Setpoints.............................................................................................33
Configuration Screen.................................................................................................36
Diagnostics Screen....................................................................................................37
Load Trend Log from Unit.............................................................................................38
Alarm Enable/Disable...............................................................................................40
Alarm Polling........................................................................................41
Terminal Mode ............................................................................................43
Load Tenant Logs........................................................................................44
Computer Front End
ZoneView Plus
Start AutoLog.............................................................................................. 44
Download Code ........................................................................................... 45
About Window ............................................................................................ 45
Custom Screen Creation ............................................................................ 46
Select Unit......................................................................................................................49
Select Data .....................................................................................................................50
Select Font Color & Size ...............................................................................................51
Accessing a Custom Screen ...........................................................................................51
Accessing Status Screens from Custom Screens ...........................................................52
Compatible Controllers .............................................................................. 53
Computer Front End
ZoneView Plus
ZoneView Plus provides the customer a complete Graphical Interface intended to ease the user interaction with their building HVAC system. It provides a standard, easy to understand Status Screen for each type of equipment installed. All controlling setpoints, trend logs and alarm conditions are accessed in the ZoneView Plus environment. ZoneView Plus can be configured for a direct On-Site installation or for a Remote Modem connection to several installations.
NOTE: This manual assumes the user has a working knowledge of Windows 95/98
operation and does not describe, in detail, the process of copying files or other windows related functions. Learning the operation of Windows is the responsibility of the operator using this equipment.
System Requirements
System Requirements
System RequirementsSystem Requirements
To use ZoneView Plus you or your end user must have a computer that meets or exceeds the following items:
IBM™ compatible computer
Pentium 200 MHz or Faster Microprocessor
64 Meg RAM
Windows 95 / 98
Super VGA Monitor w/ 1024 x 768 Resolution Minimum
Available Serial Port for On-Site Installations or Modem for Remote Sites
Microsoft Office 97 EXCEL™ to utilize Trend Log functions
Computer Front End 1
Feature Summary
Feature Summary
Feature SummaryFeature Summary
ZoneView Plus provides a broad set of features:
Ease of use
Trend logs are created using EXCEL™ Spreadsheets
Automatic installation
Alarm Logs maintained on disk
On-Site or Remote Modem installations
User programmable descriptions for every piece of equipment
User definable passcode levels for most setpoints
Current status printouts
User defined Custom Screens for floor plans, etc.
Tenant Log retrieval of the Tenant Override Billing found VAV Box
Automatic retrieval of temperature trend logs, if configured properly
ZoneView Plus
2 Computer Front End
ZoneView Plus
Software Installation
Software Installation
Software InstallationSoftware Installation
You must be running Windows with no other applications active. If other applications are still running, you should terminate them before attempting to install ZoneView Plus. You can check for applications running in the background by pressing the Ctrl-Alt-Del keys all at the same time. If you see any virus protection programs or any other programs that might interfere with the installation, you can terminate them using the End Task button.
NOTE: If you are concerned about terminating a virus protection program, you can
scan the installation disk for viruses prior to actually installing the program. Once the program is installed and the computer is rebooted, your virus program will automatically restart if it was originally installed to run whenever the computer is started.
In some cases the installation will determine that some existing files on your hard disk need to be updated before the ZoneView Plus installation can continue. This is your decision to make. In some cases you may lose operational capabilities with pre-existing programs if you decide to update the requested files. York International assumes no responsibility for any other program installed on your computer and cannot aid in restoring operation to any affected programs. In most cases, but not all, the updating of
DLL files won’t cause harmful effects, but you have been forewarned!
If the ZoneView Plus installation does update a file with your permission, the computer will need to be restarted and the Setup program run again to complete the installation process. This does not occur automatically.
Installing from CD ROM
Select Run from the Start button menu. Enter the drive letter than contains the ZoneView Plus cd rom disk followed by “setup” ( e.g. type “d:\setup” ), then press <Enter> or select <OK> to begin the installation. The setup program will copy all files from all the installations disks completely before the actual graphical installation screen appears.
