APPENDIX A - Screen Examples .............................................................................................. 39
APPENDIX B - DEMOMODE Setup and Operation ..................................................................... 41
APPENDIX C - Setting Up Alarm Polling for the System Manager TS ..................................... 42
INDEX ........................................................................................................................................ 43
WattMaster Controls, Inc. 8500 NW River Park Drive · Parkville, MO
64152 Toll Free Phone: 866-918-1100 PH: (816) 505-1100 ·
FAX: (816) 505-1101 · E-mail:
Visit our web site at
2000, Vista, 7 & 8 are registered trademarks of Microsoft
Copyright December 2014 WattMaster Controls, Inc.
WattMaster Controls, Inc. assumes no responsibility for errors or
This document is subject to change without notice.
Prism 2 is a complete Windows®-based graphical interface that
allows you to interact with your WattMaster digital controls.
The program provides standard, easy-to-understand status,
setpoint, and confi guration screens for each type of controller
and has provisions for custom screens which allow fl oor plans,
equipment photos, or user defi ned summary screens.
Prism 2 allows you to access and control schedules, trend logs,
and alarm conditions. The program can be confi gured for direct
on-site installation, remote modem connection, or TCP/IP
Internet connection.
The Prism 2 program is a completely redesigned release of the
original Prism Graphical Computer Interface. This program should
be used on all new installations containing standard WattMaster
Control product families.
NOTE: This manu al is wr itten for a person w ith a working
knowledge of Windows® 2000, Vista, 7 or 8 and does not
describe in detail the process of copying fi les or other Windows®related fu nctions. Lear ni ng the operation of Windows® is the
responsibility of the operator using this equipment.
F eature Summary
Fea tures and System Requirements
Minimum Hardware
• Windows
compatible computer
• Pentium 2 GHz Processor ( Pentium 4, 2 GHz or
greater, Recommended)
• 1 GB RAM (or greater)
• 120 MB hard drive space
• XVGA (1024 x 768) adapter and monitor
(1280 x 1024, Recommended)
• Network card for TCP/IP connection when IP
Module is used.
In addition, you must have a CommLink (CommLink II, III, IV
or 5) installed on your system or be using a USB-Link in order to
connect and communicate between your computer and the system.
If remote communications to the installation are required, a Remote
Link (Remote Link or Remote Link II) on-site modem (phone line)
or IP-Module (Ethernet) must also be installed.
NOTE: Yo ur W indows
- 100% (default)” found in the Control Panel under Display
Settings. Having the font size set to Medium or Large may cause
Prism’ s graphics to display improperly . See the section, “Setting
Y our Screen Resolution ” on page 4.
font size should be set for “Smaller
Software License
Prism 2 does not require any license agreement and may be freely
copied and distributed.
Prism 2 provides a broad set of features:
• Easy to use
• On-site, remote modem, or TCP/IP communications
• User programmable description for every piece of
equipment and user-defi ned custom screens
• Automatic retrieval of trend logs and export
capability to spreadsheet and database programs
• Alarm Logs maintained on disk
• Alarm E-mail capability
• Encrypted History Logs
System R equirements
T o use Prism 2 you must have a computer that meets or exceeds the
following requirements:
Operating System
• Microsoft
NOTE: Prism 2 is not intended for a server/client
Windows® 2000, V ista, 7, or 8
Support Information
W attMaster Controls provides Prism 2 installation and confi guration
support. Call (866) 918-1100 for free, direct telephone support
or (816) 505-1100 to talk to a Technical Support Representative.
Support for all telephone services is available Monday through
Friday, 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM central standard time.
NOTE: WattMaster Controls Technical Support
cannot troubleshoot internal PC and/or Windows®based operating system problems.
NOTE: WattMaster Controls Technical Support can-
not troubleshoot fi rewalls, routers, and/or problems
on a customer’s internal or external network. An IT
professional may need to be consulted.
Prism 2 Technical Guide
Revised 12/01/14
Step By Step Guide
Setting Y our Screen Resolution
In order for Prism graphics to display properly on your computer
screen, your screen resolution must be set to the default which
is small font. If it appears that your graphics are not aligning
properly, verify your system’s font size as follows (directions are
for Windows 8):
Click on <start>, <Control Panel>, <Display>. The following
screen will appear:
Select the radio button for “Smaller - 100% (default)” and click
<Apply>. You will need to Logoff your computer for the changes
to take affect.
T erms and Conv entions
Commands are italicized. For example, the instructions will tell
you to press keys that are found on the keyboard, click or select
buttons and keys that are found on the screens, and enter or type
User input is boldface and enclosed in quotation marks. For
example, you would type the numbers 9288 when the directions
tell you to type “9288.”
All keys, buttons, and menu items that perform a function and
are found on screens or the keyboard are boldface and enclosed
with brackets. For example: press the <ENTER> key; click <Edit
Step By Step Guide Map
In order to operate Prism 2 effectively, you should read this entire
guide. This guide will lead you through each step in confi guring
Prism 2—from entering passcodes to searching and selecting units
for troubleshooting. Below is a quick overview of each step.
Step 1: Installing Prism 2—This section explains how to install
the Prism 2 software, initiate communications, navigate the
program, and enter and edit passcodes.
Step 2: Setting Up Job Sites—This section provides instructions
for setting up each job site’s name, port, or IP address, CommLink
type and confi guration, alarm notifi cation, and custom screen
Step 3: Confi guring Prism 2—This section describes how to have
Prism 2 automatically restart after a power failure and broadcast
time to all controllers. It also explains how to set up the main screen
display picture.
Step 4: Setting Up Communications—This section explains
how to establish communications via modem connection and TCP/
IP connection through your CommLink.
Step 5: Searching for Installed Units—This sections explains
how to perform a unit search per job-site.
Step 6: Selecting and Renaming Loops and Units—This
section explains how to select and rename loops and units.
Step 7: Confi guring Units—This section describes how to
confi gure controller setpoints, schedules, and overrides. It also
explains how to confi gure units while off-line.
Step 8: Confi guring Unit Alarms—This section explains how to
individualize alarm settings for each controller.
Step 9: Polling For Alarms—This section explains how to view,
acknowledge, print, and delete alarms.
Step 10: Logging and Printing—This section explains how to
load, view, and print trendlogs from individual controllers.
Main menus and fi eld names are capitalized and in boldface. For
example, “T ype a number in the Number fi eld.” “You can access
that information from the Communications Menu.”
Screen and window names will always be capitalized and italicized.
For example, “The Search for Units Dialog Box will appear.”
NOTE: You MUSTpress the <ENTER> key after data entry in
order for the Prism program to accept and save yo ur entry .
Revised 12/01/14
Step 11: Tenant Override Log ging—This section explains how
to poll controllers for tenant override logging.
Step 12: Creating Custom Screens—This section explains how
to create Custom Screens containing text, images, and live data.
Appendices—The appendices include examples of status and
setpoint screens, instructions for DEMOMODE and instructions
for setting up alarm polling for the System Manager T ouch Screen.
Index—The index provides page numbers for easy reference to
quickly fi nd the information you need.
Prism 2 Technical Guide
Installing Prism 2
Step 1: Install Prism 2 Software
Install From CD-ROM
Step 1: Close out all other programs and applications.
Step 2: Insert your Prism 2 CD into the CD-ROM drive, locate
the fi le, right-click on the fi le, and select “Extract All.”
Step 3: The Extract Window shown below will open. Type C:\ as
your destination and select<Extract>.
Step 4: The fi les will be extracted to a folder on your C drive
called PrismII. Note: If you already have a PrismII folder at this
location, the program will ask you if you wish to overwrite the fi les. Select “Yes to All.”
Step 5: Once the fi les are done extracting, open the PrismII folder
on your C drive.
This is how the Prism 2 icon should appear on
your desktop. The background color is determined
by your local computer’s desktop settings.
Verifying Successful Installa tion
Once the program opens, click the “Help” tab on at the top of the
Prism 2 Main Screen and click <About>. The window below will
appear, displaying the version you just installed.
Step 6: Click on PrismII.exe to open the Prism 2 program. Note:
To send the program shortcut to your desktop, right-click on the
PrismII.exe fi le and select “Send to Desktop.”
This is how the Prism 2 icon should appear on
your desktop. The background color is determined
by your local computer’s desktop settings.
Download From One Of Our Websites and Install
Step 1: Close out all other programs and applications.