Computer Front End 3
ZoneView Plus
Installation Continued…
The installation program asks you to provide a drive letter and a directory name on your hard disk, to which the ZoneView Plus files will be copied. It will want to install the program under the Program Files folder. This is not recommended as Windows 95/98 has problems with spaces contained in folder names and will not be able to perform certain tasks requested by the ZoneView Plus program. You should install ZoneView Plus in its own folder on the C:\ drive for best results. For example: C:\ZoneViewPlus
After all the files have been copied and uncompressed, the setup program will attempt to “register” the copied library files with the Windows registry program. This may take a few moments to complete.
If the installation is successful, a new program group with the ZoneView Plus ICON will be created and the ZoneView Plus folder will be installed on the Programs Menu under the Start button.
NOTE: This program was written for installation on a stand-alone computer. Network
installations or Windows NT installations have not been tested or certified. You may attempt to install ZoneView Plus on either of these two setups, but operation is not guaranteed and York International cannot aid in either of these installation attempts.
4 Computer Front End
ZoneView Plus
ZoneView Plus Setup
ZoneView Plus Setup
ZoneView Plus SetupZoneView Plus Setup
Before you can begin normal operations, a few things need to be configured to match your particular installation. You will need to enter the default System Manager Level passcode before proceeding. Select the Passcode Button (see below) and enter the default passcode of “sm” to gain access to all configuration menus. The passcode is case sensitive, so be sure to enter lower case text for this default value.
Select the Passcode ICON from the lower toolbar to access the User Passcode screen.
The passcode entry screen is shown above in the center of the ZoneView Plus main screen. As you can see, you can secure the system by selecting the Log Off button, or you can type in the passcode and press <Enter> to gain access to the system.
Use the Cancel key if you accessed this screen by mistake and don’t wish to change the current access level. More detailed information on Passcode operation will be discussed later in this manual.
Computer Front End 5
ZoneView Plus
Setup Serial Port
If ZoneView Plus displays “System Manager Logged On” on the lower Status Bar as the current passcode level, you can now select the Configure Serial Port option from the Setup menu.
The following window will appear onscreen. You need to make sure that you select the port number that you have connected the CommLink II Interface into for direct onsite installations. If you are using this as a remote access computer, then this port number should match the location of your Internal or External Modem connection. We recommend using Port #2 if at all possible to avoid IRQ conflicts and mouse conflicts.
Other than the Port selection shown on the sample screen, all other fields cannot be changed. They are displayed to show what the exact configuration is. If you attempt to alter any of the other fields, they will return to their default settings as soon as you exist this screen. This prevents the user from accidentally creating a configuration that will not operate correctly.
Your Port should show a list of all installed serial ports except the mouse port. As mentioned above, select the port you will be using to communicate either directly or through a modem. If you are using a modem and Windows 95/98 doesn’t recognize it, then neither will ZoneView Plus!
6 Computer Front End
ZoneView Plus
Alarm Polling Enabled
As you can see under the Setup menu, there is a menu item labeled Alarm Polling Enabled. If this computer is being installed onsite, it can be configured to poll
automatically for alarm conditions on all units connected to the system. This requires that the computer remains on continuous or the correct date and time of an alarm occurrence will not be logged. The computers’ time and date are used to generate the time and date of the alarms as they are detected.
If the menu displays the message Alarm Polling Disabled, simply click on this menu item. A checkmark will appear and the text will change to Alarm Polling Enabled. This feature should be disabled on remote setup computers until the job site is actually called and connection made. At this point you can temporarily enable the alarm polling to gather alarm information at the remote site. It is best not to leave this feature enabled all the time when the computer is used for remote communications.
AutoLog Interval
If the ZoneView Plus program is left running continuously at the job-site, it can automatically poll each installed unit for its’ internal trend log data at a predefined interval. This allows you to save important trend log data to disk for later review and prevents loss of trend log data in case you neglect to manually retrieve the data yourself.
Enter a ZERO if you don’t require automatic retrieval. Otherwise, enter a value between 1 and 120 hours.
If you want to load the logs from all attached units on a one time basis without manually going to each units’ Status Screen and selecting that option, then select the Start Auto Log button to initiate the process.
Trendlogs are described in more detail later in this manual.
Computer Front End 7
ZoneView Plus
Standard CommLink
Normally, there will only be one CommLink II interface installed at the job-site. This enables one computer, located in a central location, to access the entire building or buildings. One additional computer can be added, if required, by installing an Auxiliary CommLink device. This Aux CommLink does not support the alarm functions as the main CommLink does but it allows complete Status and Setpoint access to the entire installation from a second computer.