Step 2: Open your browser and access one of our websites. From or, click on the “Software”
tab. From, click on the “Downloads” tab
and then select “Software.” From, click on the
“Support” tab and then select “Prism Software.”
Step 3:Right-click on the Prism 2 Logo. From the list in the
window that appears, select “Save Link As” (or “Save T ar get As”).
Select the C drive as your fi le destination and click <Save> to
download the fi le to your computer.
Step 4: Locate the fi le on the C drive and double-
click on it to reveal the Prism II folder and its contents.
Step 5: Click on PrismII.exe to open the Prism 2 program. Note:
To send the program shortcut to your desktop, right-click on the
PrismII.exe fi le and select “Send to Desktop.”
If the window shows a different version than what you intended
to install, try re-installing the software. If you still are having
problems or need help installing the software, please call (866) 9181100 for free, direct telephone support or (816) 505-1100 to talk
to a Technical Support Representative. Support for all telephone
services is available Monday through Friday, 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM
central standard time.
Several of the operations available with Prism 2
require that communications be active. At the top
of the Prism 2 Main Screen is a button that displays
< Off Line> when communications are not active. To
activate or de-activate communications, simply click
on this button. When communications are active, the
button will turn green and display < On Line>.
If there is a problem establishing communications, the button will
not turn green, letting you know that a problem has occurred that
needs to be corrected.
Prism 2 Technical Guide
Revised 10/07/14
Prism 2 Main Screen
Prism 2 Main Screen
When you fi rst open Prism 2, the Prism 2 Main Screen appears.
(Figure 1)
Loop Selection
Unit Selection
Figure 1: Prism 2 Main Screen
Main Menu
Toolbar Icons
Site Selection
Node Selection
Top Toolbar
Lower Toolbar
Bottom Status Bar
Title Bar
The Main Menu contains the menus: File, Communications,
Maintenance, Setup, and Help.
The Top Toolbar displays the Refresh, Login, Job-Site, List, Custom, Logging, and Weather buttons, Selected Loop Name,
Selected Unit, Unit ID #, and the Alarm button.
The Lower Toolbar displays the On-Line/Off-Line button, Dial-Out
button, Connection, and Socket.
The Bottom Status Bar displays the Program Status, Access
Level, and Current Date.
Located on the left side of the screen are the Site, Node, Loop and Unit Selection Windows.
Prism 2 Technical Guide
Prism 2 Main Screen
T op Toolbar
The Top Toolbar’s items are described below:
Refresh Button - Manually refreshes the screen. You may want to do this whenever you make a unit confi guration change.
Login Button - Opens the Enter Passcode Dialog Box, allowing each user to enter their user name and passcode and gain access
to the system.
Job-Site Selection and Setup Button - Opens the Job Sites Window where you enter job sites, nodes per location, serial port
or comm port #, IP address if applicable, and main screen display picture. You can enter 500 job sites, 500 nodes per job-site, 60
loops per node, and 60 units per loop.
List Button - Opens the List W indow where you can easily change names of loops and their units.
Custom Button - Opens the Custom Screen Graphics Program for you to create custom screens for your controllers. Can only
be accessed with a level 3 passcode.
Logging Button - Opens the T rend Logs Window where you can view, print, and graph system data.
Selected Loop - Indicates the Loop selected in the Loop Selection Window. You can also rename the loop here.
Selected Unit - Indicates the Unit selected in the Unit Selection Window. You can also rename the unit here.
Unit ID# - Indicates the numerical identifi er for the selected unit.
Alarm Button - Indicates an alarm(s) condition when bright red and displays <ALARM>. Will display <No Alarms> when none
are present.
Lower Toolbar
The Lower Toolbar’s items are described below:
Off Line/On Line Button - Displays whether or not the system has established communications.
Dial-Out Button - Used for remote connections to dial out.
Connection - Displays the IP address of the current job site. This only applies to TCP/IP connections.
Sock et - Used for factory level support diagnostics.
Background Tasks - When bars are full, indicates background communications are busy and may interfere with program
Bottom Status Bar
The Bottom Status Bar’s items are described below:
Program Status Message - Indicates Ready or Not Ready for the CommPort connection. Will also communicate the status of
specifi c program tasks.
Access Level - This button displays the access level—View Status Only, Level 1, 2, 3, Factory Access, or Administrator
Access. If you click on this button while logged on, it will log you off and display View Status Only.
Current Date - Displays the current date.
Prism 2 Technical Guide
Revised 5/1/13
Entering Y our User Name & Pass word
Entering Y our User Name & Passw ord
NOTE: There are six pa sscode levels. Level 0, Level 1, Level
2, Level 3, Level 4—Factory Level Access, and Level 9—
Admin ist rator Acce ss. User name s and pas scodes ca n on ly be
set up and changed by the Administrator.
When you open Prism 2, the message View Status Only is
displayed on the right corner of the Bottom Status Bar.
Click the < Login> buttonfound on the top left of the
Prism 2 Main Screen. The Login W indow will appear.
NOTE: Aside from when clicki ng the < Login> button, the
Login Window will automatically appear whenever Prism 2
needs a higher access level to perform a function.
Passcode Clearance Levels
Below is a list of the passcode levels and the default actions that
can be performed at the various levels.
NOTE: To increase or decrease t he default passcode levels for
changing Spa ce Temperat ure Setpoi nts and/or Schedules, see
Setup/ Confi guring Prism 2 on page 16.
Le v el 0—No P asscode Needed, View Status
Only, Logged Off
Level 0 users can view temperatures and other status but
no changes to setpoints, etc. can be made.
Le v el 1
Level 1 users can view temperatures and change space
temperature setpoints. The setpoint screens for Level 1
users are simplifi ed. No changes to schedules or other
settings can be made.
Le v el 2
Level 2 users can change space temperature setpoints and
operating schedules, but not confi guration settings.
System Administrators—Type in the Administrator User
Name and Password. By default, the User Name is admin and
the Password is admin. Then click <Login>. The status message
Administrator Access will now be displayed.
Once you have logged in as Administrator , you should now change
your Administrative User Name and Password. See Editing User
Names and Passwords on page 8. And also add User Names and
Passcodes for all users.
All Other Users—Once you have been given clearance, type in
your User Name and Password. Then click <Login>. The Login
Window will automatically close, and the passcode will be tested
against all previously defi ned passcodes to determine the passcode’s
access level.
The status message Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3 will now be
Y ou can log off the system by clicking on the access level indicator
whenever you wish to secure the system.
Le v el 3
Level 3 users have system manager access and can change
all setpoints and confi gurations, but not user names and
passcodes. Level 3 users can also access force modes.
This Level is normally reserved for qualifi ed HVAC
service personnel.
Level 4— Factory Level Access
Factory Level Access allows additional troubleshooting
tools, confi gurations, and diagnostics. These items can
only be accessed under the direction of WattMaster
Controls T echnical Support.
Level 9—Administrator Access
Administrator Access is the only level that can Edit
User Names and Passcodes. The default User Name
is “admin” and the Password is “admin”. The defaults
should be changed and recorded by the Administrator.
If the Administrator for gets their login information, the
currently programmed Level 1 to Level 3 users will still
be able to access the system if they have been given
clearance. If not, Prism 2 will be locked out to all users
except for V iew Only Level. The Administrator will then
need to call WattMaster Technical Support for instructions
on how to restore operation.
Revised 5/1/13
Prism 2 Technical Guide
Editing User Names & Passcodes
Edit User Names & Passcodes
NOTE: Only the Administrator can edit User Names and
Pas swo rds . Y ou MUST press <ENTER> in each fi eld to have
the system accept the information.
From the Prism 2Main Menu, click< Edit Passcodes> from the File Menu. The Edit User Passcodes Window will appear. See
below for an example of setting up information for a Level 3 User.
Step 3: T ype the last name of the User in the Last Name fi eld
and press
<ENTER>. In this example, the name is Frias. You can
enter up to 30 alphanumeric characters. The Last Name is used by
the History Log to identify who logged into the system and any
setpoint changes they may have made.
Step 4: Type the user name of the User in the User Name fi eld
and press<ENTER>. The User Name could be a nickname or a
shortened version of the person’s name. You can enter up to 30
alphanumeric characters. In this example, the User Name is Black
Step 5: Type a password in the Passcode fi eld and press <ENTER>.
Click the Show Code check box if you wish to see the characters
while you are typing. You can enter up to 30 alphanumeric
NOTE: A strong password is defi ned as at least 14
characters long and containing characters from at least 3 of
the following 4 classes: upper case letters, lower case letters,
numbers, and special characters, except for an apostrophe ‘.