If you have installed the Aux CommLink and you are setting up the computer attached to this device, select the menu item Type of CommLink and the sub-menu item Auxiliary CommLink. A checkmark will appear next to the currently selected type of CommLink connection you have just made. If you are using the standard CommLink device, make sure the Standard CommLink sub-menu has the checkmark beside it.
8 Computer Front End
ZoneView Plus
Search For Units
Other ZoneView Plus operations are greatly simplified if the program knows what type of unit to expect at each address location on the RS-485 communications loop. Before the user can search for these units the controller installations must be complete and all units communicating. To access this screen you must have entered your passcode and then selected the Go OnLine selection located under the Communications menu. The search screen is shown below.
Selecting the Search For Units menu assumes that all previous steps have been completed and you are ready to begin communications with the controllers. This unit search should be performed the first time you run the program and anytime you add a new controller or remove a controller from the communications loop. Once this search has been performed, the identified units will be stored on disk and you won’t need to repeat this function. Select the Start button to initiate a search.
If you are using this computer to access remote job-sites, then this search should be performed the first time you call a job-site. These identified units are saved to a file that is based on the selected phone list number.
Computer Front End 9
ZoneView Plus
NOTE: If you are experiencing communications problems, this screen is not the cause
for failure to locate controllers. Lack of communications is almost always a result of wiring errors or equipment failure, not this Search Screen! Performing a new search whenever you lose communications with a unit will cause that unit to be removed from the identified list! That means you won’t be able to select it from the Unit Selection window. Don’t perform this search without proper cause!
As you can see on the Search Screen, only one communications loop is searched at a time. If you have more than one loop of controllers, separated by a MiniLink Interface, then you will need to select each loop, one at a time, using the Slide Bar. Once the new loop is selected, start another search by selecting the Start button.
Once a search is started, the Start button will change text and display a Cancel button. Do not select this Cancel button unless you want to abandon the current search or have exceeded the address of the last known device on the loop being searched. If you only have two units on the loop, you can Cancel as soon as address '3' is displayed. The Search Status percentage bar will show you the progress, as the system looks at all possible addresses on an individual loop.
Once all units have been found, you are then ready to proceed to actual communications with the controllers.
A file is automatically saved that contains a list of all known units and any descriptions the user may have entered for each controller. (See Description Programming ) This file has a filename that is created by checking to see what the current Jobsite List / Remote Modem Phone List number is. You can determine what that number is by looking at the Job-Site Description box in the upper left corner of the screen. The List # is always displayed in this box. If you want to copy this configuration file and any other files related to this jobsite to a new computer, use the Export / Import functions found under the File menu. These functions will be described later in this manual.
10 Computer Front End
ZoneView Plus
Manually Adding Units
If you are not connected to the jobsite, but still want to configure the units and name them, you can manually add or delete a unit by accessing the Installed Unit Summary screen menu located under the File menu.
The Installed Units Summary screen is shown here. Make sure you select the proper type of controller for the selected address. If you do not, the status screens, setpoint screens and trend logs and alarm screens will not operate correctly because the data coming from the controller will not match the improper selection you just made.
Computer Front End 11
ZoneView Plus
The screen above shows a Zone Controller resides at the first controller address. This description can be manually changed to reflect the unit location or whatever other information you deem appropriate for identifying the unit installed at this address.
As you can see from the above screen, a window with a list of units popped open when you right clicked with the mouse on the Unit #1 description. You can see that a Fahrenheit version of the Pressure Dependent Zone Controller was the selected unit at the Loop #1, Unit #1 address.
12 Computer Front End
ZoneView Plus
Print Unit Descriptions
Once all the units have been configured and a description has been entered, you can print out a hard copy of all controllers installed on your jobsite. Select the Print Unit Descriptions item located under the File menu. Only those loops that have controllers installed or configured on them will generate a print out sheet. The print out shows what the Jobsite / Phone List number is, the Loop Description you typed in and the Loop Address.
The bottom half of the page contains the list of 60 possible controllers and any descriptions you have typed in. If no unit exists or you haven't changed the default description, you will see the message B01 - No Unit Exists for each controller and the B01 will change to reflect the board address of the unit not there. For example, address 27 would show B27 - No Unit Exists.
Computer Front End 13
+ 43 hidden pages