Step 6: Type the passcode level of the User in the Code Level
fi eld. Valid entries are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 9. Press <ENTER>. Refer
to defi nitions of Passcode Clearance Levels on page 8 for further
Step 1:
Identify the User Number by using the scroll bar. Or, if
you already have the Users setup and are editing, you can type
their name in the Search Field. If changing your Administrator
User Name or Passcode, it will appear in the window ahead
of User #1. Click the right arrow in the scroll bar and the user
number will change sequentially. In the example above, you are
setting up the information for User # 1.
You can enter 100 different users. This may increase in future
Step 2: Type the fi rst name of the User in the First Name fi eld
and press<ENTER>. In this example, the name is Tim. You can
enter up to 30 alphanumeric characters. The First Name is used by
the History Log to identify who logged into the system and any
setpoint changes they may have made.
NOTE: Only the Administrator can be set for Level 9.
The maximum level for a normal user is 4, but that level
should only be reserved for maintenance personnel and
not used by anyone else.
Step 7: When you are fi nished editing, click <Exit> to close the
Prism 2 Technical Guide
Revised 5/1/13
Job-Site Set-Up
Step 2: Setting Up Job Sites
The second step in the Prism 2 Setup procedure is to program the
specifi c job-site access settings and desired initial displays for each
Click on the < Job-Site> button located on the Top
Toolbar of the Prism 2 Main Screen. The Job Sites
Window will appear. (Figure 2)
Figure 2: Job-Sites Window
NOTE: You must confi gure each of the fi elds in this window for
every one of your job sites.
Job-Site Name:
When you fi rst open the Job Sites Window, the Job-Site Selection
Window will be empty. Click on an empty location. The Job-Site
List # will display the number you have selected. In the Selected
Location fi eld, type a name for your job-site and press <ENTER>.
Revised 9/25/13
Serial Port:
TCP/IP—If you are using TCP/IP communications, leave the Serial Port field set at “No Port Selected” which is the default.
Serial or USB—If Prism 2 will be connecting directly to a
CommLink through the Serial or USB Port, select the port that you
have connected your CommLink to and enter for the Node IP Addr ess. COM Port #9 is the maximum port number supported
by Prism, so if your USB port is #10 or higher, you will need to
manually force the port to a lower port number using the Device
Manager found in your Windows® Control Panel. This procedure
is documented in WattMaster’s CommLink IV and CommLink 5
T echnical Guides.
Prism 2 Technical Guide
Job-Site Setup
Phone Number
If you are confi guring Prism 2 to access to a remote job-site that
uses a modem connection instead of an Internet connection, enter
the modem phone number in this box. It may be necessary to put
a pause in with a comma to successfully dial out. Prism 2 will dial
this number to make a connection when you select this job-site and
< Dial-Out> button.
Alarm Polling Enabled
If you require a time and date stamped log of alarming or you
require e-mail notifi cation of alarms, check this box to enable
Prism 2 to poll for alarms. Checking this option will cause the
Alarm button to light up on the Prism 2 Main Screen. Prism 2 must
be left running on a computer 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for this
function to operate correctly.
Tenant Logging Enabled
If you are not using an Internet connection, enter in this
fi eld and press
<ENTER>. If using TCP/IP, enter the IP address of
your CommLink IV w/IP or CommLink 5 w/IP device and press
NOTE: If you are using a crossover cable to connect your
CommLink IV w/IP or CommLink 5 w/IP to your computer,
you will need to access your Network Settings in your Windows
Control Panel, change from DHCP to a Static IP Address, and
enter the IP Address and Mask provided by your IT personnel.
The Node IP Address identifi es the TCP/IP address of the
CommLink IV w/IP or CommLink 5 w/IP that you will be accessing
for the selected job-site. If your job-site has multiple buildings with
multiple CommLink IV w/IP or CommLink 5 w/IP devices, each
device address can be programmed here.
Simply select the location from the list box to program and type in
the IP address in the format. You can also enter a
name for each Node or CommLink IV w/IP or CommLink 5 w/IP
to aid in identifying which building you are communicating with.
This allows multiple CommLinks to appear as one job-site, and
Prism 2 will then be able to monitor all nodes for alarming or trend
information instead of a single node. You can enter up to 500 nodes
per job-site.
If you require tenant unoccupied override information for billing
purposes and have installed the MiniLink Polling Device, check
this box. Prism 2 can be confi gured to monitor for individual tenant
space temperature sensor push-button overrides and can create
reports totalizing each zone’s after- hours usage. See Section 11 T enant Override Logging for more information.
Auto-Zone Setpoint Verifi cation
Only check this box if you are using Auto-Zone Controllers. Do not
check this box if you are not using Auto-Zone Controllers, because
it will slow communications.
Node IP Address and Node Name
NOTE: Only CommLink IV w/IP or CommLink 5 w/IP
devices can be con fi gured and used a s mu ltiple Node device s.
Serial versions a nd older versions of the Com mLink a re not
NOTE: Please avoid skipping Node addresse s in the l ist box
and keep all your CommLinks consecutively listed. 001 is
always the Main Job-Site. The 001 Node Name defaults to Main
Site, but you can change the name.
The fi gure below shows an example of Node IP Addresses and
Node Names for a job-site with multiple buildings.
NOTE: You should never have a Serial Port and a Node
IP address entered at the same time. Only one method of
communications is available per job-site.
Prism 2 Technical Guide
Revised 7/25/11
Network Configuration and Alarm Notification
Type of CommLink
In the Type of CommLink Selection Box, select the type of
CommLink or USB-Link that you are using. If you are setting up a
node, the only type of CommLink you can use is a CommLink IV
w/IP or CommLink 5 w/IP.
Network Confi guration
You must select the confi guration of the CommLink or USB-Link
you have connected to your computer as this affects setting up the
CommLink and polling for alarms.
Multiple Loop System contains MiniLinks that divide up
Confi guration the units across logical boundaries or contains
large quantities of similar units that exceed
the number of units allowed on a Single
version CommLink. CommLink must be set
to Multi.
Single LoopSystem contains 60 or fewer units that can
Confi guration exist on a single communications loop.
CommLink must be set to Single.
AuxiliaryThis is only applicable on older existing
CommLink systems. System contains a CommLink set
to Multi and MiniLinks and the user needs to
add a second computer to monitor the system.
The second computer cannot be used for
alarm monitoring.
USB LinkSystem contains a standard CommLink.
Network USB-Link must be set to Network.
USB Link System does not have a CommLink or
Stand-Alone you are connected to a single controller and
have disconnected the communication loop
from the board. Set the USB-Link to Stand
Alarm E-Mail / Text Message Notifi cation
If you require e-mail or text message alarm notifi cation, you may
enter up to 10 e-mail addresses in this list box. Prism 2 must be
enabled for Alarm Polling and must be running continuously to
monitor for new alarms and generate e-mails containing the alarm
information. See how to set up text messaging in the T ext Message
section below.
T ype an e-mail address and press
<ENTER>. The e-mail address
will appear in the box below the entry fi eld. Click on an empty line
below the e-mail address you just typed and then place your cursor
back in the fi eld to type an additional e-mail address. To delete
an e-mail address, click on it so that it appears in the entry fi eld, highlight it, and press the <BACKSPACE> key or <SPACEBAR>
and then press<ENTER>.
Whenever an alarm is detected, each individual on the list will
receive e-mail or text message notifi cation of the site location, the
unit address and description, and a brief text message identifying
the alarm condition.
WARNING: Your computer must be set up with a standard
e-mail account using any of the standard e-mail programs such
as Outlook Expres s or Mozilla Thu nderbird for this opt ion to
operate correctly! Failure to set up a standard e-mail account will
result in unreliable alarm notifi cations!
Te xt Message— Most cell phone providers have as a free* option
(charges may apply in some instances) an E-mail to TEXT service
for their cell phone plans. Any alarm type level that is generated
would be sent to that cell phone number as a text message. *Usually
the cell phone providers will have an unlimited text messaging
When using Verizon cellular service, the text messaging e-mail
address is your 10-digit phone number followed by @VTEXT.
com. For example, if your phone number is 1-555-555-5555, your
e-mail address (for TEXT MESSAGING) would be 5555555555@
VTEXT .com.
Revised 9/27/13
Prism 2 Technical Guide
Alarm E-mailing and Display Picture
When using Sprint cellular service, the text messaging e-mail
address is your 10-digit phone number followed by @messaging. For example, if your phone number is 1-555-5555555, your e-mail address (for TEXT MESSAGING) would be
When using AT&T cellular service, the text messaging e-mail
address is your 10-digit phone number followed by
For example, if your phone number is 1-555-555- 5555, your e-mail
address (for TEXT MESSAGING) would be 5555555555@txt.att.
SMPT Server Inf ormation for Alarm E-Mailing
If you don’t know which method your server uses, you can select
this option and the MailSend program will try each method and use
the one that operates on your system.
This would be the default method if TLS is checked. It is not
available if TLS is not checked, but the other 3 methods are. Your
service provider can tell you if this is the preferred method.
Auth Login:
Your service provider will tell you if this is the required method to
send authenticated e-mail.
No authentication is required to send e-mail.
Send Test Message:
Click this button to send an alarm notifi cation test message to
everyone listed in the Alarm E-Mail Notifi cation Dialog Box.
Custom Screen Display Picture
Server Name:
This is the SMTP mail server provided when you set up your e-mail
account. For example, Time W arner Cable uses and WattMaster uses
User Name:
This is the e-mail address you created when you set up your e-mail
User Password:
This is the password required to send and receive mail on your
Return Address:
This is the address that is notifi ed when the mail is undeliverable.
SMTP Port:
Use the default port #25 unless your IT department specifi es
In the Authentication Window:
Use TLS:
This should be checked unless your e-mail service does not require
secure e-mail transactions.
Once you have created your Custom Screen(s) you can revisit this
fi eld. Custom Screen instructions are found on page 33. Custom
Screens can be fl oor plans or groups of controllers or whatever you
decide is necessary to ease the monitoring of your system. When
you revisit this fi eld, click the <Select File> button to select the
custom screen you wish to be associated with the job-site. Once
you choose a Hot Spot from the Main Screen display (described
on page 38), you can click on the Hot Spot and go straight to the
custom screen.
Hot Spots from Main Screen Picture
Once you create a Hot Spot on the Main Screen display (described
on page 38), the coordinates for the Hot Spot will show up in this fi eld. If you have forgotten where you placed a Hot Spot, these
coordinates will allow you to troubleshoot the location. If you want
to delete a Hot Spot, click the <Clear> button.
Prism 2 Technical Guide
Export/Import to Selected Job-Site
Once you have completed setting up your job-site and have
performed a search for all installed units (see page 20) and have
given them names, you can revisit this fi eld which enables you to
copy job-site settings to another computer so you don’t have to reenter the information.
T o export data, select the job-site you wish to export by highlighting
it and then select the Export Drive Location to store this information.
Y ou can export to any form of removable media that your computer
is capable of writing to. Make sure that the media you choose is
supported by the computer you will be importing this data to! Click
<Export> button to initiate this procedure. Once the data is
stored, take the removable media to the other computer, insert it,
and select the Import Drive Location for that computer and the job
site list number (click in the Job-Site Selection List Box to make
this selection) and then click the <Import> button. All installed
units and names should now appear on the Prism 2 Main Screen
when you exit the Job Sites Window.
Delete Job-Site
Auto-Logging Settings
Log Times
If you would like Prism 2 to automatically retrieve controller
trendlogs on a regular basis, click Window’s Top Menu Bar. The Auto-Log Retrieve Times Window
will appear. Select the times of the day you would like Prism 2 to
perform this function.
NOTE: You can force Prism 2 to start the Auto Logging
procedure at any time by making sure your communications are
On Line an d th en selecting < Start AutoLog> from P ris m 2 ’s
Communications Menu.
<Log Times> from the Job Site
How often you should
gather logs depends on the
shortest logging interval
you have specifi ed on any
selected controller. Some
of the older families of
controllers support 60
rows of log data whereas
newer families have 120
rows. Each row of log data
contains a time and date
stamp and any relevant
data for the type of control
it performs.
If you want to delete a job-site, highlight the job-site in the Job-
Site Selection Window so that its name appears in the Selected
Location fi eld. Then click the <Delete Job-Site> button next to
the Job-Site List #fi eld.
A message will appear asking you if you really want to delete the
job-site. This is a precaution in case you click the <Delete Job-
Site> button by mistake. Click <Y es> or <No>.
For example, a Variable
Air Volume Box Controller
logs its Space T emperature,
Heating and Cooling
Setpoints, Supply Air, and
Damper Position in each
If you entered the shortest log interval of 1 minute for a unit with 60
rows of data, you would need to retrieve data every hour to prevent
loss of log data. If you left the default log interval of 15 minutes,
then you could load the log data twice a day and not lose any data
since 15 minutes times 60 rows = 900 minutes of data (15 hours).
On a unit with 120 rows, that same 15-minute interval would yield
1800 minutes of data or 30 hours, which means you could retrieve
logs once a day without losing data. Don’t worry about overlapping
data if your logs exceed the auto-log interval. All duplicate data
is discarded and any fi les created for a single day are loaded as a
whole to create one log listing per day. Keep in mind that a time
and date stamped fi le is created every time you retrieve a log from
a controller, so unnecessary polling should be kept to a minimum.
If you retrieve logs every hour, then 24 fi les will be created for each
day of the year.
Prism 2 Technical Guide
Log Units
Once you have selected the Log Times, you need to select which
units to retrieve log data from. If you have controllers such as
Lighting Panels which don’t have internal logs, you don’t need to
select them. Also, if you don’ t need archival storage of log data, you
may only want to activate this feature to troubleshoot a job-site, and
then disable this feature once everything is running smoothly again.
<Log Units> from the Job Site Window’s Top Menu Bar and
select units to be logged.
As you can see on this sample screen, only three units have been
selected for auto-logging four times a day (See Log Times sample
screen). All other units will be ignored during this process.
Keep in mind that on systems with multiple communications loops,
you will need to select each loop one at a time from the Loop Selection List Box and then check each desired unit on the selected
NOTE: If you are using multiple CommLink IV w/IP or
CommLink 5 w/IP devices on a ca mpus setting, you will ne ed
to sel ect eac h N od e an d th en ea ch Loop al on g with the U nits on
those loops that you would like to auto -log. Prism 2 will op en
communicatio ns wi th eac h Co mmLink IV w/IP or CommLink
5 w/IP in order and retrieve the logs from each building.
NOTE: Auto-logging places a heavy demand on the
communications pipeline. If you are viewing Status or Setpoint
screens when it is time for an auto-log to occur, it would be best to
close out your viewing session until the logging is complete. This
helps to avoid missing packets of data or extending the logging
procedure be cause it would be competi ng for commu nicat ions
time with a Status Screen polling for live data.
Prism 2 Technical Guide
Configuring Prism 2
Step 3: Configuring Prism 2
Prism 2 can be confi gured to poll for trendlogs or alarm conditions
on a continuous basis. If your computer experiences a power
outage, Prism 2 will not automatically restart without a few user
settings to make this happen.
From the Setup Menu, click
< Confi gure>.
The Prism 2 Confi guration
Dialog Box will appear.
Broadcast Time to Keep Controllers
Select this option to keep all controller real time clocks synchronized
and to handle daylight savings changes.
Click the checkbox for Broadcast Time to Keep Controllers
NOTE: Prism 2 must be r u nn ing on a c ontinu al basis for th is
option to work.
This broadcast occurs once an hour and is helpful in keeping all
time stamped items, such as trendlogs, synchronized with each
Passcode Level for Space Setpoint Access and
Scheduling Access
Although passcode level access defaults are set in the Edit
Passcodes Window (see page 9), you can increase or decrease
the default passcode level access for Changing Space Setpoints
(default Level 1) and for changing Schedules (default Level 2) to
levels between 0 through 3.
Auto Re-Start After Power Failure
Click the checkbox for Auto Re-Start After Power Failur e.
In order for Prism 2 to automatically restart after a power failure,
you must place a shortcut to PrismII.exe into the C:\Documents
and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup folder.
When the computer reboots and Prism 2 restarts, the
communications port will open up automatically and resume any
alarm or trend logging.
An Uninterruptible Power Supply ( UPS) device can be attached to
your computer to handle the short power glitches and prevent the
computer from needing to re-start. Longer power outages will still
need this auto re-start method to return to normal operation.
In order for Prism 2 to save any changes that you make in these
fi elds, you must press<ENTER> after entering the new value.
NOTE: You must have a Passcode Level of 3 or abov e to change
these settin gs.
Revised 9/25/13
Prism 2 Technical Guide
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